unit 3 human Development

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six year old Kyja draws a picture of her mom. her drawing will most likely be

a conventional human figure, with the head and body differentiated

three-year old madison judges a 2 inch toy shoe as small. But when she sees it next to a tiny 5 inch doll, she judges the shoe as big. Madison is demonstrating

a nonegocentric response

4 year old jasmine must appear in court to give testimony against her uncle who sexually abused her. Adults can help ease her distress and help ensure that her testimony is accurate by

allowing her to testify over closed- circuit TV so she does not have to face her uncle in court

10-year old Aaron and 8- year old brody are brothers who get along well. Aaron is academically successful and socially competent. Brody will probably

also be academically successful and socially competent

as bullies move into adolescence

an increasing number engage in cyberbullying

opportunities for participation in organized youth sports

are less often available to low SES communities, especially girls and ethnic minorities

authoritative parents typically make demands for mature behavior that are

reasonable, consistently enforcing and explaining those demands

school-age children's ability to comprehend subtle metaphors and to appreciate riddles and puns largely depends on

understanding that words can have double meanings

Mr. bernalillo is about to administer the WISC-V to a mexican child who just immigrated to the US. Because of the possibility of cultural bias he should be especially cautious in interpreting the ______ score

verbal comprehension

in early childhood______ aggression gradually replaces ______

verbal, physical

which of the following is true about physical education in the US

Fewer than 30% of school-age children and adolescents engage in at least moderate intensity activity for 60 min per day

preschool and young school age children are especially likely to imitate TV violence because compared to older children they _______

are more likely to believe that TV fiction is real

physical punishment has greater negative outcomes for children who

are temperamentally difficult

Lesley and cara, both aggressive girls, have become friends. The girls' relationship will probably

be high in exchange of private feelings but also full of jealousy, conflict and betrayal

infants born with inadequate thyroxine must receive it at once, or they will

be intellectually disabled

during middle childhood, repeated middle-ear infections

become less frequent

between ages 6-12 children

become more aware of circumstances likely to spark mixed emotions

the most effective forms of parental discipline encourage good

building a mutually respectful bond w the child

which of the following is a consequence of repeated child abuse

central nervous system damage, including reduced size, and impaired functioning of the cerebral cortex

in cultures that place little emphasis on schooling and literacy

children are expected to acquire new skills through observation and participation in community activities

when teachers emphasize competition and publicly compare children,

children tend to adopt teachers positive or negative views and start to live up to them

one limitation of concrete operational thinking is that

children's mental operations work poorly w abstract ideas

voicing of negative attitudes toward minorities

declines after age 7 or 8 , as children develop capacity to classify the social world in multiple ways

many older school-age children and adolescents whose parents are getting divorced respond by

declining in school performance and becoming unruly

Lisa successfully balances her work as a personal trainer w positive investment in being 8 year old melissas mother. As a result, melissa will probably

display high self esteem and less gender stereotyped beliefs

exposing young children to ______ helps them appreciate dual representation

drawing and maps

in which situation will 4 year old pietro most likely engage in private speech

during a challenging task

after a recent trip to the beach, 3 year old jelani's father says "what was the first thing we saw at the beach? how did the sand feel? what kind of shells did we find? what sound did the seagulls make" Jelani's father is using a ______ style to elicit her memory of the event


4 year old parvatis parents label emotion words and explain them to her. Parvati is likely to be advanced in development of

emotion understanding

in describing themselves, older school-age children are likely to

emphasize competencies instead of specific behaviors

to help young children avoid developing rigid gender schemas, teachers should

ensure that all children spend time in mixed gender play activities and in unstructured pursuits

as a result of gains in metacognition, school-age children

realize that people can extend their knowledge by making mental inferences

according to the flynn effect, the amount of increase in IQ from one generation to the next depends on

extent of societal modernization

which of the following children's play activities is cause for concern, usually indicating adjustment problems

functional play involving repetitive motor action

_____ contributes to declines in emotional outbursts during early childhood

gains in inhibition and flexible shifting of attention

one way that adults can promote preschoolers' language development is to

give helpful, explicit feedback when children use words incorrectly or communicate unclearly

The ______ and surrounding areas of the cerebral cortex establish connections with one another and with the prefrontal cortex, supporting the dramatic gains in memory and spatial understanding of early and middle childhood


Your neighbor is concerned about the health of her 8-year old daughter who is obese. the most effective approach to helping ava lose weight would be to

implement a family-based intervention that focuses on changing eating and exercise behaviors

findings on ethnic differences in use of physical punishment reveal that

in african american families such as discipline is generally mild and delivered in a context of parental warmth

A recent, encouraging sign about with respect to changing beliefs about gender typing is that

in several recent investigations, a majority of elementary and secondary students disagreed with the idea that math is a masculine subject

which of the following statements about family influences on gender typing is true

of the 2 sexes, boys are more gender-typed, partly due to father's insistence on conformity

which of the following parenting behaviors promotes social competence and peer acceptance during the preschool years

offering suggestions for such challenges as managing conflict and entering play groups

most developmental impairments and deaths due to diarrhea can be prevented with

oral rehydration therapy

During school years, children refine their self-concept by

organizing their observations of behaviors and internal states into general dispositions

anton wants to encourage his daughters emergent literacy and foster her later achievement in reading and spelling. he should engage in activities w her that promote

phonological awareness

which of the following statements about children's empathy and sympathy is true

preschoolers who have parents who show empathic concern for their feelings are likely to react with concern to others distress

liv is a piagetian first grade teacher who wants to incorporate discovery learning in her classroom. she will probably

provide a rich variety of activities designed to promote exploration

to promote mathematical reasoning in preschool children, adults should

provide many occasions for counting, comparing quantities and talking about number concepts

in child rearing, ______ is more effective with school age children than with younger children, because of school-age children's greater capacity for logical thinking and increased respect for parents' expert knowledge


which statement about child sexual abuse is true

reported cases of child sexual abuse are linked to poverty, marital instability, and resulting weakening of family ties

Michael has an easygoing temperament, has a warm relationship with his father and has a 3rd grade teacher who emphasizes effort. These attributes are likely to foster


children w attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

show abnormal brain functioning, including reduced activity and structural abnormalities in the prefrontal cortex

compared to monolinguals, bilinguals

show greater activity in the prefrontal cortex during linguistic tasks

x-rays of epiphyses enable doctors to estimate children's _______ which is helpful information in diagnosing growth disorders

skeletal age

According to a study of school age children from economically disadvantaged families, the number of stressors in children's lives

strongly predicts impaired self regulation and gain in BMI

in studies involving several thousand 4 years olds in public preschools, ________ and _________ were especially strong predictors of children's social competence

teacher sensitivity; emotional support

which statement is true about mastery of concrete operational tasks

they are mastered gradually, usually in a predictable order

Which of the following is correct about school-age children's moral understanding

they consider a person's intentions in evaluating whether lying is right or wrong

which statement about education of talented children is true

they do best when parents arrange for caring teachers which they are young and more rigorous, master teachers as their talent develops

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