Unit 5 Review: Chapters 17-22

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Be able to describe the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments.

13th: the 13th amendment abolished slavery throughout the United States. 14th: the 14th amendment seat to instill some of the same ideals of the civil rights Bill. This amendment included that all blacks were citizens, and that any state that tried to deny them that, would be lowered in the number of representatives in Congress. 15th: the 15th amendment gave black males the right to vote.

What was abolitionism?

Abolitionism believed and going cold turkey right away and freeing slaves immediately.

According to the principle of "popular sovereignty," how would the slavery issue in the territories be decided?

According to popular sovereignty, the people living in the new territories would be able to decide what they wanted their state to be, slave or free.

What's advancements were made in transportation during this time?

Advancements in transportation during this time included the steamboat and the railroad. They were used to navigate the country more swiftly. Also, canals were huge and opening rivers for quicker travel across the country.

What main advantages did the south have at the beginning of the war? What was the greatest strength for the north in the war?

At the beginning of the war, all the South had to do was fight till a drive, and keep the Union forces out of their territory to win. As for the north, they had a huge economy, and they had more men to fight on their side than the South had on their's.

Why was Andrew Johnson impeached? Why was he not removed from office?

Basically, Jackson was impeached because of the radical Republicans did not like him. In order to catch them in something worth impeaching, they devise the tenure of office act, which stated that the president could not remove his appointees before securing permission from the senates. In 1868, when Jackson at dismiss Stanton, the Republicans were able to impeach him. In the end, Jackson wasnot impeached because of one boat by a conscious Republican that kept him in office.

What marked the ends of a radical reconstruction of the south?

Because of 1877 officially mark the end of reconstruction when to presidential candidates ended in a stalemate. To end the stalemates, the north got their president, and the south got rid of their military occupation.

How did Lincoln, with the support of Congress, seem to violate civil liberties during the war?

Can issued the traps, which was highly controversial. Also, he put Marilyn, a border state, under martial law. He also proceeded to send troops to the other border states. Lastly, he issued a blockade without the consent of congress.

What was the general view of congressional republicans regarding reconstruction? What were they particularly worried about regarding the southern states restoration to the union?

Congressional Republicans, or radical Republicans, ideas for restoration was a lot tougher than the presents. They wanted more boaters to pledge allegiance, precisely 50%, and more military authority in the south. They were afraid that it wasn't enough of a strong hands to keep the south from reinstating newly freed blacks.

What was the Douglas's arguments in the Freeport doctrine? What happened as a result of the Lincoln Douglas debate's?

Douglas' argument was that slavery could be excluded from Terry toys by local legislation. As a result, Douglas one the Illinois senator position over Lincoln.

Who was Eli Whitney and what did he invent?

Eli Whitney was and inventor. He invented the cotton gin. The cotton gin was a machine that separated the seeds from the cotton. The effects of this machine was the need for more and more slaves to work the fields. He also invented the interchangeable parts. This meant that you can use these instead of specialize parts made for your mechanism.

Name some importance influential women during the women's movement.

Elizabeth Caddy Stanton, Lucretia Mott, we're both huge advocate for women's rights during this time. They all wanted women's suffrage. Seneca Falls, in 1848, was a conference held to advocates for women's suffrage.

Why did European powers actually favor an American Civil War?

European powers actually favored eight US Civil War because it weekend they are growing international power in the Western territory. Also, now, the Munro doctrine could be undermined as a result of Southern secession.

In what order did these events happen: Gettysburg, Fort Sumter, Bull Run, Antietam, Appomattox, Emancipation Proclamation?

Fort Sumter, Bull Run, emancipation proclamation, Antietam, Gettysburg, and Appomattox.

What about free blacks?

Free blacks lived in both the north and the south. They were allowed to purchase their freedom what owners died, or they were emailed to painted. In order to be free, some work on the sid in order to buy their freedom. Sadly, they are very rudely had any rights,and were told to basically leave the south, so they could not cause a rebellion.

Who was the Garrison and Douglas?

Garrison: William Lloyd garrison wrote the liberator. He helped Douglas and was a huge abolitionist. Douglas: he was in Exley and an abolitionist. He advocated for the freedom of slaves. He was a very prominent black abolitionists, and he wrote the Norstar. He worked directly with Lincoln, trying to get African-Americans the right to serve in the army.

What is gradualism?

Gradualism is a gradually freeing slaves, slowly quitting slavery; it worried about southern economy if it went cold turkey.

Why did the United States go to war against Mexico in 1846? What was Polk's primary objective? What happened as a result of the Mexican war?

There were two reasons why America went to war against Mexico. The most excepted reason was the fact that Americans were killed on American soil by Mexicans. While the other reason was because in order to fully expand westward we needed California. This was Polk's primary objective. He wanted to expand the nation as far west as possible, and he was going to doanything in order to achieve this. As a result we games a lots of new land, which brought back into the picture the balance of slave versus free states. Now, all of this plan would have to be deemed one of these two choices.

Why did Congress seek to attach the civil rights Bill to the constitution via an amendment?

They wanted to have in writing that blacks were citizens of the United States of America.

What was Transcendentalism ?

Trans-I deathless him was communing with nature, being closer to nature, etc.

What was utopianism?

Utopianism was a belief in a perfect society

What was Websters position in the debates (on March, 1850)? What group of people will condemn his position, and why?

Webster's position was that slavery couldn't spread West because cotton could not through there. Therefore, he basically called to leave slavery as it was and ignore in the south. The northern abolitionists were particularly upset with this because they supported doing "cold turkey quote on slavery everywhere in the United States.

What was Stowe's purpose in writing uncle Tom's cabin? How did the south react? What will be the long-term consequences in Europe?

Harriet Beecher Stowe's purpose in writing uncle Tom's cabin was to educate Northerners on the harsh conditions of slavery in the south it serve as a tool to fuel the abolitionist ideals and beliefs. The south and naturally hated Stowe because of the image she painted at the south. They even went as far as to call her out as a liar in newspapers and articles. The Long term consequences in Europe was that Britain would decide not to help the confederacy because of the growing amount of sympathizers produced by uncle Tom's cabin.

Why did Lincoln declare that his primary mission was to preserve the union with or without slavery?

He knew that geographically, they could not split. Also, he wanted the south to realize that keeping the unit intact was his first objective; slavery was not all that important to him. Another reason for declaring this his primary mission was to keep the border states from join the Confederacy. If he had went after slavery, they would have been a Confederate states.

What inspired the immigration of both Irish and Germans to the United States?

Irish: they immigrated to the US during the potato famine in Ireland. They were very poor, so they could not afford to go anywhere but the cities. Many Americans did not like the Irish and had many purchases against them because they believe they stole jobs. German: the Germans came over to the US with more money than the Irish. They came over to the United States looking for better opportunities. They were not rich, but still, they could afford to move further westward and purchase a small bit of land .

What were Southerners particularly concerned about in 1850? How did they recommend that southern interest could be protected?

John see. Calhoun was obviously proslavery, being southern born. He push for more states rights, protection of slavery in the south, and most importantly, the return of runaway slaves to their owners. A.k.a. the fugitive acts of 1850

What was King cotton?

Ken, and it was the way of life in the south, so they were known for growing cotton. It was their number one export. Hence the name

What was Lincoln's plan for reconstruction? What was he trying to do?

Lincolns plan for reconstruction was simple and painless. His plant was called the 10% plan, meaning that only 10% of southern voters had to take it out and pledge allegiance to the United States also they were instructed to acknowledge the emancipation of the slaves. Basically he was trying to make the integration of the south into the union as simple and painless as possible; kind of like it never happened to begin with.

What is meant by the term " manifest destiny "?

Manifest destiny was the idea that in order to achieve the American dream, one must own land which there was plenty of in the west. Also, Americans believe that it was America's just need to expand and grow westward.

What is nativism?

Nativism was the American way of combating immigration. They try to protect the interest of native born people.

What were the reform movements?

Reform movements include temperance, presents, and education. Temperance was a movement that was started in order to try and get people to stop drinking. Prisons were upgraded to bore humane conditions. Also, they wanted separation between crimes such as murders and sick people. Lastly, education started to make a big impact during this time. Politics started to realize that if they educated their citizens, they would be more likely to boats. Because of this, school started to pop up all over the country.

How did slavery grow? How was it distributed?

Slavery grew as a **** Econ to me group. The more, and that was the Band-Aid, the more slaves they needed. It does distributed throughout the south to plantations and their farmers.

What were some of the southern reactions to anti-slavery movements?

Some reactions of the south included falsify the abolitionist newspapers, calling them liars., justifying it through the Bible, and forcing the gag rule. The gag rule was a rule a in congress that basically stopped anyone from taking about slavery in the South.

What was the American party?

The AmericInn party was made up of a nativist. They refused to Diebold's information about themselves to the public. It included and the poor relief to noncitizens and institute in literacy test for voting. It's Amanda no foreigners whole office and called for laws to extend the period before naturalize station into citizenship.

What was the Freedman's bureau? In what area was it most accessible? How did the white South view it?

The Friedmans bureau was a plan led by General Howard to educate blacks. It was most successful and teaching blacks to read books and interpret the Bible. The south naturally hated it because what was once seen as their property was now being taught and integrated into their society.

What did the Republican Party do in the election of 1864? Why?

The Republican Party join forces with the ward Democrats in order to keep link in an office. At this point during the war and leading up to the election? Lincoln was not very popular, and the unit was not extracting the results that they needed in the Civil War. Because these two political groups join together though, they were able to reelect Lincoln for a second term.

Why was the Southern cause weekends? Why did Jefferson Davis Bulter as a leader of the Confederacy?

The Southern cause was weekend mostly by the draft, which deflated spirits about fighting voluntarily. As for the Jefferson Davis, he overworked himself too much, and even at the beginning was not a favorable person in the south.

Why was the battle of Antietam significant? Gettysburg? Vicksburg?

The battle of Antietam was significant because it was the first major battle of the Civil War. Gettysburg was important because it shifted to tie Taurus union, who beat the confederacy. As for Vicksburg, the battle basically split the confederate Army in half, and it was a huge win for the Union Army and General Grant.

Free soil or's did not make arguments regarding the morality of slavery: why did they condemn slavery in the territories?

The free-soilers condemn slavery in these territories because they thought that slavery had no right to take the jobs of free white men. Also, they believe that freeman I'm free soil on superior to slavery.

What was the main purpose of the black codes?

The main purpose of the black codes were to keep blacks working in the fields and prevent them from rising higher than their white peers. If such black codes were violated, they could be charged a fine.

What slaves were freed as a results of the emancipation proclamation?

The only slaves that were freed as a result of the Emancipation Proclamation relocate and safe at Lincoln didn't have legal authority. The reason he did not free the slaves in the border states was because he did not want to lose those states the Confederacy. Therefore, he freed slaves where he couldn't and didn't in places that he could.

The planter elite?

The planter elite's consisted of plantation owners. They owned all of the land in the south, therefore help most of the political power in the south, hence southern Aristocracy

What was a result of the war of 1812?

The results of the war of 1812 was increased nationalism with in the United States. Which manifested itself into literature.

What was the role of women during this time?

The role of women was seen as homemakers. They raise girls be good wives, and they raise boys to be good husbands. Something nasty like that though, and they wanted more, such as jobs. Seeing as "conscious of society "so why don't we have voting rights? Was the question during this period for women.

What was the second great awakening?

The second great awakening consisted of priests who try to get people to focus more on the Christian religion. During this time the country was trying away from the church, and that scared the leaders of the churches.


The telegraph was invented during this time. It help to get word across the country quickly. Businesses all took advantage of this development.

What was the underlying purpose of Shermans "march to the sea?"

The underlying purpose of Shermans "march to the sea quote was to frighten Georgian Confederates into abandoning their cause and joining the union.

What was the work place like for women/children laborers?

The workplace for women and children was very harsh and very bad conditions. They were work from sunup to sundown, with barely any break.

What were the arguments against annexing Texas? Why was Britain interested in what happened regarding Texas?

There were two arguments against annexing Texas. One argument in Congress was that no one wanted to upset the balance of slave versus free states. Everyone during this time was trying to keep the peace among the north and south, and one more of either slave or free states would start and uproar. The other argument was that people believed it would cause conflict with Mexico, who still did not recognize Texas as it's own country. As for the British, they were interested in what happened to Texas because they did not like the idea of the United States expanding westward.

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