unit 10 U.S history terms/q's

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Kerner Commission

a group that was appointed by President Johnson to study the causes of urban violence and that recommended the elimination of de facto segregation in American society

What was the Kerner Commission?

a group that was appointed by President Johnson to study the causes of urban violence and that recommended the elimination of de facto segregation in American society

Civil Rights Act of 1968:

a law that banned discrimination in housing affirmative action: a policy that seeks to correct the effects of past discrimination by favoring the groups who were previously disadvantaged

Civil Rights Act of 1964

a law that banned discrimination on the basis of race, sex, national origin, or religion in public places and most workplaces

Voting Rights Act of 1965

a law that made it easier for African Americans to register to vote by eliminating discriminatory literacy tests and authorizing federal examiners to enroll voters denied at the local level

Black Panthers

a militant African-American political organization formed in 1966 by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale to fight police brutality and to provide services in the ghetto

Nation of Islam

a religious group, popularly known as the Black Muslims, founded by Elijah Muhammad to promote black separatism and the Islamic religion

Black Power

a slogan used by Stokely Carmichael in the 1960's that encouraged African-American pride and political and social leadership

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

an organization formed in 1957 by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and all other leaders to work for civil rights through non-violent means

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

an organization formed in 1960 to coordinate sit-ins and other protests and to give young blacks a larger role in the civil rights movement

How did the violence against freedom riders affect President Kennedy?

arranged to give freedom riders direct support Justice Department sent 400 U.S Marshals to protect the freedom riders attorney general and Interstate Commerce Commission banned segregation in all interstate travel facilities including waiting rooms, restrooms, and lunch counters

What caused the division in the civil rights movement?

civil rights groups started to drift apart new leaders emerged as the movement turned its attention to the North, where African Americans faced not legal segregation but deeply entrenched and oppressive racial prejudice

What problems were faced by African Americans living in Northern cities?

de facto segregation Lived in decaying slums Paid rent to landlords who didn't comply with housing or health ordinances Schools and neighborhoods were deteriorated Unemployment rate was twice as high as whites

What did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 guarantee?

eliminated literacy tests that had disqualified many voters federal examiners could enroll voters who had been denied suffrage by local officials overall percentage of African American voters tripled

What was the significance of the Supreme Court ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson?

established "separate but equal" accommodations for blacks and whites

How did freedom riders expose Southern resistance to desegregation rulings?

freedom riders underwent severe mob brutality: got government troops and the president involved

Thurgood Marshall

helped with winning the brown vs. board of education

What issues did the NAACP use to challenge the Plessy decision?

inequality between the schools that many states provided/segregated education

How did the Plessy v. Ferguson case legalize segregation?

it established "separate but equal" accommodations for blacks and whites.

Jim Crow Laws

laws enacted by Southern local and state governments to separate black and white people in public and private facilities

How did sit-ins advance the cause of the civil rights movement?

many sit-ins got covered by the news by 1960 students had desegregated lunch counters in 48 cities in 11 states

How did television coverage of the Birmingham marchers affect legislation?

negative media coverage convinced Birmingham officials to end segregation civil rights victory inspired African Americans across the nation convinced Kennedy that only a new civil rights act could end racial injustice and meet the demands of African Americans and many whites

freedom riders

one of the civil rights activists who rode buses through the South in the early 1960's to challenge segregation

How did civil rights organizers integrate Southern campuses and towns?

pushed for desegregation of Southern schools. desegregation of public accommodations had gone under way and they turned their attention to desegregating schools

de facto segregation

racial segregation established by practice and custom, not by law

de jure segregation

racial separation established by law

How did the Brown v. Board of Education affect the cause of civil rights?

struck down segregation in schooling as an unconstitutional violation of the Fourteenth Amendment


the separation of people on the basis of race

What were Jim Crow laws?

the systematic practice of discriminating against and segregating black people by law, custom, and tradition

What prevented millions of African Americans from voting in the South?

they could not pay the poll taxes did not pass literacy tests were refused the right to register

Why did civil rights activists organize the March on Washington?

to convince Congress to pass the bill President Kennedy sent in which guaranteed equal access to all public accommodations and gave the U.S attorney general the power to file school desegregation suits

Stokely Carmichael

"Honorary Prime Minister" of the Black Panthers

Fannie Lou Hammer

(representative of Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party) voice of African Americans at the 1964 Democratic National convention

Plessy v. Ferguson

1896 case in which the Supreme Court ruled that separation of the races in public accommodations was legal, thus establishing the "separate but equal" doctrine

Who was James Meredith and what did he do?

Air Force veteran who won a federal court case that allowed him to enroll in the all white University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) Governor Ross Barnett refused to register him as a student when he arrived on campus riots broke out and Kennedy ordered federal marshals to escort him and protect his family

James Meredith

Air Force veteran who won a federal court case which allowed him to enroll in the all white University of Mississippi (Ole Miss)

What were the circumstances surrounding "the crisis in Little Rock"?

Arkansas became the first Southern state to admit African Americans to state universities without being required by a court order school superintendent backed desegregation but governor supported segregation the nine African American children who first integrated the school were under the watch of soldiers

How did the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) influence SNCC?

CORE was a model for SNCC (sit-ins)

What was Malcolm X's appeal as a leader to African Americans?

Elijah Muhammad's views that whites were the cause of the Black condition and that blacks should separate from white society somewhat violent approach towards civil rights issues

How did the Black Panthers reflect a growing radicalism in segments of the movement?

Fought police brutality in the ghetto Advocated self-sufficiency, full employment and decent housings Preached self-defense and sold copies of the writings of Mao Zedong

Why was King visiting Memphis when he was assassinated?

He went to Memphis to support the city's striking garbage workers

Who inspired Martin Luther King, Jr.?

Jesus: learned to love one's enemies Henry David Thoreau: took the concept of civil disobedience-the refusal to obey an unjust law A. Philip Randolph: learned to organize massive demonstrations Mohandas Gandhi: learned to resist oppression without violence

What happened in cities across America after King's assassination?

Led to the worst urban rioting in history

How did Malcolm X alienate Black Muslims?

Malcolm X led a Muslim demonstration in Times Square, Feb. 13 1963 as a reminder that black Muslims were a part of their world.

What was Martin Luther King, Jr.'s response to the rhetoric of Black Power?

Objected it Believed that violence can only end in grief

What was SNCC?

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee: one of the most important student activist movements in the nation's history

What caused the Montgomery Bus Boycott and how did it end?

Rosa Parks refused to get up from her seat at the front of the bus to make room for a white man Martin Luther King, Jr. was elected the lead the group in boycott boycott remained nonviolent even after someone bombed MLK's home after a 381 day boycott the Supreme Court outlawed bus segregation in 1956

What world event inspired African Americans to fight for civil rights at home?

WWII set the stage for a civil rights movement: demand for soldiers ➞ shortage of white men to work ➞ labor shortage opens up opportunities for African Americans, Latinos, and white women. nearly one million African Americans served in the armed forces civil rights organizations actively campaigned for African American voting rights and challenged Jim Crow laws

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

a 1954 case in which the Supreme Court ruled that "separate but equal" education for black and white students was unconstitutional

Freedom Summer

a 1964 project to register African-American voters in Mississippi


a form of demonstration used by African Americans to protests discrimination, in which the protesters sit down in a segregated business and refuse to leave until they are served

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