Unit 7: Chapter 14: The Power of Art

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The Flemish artist Claus Sluter sculpted "The Wall of Moses". Describe it, what it was originally made for and its size.

*Extraordinarily naturalistic sculpture with life-sized portrait of individuals who seem only to be leaning against background temporarily *Originally placed over a fountain *26 feet tall

Name the two finalists for the design of the bronze doors for the city of Florence's baptistry.

*Filippo Brunelleschi *Lornezo Ghiberti

List five things the Leonardo imagined could be created?

*Helicopter *Armored Vehicles *Air Conditioning *Brakes *Transmission

What was left unfinished and what were the dimensions?

*Huge hole at it's center *Nearly 140 feet wide

What is the difference between the Italian Renaissance artist's style and the Northern Renaissance style?

*Italian Renaissance were pursing naturalism with the techniques of sfumato light *Northern Renaissance was to use detail upon details to carefully recreate nature

Whose design was chosen for the bronze doors and why?

*Lorenzo Ghiberti *His wan't cluttered and didn't have distractions that Brunelleschi had

Name three types of buildings that were built during the Renaissance.

*Schools *Hospitals *Churches

What were four of Michelangelo's requests form the Pope in making of the "Sistine Chapel"?

*Special scaffolding was built to his specifications *Pigments he required were imported from Turkey *Believed to hire 13 assistants *???

Besides the paint deteriorating and other restorers causing more problems fro "The Last Supper" name four tragic things that happened to the work.

*Started deteriorating almost as soon as Leonardo finished it *In 1600's a door was cut at the painting bottom removing Christ's legs *Mildew grew on its surface *The over paints damaged the chemicals in Leonardo's paint

Bosch was interested in creating visions in his paintings. What were those visions?

*To teach moral lessons *Achievements of the Renaissance only to help make the visions look more real

Name six characteristics of Giotto's new way of telling stories in his fresco paintings.

*Using one scene instead of multiple *Tries to imagine how the holy scene looked like *Figures are true proportions to each other *Placed in a natural setting *Blue sky at the top of each panel unifies the scene *Here becomes progressively deeper as the viewers eye reaches the stray ceiling

How many years did it take to restore the "Sistine Chapel"?

14 years

How many years did it take to restore "The Last Supper"?

20 years

How old was Michelangelo when he was hired by a cardinal to sculpt the Pieta?

23 years old

How old was the artist when he sculpted "Saint Mark"?

25 Years old

How old was Raphael when he died?

37 years old

How much would the finished dome weigh?

80 million pounds

The school of Athens by Raphael has three philosophers and a student painted into the scene. Who are the philosophers and who are they painted as and name the student.


True or False Art from the Americas was known as Pre-Columbian art.


What is the purpose of the painting of "Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride".


In Michelangelo's "The Last Judgement", what is the mood of the painting?

A dark and turbulent Judgement Day, Christ has come, but his arm lifted in damnation as he is destroying the world

Who did Montezuma first believe that Cortes was when he saw him covered in gleaming metal?

At first they were mountains that divine beings sailed on the seas.

What was on the "Sistine Chapel" to make it so dark?

Animal glues used to varnishes by past restorers

Why is Dorothea Lange's photograph of "Migrant Mother" important?

Became an ionic symbol of the survival of the American spirit

What is stigmata?

Bloody signs of the nails that held Christ to the cross

How did the Pope get Michelangelo to agree to come back to Florence?

By telling him to cover the ceiling of a tremendous chapel ajoining Saint Peter's (old ceiling had developed cracks)

What did Montezuma keep doing that was ultimately a mistake?

Deliver huge objects of gold and silver to Cortes that belonged to the Aztecs

What did Vesalius do after he became a professor at the University of Padua that was different from the old traditions?

Did the dissections himself

Who sculpted "Saint Mark"?


which artist almost single handedly created the Renaissance style of sculpture?


Who painted "Landscape with the Fall for Icarus"?

Pieter Bruegel The Elder

What did Leonardo do to make the painting "The Last Supper" more vivid to the Dominican brother?

Placed Christ's table in line with the tables of the monks

What was the Protestant Reformation against?

Rebellion against the Roman Church was spared by the church's practices

What does "Renaissance" mean?


Which of Lippi's students painted his figures where they hardly touched the ground?

Sandro Botticelli

Who painted the "Birth of Venus"?

Sandro Botticelli

What was the reaction to the restored "Sistine Ceiling"?

Scholars around the world were shocked

What did Michelangelo believe was hidden in a block of stones?

That if chosen properly, his sculpture was already alive in the block of stone. he just needed to remove the excess to release the figure within

Who threw his own mother out of a chateau so Leonardo could stay there and could not believe that "there was another man born in this world who knew as much as he did."

The King of France

Mantegna created close-up perspective which forced us to be engaged and compelled to examine and consider what about the painting?

The misery of Jesus's death

Besides being the artist, why is Jan Van Eyck signature important on the painting?

The signature on the wall makes some scholars believe it is a historical document marking a movement "Jan van Eyck was here 1434"

Titan developed a new technique called impasto. Describe this technique.

Thick layers of paint are built up for added richness

True and False Jan Van Eyck painted "Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride".


True or False Beginning with Giotto and the Renaissance, the history of art is the history of great and famous artists.


True or False Brunelleschi's continued studies of the classical architecture of the ruins of Greece and Rome became a required part of an artist's educations for centuries.


True or False Brunelleschi's discovery of the mathematics rules of perspective transformed two-dimensional art.


True or False Diego Rivera painted a mural about Henry Ford and the car industry.


True or False Diego Rivera was a Mexican Muralists.


True or False Dissections of cadavers were permitted by the end of the 1400's and anatomy was officially recognized as a part of the university's curriculum.


True or False During the Renaissance, Italy was divided into many cit-states ruled by powerful and wealthy families.


True or False In Andrea Mantegna's "The Dead Christ", he uses perspective to place us right at Christ's feet.


True or False Leonardo described the circulation of the blood one hundred years before its official discovery.


True or False Leonardo was the first artist to paint devoted solely to a self-portrait.


True or False Leonardo was the first person to study the reproductive systems of women.


True or False Leonardo, an artist, was the first to render the first serious study of anatomy.


True or False Lippi was a monk and had been kidnapped by Barbary pirates.


True or False Michelangelo told the Pope that he was a sculptor not a painter.


True or False Pinin Brambilla Barcilon would work for a whole day on one area the size of a postage stamp.


True or False Renaissance artists felt that nudity was no longer shameful as in the Medieval period.


True or False Renaissance is famous for advances in art and architecture.


True or False The Madonna of Lippi's painting was actually his mistress, a nun.


True or False The Medici Chapel is an example of patronage power through the artistic genius of Michelangelo.


True or False The color red that is used in Titian's "Venus of Urbino" is today called Venetian Titian red.


True or False The figures in Giotto's paintings have weight, bulk, flesh, and are rooted to the ground.


True or False The lack of decoration in the most Protestant churches today is a result of this darker side of the Reformation.


True or False The methods of the ancient romen engineers in making a dome had been lost during the Middle Ages.


True or False "The Last Supper" is now open to the public.

True; only small groups

How did Brunelleschi solve the problem of how to complete the dome?

Using results from his studies and combining them with medieval techniques, and by inventing many new ones over fourteen years of construction

Describe Villa Rotunda.

Perfectly symmetrical, with 4 identical facades displayed like a Roman Temple on the side. Circular hall topped by a dome in the center of the building.

Michaelangelo was a child prodigy. at what age was he apprenticed to the Medici's?

Young man (13 years old)

The Renaissance is the only historical period known primarily for its artists and what two other groups of people?

*Political *Religious

How was anatomy taught?

By reading ancient medical text

What is the figure triangle?

Common in Renaissance compositions, a triangle arrangement of elements, often figures

What is sfumato?

Eliminate definite edges

What is grazia?

Picture with a sense of grace

Who was the greatest colorist and painter of the Venetian Renaissance?

Tiziano Vecellio orTitian

During the Renaissance, Europe underwent changes in what four areas?

*Economic *Political *Social *Cultural

What did Michelangelo say of Durer to the Holy Roman Roman Emperor Charles V?

"I esteem his so much that if I were not Michelangelo, I should prefer to be Albrecht Durer the Emperor Charles V."

What was Albrecht Durer known as?

"Leonardo of the North"

Louis XIV (14th) built Versailles. What was his nickname?

"The Sun King"

Which two artists contributed to the development of humanism and what were their concerns?

*Brunelleschi and Giotto *Predominant philosophy of the Renaissance and catalyst for the period's greats achievements

what five world changes had their beginnings in the Renaissance?

*Capitalism *Rise of the Nation-state *Scientific investigations *Individualism *Ideal of Progress

What is deductive reasoning?

Already accepted general rules determined how you explain natural phenomena

Which artist brought the ideas of the High Renaissance to northern Europe?

Albrecht Durer

What is Peter Bruegel best known fro painting?

Country Life

Raphael was commissioned to decorate the private library of the Pope in the Vatican. What was the subject matter?


True or False Leonardo was the architect for Villa Rotunda.

False; Andrea Palladio

True or False Bosch painted "Hunter in the Snow".

False; Bruegel The Elder did

True or False Mantegna was one of the first of the artists of the Renaissance to work with live models and follow the Greek Style by portraying David nude.

False; Donatello did

True or False After losing the contest for the bronze doors, Ghiberti had a greater triumph as an architect.

False; Ghiberti won the contest

True or False Some art historians estimate that the restored painting of "The Last Supper" is only twenty percent of the original.

False; No more than 20%

True or False Dissections were allowed in ancient and medieval times.

False; They were forbidden

True or False Leonardo was the first scholar to publish detailed studies of the human body.

False; Vesalius was the first

Who originally designed the tower of the Dome of the Florence Cathedral?

Filippo Brunelleschi

How did Leonardo think of himself?

First and foremost an artist

How many years did it take Michelangelo to complete the "Sistine Chapel"?


who painted "Madonna with Child and Angels"?

Fra' Filippo Lippi

Which artist "almost single-handedly created the Renaissance style of painting?


What are the engineering challenges of designing a dome?

How to support the weight over the great distance with supports only at a roof's edge

Who was the greatest portraitist that ever lived?

Hans Holbein

Who painted Portrait of Sir Thomas More?

Hans Holbein The Younger

Why was Albrecht Durer known for this nick name?

He had multiple different interest such as: *Writing Treatises on Paintings *Perspective *Human Proportions *Fortification and more

How did he handle selling his prints?

He hired a salesman to sell them across Europe

Why is Leonardo given the term "Renaissance Man"?

He worked in many different fields *Anatomy *Aeronautics *Hydraulics *Military Engineering *Urban Planning

Describe the dome.

Herring bone pattern of red bricks was framed by eight white ribs that reached up to a lantern at the peak

Who painted "The Garden of Earthly Delights Creation of Eve"?

Hieronymus Bosch

Who did Durer inherit his talent from?

His father, a goldsmith, who trained him

What did Raphael do to his own paintings after sneaking a peek of the "Sistine Chapel"?

His paintings seemed backwards compared to Michelangelo's and he quickly redesigned and repainted all his pictures

What happened to Richard Serra's "Tilted Arc"?

It caused a controversy which lead it to being sold as scrape metal by the government

What happened to the "The Last Supper" because of Leonardo altering the traditional chemistry of the fresco?

It started to deteriorate almost immediately

During the early Renaissance who played an important role in increasing the knowledge of the human body by requesting autopsies for their cases?


Who painted "The Last Supper"?

Leonardo Da Vinci

Who painted "The Virgin of the Rock"?

Leonardo Da Vinci

Why did Protestant mobs destroy altarpieces, decapitate statues and burn crucifixes?

Many protestants associated imagery not only with the Roman Church but, like the early Christians, but with idolatry.

During the fifteenth century Florence, a wealthy, cultured society revolved around what ruling family?


The great Gothic churches and stained-glass windows in France were made during what time?

Medieval Era

Who began to replace patrons like rulers and religious institutions as clients for artist?

Merchant Princes

The historic period of the Renaissance is generally considered to mark the beginning of what?

Modern World

How many cadavers had Leonardo dissected before the Pope Loe X barred him from sneaking into the mortuaries at night.

More than 30

What was Durer's greatest talent?

Not as a painter but as a printmaker

How many paintings had Michelangelo completed before the "Sistine Chapel"?


What is inductive reasoning?

One observes phenomena directly and then information is gathered to develop general rules

What does genre mean?

Ordinary and commonplace

Why did Pope Julius II and Michelangelo have a disagreement?

Pope Julius II tore down the old Saint Peter's and replaced it with a new one, massive undertaking

Vesalius drawings of the bodies were accurate but what was the serious handicap he faced with them?

The corpses he worked with weren't preserved in formaldehyde

What did Montezuma believed of these "divinities"?

The destruction of his emperor

What is iconoclasm?

The destruction of religious imagery

What is secondary symbolism?

Where details have additional meanings

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