Unit 5 psych

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30 which of the following statements is most consistent with Benjamin wharfs concept of linguistic determinism

Language shapes the way in individual thinks, and interprets and experiences

1 Hermann Ebbinghaus' research would most likely predict that

A student who only studies the night before a test will very rapidly forget most of the information study after the test is over

31 which of the following types of test is designed to measure individuals knowledge of the subject


34 a test that measures a students potential ability is

An aptitude test

35 a teenager would most probably draw on which of the following to recall her 10th birthday party

An episodic memory

32 which of the following types of intelligence constitute Robert Sternberg triarchic theory of intelligence

Analytical creative and practical

17 after having a stroke, resulting from a blockage of blood to the medial, temporal lobe, Gerald cannot remember new information, such as the books he had just read, new song he just heard, or the faces of people he had just met. Gerald was experiencing.

Anterograde amnesia

14 Jim has been reports of a number of cases of Ebola on the news. He has more afraid of contracting Ebola than tuberculosis, even though the risk of infection of tuberculosis is greater than that of Ebola. James fear would most likely be attributed to. .

Availability heuristic

26 the intelligence quotient has traditionally been based on the relationship between the individuals, mental age and his or her

Chronological age

15 Which of the following types of intelligence is most clearly demonstrated by an individual's knowledge of facts


22 a teacher asks students to think of as many uses for a brick as possible. By listing 50 uses, most of which the class finds new and unusual Susan is displaying

Divergent thinking

6 Which process transfers information from sensory memory to short term memory


11 the component of intelligence described by Raymond Cattell, as involved in the ability to understand, logical relationships, reason, abstractly, and learning quickly as related to which of the following

Fluid intelligence

12 Denny does not have wrapping paper to use to wrap a birthday present, and so he decides to use colorful newspaper comics. Instead, Denny's solution demonstrates that he has overcome

Functional fixedness

16 Most intelligence tests are normed such that the main score is 100 and the standard deviation is 15. Therefore, that discovery of the Flynn effect leads want to conclude that.

IQ test may not have been valid when they were initially constructed

4 Wolfgang considered chimpanzees sudden solving of a problem evidence of


33 a child says "where did you goed?"Which of the following psychologist would most likely argue that the is overregularizing a logical grammatical rule.

Noam Chomsky

24 all human languages have several basic sounds in common called


28 the psychology, aptitude test was administered to incoming college psychology majors. There's scores were later compared to their performance in the introductory psychology, course, and high scores on the PAT related to high grades in the course. Therefore the PAT has.

Predictive validity

3 A sudden inability to remember how to tie a certain kind of knot, indicates a defect, in which kind of memory.


2 While he is at soccer practice, Irwin remind himself that he has to stop at the grocery store on the way home to pick up milk and cereal for tomorrow's breakfast. What sort of memory is Erwin using?

Prospective memory

25 Henry took an intelligence test and scored lower than he thought he should. He kept re-taking the test, but he kept getting about the same score each time. This this indicates that the test was.


13 A teacher learns 100 so many new student names every year and find it difficult to remember the names of former students. The teachers memory problem most likely results from.

Retroactive interference

20 Michael, who has an IQ of 60 is able to do complex calculations in his head, regardless of the size of the numbers. when he id with his family and friends, he does not engage socially he focuses on his numerical calculations, which of the following best describes these characteristics

Savant syndrome

19 Mary is introduced to three new people at a party. Later, however, she cannot remember the names of any of her new acquaintances, even though she remembers what she ate, her old friend, the address of the host. What may account for Mary's inability, to remember these individuals names

She never encoded the names into long-term memory

29 the rules of grammar are rules of


23 the feeling that you know if someone's name, but cannot quite recall it, is an example of

The tip of the tongue phenomenon

27 Noam Chomskys view of language proposes that

There is an inheritance language acquisition device

21 Research on stereotype threat indicates that students might not do as well as they can on a test if

They are informed that people of the ethnicity, age, or gender usually do not perform well on the test

18 if mice like an enzyme, essential to the process of long-term potential, the most likely consequence would be

They will be unable to learn a maze

5 Metacognition refers to

Thinking about thinking

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