Unit 11 WH

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The Christian Churches performed mass conversions in the New World, this was especially true of the Catholic Church from the earliest eras of exploration. England did not convert the natives to the Catholic faith, why?

England had founded the Anglican Church under Henry VIII.

Based on the work of archeologists, the ___________is considered that oldest of the Mesoamerican tribes.


The earliest existence of irrigation in the New World was found to be used by the _______ tribe


Describe the Cape of Good Hope

This narrow strip is found on the southernmost point of Africa and was used to travel from Europe into India; it connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Indian Ocean.

Mesoamerica was the site of the origination for the advanced civilizations of the era, why?

climate was ideal for farming maize

What contributed to the end of the Atlantic Slave Trade?

economic factors, moral indignation, and abolishment as a social issue

Although all of the following choices were crops of the New World, _________ was not harvested with slave labor.



scientist that deals with past human life and activities by studying the bones, tools, etc., of ancient people

Mexican pyramids are ______________ to their Egyptian pyramid counterparts found in Africa.



something that is bought and sold

Malaria is a disease carried by vectors such as the mosquito. With the humid conditions of the West Indies, malaria was a result with many that worked in those conditions for long periods contracting the disease and death soon followed. Provide an accurate statement about malaria and slavery.

African slaves had a natural resistance to malaria so they were sought after for these disease stricken areas.

Describe the Mayan civilization

After the decline of the Olmec, a city came into power to form the Maya from 1500 BC to 1546 AD. It was beyond the coast and into the highlands. This civilization is thought to have had a population of over 100,000 people.

How did the Aztecs fall?

Along with the disease, the Spanish cannons did irreparable damage to Tenochtitlán. Their gods did not save the empire, as the Aztecs surrendered to the Spanish in August 1521.

Describe the Columbian Exchange

An exchange of foods, animals, and diseases between the "Old World" and the "New World"

Slavery was not exclusive to the New World, which groups used slave labor in previous civilizations.

Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome

Who is Sir Francis Drake and what did he do?

Another notable British sailor was Sir Francis Drake. He was the first Englishman to travel around the world, the third person ever to do so.

Who is Vasco Nunez de Balboa and what did he do?

Another voyage is Vasco Nunez de Balboa's sailing through the Isthmus of Panama to reach the Pacific. Their journeys made Spain a world power with a formidable navy and helped spread Christianity to the new lands. Those goals were reached at the expense of entire civilizations and vast distress to the once untouched lands.

How do we know about the Beringa Bridge?

Asians and American Indians share genetic markers on a Y chromosome which lends credibility to this migration theory. Continually moving southward, the settlers eventually populated both North and South America. The groups varied in innovation and cultures, from the highly complex and urban Aztec civilization in what is now Mexico City to the more simplistic woodland tribes of eastern North America. Ongoing research along the west coast of South America suggests that migrant populations may have traveled down this coast by water as well as by land.

Describe Beringa Bridge

Between 9,000 and 15,000 years ago, some scholars believe that a land bridge existed between Asia and North Africa that we now call Beringa. The first inhabitants of what would be named the Americas migrated across this bridge in search of food. When the glaciers melted, water engulfed Beringia, which formed the Bering Strait. Later, settlers crossed the straight in boats to find a better way of life.

Describe the conflict between England and Spain?

Both Drake and Raleigh were granted the approval of Queen Elizabeth to attack any Spanish ships they encountered as they made their way to the New World. These raids were more pirate-like than navy, so they earned the nickname "Sea Dogs". Their attacks upon the Spanish ships were severe, with Spain losing precious cargo to the English. Ultimately, these two countries would battle it out in 1588. The Spanish Armada, as ordered to attack the British sea dogs by King Philip II, was lost due to weather and the more maneuverable smaller ships of the British. This event marked the end of the Spanish as a world power, with England taking that title in hand. This would foster the eventual global colonization by England to Africa, Asia, and especially the British Colonies of North America.

City/Region of Maya

Chichen Itza

Describe Chichen Itza and other city-states of Maya

Chichen Itza is found in the Yucatan peninsula and visited by tourists who want to experience the Maya firsthand. Surrounded by farms relying on primitive agriculture, they built the city-states of Copan, Tikal, and Chichen Itza along their major trade routes, as well as temples, statues of gods, pyramids, and astronomical observatories. The total number of stairs in El Castillo located at Chichen Itza is 365 to coincide with the number of days in their calendar.

Describe Christopher Columbus' exploration

Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean in 1492 and the world was forever changed. He told King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella that he would reach India much faster from the west than the east. He did reach land and he even called it the Indies, but it was what is now known as the islands of Cuba and Hispaniola. His goal was to bring wealth to Spain and spread the Roman Catholic faith beyond Europe.

What did Hernan Cortes do?

Conquered and defeated the Aztecs. He found Mexico, went on his travels illegally and without permission. He was very sneaky. We know about the Aztecs and their culture from him (brought knowledge of jewels and money that was with indigenous native).

Scientists have decided that the earliest migrations from Asia to North America was via the Bering Straight. The Bering Strait is found in what is now Alaska and Russia. The early migrations chose not to settle in this area but continued south. Choose the best reason or reasons for this to have taken place.

Extreme climate and few stable food sources

True or False: Chicken pox, cholera, yellow fever, influenza, measles, malaria, bubonic plague, leprosy, and the common cold originated in the New World (North and South America).


Louis Jolliette Native Country


Describe France's exploration in North America

France had its own set of explorers to the New World, naming the region they explored New France. Today, we call this area Canada, plus some parts of the Northeastern US. One of the oldest cities in North America was founded by Samuel de Champlain in 1608. It is the UNESCO World Heritage site of Quebec. While Spain looked for cities of gold, the French found furs and fisheries as their wealth of the New World. Before Champlain, Jacques Cartier claimed the expansive land for France in 1534 and established trade with the indigenous people.

How did being royal influence Prince Henry's contributions?

Having royal blood, he enjoyed many luxuries that the common man did not possess. This included having a coat of arms and banner of arms to represent the family name. A banner of arms is similar to a coat of arms but it is a flag that identifies the family as compared to a shield. The symbols used are to explain the origin of the family or how their greatness in a specific area. As the Portuguese prince, he had dealings with France, so the banner has the French symbol known as the fleur di lis.

Who is Henry Hudson and what did he do?

He was and English explorer. He charted the territory known today as the Eastern seaboard. The Hudson River is named in his honor.

Who is Christopher Columbus and what did he do?

He was born in Genoa, Italy, but sailed under the Spanish flag since they sponsored trip. These trips were costly so royal patronage was common. The ship or ships plus the sailors and food for those men over a trip that could last months required a great deal of money. The sponsors chose to take the risk, as the rewards could be substantial in both gold and newfound knowledge, plus a new area for both resources and markets.

How did Spain go about exploration?

In 1520, Spain was a huge supporter of exploration under the leadership of Queen Isabella of Castille and King Ferdinand of Aragon. They were committed to the spread of the Roman Catholic faith within their nation and around the world. Spain would finance many voyages to this New World. Many have become common knowledge to all, such as Ponce de Leon and his quest for the fountain of youth in what is today's Florida. This also includes Hernan Cortes' attack on the Aztecs and claim of what is now Mexico for Spain.

Describe the lost Incan city

In 1911, the lost Incan city of Machu Picchu was discovered by Hiram Bingham. It stands at 8,000 feet above sea level in what is today's Peru. The city was built by hand of polished stones fitted together with no mortar. Historians feel its splendor was due to its place as a temple for ceremonies to honor the gods, as well as being a home for the many high priests of the society. It is considered a monumental achievement of mankind, earning the distinction of being named an UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983.

Describe the Inca civilization

In South America, from approximately 1200 to 1535, a complex society flourished known as the Inca. We know it was an advanced society by the many ruins recovered and even the existence of brain surgery as seen in the skulls as pictured to the right. The empire extended from the Pacific coast to the Andes Mountains; today, that is the area from Columbia to Chile. To enable easy travel within the empire, a road system was built and maintained quite similar to the Appian Way of Ancient Rome. Also, similar to the Romans, these roads were used by the Incan military to travel quickly to defend all parts of the vast territory.


Incan record keeping tool made of colored string

Indentured servants and slaves were used extensively in the New World to supplement the labor force, provide facts.

Indentured servants were only bound to a set number of years to work for their passage to the New World, Slavery became generational while indenture was not, Slaves were used mostly on plantations, as the need for labor was greater in the southern colonies over the northern region


Indian word for corn

What led to the fall of the Mayan civilization?

It is believed a long period of drought caused this once great civilization to fall. The poor soil and a drought that lasted nearly two centuries, and their civilization declined by about 900 AD and they abandoned their large population centers.

Who is Jacques Marquette and what did he do?

Jacques Marquette, a Jesuit priest, explored the area from what is today's Michigan and along the Mississippi River. His goal was to save the local Indians from their pagan beliefs with Roman Catholicism In the process, the French added areas to New France, as his partner Louis Jolliet claimed the territory with the French flag flying along the way.

The plantation system was developed in multiple regions upon the discovery of the Americas. These large farms required a significant labor force to ensure crops were harvested and land was used to its potential. Why was this system not used in Europe?

Land grants/plots were smaller than the vast land of the Americas.

City/Region of Inca

Machu Picchu


Mayan sport similar to basketball

Advancements of the Mesoamericans.

Mesoamerica devised a solar calendar that accurately predicted eclipses and solstices, and it was used to direct the planting and harvesting of crops. Their advances continued with a written language, which has been studied among the ruins of the huge monoliths built for religious use. In addition, there is evidence of trade among the various groups to satisfy the need for weapons and even jewelry This area even enjoyed chocolate - cacao beans were used to make a drink similar to our hot chocolate today.

What is Mesoamerica?

Mesoamerica is the geographic area stretching from north of what is today Panama up to the desert of central Mexico. Although marked by great topographic distinctions, the region has been home to a number of civilizations with similar characteristics in culture.

Describe the religions of Mesoamerica.

Mesoamericans were polytheistic. Their religions had male and female deities, similar to the mythology that you studied from both ancient Greece and Rome. Unlike the earlier Western civilizations, the faiths of Mesoamerica demanded human sacrifices. It was common to take prisoners of war and kill them in a religious ceremony to seek favor with the gods.

City/Region of Olmec


Who was Prince Henry the Navigator?

One of the most influential people of this era was Prince Henry the Navigator. Prince Henry was not an explorer himself, but taught sailors to read the skies for direction, an astronomical early GPS. Prince Henry opened the first school for navigational studies. This was a necessary skill, as the world was much larger than most realized until brave sailors took to the sea. Prince Henry used the journals of these sailors to design maps. Prince Henry's cartographers enabled other explorers to go farther and further with each expedition. He financed expeditions to Africa—not as far as the New World of the Americas, but nearly as unknown to the Europeans as was the New World. Africa's coast line was traveled by over a dozen of Prince Henry's sailors. He is credited with being one of the founding fathers for the Age of Discovery.

Why did people explore?

Our ancestors did not have a choice at some times of our existence. They were more running away from something than running towards something. This may have been disease or famine, perhaps war or severe weather. Peace became a reality with settled dynasties and ruling families. As we know, peace is fragile still today, but invites a civilization into a period of prosperity. Prosperity led to the explorations. There was a curiosity for what was out there plus many times greed to plunder the areas discovered. Even religion was a reason for the long-distance travels, bringing the Christian Church to areas of polytheistic and nature-based religions in the uncharted other side of the world.

Describe the beauty of Tenochtitlan

Per written records of the conquistadors, the city was magnificent with towers and floating gardens that were beyond belief. From the coast to the city were bridges over the many waterways that helped to make the Aztec crops plentiful. The bridges were traveled by the Spanish to meet the king. The city had been planned and had advances that shocked the Spanish, such as aqueducts and even specialized labor and craftsman.

Prince Henry Native Country


Compare and contrast the explorations of Portugal and Spain

Portugal shares the Iberian Peninsula plus a great deal of culture with Spain, they shared Spain's desire to discover the world as well. Unlike Spain, the Portuguese missions went towards the east and not west until later voyages, with the exception of one that went around the world.

Who is Bartolomeu Dias and what did he do?

Portugal would provide the needed funds for another explorer named Bartolomeu Dias. Dias would bring more wealth to the country with a trade route into India via the Cape of Good Hope.

The common factor among all of the Mesoamerican tribes was a religion that chose the Sun as a god and multiple deities, as they were polytheistic in nature. Maya expanded their beliefs to include lunar deities as well. Archeologists have reached this decision after having studied what?

Pyramid of the Moon

Describe the Aztec religion

Religion was very different from the Catholicism that the Spanish practiced, as the Aztec faith had many gods and still practiced human sacrifice. Aztecs prayed to a specific god for a specific need, such as hearty crops and victory in battle. The Europeans would come to understand the significance of the sun to the civilization, as it was the chief god. Aztec scientists would study the sun and the stars to make predictions about the future. These scientists would develop an accurate solar calendar. The Aztecs understood how the heart kept a human alive; they would remove the beating heart from their sacrificed victims to please their gods.

Alver Nunez de Vaca Native Country


The Dutch and English were more involved in the slave trade than the Spanish, choose the reason that is most accurate for this lack of interest in the slave trade.

Spain had lost their navy in a battle with the English so it limited sea travel to Africa

Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer, yet he sailed for Spain. This was not uncommon, as some Portuguese explorers sailed under a Spanish flag. Choose the following answer that best explains why this took place.

Spanish royals saw potential wealth and wanted to spread the Catholic faith into new lands.

City/Region of Aztec


Describe the advancements and achievements of the Mayans.

The Maya used observatories to view the skies and make predictions based on their sightings. They used a solar calendar and written language similar to the Olmec. They enjoyed leisure time with their game called Pok-a-tok. The Maya perfected the calendar and written language the Olmec had begun. They devised a written mathematical system to record crop yields and the size of the population, and to assist in trade.

Describe the significance of Maize to the Mesoamericans.

The Mesoamerican civilizations enjoyed a prominent crop in the form of maize. It is estimated that these tribes began growing their own crops around 5000 BC. It became a staple of their diet, as well as maintaining that popularity among much later Indian tribes.

The earliest civilization in Mesoamerica was called...

The Olmec

Describe the Olmec civilization

The Olmec flourished along the Gulf Coast of Mexico from about 1200 to about 400 BC. We have evidence of this advanced society with the giant head sculptures. They are credited with constructing aqueducts to irrigate their crops. With maize and the abundance of fish so close to the Gulf of Mexico, this civilization survived for hundreds of years. It is known that the Maya and Aztec were influenced by the Olmec due to commonality with their religions.

How did the Aztecs feel about the Spaniards at first?

The Spaniards impressed the Aztecs with their shiny armor, resulting in the visitors being treated royalty, as the Aztecs thought they had been sent by the god Quetzalcoatl.

How did the Spanish affect the Aztecs?

The Spanish brought diseases and subsequent death to the area of approximately 200,000 people. The Aztecs had no immunity to smallpox and contracted the illness in large numbers. Additionally, the people had no weapons that were equal to those of the Europeans.

Alpacas are indigenous to South America, why did the Europeans domesticate them outside of their homeland?

The alpaca fleece is prized for its soft and durable qualities.

How did the Olmec fall?

The cause for their demise is unknown, perhaps a cataclysmic weather event or being conquered by another group.

Describe the architectural achievements of the Mayans.

The city was called Teotihuacan; it was close to what is now Mexico City. There is evidence of both trade and skilled construction in what is left of their civilization today. The grandest of these was the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon, plus the numerous apartment compounds that are in ruins today. Excavations in the area have found graves near another structure named the Temple of the Feathered Serpent; the prevailing theory is these people were sacrificed in the temple.

Describe Tenochtitlan, the Aztecs, and Montezuma II

The civilization Montezuma II ruled had begun hundreds of years before his birth in 1200 and would come to an end soon after his meeting with the European explorer in 1521. A warlike people called the Aztec left their home of Aztlán to settle in what is now Mexico City. They built the city of Tenochtitlán, the largest city in the Western Hemisphere at that time, and larger than most cities in Europe at the time. The ruling class was composed of warriors and priests. The Aztecs were war-like with their neighbors, and as a result, their empire expanded far beyond the city of Tenochtitlán.

Describe the role of the leader and the people in the Incan civilizations

The leader of the Inca Empire was worshiped as a god, holding absolute power. He oversaw a mostly agricultural society with crops of corn, beans, squash, potato and even quinoa. The people were expected to help maintain the empire by providing labor to build bridges and surrendering a portion of their harvest to a general welfare supply to ensure survival if a bad harvest resulting in a famine occurred.

Describe the importance of religion in Incan civilization.

The leader of the Inca Empire was worshiped as a god, holding absolute power. These people prayed to their gods for abundant harvests and saw the area's gold deposits as "sweat" from the sun god Inti. The Inca gave their god human sacrifice as well.

Who is Sir Walter Raleigh and what did he do?

The most important explorer of this group is Sir Walter Raleigh, as he established the first English colony with Roanoke plus named the area "Virginia". This was in honor of Queen Elizabeth, known as the "Virgin Queen," having never married. He would shape Ireland's future—he introduced the potato to Europe with huge crops in Ireland thereafter.

Who is Ferdinand Magellan and what did he do?

The person credited with sailing around the world for the first time is Ferdinand Magellan; a Portuguese explorer with Spain as his patron. He sailed from Spain and traveled the Atlantic to the bottom of South America into the Pacific Ocean. The small waterbody between the Atlantic and the Pacific, the Strait of Magellan, is named after him. Magellan proved the world was indeed round with his global sailing. Plus, his coastal journey gave valuable knowledge to Europe on what we call today the South American country of Brazil.

The potato is readily identified with the Irish, this is especially true with the Great Potato Famine and the many Irish recipes that use the potato as an ingredient. This is odd since the potato is a "New World" food, how did this Irish connection come to be?

The potato thrived in the rich soil found in Ireland.

How did the Spanish feel when they saw the Aztecs?

This was far beyond what the Europeans had expected of the "uncivilized people" upon their discovery and introductions. The Spanish witnessed many amazing things upon their visit, as well as many differences between the two ethnic groups. The Spanish were shocked by the human ritual sacrifice.

True or False: Horses and cattle originated in Europe.


True or False: The Jesuits were instrumental in the expansion of the Roman Catholic faith to the New World.


Who is Amerigo Vespucci and what did he do?

Unlike Columbus, he realized the new world was exactly that and not part of Asia, so we have named the area after him: North America and South America.

Describe the Incan written language.

Unlike the Maya, the Inca did not have written language but used knotted colored strips of string to keep records as needed, called quip.

Who is Vasco da Gama and what did he do?

Vasco da Gama sailed into what is now known as India. He traveled into the Indian Ocean and discovered a wealth of spices that were priced at a premium. These spices brought great wealth to the small nation.

Describe England's exploration of North America

With France and Spain in the New World, England raced across the Atlantic to claim their fair share of land. England financed a series of explorers and ultimately those areas were settled by colonists and the rest is US History.

How did the maize further the development of their civilizations?

With their need for food fulfilled, they built shelter to provide safety from the elements. With this, civilizations took shape, as did the resulting pursuit of science and aspects of culture, such as religion and language.

Sickle Cell Anemia

a chronic anemia that occurs in individuals (as those of African or Mediterranean descent) who are homozygous for the gene controlling hemoglobin S and that is characterized by destruction of red blood cells and by episodic blocking of blood vessels by the adherence of sickle cells to the vascular endothelium which causes the serious complications of the disease (as organ failure)


a contract binding one person to work for another for a given period of time —often used in plural


a large area of land especially in a hot part of the world where crops (such as cotton) are grown


a leader in the Spanish conquests of America, Mexico, and Peru in the 16th century

What is a cape?

a narrow waterway that connects one waterbody to another


a serious disease that causes chills and fever and that is passed from one person to another by the bite of mosquitoes


an economic system developing during the decay of feudalism to unify and increase the power and especially the monetary wealth of a nation by a strict governmental regulation of the entire national economy usually through policies designed to secure an accumulation of bullion, a favorable balance of trade, the development of agriculture and manufactures, and the establishment of foreign trading monopolies


ancient land bridge that connected the Americas to Asia

Banner of Arms

flag that is used to represent a family of noble blood

Smallpox was detrimental to the indigenous people of the Americas, as they lacked _____ to the European diseases.


Disease and death were common with the slave ships, all are considered causes for this except _________.


All of the reasons below were causes for the increased slave trade of the early 1800's except, _________________.

lack of indentured servants from Europe


man who is a member of a religious group called the Roman Catholic Society of Jesus

Today, scientists feel they are well versed in the ways of the ancient tribes of Mesoamerica because of the archeological findings and ______________.

ongoing research and discovery of artifacts


point or extension of land jutting out into water as a peninsula or as a projecting point


the act, activity, or process of finding the way to get to a place when you are traveling in a ship, airplane, car, etc


the power to keep yourself from being affected by a disease


the process or skill of making maps


the study of human races, origins, societies, and cultures

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