Unit 2 Review

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Population Pyramid

A bar graph representing the distribution of population by age and sex . This is also called an age sex pyramid . There are stages that go into population pyramids that directly have a relationship with the Demographic Transition Models . There are 5 stages to the Demographic Transition Models so there are 5 stages to the population pyramids .

More Developed Country

A country that has progressed relatively far along a continuum of development . Most More Developed Countries are on the upper half of the equator with the exception of Australia being on the lower half . Some examples of MDC would be the United States and Canada . This is usually to a very high GPA , good economy z and good healthcare for all the participating citizens .

Less Developed Country

A country that is at a relatively early stage in the process of economic development . This refers to the financial and medical situation the country is in . An example of a LDC would be Gambia . Most less developed countries are on the lower half of the equator not including Australia.

Population Density

A measurement of the number of people per given unit of land . This is also number of people per unit of land . There are 3 different types of density which are all usually measured in a dot density map . In this type of map , every dot can represent anywhere from five to one million people depending if you are measuring a region , state , city , country , or even an entire country . The different types are geometric , arithmetic , and arable all having to do with the type of land that is present such as fertile grown for crops and plants. As we all know , the worlds population is not evenly distrubuted so density plays a bug factor as we get to see what places have a greater population with the anount of land given to then . An example of high density would be India having one of the worlds greatest population while being considered a fairly small country .

Gravity Model

A model that holds that the potential use of a service at a particular location is directly related to the number of people in a location and inversely related to the distance people must travel to reach the service . This is connected to time space compression relating to how fast or slow the word goes around such as a hurricane is coming.

Demographic Transition Model

A sequence of demographic changes in which a country moves from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates through time . 5 stages to the DMT as recently mentioned it is closely related to population pyramids .

U.S Immigration 19th Century

Immigration in the 19th century was great due to several factors . One of the main factors of immigration during this time had to do with slavery and the triangular trade . The U.S would send supplies overall seas in exchange for slaves . They needed slaves in the south colonies . This was during the birth of the 13 colonies and the south had a major economy for cotton . Getting to the end of the 1800s the Industrial Revolution also started happening .

U.S Immigration 20th Century

Immigration in the 20th century was great due to the start and end of the Industrial Revolution . Many great inventions came up such as the steel plow , factories , and other materials that exceeded in work . The idea came from Great Britain and came over to the U.S in the mid 1900s . This brought factories and other job opportunities . With all the jobs available , people started moving from Europe for a better life and a job opportunity . Urbanization and westward expansion was also a big factor .

Stage 1 Population Pyramid ( DMT )

In stage 1 , a high birth and death rate are equal . There are currently no countries in Stage 1 . This is also the stage that is a hunter-gatherer . Obviously due to these reasons , these countries will have little to no population growth . There is currently no examples of a country in stage 1 . The pyramid is very wide at the bottom and as it goes up , it starts to get very narrow .

Stage 2 Population Pyramid ( DMT )

In stage 2 , a high birth rate and a death rate are still present but the death rate has been lowered due to new medications and start of agriculture . The birth rate has not changed at all . Countries going from stage 1 to 2 was happening during the Industrial revolution . Most less developed countries will be present here . An example of a country in stage 2 would be Afghanistan . The pyramid looks somewhat the same as stage 1 . Full at the bottom but as we start getting to the top , it is still somewhat narrow , but nowhere as near as stage 1 .

Stage 3 Population Pyramid ( DMT )

In stage 3 , death rates are still low and the birth rates have decreased . Birth rates have decreased due to improved economic conditions and education in women . Middle developed countries will be present here . An example of a stage 3 country would be Morocco . The pyramid is fat at the bottom and in the middle but it still seems to get narrow as we get towards the top .

Stage 4 Population Pyramid ( DMT )

In stage 4 , both birth and death rates are low stabilizing the total population of a country . The decline in both birth and death rates are a result of strong economies , highly educated citizens , healthcare , movement of people from farms to cities ( urbanization ) , and employment for women . An example of a country in stage 4 would be the United States of America . The pyramid in stage 4 is fat all around including bottom , middle , and top .

Stage 5 Population Pyramid ( DMT )

In stage 5 , the birth rate of a country declines to the point where it is lower than the death rate . A country experiences loss to the overall population as the death rate becomes higher than the birth rate . Negative population growth rate is not an immediate impact however . An example of a country in stage 5 would be Germany . In a stage 5 pyramid the fat part is at the top instead of the bottom so the elderly population is greater than the young population . As we go down , it starts to shrink .

Awareness Space

Knowledge of opportunity locations beyond normal activity space . This refers to having the knowledge of your surrondings and only of your present surrondings . Thus is only the present of your awareness because obviously everything else is out of range . For example , someone in the U.S will not not everything to the complete point going on across the world such as in India.

Step Migration

Migration to a distant destination that occurs in stages, for example, from farm to nearby village and later to a town and city . Step migration is exactly what it sounds like . You migrate in steps . A present example of step migration would be migrating from the United States to Spain . The steps in this migration would be driving your car to the airport , plane , then another car ride to your destination . This migration happened over several steps .

Core vs. Periphery

Core and periphery are very closely related to site and situation . Site is realated to core . This talks about the absolute location of a place . The exact location of somewhere would be the core . The periphery relates to the situation . This refers to everything around the site or core . To get to the core , people use the periphery. Examples of periphery would be ways to get there such as left to the rock , up that hill , and on the right of the building .

Immigration and Emigration ( Push & Pull )

Migration to a new location is the meaning of immigration . Leaving a place to go to another is Emigration. Immigration is entering anf Emigration is exiting . These 2 things are highly dependable on both pull and push factors . Some pull factors can be obviously a better life , job factors , arable land , and family . Some push factors are war and violence , religious persecution , and not enough of something such as food or simply love . For example , someone from Iraq might come to the United States to escape violence. 4 different type of push and pull factirs which are social , economic , political , and enviromental. Social can be family , economic can be money ,


People who are forced to migrate from their home country and cannot return for fear of persecution because of their race, religion, nationality, membership in a social group, or political opinion. . An example of refugees coming to the U.S awhile ago would be people from Iraq coming to escape war and violence . A present example would be Hondurians coming to the United States to also escape gang violence.

Ravenstein's Laws of Migration

Ravenstein came out with 3 laws that come out with migration . The 1st law is every migration flow generates a counterflow meaning one family comes in the other comes out . The 2nd is majority of migrants move a short distance, if moving a long distance it is to a large city due to jobs . The 3rd is urban residents are less migratory than rural residents due to their current jobs .And the last is families are less likely to make international moves than young adults .

Population Policies in India

Strategies and activities aimed at achieving a certain pattern of population . India is one of the countries in the highest population while being considered quite small as a country. Indida has a great population filled with boys . Boys are also preferred over girls in India since girls are looked at as expensive when the people in India have little to no money present in their pockets . The government has tried to apply a one child policy to slow the population but the country is split on the decision . South India follows while North India keeps having babies .

Population Policies in China

Strategies and activities aimed at achieving a certain pattern of population . The number of boys between girls is a very scary amount. The number is so greatly apart because boys are preferred over girls in China. They usually abonded the girls that are born in China . Boys are preferred because they stay with the family and take care of the parents. China use to have a 1 child policy for their outrageous population and now it has backfired for them due to this . Today , they have a 2 child policy so they can try to get the number of boys and girls even again .

Distance Decay

The diminishing in importance and eventual disappearance of a phenomenon with increasing distance from its origin . Distance decay has a very close relationship with time space compression. With the use of internet , distance decay and time compression has gone down to almost little to none . Today , as we are in the United States , we are able to figure out information across the world such as things in India or Australia .

Mortality Revolution

The mortality revolution was the drop of the death rate typically in Europe . The drop of the death rate occured due to all the wars and diseases going on at the time . Currently , Europe was coming off of surviving the Black Death which lowered their morals bringing everyones self esteem down starting a war with other countries . This was not only Europe as it was Asia aswell . All the wars and diseases caused a huge drop in the death rate causing many countries to go back a stage in the DMT 5 stages.

Population Around The World

Earth has a population of 7.5 billion and we all know that it is obviously not fairly distributed . People tend to live near body of waters such as rivers , oceans , or even lakes . Most of the worlds population lives on the East side of the world with the countries including Europe and Asia . One of the most population areas are China and India .

Intervening Opportunity

The presence of a nearer opportunity that greatly diminishes the attractiveness of sites farther away . This is mostly self explanatory as in which is the better choice. If you had 2 job opportunities both exactly the same in hours and pay but the only difference was that one is closer. You would pick the one that is closer. Another example of an average person interacting with an intervening opportunity would be a person stopping to migrate somewhere closer when they had chose a farther destination.

Crude Birth Rate (CBR)

The total number of live births in a year for every 1,000 people alive in the society . In the first two stages the birth rate is very high such as in early India sibce prevention is not common such as condoms . In the next 2 stages it starts to even out with the death rate due to factirs such as better eduaction for women , healthcare , and economic development . Unlike CDR the birth rate stays the same in the 5th stage since only the death rate is changing abruptly due to a reason. This is also measured in usually countirues but cab aswell be measured in regions and continents .

Crude Death Rate (CDR)

The total number of live deaths in a year for every 1,000 people alive in the society . In the first 2 stages the death rate is very high . In the next 2 is starts to become lower as the healthcare becomes very strong and people start to surpass the average life expactancy . In the final stage , the death rate becomes high once again with the death rate becoming higher than the birth rate causing in more people to die than to be born . The CDR is usually measured in 1 single country but can be measured in regions , continents , etc.

Demographic Momentum

This is the tendency for growing population to continue growing after a fertility decline because of their young age distribution. This is important because once this happens a country moves to a different stage in the demographic transition model . This has to do with DMT and the 5 different stages . The advancing of countries going through these stages would be Demographic Momentum . Wheb a country is expanding , it will keep expanding as tine goes on until it is abruptly stop by a factor .

U.S Immigration 21st Century

Today , many immigrants come to the U.S every year for a better life . They might be coming to get away from violence , poverty , or other issues in their old countries . The population increases in the U.S due to these immigrants . Right now we are having a problem with Hondurians trying to get into the U.S .

Critical Distance

the distance beyond which cost, effort, and means strongly influence our willingness to travel . The factors that are accounted for when thinking of traveling such as job , age , and family , aswell ad the things mentioned above . Thus has to do with Ravensteins law that talks about a young man is more likely to travel across the world instead of a whole family because the youbg man doesnt have much to lose and is most likely in a better situation .

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