Unit B

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The ________ Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is known as the Prohibition amendment and resulted in ________? 1. Seventeenth; women's right to vote 2. Eighteenth; widespread lawbreaking. 3. Nineteenth; effective voting protections for African Americans;

Eighteenth; widespread lawbreaking

Immediately following the war, the nation was hit by a terrible cholera pandemic that killed even more people than the war and did so in a single year? 1. True 2. False


In the 1920s, the progressive wings of the Republican and Democratic parties grew stronger and more influential? 1. True 2. False


Muckrakers were journalists who worked first and foremost for politicians-an arrangement that often perpetuated political and corporate corruption? 1. True 2. False


Progressives generally believed government should not interfere with Big Business? 1. True 2. False


The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) favored militant protests over legal challenges as a way to end racial discrimination? 1. True 2. False


The success of mass production made mass consumption less important than ever? 1. True 2. False


What was the purpose of the Adamson Act of 1916? 1. It prohibited most forms of child labor. 2. It provided low-interest loans to farmers. 3. It established the eight-hour day for railroad workers.

It established the eight-hour day for railroad workers

What did the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution accomplish? 1. It provided for the direct election of senators. 2. It reinstated prohibition. 3. It guaranteed White women the right to vote.

It guaranteed White women the right to vote

Which of the following is true of the congressional resolution for war against Imperial Germany? 1. It passed by a large majority. 2. It was passed unanimously. 3. It passed in response to the sinking of the Lusitania.

It passed by a large majority

What was the first place in the United States to extend equal voting rights to women, underscoring how the larger region to which it belonged was the most supportive of women's rights? 1. Nebraska 2. New York 3. the Wyoming territory

New York

Which candidate was shot during the 1912 presidential campaign? 1. Eugene V. Debsrect! 2. Theodore Roosevelt 3. William Howard Taft

Theodore Roosevelt

What was the response of Woodrow Wilson and his cabinet regarding racial issues? 1. They segregated federal employees and largely ignored calls for racial justice from Black leaders. 2. They publicly challenged Jim Crow segregation laws in the Southern states. 3. They invited Booker T. Washington to speak at the White House.

They segregated federal employees and largely ignored calls for racial justice from Black leaders

An example of a progressive innovation was the recall, whereby corrupt or incompetent elected officials could be removed through a public petition and vote? 1. True. 2. False


During the Great War, Northern businesses sent recruiters into the rural South to encourage Black families to move North for work in industry? 1. True 2. False


On both sides of the Great War, many soldiers experienced "shell shock," now known as post-traumatic stress disorder, due to the experience of trench warfare? 1. True. 2. False


The 1920s pitted a cosmopolitan urban America against the values of an insular rural America? 1. True 2. False


What change did young people experience during the 1920s? 1. a widespread military draft 2. a return to Victorian values 3. a defiant sexual revolution

a defiant sexual revolution

Which of the following happened during Harding's presidency? 1. civil rights were neglected 2. the economy failed to recover from the losses of the Great War 3. a succession of scandals

a succession of scandals

What industry provided the leading example of modern, mechanized mass-production techniques in the 1920s? 1. textiles 2. radios 3. automobiles


Amelia Earhart became one of the most famous women of the world for doing which of the following? 1. coining the term "birth control" 2. becoming the first pilot to cross the Pacific Ocean 3. being the first woman to fly from Canada to Ireland

being the first woman to fly from Canada to Ireland

Early in the war, Germany believed that the United States? 1. lacked instruments of modern warfare. 2. could defeat them militarily. 3. would negotiate a fair and peaceful end to the war.

lacked instruments of modern warfare

What did the NAACP emphasize? 1. legal action against discrimination. 2. the formation of a Black political party 3. vocational and technical education

legal action against discrimination

The commission system that first appeared in Galveston, Texas, was an example of Taylorism doing which of the following?rect! 1. reforming a city and county government 2. reforming factories 3. deregulating corporations

reforming a city and county government

Which nation was known as the "powder keg of Europe" because of its internal tensions and ethnic diversity? 1. Croatia 2. the Austro-Hungarian Empire 3. Germany

the Austro-Hungarian Empire

Ultimately, what event led to the end of the organized progressive movement in the United States? 1. the election of 1920 2. the Great War 3. the election of Eugene V. Debs as president

the Great War

What virulent menace did Americans face in the postwar period that caused more casualties than the war itself? 1. ongoing guerrilla warfare throughout Europe 2. the Spanish flu pandemic 3. the cholera outbreak

the Spanish flu pandemic

What was Wilson referring to when he spoke about "the heart of the League"? 1. the possibility of imposing economic sanctions and using moral influence to avoid military actions 2. the unification of war efforts among democratic countries 3. an article of the League of Nations prohibiting the imposition of economic sanctions against those engaged in aggression.

the possibility of imposing economic sanctions and using moral influence to avoid military actions

What was one of the goals of the Women's Christian Temperance Union under Frances Willard's presidency? 1. the deregulation of the food industry 2. the promotion of legislation to ban alcohol consumption 3. the promotion of temperance in terms of alcohol consumption

the promotion of legislation to ban alcohol consumption

Which of the progressive presidents was the most progressive. Which was the least progressive. Explain. Describe Wilson's Fourteen Points, discussing not only the details but the overall philosophy behind them as well?

1. What extent did women's lives change in the 1920s In the 1920's, women's lives changed in many ways. Women wanted to join the workforce more than they had in the past and took on more non-traditional roles in the workplace. Many young women began dressing in a more provocative manner by shortening their skirts, necklines and removing their sleeves. It became more acceptable to see a woman in the workplace. Women had more choices over their bodies with the addition of birth control. Women gained the power to vote. Women became more sexually dominate than they had been, now taking the lead rather than waiting for a man to approach them. 2. Good! Short hair, drinking at speakeasies (after Prohibition), and independent travel with automobiles would make this perfect!

Which of the following events changed Wilson's determination to maintain a neutral position? 1. The sinking of the British ship Lusitania. 2. The sinking of the French ship Sussex. 3. A German attack on five U.S. ships in the North Atlantic.

A German attack on five U.S. ships in the North Atlantic

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