Unit 8

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Calculate the difference in LD50LD50 for the two different species of mice?

575mg - 490mg

Large objects, such as sticks and rocks, are screened out and removed during this process.

A - beginning

Which of the following is an example of a point source of pollution?

A leaking septic tank

When scientists discover the existence of an emerging infectious disease such as SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), they must take immediate steps to determine the cause of the disease and the method of transmission. These initial steps would include which of the following?

Acquiring recent medical and travel histories of the disease victims

Mandates the restoration and maintenance of the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation's waters

Clean Water Act

Which of the following approaches would best decrease the impact of frequent flooding in a community that is subject to the hazard of flooding?

Construct wetland areas near the rivers and streams.

Which of the following best describes the source of persistent organic pollutants (POPsPOPs) that could accumulate in the tissues of a top predator?

DDT and other pesticides that are sprayed to control for mosquitoes

Which of the following is the most likely impact of thermal pollution from power plants on a river ecosystem?

Decreased oxygen levels because warm water holds less dissolved gas than cold water does

Which of the following best describes how climate change will most likely increase the transmission rates of the Zika virus?

Expanded mosquito ranges will increase human exposure to the virus.

Of the following, which is the best example of a point source of water pollution?

Factory effluent

Which of the following examples includes both a point and a nonpoint source of pollution?

Fertilizer from suburban lawns and wastewater from a water treatment plant

Which of the following is one way that the Zika virus can be spread within the human population?

From a mother to her unborn child

Mercury concentrations were measured in freshwater shrimp populations in two different ponds, one polluted with mercury and one unpolluted, with a similar food web in each pond. Which of the following best identifies the scientific question that would guide this investigation?

How much mercury accumulates in the tissues of freshwater shrimp living in a polluted pond?

Which of the following is a common characteristic of lakes undergoing cultural eutrophication?

Increased levels of plant nutrients

Which of the following solutions most significantly contributed to the decrease in the amount of waste sent to landfills

Increased recycling of waste

Which of the following strategies will best help to protect mangrove habitats?

Limiting coastal development and maintain a shoreline buffer zone

Based on the diagram, which of the following is the vector that transmits the Zika virus to humans?


A scientist is studying the correlation between air pollution and cardiovascular disease in humans. Which of the following measures would best show a link between air pollution and cardiovascular disease?

Occurrences of emergency room visits by individuals with cardiovascular disease on days with a high air quality index value

Based on the data table above for a stream in Illinois, which site most likely has a construction site immediately upstream from it?

One with most dissolved solids

According to the World Health Organization, persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are found in nearly all tested organism tissues and environmental samples. Which characteristic of POPsPOPs accounts for their presence in living tissues and in environmental samples?

POPs are released in to the air, water, and land, which allows them to be transported and incorporated in multiple ways.

Which of the following correctly identifies an example of an endocrine disruptor and the effect it might have on the human body?

Phthalates in cosmetics and shampoos reduce fertility.

Which of the following laws gave the EPA the authority to control hazardous waste from "cradle-to-grave", including the generation, transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste?

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)

Based on the diagram, which of the following processes most likely caused the algal bloom in the lake?

Runoff carried excess fertilizer from the cornfield into the water.

Which of the following would best be described as a point source of pollution from a farm?

Runoff from the waste lagoons of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, which enters local waterways after a flooding event

Which of the following statements best describes how the Clean Water Act legislation aims to protect wetlands from being lost?

The Clean Water Act requires wetlands to be constructed to mitigate the effect of newly drained wetlands.

Based on the diagram, which of the following processes most likely caused the bottom-dwelling plants in the lake to die?

The algal bloom prevented sunlight from reaching the bottom-dwelling plants, which reduced the rates of photosynthesis.

Which of the following describes the independent variable in the experiment?

The different levels of ozone introduced into the environments

When water used to cool power plants during normal plant operations is released into adjacent waterways, which of the following is most likely to occur as a result?

The dissolved oxygen in the adjacent waterways would decrease because used coolant water is warm and leads to thermal pollution.

Based on the diagram, which of the following processes most likely caused the fish in the lake to die?

The remains of the bottom-dwelling plants and algae decomposed, depleting the amount of oxygen in the water.

Which of the following best explains why the die-off event occurred in the lake following the increased water temperature?

The warm water decreased the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, which led to an increase in the respiration rate of the aquatic organisms.

Which of the following is a measure of the amount of suspended material in water?


Which of the following correctly identifies both a nonpoint source and a point source of pollution?

Urban runoff - nonpoint, city bus exhaust - point

Which of the following best describes how thermal pollution from power plants can affect aquatic ecosystems?

Warm water discharged into rivers and streams decreases the oxygen content of the water, which reduces the number of fish species.

At which of the following locations in the stream was there most likely a discharge of excess organic matter into the water?

When biological oxygen demand is HIGH

Eutrophication results in the death of trout and other fish as a result of

asphyxiation from lack of oxygen

Three common methods employed in the cleanup of oil spills are

large floating booms, skimmer boats, and genetically engineered bacteria

Is a flammable gas produced by landfills


In the United States, the largest single component of municipal solid waste is


An advantage of recycling aluminum rather than disposing of it in landfills is that aluminum can be

produced from recycled metal using much less energy than is required for its production from aluminum ore

Of the phenomena that correlate with the data above, the one that is the most direct consequence of the trend in air travel is

the increase in the spread of infectious diseases

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