Unit One: Arabic

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wain saakneh? (meaning)

Where do you(f) live? Where does she live?

wain saaken? (meaning)

Where do you(m) live? Where does he live?

min wain huwweh? (meaning)

Where is he from?

min wait heyyeh? (meaning)

Where is she from?

iowa (meaning)


sabaah en-noor (meaning)

I hope your morning is bright/ "morning light"

ana saakneh fee... (meaning)

I live at... (f)

ana saaken fee.... (meaning)

I live at.... (m)

khalas (meaning)

I'm done/finished

ana... (meaning)


shu/aish bti3mali? (meaning)

What do you do? (f)

shu/aish bti3mal? (meaning)

What do you do? (m/he/she)

shu/aish isemha? (meaning)

What is her name?

shu/aish ismo? (meaning)

What is his name?

shu/aish ismek? (meaning)

What is your name (f)?

shu/aish ismak? (meaning)

What is your name (m)?

shu fee ma fee? (meaning)

What's up?

min wain inti? (meaning)

Where are you from (f)?

min wain inta? (meaning)

Where are you from (m)?

shukran (response)

3afwan (prompting)

kteer (meaning)

Alot, very (after a descriptor)

Sahh tain (meaning)

Enjoy your food

bikhair (meaning)


imneeheen or kwayseen(all) (meaning)

Good (all)

mabsooteen(all) (meaning)

Good (all)

imneehah(f) or kwayseh(f) (meaning)

Good (f)

imneeh(m) or kwayyes(m) (meaning)

Good (m)

masaa' el-khair (meaning)

Good evening

masaa' en-noor (meaning)

Good evening back

sabaah el-khair (meaning)

Good morning

ma3 es-salammeh (meaning)


mabsootah(f) (meaning)

Happy (f)

mabsoot(m) (meaning)

Happy (m)

huwweh min.... (meaning)

He is from....


He is... (age)

huwweh saaken fee... (meaning)

He lives at....

huwweh... (meaning)


marhabaa (meaning)


isemha.... (meaning)

Her name is....

ismo.... (meaning)

His name is....

keef haalek/keefek? (f)

How are you (f)?

keef haalak/keefak? (m)

How are you (m)?

keef haalkom/keefkom?

How are you all?

kam/qaddish 3umrek? (meaning)

How old are you?(f)

kam/qaddish 3umrak? (meaning)

How old are you?(m)

kam/qaddish 3umro? (meaning)

How old is he?

kam/qaddish 3umorha? (meaning)

How old is she?

ana min... (meaning)

I am from.... (m/f)


I am... (age m/f)

ismi.... (meaning)

My name is...

fursah sa3eedeh (meaning)

Nice to meet you

tsharrafnaa (meaning)

Nice to meet you

lah (meaning)


ala albak(m)/albek(f) (meaning)

On your heart!

e-salaamu 3alaikom (meaning)

Peace on you

mumtaazeen(all) (meaning)

Perfect (all)

mumtaazeh(f) (meaning)

Perfect (f)

mumtaaz(m) (meaning)

Perfect (m)

bashoofak(m)/bashoofek(f) (meaning)

See you later

heyyeh min... (meaning)

She is from.....


She is.... (age)

heyyeh saaken fee... (meaning)

She lives at....

heyyeh... (meaning)


nos nos (meaning)


Taleb/talebeh (meaning)

Student (m/f)

shukran (meaning)

Thank you

el-hamdolillah (meaning)

Thanks to God

tamaam (meaning)

Very well

marhabtain/ahlain (meaning)

Warm hello

3afwan (meaning)

You're welcome

ahlan feek/feeki (meaning)

accepting the welcome from... feek(m)/feeki (f)

ahlan wa sahlan (response)

ahlan feek/feeki (greeting)

Sahh tain (response)

ala albak(m)/albek(f) (prompting)

wa 3alaikom es-salaam (meaning)

and peace on you also

marhabaa (response)

marhabtain/ahlain (greeting)

masaa' el-khair (response)

masaa' en-noor (greeting)

safee wafee (meaning)

not much - nothing new

sabaah el-khair (response)

sabaah en-noor (greeting)

shu fee ma fee? (response)

safee wafee (prompting)

ahlan wa sahlan (meaning)

very welcome in our family

e-salaamu 3alaikom (response)

wa 3alaikom es-salaam (greeting)

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