Unit 2 Practice Test (Modules 9-13)

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Transferring messages from a motor neuron to a leg muscle requires the neurotransmitter known as a. dopamine. b. epinephrine. c. acetylcholine. d. insulin. e. endorphin.


The minimum level of stimulation required to trigger a neural impulse is called the a. reflex b. threshold c. synapse d. action potential e. refractory period


Psychologist Michael Gazzaniga asked split-brain patients to stare at a dot as he flashed HE·ART on a screen. HE appeared in the left visual field, ART in the right. When asked, patients said they saw a. HE b. ART c. HEART d. EA e. nothing. They were unable to complete the task.


Sleep researchers who are interested in brain wave activity are likely to use which kind of brain scan? a. EEG b. CT c. fMRI d. PET e. MRI


Who believed that bumps on the skull reveal mental abilities and character traits? a. Sir Charles Sherrington b. Stephen Kasslyn c. Franz Gall d. Candace Pert e. Solomon Snyder

Franz Gall

An undersupply of the major inhibitory neurotransmitter known as ________ is linked to seizures. a. glutamate b. GABA c. serotonin d. ACh e. dopamine


Psychologist Michael Gazzaniga asked split-brain patients to stare at a dot as he flashed HE·ART on a screen. HE appeared in the left visual field, ART in the right. When asked to point to the word with their left hand, patients pointed to a. HE b. ART c. HEART d. EA e. nothing, they were unable to complete the task


The best way to detect enlarged fluid-filled brain regions in some patients who have schizophrenia is to use a(n) a. EEG b. MRI c. PET scan d. brain lesion e. X-ray


What is the main difference between an MRI scan and an fMRI scan? a. MRI scans are able to show internal structures of the brain, fMRI scans can also show external structures. b. MRI scans use X-rays, fMRI scans use gamma rays. c. MRI scans measure glucose levels in the brain, fMRI scans measure oxygen levels. d. MRI scans show structural details of the brain, fMRI scans show structure and activity levels. e. MRI scans measure brain wave activity, fMRI scans use a series of X-ray images to show structural details.

MRI scans show structural details of the brain, fMRI scans show structure and activity levels.

The concentration of glucose in active regions of the brain underlies the usefulness of a(n) a. MRI. b. brain lesion. c. EEG. d. PET scan e. hemispherectomy

PET scan

The depolarization of a neural membrane can create a(n) a. action potential. b. myelin sheath. c. lesion. d. neural network. e. interneuron.

action potential

Epinephrine and norepinephrine are released by the a. thyroid gland. b. pituitary gland. c. parathyroids. d. adrenal glands. e. pancreas.

adrenal glands

To demonstrate that brain stimulation can make a rat violently aggressive, a neuroscientist should electrically stimulate the rat's a. reticular formation b. cerebellum c. medulla d. amygdala e. thalamus


Which neural center in the limbic system plays a central role in emotions such as aggression and fear? a. amygdala b. thalamus c. cerebellum d. medulla e. dendrite


A person with schizophrenia may have an overactive dopamine system. Drugs used to treat this disorder prevent the action of dopamine by keeping it from binding to its receptors. These drugs are a. agonists b. somatic c. sympathetic d. antagonists e. selectively permeable


Molecules that are similar enough to a neurotransmitter to bind to its receptor sites on a dendrite and block that neurotransmitter's effects are called what? a. agonists b. antagonists c. endorphins d. endocrines e. action potentials


The process of anticipating that you will be punished for misbehaving takes place within the a. limbic system b. sensory cortex c. reticular formation d. association areas e. sympathetic nervous system

association areas

The most extensive regions of the cerebral cortex, which enable learning and memory, are called the a. reticular formation. b. medulla. c. sensory areas. d. cerebellum. e. association areas.

association areas.

The longest part of a neuron is likely to be the a. dendrite b. axon c. cell body d. synapse e. neurotransmitter


Which type of psychologist most directly investigates the links between biological activity and our thinking and behaviors? a. behaviorist b. psychotherapist c. biological psychologist d. cognitive psychologist e. psychometrician

biological psychologist

Professor Seif conducts research on the relationship between the limbic system and sexual motivation. Her research interests best represent the psychological speciality known as a. behaviorism b. biological psychology c. psychoanalysis d. myelin e. behavior genetics

biological psychology

In which brain structure are nerves from the left side of the brain routed to the right side of the body? a. thalamus b. cerebellum c. amygdala d. brainstem e. hippocampus


We are usually least consciously aware of the processes and functions of which brain structure? a. cerebral cortex b. motor cortex c. sensory cortex d. brainstem e. Broca's area


The sequence of brain regions from the evolutionarily oldest to newest is a. limbic system; brainstem; cerebral cortex. b. brainstem; cerebral cortex; limbic system. c. limbic system; cerebral cortex; brainstem. d. brainstem; limbic system; cerebral cortex. e. cerebral cortex; brainstem; limbic system.

brainstem; limbic system; cerebral cortex.

What is the interdisciplinary study of how brain activity is linked with our mental processes called? a. social-cultural perspective b. psychodynamic perspective c. cognitive neuroscience d. industrial-organizational psychology e. biopsychosocial approach

cognitive neuroscience

Information is most quickly transmitted from one cerebral hemisphere to the other by the a. medulla b. corpus callosum c. angular gyrus d. limbic system e. reticular formation

corpus callosum

The ability to simultaneously copy different figures with the right and left hand is most characteristic of those whose ________ has been cut. a. angular gyrus b. reticular formation c. corpus callosum d. motor cortex e. sensory cortex

corpus callosum

An undersupply of serotonin is most closely linked to a. Alzheimer's disease. b. schizophrenia. c. Parkinson's disease. d. depression. e. euphoria


Animal research has revealed a general reward system that triggers the release of the neurotransmitter a. ACh b. GABA c. dopamine d. epinephrine e. serotonin


Schizophrenia is most closely linked with excess receptor activity for the neurotransmitter a. dopamine b. epinephrine c. acetylcholine d. serotonin e. GABA


Schizophrenia is most closely linked with excess receptor activity for the neurotransmitter a. dopamine. b. epinephrine. c. acetylcholine. d. serotonin. e. GABA.


Animal research has revealed a general reward system that triggers the release of the neurotransmitter a. ACh b. GABA. c. dopamine. d. epinephrine. e. serotonin.


Hormones are the chemical messengers of the a. action potential b. automatic nervous system c. endocrine system d. peripheral nervous system

endocrine system

Neurosurgeons have severed the corpus callosum in human patients in order to reduce a. aphasia b. epileptic seizures c. depression d. neural plasticity. e. reward deficiency syndrome.

epileptic seizures

To identify which specific brain areas are most active during a particular mental task, researchers would be most likely to make use of a(n) a. fMRI b. hemispherectomy c. ACh agonist. d. brain lesion e. MRI


In a recent car accident, Tamiko sustained damage to his right cerebral hemisphere. This injury is most likely to reduce Tamiko's ability to a. facially express emotions b. solve arithmetic problems c. understand simple verbal requests d. process information in an orderly sequence e. control his aggression

facially express emotions

At puberty, the hypothalamus secretes gonadotropin-releasing hormones (GnRH), causing the secretion of gonadotropins by the pituitary gland. These hormones cause the ovaries to produce estrogen and testes to produce testosterone. As the levels of these hormones rise, they shut down the release of GnRH and the gonadotropins. This example illustrates the a. feedback systems connecting the brain and endocrine systems b. information highway connecting the peripheral nervous system to the brain c. role of agonists and antagonists in the nervous system d. reflex pathways running through the spinal cord e. combined signals of excitatory and inhibitory connections

feedback systems connecting the brain and endocrine systems

At puberty, the hypothalamus secretes gonadotropin-releasing hormones (GnRH), causing the secretion of gonadotropins by the pituitary gland. These hormones cause the ovaries to produce estrogen and testes to produce testosterone. As the levels of these hormones rise, they shut down the release of GnRH and the gonadotropins. This example illustrates the a. feedback systems connecting the brain and endocrine systems. b. information highway connecting the peripheral nervous system to the brain c. role of agonists and antagonists in the nervous system d. reflex pathways running through the spinal cord. e. combined signals of excitatory and inhibitory connections.

feedback systems connecting the brain and endocrine systems.

In 1848, Phineas Gage, a railroad construction foreman, survived when an explosion drove an iron rod through his head. The once friendly, soft-spoken Gage became irritable and dishonest. Gage's case provided evidence that which region of the brain plays a role in personality and behavior? a. temporal lobes b. sensory cortex c. frontal lobes d. parietal lobes e. Broca's area

frontal lobes

The brain structure that provides a major link between the nervous system and the endocrine system is the a. cerebellum b. amygdala c. reticular formation d. hypothalamus e. medulla


Thinking about sex (in your brain's cerebral cortex) can stimulate a region of the limbic system to secrete hormones. These hormones trigger the pituitary gland to influence hormones released by other glands in the body. Which brain region influences the endocrine system? a. hippocampus b. amygdala c. thalamus d. reticular formation e. hypothalamus


Neural networks refer to a. the branching extensions of a neuron b. interconnected clusters of neurons in the central nervous system. c. neural cables containing many axons d. junctions between sending and receiving neurons. e. neurons that connect the central nervous system to the rest of the body.

interconnected clusters of neurons in the central nervous system.

Severing a cat's reticular formation from higher brain regions causes the cat to a. become violently aggressive. b. cower in fear c. experience convulsive seizures d. lapse into a coma e. become sexually preoccupied

lapse into a coma

In 1861, Paul Broca studied a stroke patient he called "Tan." He was called this because as a result of brain damage it was the only word he could pronounce. Based on Broca's early work, which of the following brain regions is involved in speech production? a. angular gyrus b. left temporal lobe c. sensory cortex d. left frontal lobe e. auditory cortex

left frontal lobe

Someone trying to add a long series of three digit numbers is probably experiencing increased brain waves and bloodflow to which brain structure? a. left hemisphere b. thalamus c. reticular formation d. right hemisphere e. medulla

left hemisphere

Addictive drug cravings are likely to be associated with reward centers in the a. thalamus b. cerebellum c. reticular formation d. limbic system e. angular gyrus

limbic system

The neural system located at the border between the brainstem and the cerebral hemispheres is known as the a. sensory cortex b. limbic system c. reticular formation d. peripheral nervous system e. cerebellum

limbic system

To trigger a person's hand to make a fist, José Delgado stimulated the individual's a. motor cortex b. hypothalamus c. sensory cortex d. reticular formation e. limbic system

motor cortex

The slowdown of neural communication in multiple sclerosis involves a degeneration of the a. thresholds b. dendrites c. endocrine gland d. myelin sheath e. pituitary gland

myelin sheath

The speed at which a neural impulse travels is increased when the axon is encased by a(n) a. sympathetic nerve b. myelin sheath. c. endocrine gland. d. pituitary gland. e. synaptic vesicle.

myelin sheath

A football quarterback can simultaneously make calculations of receiver distances, player movements, and gravitational forces. This best illustrates the activity of multiple a. endocrine glands. b. endorphin agonists c. neural networks d. endorphin antagonists e. thresholds

neural networks

People can simultaneously process many aspects of sensory information such as color, shape, and size. This best illustrates the functioning of multiple a. ACh agonists. b. dendrites. c. endorphins. d. neural networks. e. ACh antagonists.

neural networks

Dendrites are branching extensions of a. neurotransmitters. b. endorphins. c. neurons d. myelin e. endocrine glands


Which region of the brain will a fMRI show as active when a person is looking at a photo? a. temporal lobes b. parietal lobes c. occipital lobes d. frontal lobes e. association areas

occipital lobes

Motor neurons are an important part of the a. limbic system b. reticular formation c. peripheal nervous system d. brainstem e. motor cortex

peripheal nervous system

The master gland of the endocrine system is the a. thyroid gland b. adrenal gland c. pituitary gland d. pancreas e. hypothalamus

pituitary gland

The capacity of one brain area to take over the functions of another damaged brain area is known as brain a. tomography b. phrenology c. hemispherectomy d. aphasia e. plasticity


Which of the following techniques would surgeons use in mapping the areas of the brain responsible for specific activities, such as movement or speech? a. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) b. computed tomography (CT ) c. electroencephalogram (EEG) d. positron emission tomography (PET) e. lesion

positron emission tomography (PET)

Reuptake refers to the a. movement of neurotransmitter molecules across a synaptic gap. b. release of hormones into the bloodstream. c. inflow of positively charged ions through an axon membrane. d. reabsorption of excess neurotransmitter molecules by a sending neuron. e. the ending of the refractory period.

reabsorption of excess neurotransmitter molecules by a sending neuron.

The function of dendrites is to a. receive incoming signals from other neurons. b. release neurotransmitters into the spatial junctions between neurons. coordinate the activation of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. c. control pain through the release of opiate-like chemicals into the brain. d. transmit signals to other neurons.

receive incoming signals from other neurons

A simple, automatic, inborn response to a sensory stimulus is called a(n) a. neural network b. action potential c. neurotransmitter d. reflex e. threshold


The selective permeability of a neural membrane creates a(n) a. myelin sheath. b. resting potential. c. neural network. d. reuptake. e. dendrite.

resting potential.

The goal of constraint-induced therapy is to a. eliminate epileptic seizures by cutting the corpus callosum. b. rewire damaged brains by forcing patients to use a nonfunctioning limb. c. trigger the release of dopamine in specific brain regions associated with reward centers. d. help those in whom damage to the angular gyrus has left them unable to read aloud. e. destroy tiny clusters of defective cells, leaving the surrounding tissue unharmed.

rewire damaged brains by forcing patients to use a nonfunctioning limb.

Someone trying to figure out an optical illusion is probably experiencing increased brain waves and bloodflow to which brain structure? a. left hemisphere b. thalamus c. reticular formation d. right hemisphere e. medulla

right hemisphere

French psychiatrist Joseph Capgras described a patient who reported that imposters had replaced her husband, children, and herself. Her inability to recognize the faces of her close family members or herself suggests that the a. right hemisphere of her brain was damaged b. corpus callosum had been severed c. thalamus in the brainstem is not functioning properly d. angular gyrus was compromised leading to aphasia e. left temporal lobe was injured

right hemisphere of her brain was damaged

The axon of a resting neuron has gates that do not allow positive sodium ions to pass through the cell membrane. What is this characteristic called? a. myelin sheath b. threshold c. selective permeability d. action potential e. parasymthetic nervous system

selective permeability

The parietal lobes are to ________ as the occipital lobes are to ________. a. hearing; speaking b. sensing touch; seeing c. sensing pleasure; sensing pain d. tasting; smelling e. speaking; seeing

sensing touch; seeing

As you are reading this question, the cells in your eyes are firing in response to the light coming from this paper. Which type of neuron is carrying this message to the brain? a. interneuron b. sensory c. presynaptic d. motor e. efferent


Which part of your brain receives information that you are moving your legs? a. amygdala b. motor cortex c. sensory cortex d. hypothalamus e. Broca's area

sensory cortex

The knee-jerk reflex is controlled by interneurons in the a. action potential b. spinal cord c. resting potential d. endocrine system e. neurotransmitters

spinal cord

When the cat's amygdala is electrically stimulated the cat prepares to attack by hissing and arching its back. Which division of the autonomic nervous system is activated by such stimulation? a. somatic b. parasympathetic c. central d. sympathetic e. sensorimotor


Messages are transmitted from your spinal cord to your digestive system's stomach muscles by the a. endocrine system b. central nervous system c. sympathetic nervous system d. somatic nervous system e. glands

sympathetic nervous system

The spatial junctions where impulses are chemically transmitted from one neuron to another are called a. neurotransmitters. b. neural networks c. synapses. d. axons. e. thresholds


Sir Charles Sherrington observed that impulses took more time to travel a neural pathway than he might have anticipated. His observation provided evidence for the existence of a. endorphins b. hormones c. synaptic gaps d. interneurons e. neural networks

synaptic gaps

Which brain structure receives information from all the senses except smell? a. hippocampus b. amygdala c. pons d. thalamus e. medulla


Your ability to experience physical sensations is most likely to be disrupted by damage to your a. corpus callosum b. angular gyrus c. hippocampus d. amygdala e. thalamus


Mandy came home late. As she reached to turn on the kitchen light, her hand brushed against something unexpected. Her adrenal glands, as a part of the "fight-or-flight" response, released epinephrine and norepinephrine, which increased her heart rate and blood pressure. Even after she realized it was just the curtain, her excited feelings lingered. This example illustrates a. how chemicals can amplify or block a neurotransmitter's activity. b. that a resting axon has gates that block positive sodium ions. c. how the myelin sheath insulates and increases the speed of neural messages. d. the all-or-none response in neural firing. e. that endocrine messages tend to outlast the effects of neural messages.

that endocrine messages tend to outlast the effects of neural messages.

An axon is a. a cell that serves as the basic building block of the nervous system. b. a layer of fatty tissue that encases the fibers of many neurons. c. an antagonist molecule that blocks neurotransmitter receptor sites. d. the extension of a neuron that carries messages away from the cell body. e. a junction between a sending and receiving neuron.

the extension of a neuron that carries messages away from the cell body.

Researchers use dichotic listening tasks to investigate right-left differences in an intact brain. In this task a different verbal stimulus is presented simultaneously to each ear. Findings suggest that participants more quickly recall information heard by the right ear. This suggests that a. the right hemisphere excels in making inferences. b. the left hemisphere outperforms the right in perceptual tasks. c. the right hemisphere is the major hemisphere. d. the left hemisphere is dominant in language processing. e. to the brain, language is language

the left hemisphere is dominant in language processing.

The minimum level of stimulation required to trigger a neural impulse is called the a. reflex. b. threshold. c. synapse. d. action potential. e. refractory period.


A picture of a dog is briefly flashed in the left visual field of a split-brain patient. At the same time a picture of a boy is flashed in the right visual field. In identifying what she saw, the patient would be most likely to a. use her left hand to point to a picture of a dog. b. verbally report that she saw a dog. c. use her left hand to point to a picture of a boy. d. verbally report that she saw a boy. e. communicate that she saw a picture of a boy with a dog

verbally report that she saw a boy.

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