Unit 3 Quiz- Ch.7 GOLIA

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Which reason do you think makes the most sense about America keeping the Philippines?

America should not give the Philippines back to Spain because of the tyranny and unjust rule in Spain. The Filipinos would just be put through more suffering.

The Truman Doctrine


Effects of Spanish American War- U.S.

- America became an imperialist power - Platt Amendment added to Cuba's new constitution - Cuba could not make any treaty with another nation that would compromise its independence - Cuba had to allow the U.S. to lease or buy naval stations in Cuba - Cuba's debts had to be kept low to prevent foreign countries from using violence to demand payment - The U.S. had the right to intervene to protect Cuba = U.s. protectorate -Foraker Act established civil government in Puerto Rico

American expansion in the Pacific- HAWAII

- American contact began 1820s - missionaries, development of sugar cane industry, disease wiped out 87% of Hawaiians -American business and sugar interests gain political control over Hawaii's monarchy - 1887 planters pressured Hawaiian king into accepting a constitution that limited his authority - 1890 new tariff gave subsidies to U.S. sugar producers, making Hawaiian sugar more expensive (planters wanted to annex Hawaii) - 1893 Queen Liliuokalani imposes her authority and creates new constitution - Planters respond by forcing the queen to step down with the help from U.S. marines, they set up a provisional government and asked the U.S. to annex Hawaii - annexation= incorporate territory into an existing country -Annexation of Hawai'i an an American territory (1898) later as a U.S. state (1953)

Roosevelt: Panama Canal

- Believed that a canal through Central America was vital to American power in the world (save time and money for military and commercial shipping) - A French company wanted to sell canal rights to the U.S. - U.S. offered Colombia $10 million and yearly rent to build canal in their province of Panama - Colombia said no, fearing they would loose control of Panama (although people of Panama wanted independence). - French company staged a rebellion... U.S. ordered ships to help... U.S. recognizes Panama as an independent country and canal was built

President Roosevelt (1901-1909)

- Big Stick Policy: Favored increasing American power on the world stage- he believed displaying American power to the world would promote peace since it would deter other countries from waging war - Believed in Anglo-Saxonism and that the U.S. had the duty to shape the "less civilized" corners of the world (racist ideology) - Also supported the Open Door Policy with China - Won the Nobel Peace Prize for his diplomacy in helping to end the war between Japan and Russia.

Boxer Rebellion

- China was divided into spheres of influence- foreign nations controlled economic development - Secret Chinese societies organized to fight foreign control - Society of Harmonious Fists, AKA Boxers

Cuban rebellion

- Cuba and Puerto Rico last of the Spanish colonies - Cubans wanted independence, 1895 - Jose Marti - Spain responds - Rebels suppressed and sent into camps - Many starved and died from disease - Rebels seized control of eastern Cuba, declared independence, and established the republic of Cuba

Causes of Spanish American War

- Cuban rebellion - Protection of American investments - Yellow journalism - Explosion of the USS Maine

Taft (1909-1913)

- Dollar Diplomacy: Continue Roosevelt's policies but with less emphasis on military intervention and more on helping Latin America - If U.S. supported Latin America economic development, it would in turn help American businesses - Wanted to replace European loans with U.S. loans (prevent Europe from intervening) - American bankers took over debts that Honduras owed Britain and took control of Haiti's national bank

Effect of the open door policy on China?

- Forced China to become divided into spheres of influences, breeding hate towards foreigners and eventually leading to the Boxer Rebellion.

Effects of Spanish American War- SPAIN

- Gave up claims to Cuba - Ceded Puerto Rico and Guam to the U.S. - Signed the Treaty of Paris - Turned over control of the Philippines to U.S. for $20 million

President McKinley (1897-1901)

- He supported the Open Door Policy in China - He helped squash the Boxer Rebellion by sending American troops to join a large international force to keep China "open" - The U.S. retained access to China's lucrative trade in tea, spices, and silk and retained a larger market for its own goods

McKinley's Assassination 1901

- He won the election of 1900 with Theodore Roosevelt as his running mate - Assassinated in 1901 by an anarchist - Theodore Roosevelt becomes President

Diplomacy in Latin America

- Held conference in 1889, U.S. hoped to create - Customs union (reduce tariffs) - Work out disputes peacefully - Latin American countries rejected both ideas but created an organization. that promoted cooperation among the nations of the Western Empire - Today called Organization of American States (OAS)

Main causes for American imperialism in Japan and Hawaii

- Interest in expanding trade - Need for strategic military bases

American expansion in the Pacific- JAPAN

- Japan did not want contact with the West (only traded with Chinese and Dutch) - Matthew Perry led naval expedition in 1853 sent by President Fillmore to force Japan to trade with U.S. - Overwhelmed Japan with American military and transportation technology (steam ships) - Japan signed Treaty of Kanagawa - U.S. can trade at two ports - EFFECT= Japan realized they needed to catch up w/ the West - Began to industrialize and expand their own military and empire (eventually preparing them for WWII)

Wilson: Mexico

- Mexican revolution leaves Huerta in power - Wilson refused to recognize the new government, repulsed by Huerta's use of violence. Promotes another revolution and sends navy to intercept weapons - American sailors arrested & Mexico refused to apologize Wilson and Congress send warships 1914 - Anti-American riots break out in Mexico - Mexican guerillas headed by Pancho Villa attack NM city in 1916, killing 16 Americans. U.S. sends 6,000 troops across border to find Pancho Villa and his forces in Mexico - Due to WWI, Wilson withdraws troops 1917 - RESULTS: damages U.S. foreign relationship w/ Mexico

Wilson (1913-1921)

- Moral Diplomacy: Opposed imperialism, rather the U.S. should promote democracy abroad - Mexico

The Roosevelt corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

- Stated that the U.S. would intervene in Latin American affairs when necessary to maintain economic and political stability in the Western Hemisphere, especially after Latin American nations failed to pay debts to European countries who would then use this to justify military intervention in the region

Why did the U.S. decide to build a canal through Panama?

- The canal shortened the distance between the Atlantic and the Pacific by about 8,000 nautical miles. - Ships transit the canal more than 14,000 times each year, generating over $1 billion in tolls. Convenience and smart business move.

Philippine-American War

- U.S. decided to annex the Philippines - Filipino freedom fighters fought for independence from 1899-1902, led by Emilio Aguinaldo, were defeated - Casualties: 4, 300 American and 50,000- 200,000 Filipino deaths - U.S. guilty of adopting same policies they had condemned Spain for using against the Cubans - U.S. established concentration camps to separate Filipino guerrillas from civilians - William Howard Taft, governor of the islands attempted to win over civilians by improving education, transportation, health care - 1946 full independence granted to the Philippines (after WWII)

Military needs to imperialize

- creation of strong navy to protect trading interests - Capitan Alfred T. Mahan- navy needed to defend merchant ships - needed "pit stops" for ships in strategic zones

Emilio Aguinaldo

- fought against the Americans during the Philippine-American War - joined the American forces to fight against the Spanish during the Spanish-American War - was a Filipino rebel fighter who supported the independence of the Philippines from both the Spanish and the Americans

Jose Marti

- he organized guerilla actions against U.S. owned sugar plantations to provoke America to join conflict against Spain - he was a Cuban rebel who wrote a patriotic poem against Spanish rule - he called for Cuban independence and an end to Spanish colonialism

What were the arguments Anti-Imperialists presented against imperialism?

- it was too expensive to maintain a large army and navy - it would take jobs away from Americans - it was a threat to American democracy

Economic reasons to imperialize

- new sources of raw materials to continue to fuel industrialization - new overseas markets and customers

Two supporting ideologies (justified imperialism) to imperialize

- strong sense of nationalism= competing w/ Europe - Manifest Destiny (1880s): the U.S. was destined (by God) to expand its dominion and spread democracy and capitalism across North America - Monroe Doctrine (1823): warns European nations that U.S. would not tolerate colonialism in the Western Hemisphere - feeling of superiority (fundamentally racist) - Socialism Darwinism: nations compete and only strongest survive - Anglo-Saxonism: English-speaking nations had superior character, ideas, & gov.

Why did the US force Cuba to add the Platt Amendment to their new constitution?

- the US was fearful another country would dominate Cuban affairs - the US wanted to maintain their own jurisdiction over Cuba

What was the purpose of the United States' Open Door Policy in China?

- the policy maintained territorial integrity of China to appease to the Anti-Imperialists - the policy would guarantee equal trading rights for all nations, including the US who did not previously control a sphere of influence - American businesses were interested in taking advantage of China's vast resources and markets

Causes of the Boxer Rebellion

- to rid China of foreign influence - to expand China's empire - to overthrow the Empress

A War on 2 fronts War against Spain declared April 25, 1898

1.) Philippines - Americans had modern iron ships with steel hulls compared to wooden Spanish ships -Rebel Filipinos, led by Emilio Aguinaldo welcomed Americans in Manila and defeated the Spanish August 12, 1898 2.) Caribbean (Cuba and Puerto Rico) - U.S. not well organized for war in the tropics - Enlisted help from Rough Riders, volunteer calvary unit of cowboys, miners, and law officers who fought with Cuban rebels - Defeated the Spanish in Cuba and Puerto Rico by mid-July 1898

What was a result of the Spanish-American War?

America became an imperialist power

Main reason U.S. intervened in the affairs of Latin American and Asian nations?

America intervened to get a higher economic standing by making strategic imperial moves. America was not justified in all the instances we saw on the chart. For example, Theodore Roosevelt intervened because he had a racist ideology that told him he was superior and had a white savior attitude. In the Philippines there was a belief that America needed to help "less civilized people." Many of these imperial choices America made were not justified and solely based on a superiority complex.

What reasons does McKinley give for keeping the Philippines?

America shouldn't give the Philippines back to Spain because it would be cowardly and dishonorable. America could not give the Philippines to France and Germany (their trade rivals= bad for business). America could not leave the Philippines to govern themselves because they were not capable of self government.

Yellow Journalism

Competition between newspapers that resulted in sensational "news" stories Headline to promote war: "Remember the Maine!"

America's relationship with these nations after the Spanish-American War

Cuba= Protectorate Philipines= Colony Puerto Rico & Guam= Territory

Why was the U.S. focused on the independence movement in Cuba?

Economically- Early 1890s, Cuba exported much of its sugar to the U.S. and Americans had invested about $50 million in Cuba's sugar plantations, mines, and railroads. Socially- Many Americans wanted to help and felt bad for the Cubans Politically- The Yellow Journalism made the crisis seem much more dire than it was (still was very bad)

According to Beveridge, if we let the Philippines go, who will gobble them up?

Germany, England, and Japan.

What does Albert Beveridge say about governing people without their approval?

He explains that we govern many people without their consent (children, land, the Indians) and that the people of the Philippines would prefer a just, human, civilizing government. He believes that the people in the Philippines need to be rescued from the Spanish.

What is William Jennings Bryan's general position on annexing the Philippines?

He is against America annexing the Philippines.


Idea that Latin America and U.S. should work together

Mexican-American War


This platform fears that the American governors in the Philippines want to get rid of "the spirit of 1776" in the islands. What does this mean?

In 1776 the U.S. The Declaration of Independence was signed. This could be referring to American governors potentially getting rid of the individual liberty and self-determination spirit in the Philippines by imperializing. The U.S. used to be a colony of the British, and now the U.S. is doing what the British did.

The Monroe Doctrine

Internationalism & Imperialism


Intervening in other countries' affairs to promote important national interests and/or safeguard national security "world policeman"

US entry into WWI/WWII

Isolationism & Internationalism

Some Americans argued that it was necessary to take colonies in order to get rich. How does Bryan answer this?

It is not necessary to own colonies in order to trade with them.

How did Latin Americans view Wilson's "Moral Imperialism"

Latin Americans regarded his "moral imperialism" as no improvement over Theodore Roosevelt's "big stick" diplomacy.

NOT a reason why Americans wanted to expand its interests overseas? WAS a reason

NOT to help weaker nations YES to economic, racist ideologies, military strength

Does the Anti-Imperialist League believe Abraham Lincoln would have supported the annexation of the Philippines? Explain.

No, Abraham Lincoln believed that one country should not govern another without consent (against imperialism because there is no consent). He believed that imperialism is essentially tyranny.

Did President McKinley want to go to war with Spain?

No, he did not want to intervene in the war, believing it would cost too many lives and hurt the economy He was pressured from the public and his political party to wage

Debate over Filipino Annexation

PRO - U.S. had duty to spread civilization overseas (racist ideology)= prepare Filipinos for self-rule - Economic and strategic value= refueling and resupply station - Get control of the Philippines before another European country could CON - Violated the idea of self-determination (self- government) for all peoples - Americans concerned with oppression of Filipinos - Not necessary to annex a nation to trade with them - Potential of new immigrant to America

What is Providence, and, according to Beveridge, what does Providence have to do with America and the Philippines? (Hint: When Providence is capitalized it has a special meaning.)

Providence= God. He believes that America (under God) has a duty to save the Philippines, because God has guided America to freedom (their religious duty).

As a result of the Treaty of Paris what territories did the United States gain?

Puerto Rico Cuba Guam Philippines

What sparked the beginning of the Spanish American War?

Sinking of the USS Maine


Strict non-involvement in the affairs of other nations

President McKinley annexed Hawaii in 1898 after President Cleveland had previously refused (T/F)


Beveridge says America should not give back the Philippines to "the reeking hands from which we have taken them." What are "reeking hands" and whose hands were they?

The reeking hands are imperialism. The hands themselves are the unjust Spanish rule.

Rough Riders

Theodore Roosevelt second in command of Rough Riders, pictured here without their horses

What does Bryan mean when he says there is "no Gatling gun attachment" to preaching the Bible?

There is no gun violence in the Bible. Imperialism is not in the Bible nor condemned by it. Chrisitanity should not be shared at gunpoint. People should convert at their free will. Going to annex a country just to Christianize them is immoral.

Reason the U.S. shouldn't annex the Philippines

U.S. should not annex the Philippines because it is against what Americans stand for- freedom and liberty. Annexing the Philippines would be unjust and tyrannical.

Why does Bryan say "we dare not educate" the Filipinos?

We should not educate the Filipinos because they will read the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution and see that we don't practice what we preach. We don't stand for liberty and justice for all, because we are essentially taking that away from the Filipinos by annexing.

collective security

Working with other countries to influence world affairs "team player"


economic, political, and/or cultural control of a region or country by another more powerful nation

Involvement in the Spanish-American War, annexation of the Philippines and Hawaii, the purchase of Alaska, the creation of the Open Door Policy in China, and the conflict with Mexico all

led America from an isolationist foreign policy to become a dominant imperialist world power

Americans dominated the Hawaiian economy by investing in...

plantations hotels docks railways

What did Roosevelt's Big Stick Policy, Taft's Dollar Diplomacy, and Wilson's Moral Diplomacy all have in common?

they sought to expand America's influence abroad

What was a result of Commodore Matthew Perry's "gun-boat diplomacy" targeting Japan?

to avoid war with America, Japan opened two ports to trade and began to strengthen their navy and modernize their nation

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