Unit 14: Acids and Base

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-Produce H+ (as H3O+) ions in water -Produce a negative ion (-) too -Taste sour -Corrode metals -React with bases to form salts and water -Are electrolytes


-Produce OH- ions in water -Taste bitter, chalky -Are electrolytes -Feel soapy, slippery -React with acids to form salts and water

-ate ---> -ic

-ite ---> -ous

pH scale goes from


Identify each as characteristic of an: A) acid or B) base ____ 1. Sour taste ____ 2. Produces OH- in aqueous solutions ____ 3. Chalky taste ____ 4. Is an electrolyte ____ 5. Produces H+ in aqueous solutions

1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A,B 5. A

Describe the solution in each of the following as: 1) acid 2) base or 3)neutral. A. ___ soda B. ___ soap C. ___ coffee D. ___ wine E. ___ water F. ___ grapefruit G. ___ detergent

A. 1 B. 2 C. 1 D. 1 E. 3 F. 1 G. 2

Match the formulas with the names: 1)hydrochloric acid, 2) sulfuric acid, 3) sodium hydroxide, 4) nitrous acid, and 5) calcium hydroxide A. ___ HNO2 B. ___ Ca(OH)2 C. ___H2SO4 D. ___HCl E. ___ NaOH

A. 4 B. 5 C. 2 D. 1 E. 3

H2SO4 Acid/Base/Salt and Name

Acid (H+) Sulfuric acid

HBr Acid/Base/Salt and Name

Acid (H+) Hydrobromic acid

Example of a Neutralization Reaction:

Acid + Base Salt + Water HCl + NaOHNaCl + H2O

Bronsted-Lowry Acids

Acids are hydrogen ion (H+) donors Bases are hydrogen ion (H+) acceptors

Bronsted-Lowry Definition (All about H+)

Acids donate H+(hydrogen ions) Bases acceptH+ (hydrogen ions)

Arrhenius Definition

Acids produce H+in aqueous solutions Bases produce OH- in aqueous solutions

Ba(OH)2 Acid/Base/Salt and Name

Base (OH-) Barium hydroxide

KOH Acid/Base/Salt and Name

Base (OH--) Potassium hydroxide

Acids produce

H+ (hydrogen ions) in aqueous solutions Donate H+ pH < 7 [H+]>[OH-] Greater concentration of H+

CO3+ H2O→H2CO3 acid _________ base _________

H20; CO3^2-

The following are Brønsted-Lowry bases. Determine what will form when each accepts a proton. HSO4^-1


If H2O was the base, it turns into the "conjugate acid". Who is the conjugate acid?


The following are Brønsted-Lowry bases. Determine what will form when each accepts a proton. CN-


The following are Brønsted-Lowry bases. Determine what will form when each accepts a proton. PO4^-3


The following are Brønsted -Lowery acids. Determine what will form when each donates a proton HI


Hydrogen ion accepts the pair of electrons -

Lewis acid

Hydroxide donates the pair of electrons -

Lewis base

The following are Brønsted -Lowery acids. Determine what will form when each donates a proton NH4+


The following are Brønsted -Lowery acids. Determine what will form when each donates a proton HNO3


The following are Brønsted -Lowery acids. Determine what will form when each donates a proton H2O


The following are Brønsted-Lowry bases. Determine what will form when each accepts a proton. O^-2


Bases produce

OH- (hydroxide ions) in aqueous solutions Accept H+ pH > 7 [H+]<[OH-] Greater concentration of OH-

CaCl2 Acid/Base/Salt and Name

Salt Calcium Chloride

what claim to be better medicine because it has calcium

Tums helps to relieve heartburn, it also provides us with needed calcium. Its chemical name is calcium carbonate and it chemical formula is CaCO3

NH3accepts a proton or H+so it is classified as

a base

Draino (another product that is commonly used)

a base common name - lye chemical name - sodium hydroxide more dangerous chemical than ones used for heartburn and can cause blindness or burns

Arrhenius acid

a substance that when added to water increases the concentration of H+ions present

HCO3-1goes to H2CO3 a)Did it gain or lose a proton? _________ b)Is it a Brønsted -Lowery acid or base?_________

a)gain B)base

H2Ogoes to H3O+ a)Did itgain or lose a proton? ___________ b)Is it a Brønsted -Lowery acid or base?________

a)gain b)base

NH3goes to NH4+ a)Did it gain or lose a proton? ___________ b)Is it a Brønsted -Lowery acid or base?_________

a)gain b)base

HCl goes to Cl-1 a)Did it gain or lose a proton? ___________ b)Is it a Brønsted -Lowery acid or base?_________

a)lose b)acid

H2SO4 goes to HSO4- a)Did it gain or lose a proton? _________ b)Is it a Brønsted -Lowery acid or base?___________

a)lose b)acid c)gain d)base

HC2H3O2 goes to C2H3O2- a)Did it gain or lose a proton? _________ b)Is it a Brønsted -Lowery acid or base?_________

a)lost b)acid

A Lewis acid is a substance that can _____________ a pair of ___________________ to form a covalent bond.

accept; electrons


acetic acid

Gives off hydrogen gas when it reacts with some metals


Turns litmus paper red


pH < 7 means it is an


taste sour


H2SO4is an Arrhenius______________ and increases the concentration of __________ when added to water.

acid; H+

HNO3 is an Arrhenius______________ and increases the concentration of __________ when added to water.

acid; H+

Alkalinity = Basicity

alkaline = base


aluminum hydroxide

H2O donatesa proton or H+ so it is classified as

an acid


an acid in ketchup and most salad dressings chemical name - acetic acid chemical formula - CH3COOH

Brønsted -Lowery is different than Arrhenius because

an acid or a base does not have to form a H+ or OH-ion. An acid has to donate a proton and a base has to accept a proton.

medicine used for heart burn

antacid (base) like Mr.MOM (Milk Of Magnesium) chemical name Mg(OH)2

a Brønsted -Lowry baseis defined as

anything that accepts H+ions

A Brønsted -Lowry acidis defined as

anything that donatesH+ions


barium hydroxide

Feels slimy or slippery


Turns litmus paper blue


pH > 7 mean it is a


taste bitter


Ca(OH)2is an Arrhenius______________ and increases the concentration of __________ when added to water.

base; OH-

KOHis an Arrhenius______________ and increases the concentration of __________ when added to water.

base; OH-

ince HCl is the acid (donating), it turns into a

conjugate base". Therefore, who is the conjugate base? Cl-

seltzer water

contains very mild acid known as Carbonic acid which formed by dissolving carbon dioxide in water carbonic acids chemical formula is H2CO3

While a Lewis base is a substance that can __________________ a pair of ________________ to form a covalent bond. All Bronsted-Lowry acids and bases are also Lewis acids and bases, but not necessarily the other way around.

donate; electrons


hydrochloric acid

A proton is also known as this ion _______________.

hydrogen ion (H+)

The whole subject of acids and bases has to do with the extraordinary chemical power of the H+ion, known as the "naked proton". It is called this because

hydrogen when hydrogen loses it's one electron only a proton remains because this atom HAS NO NEUTRONS.

Arrhenius base

is a substance that when added to water increases the concentration of OH-ions present ex NaOH


magnesium hydroxide

polyatomic ions don't get hydro- when


pH = 7 means it is



nitric acid

The Arrhenius definition of acids and bases is one of the


Acids and Bases can be identified by



phosphoric acid


potassium hydroxide


sodium hydroxide


sulfuric acid

bases are commonly used to produce soaps and have a bitter


The chemical formulas of Arrhenius acids are written with

the acidic hydrogens first ex HCl

Stronger Acids and Bases are closer to

the extremes (0 and 14)

The Brønsted -Lowry concept is based on

the transfer of a proton(H+)from one substance to another.

water is neutral. That is because PURE water has a pH of 7. However, with this definition an acid or base just depends on giving or gaining an H+ and water can do both! This is why in this example water acts as a base. In conclusion,

water can act as both an ACID and BASE although it is a neutral substance. Therefore, we say water is an AMPHOTERIC.

The H+ that dissociates does not remain alone. Since it is in water it bonds to a

water molecule immediately

A Neutralization reaction is

when an acid and base combine to form salt and water. (They neutralize each other)

Give the names of the following HBr (aq)

1. bromic acid 2. bromous acid 3. hydrobromic acid


1. carbonic acid 2. hydrocarbonic acid 3. carbonous acid

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