Unit 6

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Refers to the compatible and mutually beneficial relationship between man and woman according to the original plan of God.


The union of sperm and egg that creates a new life.


Self-restraint of the sexual appetite either by abstinence or moderation. By extension, self-restraint of other appetites.


Any of a number of barrier or chemical measures used to prevent pregnancy which would result from sexual intercourse.


The deliberate intervention by use of mechanical, chemical, or other procedures with the intent of preventing the conception of new life which might occur through intercourse. This is contrary to the marital act and gravely immoral.


The use of sexually arousing imagery in literature or art. A tendency to become sexually aroused, usually by some stimulus.


The theory of ethics in which pleasure is regarded as the chief good and end of every action.


Sexual actions between members of the same gender violates the unitive and procreative purposes of marriage.

Homosexual acts

Pope Paul VI's 1968 encyclical that reaffirmed and beautifully explained the Catholic Church's condemnation of contraception.

Humanae Vitae

The genital sexual act proper to marriage, an embodiment of the permanent union of husband and wife

Marital Act

Sex is primarily for self-gratification, meant for casual recreation

Self-centered approach

The media portrays premarital sex as normal, showing provocative images for entertainment purposes, normalizing pornography, and glamorizing adultery / fornication.

Sex in the Media

The possession of sexual powers and capability of sexual feeling; this includes every aspect of the whole person: physical, psychological, emotional, and moral



The moral virtue that under the cardinal virtue pf temperance is directed toward the integration of sexuality within a person by moderating the sexual appetite

Man and woman living together and having sexual relations, with the intention of marriage in the future. Human love does not tolerate this.

Trial Marriage

- man and woman living together, availing themselves of sexual relations with each other, but with no intention of marrying, or only with remote possibility of marriage

free union

Unitive and procreative

Purpose of marriage

A newly fertilized egg before its implantation in the uterus


Marriage in the Creation Stories

Adam and Eve

Sexual relations between a married person and one to whom he or she is not married. Adultery is opposed to the Sacrament of Matrimony because it contradicts the unity and exclusivity of married love.


A declaration of the Church, after thorough investigation, that a sacramental marriage never existed due to a particular impediment (such as a defeat of consent or defect of canonical form).


Chemical substances or mechanical devices that inhibit a fertilized egg's ability to attach itself to the lining of the uterus, thereby destroying the human zygote.


Fertilization outside of the conjugal act. There are two different types; in vivo and in vitro. These both violate the sanctity of life and the marital act, and is against the natural and normal means of procreation.

Artificial Insemination

The moral virtue that, under the cardinal virtue of temperance, is directed toward the positive integration of sexuality within a person by moderating the sexual appetite. This virtue leads to a correct understanding of human sexuality when integrated into every relationship.


Sex is inherently good when it is carried out according to God's plan, meant for an expression of love and goodness of God directly to new life

Christian approach

Ultimately leads to marriage. "Marriage is two people getting each other to heaven."


The permanent form of contraception, involving a surgical procedure preformed on a man or woman with the intent to render future conception, making it impossible. This violates the sacredness of the human body and is a sin against the openness to life in marriage.

Direct Sterilization

A deliberate intent to break the life long commitment of fidelity and spousal love required by the sacred bond of marriage. It offends the dignity of marriage and is against the natural law.


A civil dissolution of marriage.

Divorce (definition)

Chastity empowers a person to see the image of God in every human. In order to grow in chastity, you must have a firm commitment to Christ, foster a life of piety and virtue, have prudent use of media, have modesty, and have sensible norms of dating.

Education in chastity

Marriage as a sacrament

Effectors sign of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church by which divine life is dispensed to us through the work of the Holy Spirit

Refers to an unborn child in the first several weeks of life


Compares the relationship between husband and wife to Jesus and the Church

Ephesians 5:21-33

An unborn child


Pre-marital intercourse and other sexual acts.


Morally objectionable fertility technique of fertilizing a woman's egg with a man's sperm in the labratory and then implanting the fertilized egg into a woman's uterus.

In Vitro Fertilization

The quality of an entity that it cannot be divided into its elements. This quality of a sacramental and consummated marriage means the union of marriage cannot be broken except by the death of a spouse.

In Vivo Fertilization

The quality of an entity such that it cannot be divided into its elements. This quality of the Sacrament of Matrimony means the union of marriage cannot be broken except by the death of a spouse.


An emotional condition that lacks substance and is obsessed with the superficial, can lead to love or lust


Sensuous appetite or desire; usually sexual in nature. This lawless and passionate desire of or for some objects leads to sin. This is one of the 7 capital sins.



Man and woman created in God's image and likeness, equal and dignity meant to come together for a unitive purpose

Misuses a person's sexuality by focusing sexual pleasure on the self. This separates the expression of human sexuality from its purpose, which is "other centered".


The deliberate stimulation of the genital organs in order to derive sexual pleasure


The sacrament by which a man and a woman, in accordance with God's design from the beginning, are joined in an intimate Union of life and love. This Union is ordered to the mutual benefit of the spouses and the procreation and education of children


Moderation, freedom from exaggeration, and self-control. This most often refers to propriety of behavior, chastity in thought and speech, and avoidance of clothing that is revealing or otherwise excites the senses or may lead others to sin


Reinforces the dignity of the human. Affirms that the human person is not defined as his or her sexual attractiveness.


Any of several church-approved methods by which a couple may regulate conception by studying the signs of the woman's cycle of fertility

Natural Family Planning

- utilizes knowledge of the fertility cycle inherent in nature, which allows the couple to temporarily abstain relations when a pregnancy is likely or better or achieve a desired pregnancy - permits the married couple to plan the number and spacing of the children while remaining open to the gift of additional children if God demands otherwise

Natural Family Planning (NFP)

Seek / permit sexual climax outside of the genital union is gravely sinful and disordered.

Oral / Anal intercourse

Attempted marriage between more than two people(one man and one woman) at the same time. Polygamy refers to a man attempting marriage with more than one wife; polyandry refers to a woman attempting marriage with more than one husband. This is a sin against the unity of marriage and forbidden by the sixth commandment


An offense against the virtue of chastity and the sacrament of matrimony; the expression or suggestion of obscene or unchaste subjects in literature or art. This consists in a removal of sexual acts from the intimacy of a married couple in order to display them to third parties


Violates the dignity of human sexuality, presents the human person as an object of lustfull use and denigrates the dignity of the viewer.


Takes place outside of the context of marriage. This expresses a union that does not exist as a covenant and sacrament.

Premarital sex and acts

One of the purposes of marriage and the marital act; indicates an openness to producing children


Indissolubility (cannot be broken) and exclusivity (a person can only give themselves in marriage to one person)

Properties of marriage

All sexual acts are sinful, even in marriage, and only should be done for procreation

Puritanical approach

Pornography, masturbation, premarital sex / acts, oral / anal intercourse, and homosexual acts.

Sins Against Chastity (list)

Marriage as a covenant

Solemn agreement between human beings or God and human beings

Marriage as a vocation

The calling or destiny we have in this life that comes from God's plan for us to love and serve him


The possession of sexual powers and capability of sexual feeling. It includes every aspect of the whole person: physical, pschological, intellectual, emotional, and moral

A series of scriptural reflections on the meaning of human love and sexuality, the dignity of the human person, and the complementarity of man and woman by Pope John Paul II in a series of 130 speeches. The study of God as revealed through our bodies

Theology of the Body

One of the purposes of marriage and the marital act; refers to the loving sacramental bond between husband and wife and mirrors the unity of Christ and his church. The quality or condition of being one in number. This can be said of many things, including God, of Christ and his church, and a man and woman in matrimony


Act of will, sacrificial, good of others, "what can I give?"

What is love?

Pleasure seeking, selfish, use of persons, "what can I get?"

What is lust?

Self-gratification vs. Sacrificial love

What the world tells us we are made for vs. what God created us for

- sexual relationship between a married person and one to whom he or she is not married - opposed to the sacrament of matrimony because it contradicts the unity hand exclusivity of married love


- designates intimate relations between relatives or in-laws, within a degree that prohibits marriage between them


- the practice of having more than one wife or husband at the same time


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