Unit 6 Topic 2: The Spread of Industry Throughout Europe (1815-1914)

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Corn Laws

High taxes placed on imported grains


Licenses issued by the government to allow inventors to control and sell the rights to their inventions for a period of time.

What were the effects of the continued existence of primitive agricultural practices and land-owning patterns?

Made some areas in Europe lag behind in industrialization and face famine, debt, and land shortages.


Man-made waterways for shipping

Middle Class

Merchants, clerks, factory managers, and more that were generally wealthier, and better educated than peasants but didn't have traditional status and power of nobles and clergy


Money and other resources set aside for building a business

What was the impact of the improvement in transportation on the creation of a common cultural and national identity?

People began identifying with their country rather than their city/region.


People who buy goods or services


Taxes on imported goods

Industrial Revolution

The era of new technological developments in manufacturing, transportation, and communications heavily transformed Europe's economy which used to heavily on Agriculture.

Explain the factors that influenced the development of industrialization in Europe.

The factors are government sponsorships of industrialization, the adequate amount of resources to support industrialization, government stability, and an environment that allowed free market and trade.

What were the factors that let Britain establish its industrial dominance?

The mechanization of textile production, iron and steel production, and new transportation systems with favorable political and social climates to do so.

What was the impact of the growth of mass production and mass consumption?

The price of many goods got reduced making them more available to people further contributing to the middle class.

Why did eastern and southern Europe lag behind in industrial development

Their geography, lack of resources, the dominance of traditional landed elites, the persistence of serfdom in some areas, and lack of government sponsorship.

Why did France lag behind in the industrial revolution?

They lacked the resource of coal and iron deposits.

What was the importance of coal, iron ore, and other essential raw materials had during the Industrial Revolution?

They were the foundation for the growth of industrializing, because those materials were needed to make and fuel factories and among other stuff.

How did the Government of Britain promote industrialization?

Through their sponsorship of canals, railroads, and trade agreements, also through their financial awards given to inventors.

Free Trade

Trade that was free of government influcence

Potato Famine

A famine that killed a million Irish people and forced 2 million to take sail to America.

Steam Engine

A machine that used steam from water that was heated from coal to power many devices

Crystal Palace

A multistory glass and steel structure that was the center piece of the Great Exhibition of 1851.

Bessemer process

A process that made steel more durable and resistant to rust.

What was the Anti-Corn League and what happened as a result of this organization?

An organization of middle-class-men that demanded the Parliament to repeal the Corn Laws, and leave the prices to supply and demand in which they did.

How did France move toward industrialization?

At a more gradual pace than Britain with government support with less traditional methods of production.

Mass Produced

Being manufactured in large quantities

Great Exhibition of 1851

Britain's showcase of all their works of Industry to all nations

What helped Britain lead the process of industrialization?

Economic institutions and human capital such as engineers, inventors, and capitalists through private initiatives.

Henry Bessemer

English inventor that patented a method for mass-producing steel. Created the Bessemer process to make metal more valuable.

"Hungry '40s"

Food shortages throughout Great Britain because of the potato famine and the high price of imported grains.

Why was the banking industry important during the Industrial Revolution?

It lent money to businessmen so they could build their businesses and factories.

Emancipation Edict of 1861

Laws that started gradually abolishing serfdom and allowed ordinary people to own land and participate in local government.

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