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Bill of Rights

A formal statement of the fundamental rights of the people of the United States, incorporated in the Constitution as Amendments 1-10, and in all state constitutions.


A government in which power is in the hands of a hereditary ruling class or nobility


A legislature consisting of two parts, or houses; Congress has the Senate and the House of Representatives


A preliminary introduction to the constitution.(usually explaining its purpose)

Which of the following correctly pairs the event with its corresponding date?

Beginning of the Great Depression in the United States - 1929


Belief in equality of all people

Which widely-respected Christian evangelical preacher has served often as a religious counselor to American presidents since the Truman administration?

Billy Graham

How did President Carter respond to the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979-1981?

Immediate economic sanctions, a failed military rescue, and negotiations for the release of the hostages

● Expanded businesses and employment ● Growth of high tech industries ● New research and development Which of the following is the best title for the information in the box?

Impacts of Cold War Defense Spending

How did the United States government increase the availability of critical materials and supplies for the war effort?

Imposed civilian rationing of needed products and supplies

Which of the following might have reduced the effects of the Dust Bowl?

Improving water management

Which of the following actions taken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression is a defining characteristic of the era?

Increased number of new government relief programs

Founding Fathers

Individuals who played a major role in declaring U.S. Independence, fighting the Revolutionary War, or writing and adopting the U.S. Constitution. Examples are Jefferson, Washington, and Hamilton.

Which constitutional issue concerned opponents of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's "court packing" efforts?

It would weaken the separation of powers.

I was a merchant, statesman, and prominent leader of the American Revolution. I served as president of the Second Continental Congress and as the first governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts . I am distinguished by my stylish signature on the Declaration of Independence. Which Founding father am I?


First Draft of Day of Infamy speech with Roosevelt's handwritten notes Which event is President Roosevelt referencing in his speech?

Japan attacking Hawaii

Which set of events is in correct chronological order?

Japanese forces launch a surprise attack against the naval base at Pearl Harbor Allied forces launch the D-Day invasion of Europe Vice President Harry S Truman becomes president after Franklin Roosevelt's death The United States uses the atomic bomb on Hiroshima

Which aspect of American culture in the 1920's became popular in many other societies around the world?

Jazz music

• Graduated from the Military Academy at West Point • Fought in the Spanish-American War • Pursued Pancho Villa in Mexico • Led the American Expeditionary Force in the First World War

John J. Pershing

● Representative at the Continental Congress ● Served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court ● Negotiated the Treaty of Paris in 1783 ● Diplomat to England in the late 1700s Which of the following Founding Fathers is described by the information in the box?

John Jay

Which American novel provides a vivid depiction of the difficulties individuals faced during the Great Depression?

John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath

Why did the number of polio cases go down between 1937-2007?

Jonas Salk researching and developing a vaccine

What impact did Rosa Parks not moving on the bus have?

Martin Luther King's response to the incident elevated him to spokesmen for the movement.

Which civil rights leader spoke at the 1963 March on Washington and won the Nobel Prize for Peace?

Martin Luther King, Jr.

How did the Great Depression impact employment?

The percentage of people unemployed increased sharply.

Which action was a direct response of the United States to growing communist threats in Greece and Turkey in the years following the Second World War?

Proclaiming the Truman Doctrine

How did the introduction of assembly line manufacturing influence business during the Gilded Age?

Productivity increased

How does the Social Security Act of 1935 continue to affect the lives of citizens today

Provides retirement income

How did the United States contribute to the Second World War prior to officially declaring war?

Providing arms and ships to friendly European nations fighting Germany

César Chávez championed the economic rights of which group?


Which of the following is an example of one way political rights were expanded during the 1960s?

Ratification of the Twenty-sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

● Reduce government spending ● Reduce income taxes and capital gains taxes ● Reduce government regulations ● Reduce inflation by controlling the money supply The characteristics listed in the box describe the economic policy of —


Why is the Battle of Midway considered a turning point in the Second World War?

The loss of four large aircraft carriers caused a halt to the Pacific advance of Japanese forces.

The outcome of Battle of the Argonne Forest during the First World War contributed to —

a German agreement to an armistice


a person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life.


a place, typically one that has hitherto been uninhabited, where people establish a community./an official agreement intended to resolve a dispute or conflict.

One result of the passage of the Homestead Act of 1862 includes —

a rush to grab free land in the Great Plains


a short sentence or phrase chosen as encapsulating the beliefs or ideals guiding an individual, family, or institution.

Historians distinguish one major historical era from another major historical era by —

examining the changes that occur overtime

The Great Society programs, affirmative action, and Title IX legislation were intended to —

expand economic opportunities for women and minorities

According to the political cartoon, a chief concern of critics of Roosevelt's policies was he —

expanded presidential powers during a national emergency

The act of collecting, processing, and storing information was greatly improved in the 1980s due to —

expanded use of desktop computing

Frances Willard's efforts as a Progressive reformer included —

expanding the temperance movement

One impact of the construction of the Panama Canal included

expansion of U.S. involvement in politics in the region

One social impact of the federal responses to the Great Depression was —

forced deportation of many U.S. citizens of Mexican descent

Some critics during the Gilded Age argued that big business leaders unfairly reduced competition in the market by —

forming trusts and creating monopolies

● Red Scare ● Social Darwinism ● Growth of the Ku Klux Klan ● Convictions of Sacco and Vanzetti The events of the 1920s listed in the box reflect the influence of —

growing nativism

During the Gilded Age, increased immigration to the United States from southern and eastern Europe resulted in —

growing nativist sentiments

A chief characteristic of the Gilded Age includes —

growth of big business and westward expansion

The Progressive Era is defined as a historical era because the time period is characterized by the —

hanging ideas about the functions of U.S. government

Nancy Reagan appearing at a Los Angeles, California, rally in 1987. Source: Courtesy of the Reagan Presidential Library First Lady Nancy Reagan headed a national campaign in the 1980s to address the social concern of —

illegal drug use

The Congressional group of senators that attempted to block civil rights reforms in the 1950s and early 1960s were primarily —

southern Democrats

Airplanes introduced during the First World War were valuable for —

spying behind enemy lines

The debate between Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan in the Scopes Trial illustrated how society in the 1920s was characterized by —

tension between traditional values and modern views

robber baron

term used to refer to wealthy U.S. industrialists from the late nineteenth century who exploited resources to amass wealth

One of the few groups to successfully gain political rights during the 1920's was

women with the adoption of the Nineteenth Amendment

Sanford B. Dole is remembered for having expanded U.S. power by —

working for the annexation of Hawaii as a state

US Constitution

"The supreme law of the land." Written in 1787 at the constitutional convention in Philadelphia, ratified in 1788, amended 27 times (first 10= bill of rights), creates 3 branches of national government, oldest written constitution that is still in use, and it was made because the government set up by the articles of confederation was too weak.

Treaty of Paris

(1783) peace agreement that officially ended the revolutionary war and established Britian's formal recognition of the US

Alexis de Tocqueville

(1805-1859) French philosopher, politician and author; his work, Democracy in America, encouraged Americans to form their own culture rather than mimicking that of Europeans.

The armistice ending the First World War went into effect on November 11 of —


Which two decades in U.S. history were similarly characterized by heightened social tensions between those who held traditional values and those advocating changes?

1920s and 1960s

Which year did the stock market crash occur, signaling the beginning of the Great Depression?


Declaration of Independence

1776 statement, issued by the Second Continental Congress, explaining why the colonies wanted independence from Britain.

Major drought conditions in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas ● Large numbers of bank failures ● Widespread unemployment ● Expanded role of the federal government The events listed are most closely associated with which decade?


During which time span was the Second World War?


Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in which year?


Which year did the United States land an astronaut on the surface of the Moon?




Which decade in U.S. history was most characterized by a resurgence of political conservatism?


In which year did the government of the Soviet Union collapse to end the Cold War?


Which reason did the federal government give for placing Japanese Americans in internments camps during the Second World War?

A fear Japanese Americans may support forces fighting the United States

Popular Sovereignty

A belief that ultimate power resides in the people.

continental congress

A body of representatives from the British North American colonies who met to respond to England's Intolerable Acts. They declared independence in July 1776 and later drafted the Articles of Confederation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. —Declaration of Independence,1776 According to the information in the excerpt, what message did the Founding Fathers want to deliver?

A rebellion was justified because of the actions of British leaders.

Which political characteristic of the United States during the 1970s and 1980s best describes the time period?

A resurgence of conservatism

I shall return. —General Douglas MacArthur on the U.S. evacuation of the Philippines, 1942 Which leadership quality does MacArthur exemplify?

A sense of duty and responsibility

Which set of characteristics best reflects changes to American society since 1990?

A swiftly changing economy and a major shift in the focus of foreign policy

checks and balances

A system that allows each branch of government to limit the powers of the other branches in order to prevent abuse of power

Which disease that emerged in the 1980s led to a worldwide epidemic and one of the largest health concerns in regard to investigating its prevention and a possible cure?

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age. Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. —Twenty-sixth Amendment, U.S. Constitution Which of the following led to passage of this constitutional amendment?

Activists on college campuses protested because young men who could not vote were drafted.

Which demographic pattern resulted from the Great Migration?

African American populations grew in urban areas.

The writings of W.E.B. DuBois promoted the idea that —

African Americans deserved racial equality immediately

• Most decorated soldier in First World War • Medal of Honor recipient • Fought in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive Who is described by the information in the box?

Alvin York

How did both the Klondike Gold Rush and the passage of the Homestead Act result in demographic changes to U.S. society?

American Indians were displaced by descendants of European immigrants

John Witherspoon

American Revolutionary leader and educator (born in Scotland) who was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and president of the college that became Princeton University (1723-1794)

John Jay

American delegate who signed Treaty of Paris; New York lawyer and diplomat who negotiated with Britain and Spain on behalf of the Confederation; he later became the first chief justice of the Supreme Court and negotiated the Jay Treaty.

As we entered the camp, the living skeletons still able to walk crowded around us and, though we wanted to drive farther into the place, the milling, pressing crowd would not let us. It is not an exaggeration to say that almost every inmate was insane with hunger. Just the sight of an American brought cheers, groans and shrieks. People crowded around to touch an American, to touch the jeep, to kiss our arms - perhaps just to make sure that it was true. The people who couldn't walk crawled out toward our jeep. Those who couldn't even crawl propped themselves up on an elbow, and somehow through all their pain and suffering, revealed through their eyes the gratitude, the joy they felt at the arrival of Americans. —Captain J.D. Pletcher, "The Americans Have Come - At Last," May 1945 Which event of the Second World War is described in the excerpt?

American liberation of a German concentration camp

Benjamin Rush

American physician/psychiatrist. Signer of Declaration of Independence. Wrote Inquiry Upon Physical Causes Upon the Moral Faculty. Used bleeding and purging on his patients.


An act of violent or open resistance to an established government or ruler.

Why did oil prices go up in the year 1973?

An embargo of oil shipments to the United States by OPEC


An ideal of freedom from oppression, tyranny, and government, allowing individuals to pursue happiness through positive action.

Which of the following is a defining characteristic of society in the United States during the Red Scare of the 1920s?

Anti-immigration sentiment

State Bank Closings in Texas 1929-1939 Date Number of Banks Total Resources Lost (in thousands of dollars) 1929 699 332,534 1930 655 299,012 1931 594 235,681 1932 540 208,142 1933 489 185,476 1934 480 197,969 1935 442 205,729 1936 426 228,877 1937 415 217,355 1938 408 217,944 1939 395 235,467 Which conclusion is best supported by evidence in the table?

As time progressed through the 1930s, fewer Texas banks were closed each year.

We call upon the government of Japan to proclaim now the unconditional surrender of all Japanese armed forces, and to provide proper and adequate assurances of their good faith in such action. The alternative for Japan is prompt and utter destruction. —Proclamation Defining Terms for Japanese Surrender, issued from Potsdam, Germany, July 26, 1945 Which new technology gave President Truman the confidence to issue this ultimatum to Japan?

Atomic Bomb

Under current law, the cost of Social Security will generally increase faster than the program's income because of the aging of the baby-boom generation, continuing low fertility compared to the baby-boom period, and increasing life expectancy. Based on the Trustees' best estimate, program cost will exceed non-interest income in 2011, as it did in 2010, and remain higher throughout the remainder of the 75-year projection period. Social Security's combined trust funds are projected to increase with the help of interest income through 2022 and allow full payment of scheduled benefits on a timely basis until the trust funds become exhausted in 2036. At that time, annual non-interest income to the trust funds is projected to equal about 77 percent of program cost. By 2085, annual non-interest income is projected to be about 74 percent as large as the annual cost of the OASDI program. —Annual Report by the Board of Trustees for the Federal Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) Program,2011 www.ssa.gov (accessed December 1, 2014)

Based on the information in the excerpt, which issue will likely cause a solvency problem for the Social Security program by 2036?

Which geographic challenge contributed to Germany's defeat and limited the speed of the Allies to achieve an end to the Second World War?

Battles on multiple fronts across the globe

Evaluate the impact of New Deal legislation on the historical role of the federal government. Describe at least two ways the role of government changed.

Be ready to explain

● Rhythm and blues as well as rock and roll music expressed the desires of many young people, as evidenced by the Beatles, Bob Dylan, and other popular musicians. ● A new emphasis on environmental consciousness was spread by the writers Gary Snyder and Michael McClure. ● The writings of Burroughs, Huncke, Ginsberg, and others opposed the growing influence of the military. ● In his book On the Road, Jack Kerouac expressed respect for land, animals, and indigenous peoples. The issues described in the list reflect the influence of —

Beat Generation ideas on different American art forms

How did the outcomes of both the Spanish-American War and the First World War similarly influence the U.S. economy?

Both stimulated industrial and agricultural output

How did civilians help the U.S. government pay for the war effort?

Bought war bonds

Legislative Branch

Branch of government charged with creation of new laws.

Executive Branch

Branch of government led by the President, carries out laws, heads the military, holds meetings in the White House - Found in the Second Article of the Constitution.

Judicial Branch

Branch of government that handles justice and runs the courts.

We conclude that in the field of public education, the doctrine of "separate but equal" has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal. Therefore, we hold that the plaintiffs and others similarly situated for whom the actions have been brought are, by reason of the segregation complained of, deprived of the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment. —Chief Justice Earl Warren, 1954 Which U.S. Supreme Court case is the subject of the excerpt?

Brown v. Board of Education

Which box lists events of the Civil Rights Movement in chronological order?

Brown v. Board of Education decision Montgomery Bus Boycott Martin Luther King Jr. delivered "I Have a Dream Speech" Twenty-fourth Amendment added to the U.S. Constitution

What economic practice became popular in the 1920s and eventually contributed to the crash of the stock market?

Buying stocks with only a down payment

In the Supreme Court case Powell v. Alabama (1932), the majority decision declared that the Fourteenth Amendment protects the right of the accused to access a lawyer regardless of the ability to afford one. The text of the Fourteenth Amendment, however, does not specifically provide for the right to a lawyer.

By providing a new interpretation of the Constitution

Obama Elected President as Racial Barrier Falls —New York Times, November 5, 2008 How does the election of President Obama eliminate a racial barrier?

He is the first African American elected president.

Which action of Joseph McCarthy contributed to increased Cold War anxieties?

He led a Congressional committee investigating suspected communists.

In the late nineteenth century, reformers called for solutions to problems created by industrialization and urbanization. Protestant leaders of the Social Gospel movement supported this idea by claiming —

Christians had a duty to help the poor


Chief Executive of the United States, Head of State and Commander and Chief of the US Armed Forces. The President of the United States is elected every 4 years, by the Electoral College. Signs or veto's bills passed to them by Congress.

The issue of unemployment and declining wages on the west coast led to which of the legislative actions?

Chinese Exclusion Act

Social Gospel

Christian faith practiced as a call not just to personal conversion but to social reform

Which box lists events in United States history in chronological order?

Collapse of the Soviet Union American intervention in Bosnia September 11th terrorist attacks Beginning of the Second Persian Gulf War Election of Barack Obama as president

How does the free enterprise system contribute to technological innovations?

Consumers demand new products that perform better and more efficiently than previous products.

Which form of music, popularized in the 1970s and generally associated with the culture of the American South, blends genres of gospel, jazz, blues, and folk?

Country and Western

Which event signaled the beginning of the Great Depression?

Crash of the New York Stock Exchange

Which of the following is one reaction of the United States to the Second World War during the years of the war?

Creating internment camps for Japanese Americans

How did the passage of the Eighteenth Amendment affect American society in the 1920's?

Crime rates rose drastically

Which major battle of the Second World War is shown in the map?

D-Day invasion of Normandy

What is the central economic question regarding the impact of government defense spending on the business cycle?

Does increased government defense spending reduce the impact of economic downturns?

Over this war-and all Asia-is another reality: the deepening shadow of Communist China. The rulers in Hanoi are urged on by Peking. This is a regime which has destroyed freedom in Tibet, which has attacked India and has been condemned by the United Nations for aggression in Korea. It is a nation which is helping the forces of violence in almost every continent. The contest in Vietnam is part of a wider pattern of aggressive purpose. —President Lyndon B. Johnson, address to Johns Hopkins University, April 1965 According to President Johnson, why was U.S. military involvement in Vietnam justified?

Domino Theory

In 1978, as part of a flood control project, the United States condemned approximately 50 acres of land owned by the city of Duncanville, Texas. The site had been used since 1969 as a sanitary landfill. In order to replace the condemned landfill, the city acquired a 113.7-acre site and developed it into a larger and better facility. In the condemnation proceedings, the city claimed that it was entitled to recover all of the costs incurred in acquiring the substitute site and developing it as a landfill, an amount in excess of $1,276,000. The United States, however, contended that just compensation should be determined by the fair market value of the condemned facility. . . Supreme Court Decision: The Fifth Amendment does not require that the United States pay a public condemnee compensation measured by the cost of acquiring a substitute facility that the condemnee has a duty to acquire, when the market value of the condemned property is ascertainable and when there is no showing of manifest injustice. —United States v. 50 Acres of Land, (1984) Which interpretation of the "just compensation" clause of the Fifth Amendment did the Supreme Court apply in this case?

Duncanville was entitled to the market price of the original property only.

Which motto of the United States is the oldest and symbolized the unity of the 13 colonies?

E Pluribus Unum

Which U.S. Army general served as the commander of Allied forces in Europe and later was elected President of the United States?

General Dwight D. Eisenhower

Which U.S. Army Chief of Staff coordinated the war effort from Washington, D.C. and was described by Prime Minister Churchill as the "organizer of victory" for the Second World War?

General George Marshall

What kind of changes to American society were the defining issues of both the Great Depression and the New Deal?

Economic issues

● Landmark case in Texas education ● Redistributed property taxes to poorer districts ● Led to "Robin Hood" legislation Which case decided by the Texas Supreme Court is described by the information in the box?

Edgewood ISD v. Kirby

Which new innovation contributed to a significant increase in factory production in the United States at the beginning of the twentieth century?


What would historians mostly likely examine when studying an historical era?

Events that brought about political, economic, and social changes

Which brash American general and brilliant tank commander led the Third Army of the United States in the final assault on Germany?

General George S. Patton

How did the introduction of electricity affect the workplace in the United States?

Factories were able to open late into the night.

Despite the demanding environment, the Great Plains has long been a magnet for settlers. Paleo-Indians were attracted to the grasslands at least 12,000 years ago to hunt such mammals as mastodons, mammoths, and bison. In the eighteenth century, the massive bison herds that thundered over the grasslands, and the horse, which allowed more bison to be taken and their meat and hides transported, drew Native Americans like the Lakotas (Sioux) into the region. After the Civil War, when the bison herds were decimated, the void was filled by cattle driven up from Texas and shipped in from elsewhere. The fertile promise of the soil made it worthwhile for farmers to take their chances with drought and loneliness . . . soil so black and rich that he squeezed it in his hands and watched it fall through his fingers like gold. And indeed, the Great Plains is the granary of North America. — David J. Wishart, Encyclopedia of the Great Plains, 2011 http://plainshumanities.unl.edu (accessed March 17, 2014) Based on the information in the excerpt, what impact did the physical geography of the Great Plains have on settlement patterns in the area?

Farmers were drawn to the area by the promise of fertile soil.

Which government agency, established during the Great Depression, still protects consumer savings today

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Why did the U.S. government urge civilians to plant Victory Gardens during the Second World War?

Food was needed for the soldiers overseas.

Which of the following resulted from the U.S. Supreme Court decision to end the recounting of Florida ballots in the 2000 presidential election?

George W. Bush was awarded Florida's electors and the overall electoral vote.

Which of the following best explains why the United States entered the First World War?

German submarines engaged in unrestricted warfare.

Prior to the beginning of the Second World War, how did the actions of Germany and Japan cause concern among their neighboring nations?

Germany and Japan expanded by demanding border changes and additional land.

Rise of big business Increased unionization of workers Extensive railroad building Expanded industrial growth Which major era in U.S. history is described by the information in the box?

Gilded Age

Which of the following was one effect of the Progressive Era political reforms of initiative, referendum, and recall?

Government officials responding to the needs of voters more readily.

Which factor contributed to the changing attitudes of the American public about U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War?

Graphic coverage by television news

How did President Nixon reduce tensions between the United States and communist governments?

He re-established diplomacy with China and negotiated arms reductions with the Soviet Union.

What is one way President Nixon changed the U.S. military strategy in Vietnam?

He transferred greater responsibility for the war effort to South Vietnamese troops.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 13 — The time has come to call a spade a bloody shovel. This country is in an undeclared and unexplained war in Vietnam. Our masters have a lot of long and fancy names for it, like escalation and retaliation, but it is war just the same. —James Reston, "Washington: The Undeclared and Unexplained War", New York Times, 1965 How is the author's point of view an example of public reaction to the policies of the Johnson administration?

He voices concern for the lack of an official declaration of war in Vietnam.

US Supreme Court

Highest court in the US. 1 Chief Justice; 8 Associate Justices. Appointed by the president with Senate approval; life terms, Court that has final jurisdiction over both Civil and Criminal Cases.

● First Lady of the United States ● U.S. Senator for the State of New York ● U. S. Secretary of State Which of the following individuals' accomplishments are listed in the box?

Hillary Clinton

How did the leadership of President Franklin D. Roosevelt better prepare the United States for the Second World War?

His use of the Lend-Lease Act led many American industries to convert to military production.

Which set of events is in the correct chronological sequence?

Homestead Act Chinese Exclusion Act Haymarket Riot Pullman Strike

How did changing demographic patterns in the 1930s impact California?

How did changing demographic patterns in the 1930s impact California?

How did industrialization bring about the development of groups like the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor?

Industrialization created low-wage, low-skill jobs with workers that could be replaced easily.

Which field of innovation has likely had the greatest effect on increased productivity and the improved standard of living in the United States during the latter half of the twentieth century?

Information technology

I hereby authorize and direct the Secretary of War, and the Military Commanders whom he may from time to time designate, whenever he or any designated Commander deems such action necessary or desirable, to prescribe military areas in such places and of such extent as he or the appropriate Military Commander may determine, from which any or all persons may be excluded, and with respect to which, the right of any person to enter, remain in, or leave shall be subject to whatever restrictions the Secretary of War or the appropriate Military Commander may impose in his discretion. —Executive Order 9066, issued by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1942 What was the effect of President Roosevelt's order?

Internment of Japanese Americans

Presidential Election Results, 1912 Candidate/Political Party Electoral Votes Popular Votes States Carried Woodrow Wilson/Democrat 435 6,294,327 40 Theodore Roosevelt/Progressive 88 4,120,207 6 William H. Taft/Republican 8 3,486,343 2 Eugene V. Debs/Socialist 0 900,370 0

It contributed to a Democratic Party victory by splitting the Republican Party votes.

How did the Seventeenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution give more political power to the individual voter?

It established the direct election of U.S. Senators by popular vote.

How did the automobile affect the standard of living in the United States in the early 20th century?

It increased mobility and created jobs.

How did Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech impact the civil rights movement?

It inspired many people, giving strength and momentum to the movement.

How did the Supreme Court decision in Tinker v. Des Moines affect schools in the United States?

It protected the rights of free expression for students.

How did the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution in 1964 affect the powers of the president?

It provided the President congressional support for conducting acts of war if necessary.

Rachel Carson's 1962 book, The Silent Spring, detailed the environmental effects of pesticides and led to a ban on some pesticides for agriculture use. How does this literary work reflect U.S. culture in the 1960s?

It provides an example of how individuals and groups brought social change in the 1960s.

Which set of event is sequenced in the correct chronological order?

Korean War Sputnik Bay of Pigs Cuban Missile Crisis

If we come here to the Federal Government and ask for remedial legislation, we are told that these things will come when they become a custom, and not by legislation. And then we go to employers, to their companies, and ask them to confer with us in order to inaugurate that custom, and they tell us, "If you do not get out of here we will put a boot in the place where it will feel uncomfortable." If we strike or ask that the matter be submitted to arbitration, we are told there is nothing to arbitrate. If we strike in order to enforce what we believe to be our rights, we are enjoined; and if we exercise what we believe to be our rights in spite of the injunction, we are guilty of contempt of court and are put in the jug during his honor's pleasure. There is not anywhere we can go for the purpose of trying to bring about some remedy, some change, some improvement but we are met by the same opposition, prompted by the same cause, prompted by the same motive, and that is to leave the workingman helpless to the mercy of the employing class. I think, though, I may say that that time has gone by. The workingmen of our country have learned somewhat of their rights, and they propose to stand by them, and they have the courage to do so, too. —Samuel Gompers, testimony to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Labor, April 12, 1900 www.gompers.umd.edu (accessed May 27, 2014) Which conclusion about the development of the labor movement is best supported by evidence in the excerpt?

Labor union leaders found it difficult to gain support for their cause.

How did Henry Ford's pictured innovation affect the American workplace?

Labor's amount of productivity and output in factories increased.

President Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy served to increase U.S. involvement in —

Latin American affairs

Which objective of American foreign policy in 1951 led to a United Nations military intervention in the Korean peninsula?

Limit the spread of communism

Growing up in San Antonio, Texas, the son of Mexican immigrants, [he] was expected to learn a trade, defer to gringos and vote Democratic. But he was so impressed at age 13 by Dwight Eisenhower's version of the American Dream during a televised speech at the 1952 Republican Convention that he decided he wanted to be a rich businessman — and a Republican. Two decades later, as a struggling ad-agency owner, [he] helped U.S. Senator John Tower win his 1978 re-election bid with 37% of the Hispanic vote; no Republican in Texas had ever won more than 8%. Soon clients like Bacardi rum, Dr. Pepper and Coors beer came seeking his advice on how to woo the Latino market, eventually turning [his company] into the largest Hispanic advertising agency in the U.S. At one point it was billing more than $100 million annually. —25 Most Influential Hispanics in America, Time, August 2005 Which business entrepreneur is described?

Lionel Sosa

What has been the most likely impact of American motion pictures on cultures around the world

Many people have incorporated aspects of American culture into their own culture.

Muir's popular writings caught the attention of President Theodore Roosevelt, who invited him camping in Yosemite. Roosevelt left behind reporters and his Secret Service agents for the company of two park rangers, an army packer, John Muir and the wild. They spent three days exploring meadows and waterfalls and three nights discussing conservation around campfires. One night, five inches of snow fell, and the president arose to white flakes on his blankets. — "The Importance of John Muir," National Park Service http://www.nps.gov (accessed July 10, 2014) Which governmental policy was a direct result of the described event?

Millions of acres of land were set aside as public property and national parks.

Which event marked the beginning of the modern civil rights movement in the United States?

Montgomery Bus Boycott

E Pluribus Unum

Out of many, one (motto of the US.). Out of many colonies, you have one country.

Which set of events is correctly sequenced in chronological order?

Nazism begins in Germany Hitler invades Poland France surrenders to Germany The United States is attacked at Pearl Harbor

Which amendment extended the right to vote to women?

Nineteenth Amendment

Which set of events is in correct chronological order?

Nixon resigns from office Camp David Accords signed Space shuttle Challenger explodes on launch Fall of the Berlin Wall

Which military alliance of North American and Western European nations pledged in 1949 that all member nations would come to the aid of any member attacked by an outside enemy?

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Which action was taken by the United Farm Workers in an effort to expand economic opportunities for their member?

Organizing boycotts

How did high U.S. tariffs on imports likely contribute to the Great Depression?

Other nations raised tariffs that cut U.S. exports.

US Senate

Part of the legislative branch of government. 100 total members. Considered the upper house of Congress. Every state received two senators. Officially led by the Vice President but the day to day operations are led by President Pro Tempore.

US House of Representatives

Part of the legislative branch of the government. Congress writes and passes laws for the entire country. In this house of government, the number is based on a state's population and they serve 2 years.

Which of the following events in U.S. history exemplifies the principle that "all men are created equal"?

Passage of suffrage amendments

Which U.S. government action provided funding for veterans of the Second World War in order to create a better educated and more productive workforce?

Passage of the G.I. Bill

John Hancock

Patriot leader and president of the Second Continental Congress; first person to sign the Declaration of Independence.

Which generalization best describes the pattern of twentieth-century migration within the United States?

People migrated from industrial centers in the Midwest to cities in South.

Which nation suffered the highest percentage loss of its population?


Which of the following is a characteristic used by historians to define major historical eras?

Political changes

In America the people appoints the legislative and the executive power, and furnishes the jurors who punish all offences against the laws. The American institutions are democratic, not only in their principle but in all their consequences; and the people elects its representatives directly, and for the most part annually, in order to ensure their dependence. The people is therefore the real directing power; and although the form of government is representative, it is evident that the opinions, the prejudices, the interests, and even the passions of the community are hindered by no durable obstacles from exercising a perpetual influence on society. In the United States the majority governs in the name of the people, as is the case in all the countries in which the people is supreme. The majority is principally composed of peaceful citizens who, either by inclination or by interest, are sincerely desirous of the welfare of their country. But they are surrounded by the incessant agitation of parties, which attempt to gain their co-operation and to avail themselves of their support. —Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, 1835 In the excerpt, what American value has de Tocqueville noted in his observation?

Popular Sovereignty

Farming Innovations, 1860-1900 ● Mechanical reaper ● Steel plow ● Steel windmill ● Seed drill Why were the technological innovations listed in the box developed in the late nineteenth century?

Population growth in the United States resulted in increased demand for agricultural products.

● Government ownership of railroad, telephone and telegraph systems ● Restrictions on immigration ● Graduated income tax ● Eight-hour work day ● Direct election of senators ● Unlimited coinage of silver ● Term limits for the president ● Secret ballots Which group during the Gilded Age likely would have supported the policies listed in the box?

Populist farmers

Which event led to the international partitioning of Germany

Potsdam Conference

Which of the following events is in correct chronological order?

President Kennedy is assassinated Lyndon Johnson is elected president South Vietnam launches the Tet Offensive The United States lands an astronaut on the Moon

Before the Civil Rights act was passed what happen ?

President Truman ordered the desegregation of the U.S. Armed Forces

The U.S. Constitution establishes a framework for the functions and structure of government institutions. Which of the following includes all of the institutions that have defined duties in the U.S. Constitution?

President, Supreme Court, and Congress

July 1, 2002, marked the birth of the International Criminal Court (ICC), meaning that crimes of the appropriate caliber committed after that date could fall under the jurisdiction of the ICC. The ICC is the first global permanent international court with jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for "the most serious crimes of concern to the international community." . . . While the United States initially supported the idea of creating an international criminal court . . . in the end, the United States voted against [the ICC]. Nevertheless, President Clinton signed the treaty December 31, 2000, at the same time declaring that the treaty contained "significant flaws" and that he would not submit it to the Senate for its advice and consent "until our fundamental concerns are satisfied." The Bush Administration has likewise declined to submit [the ICC treaty] to the Senate for ratification, and has notified the U.N. Secretary General, as depositary, of the U.S. intent not to ratify the treaty. The primary objection given by the United States in opposition to the treaty is the ICC's possible assertion of jurisdiction over U.S. soldiers charged with "war crimes" resulting from legitimate uses of force, and perhaps over civilian policymakers, even if the United States does not ratify the [ICC]. The United States sought to exempt U.S. soldiers and employees from the jurisdiction of the ICC based on the unique position the United States occupies with regard to international peacekeeping. . . . Detractors of the U.S. position depict the objection as a reluctance on the part of the United States to be held accountable for gross human rights violations or to the standard established for the rest of the world. —U.S. Policy Regarding the International Criminal Court, Congressional Research Service, 2006 U.S. Department of State Website http://fpc.state.gov (accessed December 1, 2014) Which set best reflects the views of the United States in regard to U.S. participation in the ICC?

Pro - The United States gains credibility by following the same rules as other nations. Con - The United States' soldiers and officials may be charged with war crimes in a court outside the U.S. legal system.

What constitutional issue is raised by those who are concerned about the USA PATRIOT Act?

Right to privacy

Which issue best characterizes the years leading to the Second World War?

Rise of dictators and totalitarian states

Amazon currently uses some 1,000 robots by Kiva Systems, a company it bought for $775 million in 2012, to fill its customers' orders. Now CNN reports that Amazon will have 10,000 robots doing the same by the end of this year. CEO Jeff Bezos revealed the plan to double down on robotics during a shareholder meeting and emphasized that despite the popular sci-fi theme of robotic uprising, no humans will lose their jobs as a result of the increased robotic workforce. —Dylan Love, "Amazon Will Have 10,000 Robots Filling Customer Orders By The End Of The Year", Business Insider,May 2014 www.businessinsider.com (accessed December 1, 2014) According to the news report, how have robotics been used to increase the productivity of Amazon?

Robots are supplementing human labor.

● I was a soldier from Texas. ● I saved the lives of several fellow soldiers during the Vietnam War. ● I received the Congressional Medal of Honor. who is described above?

Roy Benavidez

Which person was the first woman appointed as a Justice of the Supreme Court?

Sandra Day O'Connor

Which technological innovation, introduced in the 1960s, facilitated the growth of the television and advertising industries?

Satellite communications

How did U.S. schools contribute to the Americanization movement to assimilate immigrants?

Schools operated as centers for a process of cultural learning.

Why was the appointment of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court historic?

She is the first Hispanic to serve in this position.

Which of the following sets correctly lists the events in chronological order?

Sinking of the battleship USS Maine Rough Riders fight in Cuba Liberation of Cuba Guam and Puerto Rico become U.S. territories

How has the American space exploration program likely improved the quality of life for people around the world?

Space research has resulted in new technologies and innovations used across the globe.

Which box lists the events of U.S. history in chronological order?

Spanish American War World Wars Cold War Attacks of September 11th

What is the historical significance of the year 1898?

Spanish-American War began

Which social change in the United States came about because of the efforts of men like Jackie Robinson and Ernie Davis?

Sports programs were integrated.

How has additional available energy affected the American way of life?

Spurred innovation and new technology

What has been the U.S. foreign policy approach to Israel?

Strong political support and billions of dollars in economic aid

The country needs and . . . demands bold, persistent experimentation. It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But, above all, try something. —Franklin D. Roosevelt, commencement speech to Oglethorpe University, 1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt was most likely referring to which of the following?

Support for emergency economic actions

Which list of Progressive Era presidents is in the correct chronological order by when each served?

Teddy Roosevelt Howard Taft Woodrow Wilson

Why has the focus of U.S foreign policy in the twenty-first century shifted to combating terrorism?

Terrorists attacked buildings in New York City and Washington, D.C.

The first phase of the assault began on January 30 and 31, when forces loyal to North Vietnam, the South Vietnamese National Liberation Force (NLF), simultaneously attacked a number of targets, mostly populated areas and places with heavy U.S. troop presence. The strikes on the major cities of Huế and Saigon had a strong psychological impact, as they showed that the NLF troops were not as weak as the Johnson Administration had previously claimed. The NLF even managed to breach the outer walls of the U.S. Embassy in Saigon. —"Milestones: 1961-1968," Office of the Historian, Bureau of Public Affairs, United States Department of State website http://history.state.gov (accessed November 17, 2014 What event is described above?

Tet Offensive

Being against what the Beat Generation stands for has to do with denying that incoherence is superior to precision; that ignorance is superior to knowledge; that the exercise of mind and discrimination is a form of death. —Norman Podhoretz, "The Know-Nothing Bohemians" 1958 . woe unto those who think that the Beat Generation means crime, delinquency, immorality, amorality . . . woe unto those who attack it on the grounds that they simply don't understand history and the yearnings of human souls . . . woe unto those who don't realize that America must, will, is, changing now, . . . woe unto those who spit on the Beat Generation, the wind'll blow it back. —Jack Kerouac, "The Origins of the Beat Generation" 1959 What is Kerouac's response to Podhoretz's criticism of the Beat Generation?

The Beat Generation has not been a negative influence on American society.

founding documents

The Declaration of Independence. Philadelphia: John Dunlap, July 4, 1776. ... British Reply to the Declaration. Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union. The Constitution of the United States. The Bill of Rights. The Federalist. The Founding Documents Display Case. Fourth of July Celebration.

Which event was the immediate cause for U.S. entry into the Second World War?

The Japanese navy attacking Pearl Harbor

How did the United States act to reduce the influence of communism and improve the economic strength of free market nations in Europe after the Second World War?

The Marshall Plan extended financial aid to friendly European nations rebuilding after the destruction of the war.

Which 1980s conservative political organization was founded by the Southern Baptist pastor Jerry Falwell and advocated social policies that reflected the point of view of evangelical Christians?

The Moral Majority


The Preamble to the United States Constitution is a brief introductory statement of the Constitution's fundamental purposes and guiding principles

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union . . . — Preamble to the U.S. Constitution, 1789 How did the actions of Progressive reformers reflect the stated goal expressed in the excerpt?

The Progressive reformers participated in the democratic process to make change.

Which event initiated the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union?

The Soviet Union launched the satellite Sputnik 1.

Which description best summarizes historical events related to the cartoon?

The Soviet Union was forced to remove missiles from Cuba against the wishes of Fidel Castro.

In God We Trust

The U. S. Department of Treasury states "the motto, IN GOD WE TRUST, was placed on United States coins largely because of the increased religious sentiment existing during the Civil War; 1955 President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a public law requiring all money have the motto

How did the Second World War alter the position of the United States among nations of the world?

The United States became the first superpower and the most powerful nation in the world.

● Sherman Anti-trust Act ● Pure Food and Drug Act ● Interstate Commerce Act Based on the legislation listed in the box, which of the following best describes the relationship between the federal government and business during the Progressive Era?

The federal government took an active part in regulating business practices.

The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which commits its Parties by setting internationally binding emission reduction targets. Recognizing that developed countries are principally responsible for the current high levels of GHG emissions in the atmosphere as a result of more than 150 years of industrial activity, the Protocol places a heavier burden on developed nations under the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities." The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan, on 11 December 1997 and entered into force on 16 February 2005. The detailed rules for the implementation of the Protocol were adopted at COP 7 in Marrakesh, Morocco, in 2001, and are referred to as the "Marrakesh Accords." Its first commitment period started in 2008 and ended in 2012 —United Nations, Kyoto Protocol www. http://unfccc.int (accessed December 1, 2014) Which concern led some U.S. senators to reject participation in the described agreement

The proposal might undermine the United States government's authority

Which challenge of the Roosevelt administration is illustrated by the cartoon?

The repeated Supreme Court rulings declaring New Deal programs unconstitutional

How did the end of the Second World War influence the pattern of population growth in the United States?

The sudden influx of returning soldiers caused a boom in birth rates.

Which concern led some in the U.S. Senate to decline the ratification of the Treaty of Versailles and the Covenant for the League of Nations?

The treaties would involve the United States in entangling alliances.

Several differences set biological weapons (BWs) apart from other weapons of mass destruction like nuclear and chemical weapons. The release of an agent is not immediately detectable. There are systems that detect biological agents, but most have a delay between acquiring the agent and identifying it. The effects of an attack also are not immediately detectable. People may become exposed to an agent soon after its release, but the infection requires time to cause illness (the incubation period). Thus, one of the first indicators of a BW attack could be disease outbreaks. The effect of BWs, disease, can continue after its release. If a transmissible agent, such as the smallpox or Ebola virus, infects a person at the site of its release, that person could travel and spread the agent to others. This would result in secondary infections at areas far from initial release and unprepared for the disease. Two treaties have placed restrictions on biological weapons. The 1925 Geneva Protocol prohibits the use of chemical and biological weapons in warfare. Some signing countries declared that they would not honor it if their enemies, or the allies of their enemies, did not adhere to its prohibitions. The United States ratified the Protocol in 1975 after President Richard Nixon renounced the use of biological weapons in 1969. The 1972 Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention restricts countries from developing, producing, stockpiling, or acquiring biological agents, weapons, and equipment outside of peaceful purposes. However, some signatory countries may be continuing weapons development, as the former Soviet Union did before its massive program was discontinued in 1992. —"An Introduction to Biological Weapons", Federation of American Scientists www.fas.org (accessed December 1, 2014) Based on the information in the excerpt, which reason likely contributed to the decision of the United States to sign international treaties restricting biological weapons?

The unexpected outcomes of using biological weapons

American Revolution

The war between Great Britain and its American colonies, 1775-83, by which the colonies won their independence.

Now, no doubt some folks enjoy doin' battle Like presidents, prime ministers and kings So, let's all build them shelves Where they can fight among themselves Leave the people be who love to sing. Come and sing a simple song of freedom Sing it like you've never sung before Let it fill the air Tell the people everywhere We, the people here, don't want a war. —Bobby Darin, "A Simple Song of Freedom" lyrics, 1971 Which social issue facing Americans at the time is reflected in the lyrics?

There was a large segment of the American public against the Vietnam War

Why have presidents since 1973 disagreed with the requirements of the War Powers Act passed by Congress?

They have considered it unconstitutional since it restricts the presidential power to send troops into combat.

The map indicates which countries gained portions of Germany following the First World War. These territorial changes resulted from the provisions laid out in the —

Treaty of Versailles

I recognize that some of my fellow citizens disagree with the plan for peace I have chosen. Honest and patriotic Americans have reached different conclusions as to how peace should be achieved. In San Francisco a few weeks ago, I saw demonstrators carrying signs reading: "Lose in Vietnam, bring the boys home." Well, one of the strengths of our free society is that any American has a right to reach that conclusion and to advocate that point of view. But as President of the United States, I would be untrue to my oath of office if I allowed the policy of this Nation to be dictated by the minority who hold that point of view and who try to impose it on the Nation by mounting demonstrations in the street. For almost 200 years, the policy of this Nation has been made under our Constitution by those leaders in the Congress and the White House elected by all of the people. If a vocal minority, however fervent its cause, prevails over reason and the will of the majority, this Nation has no future as a free society. —President Richard Nixon, televised address, November 3, 1968 According to President Nixon, what is the viewpoint of the majority of Americans regarding U.S. military intervention in Vietnam?

They supported the president's policies in regards to the war.

In which way were Malcolm X, Thurgood Marshall, and Martin Luther King, Jr. effective leaders?

They were able to influence others with ideas.

Which accomplishment do Glenn Curtiss and Charles Lindbergh have in common?

They were both pioneers in aviation.

Why would the actions of the Flying Tigers during the Second World War be considered patriotic?

They were former pilots of the U.S. Armed Forces who voluntarily flew with the Chinese Air Force to resist Japanese aggression.

Which of the following best summarize the role of the United States during the Second World War?

Though unwilling and not completely prepared, the United States entered the war and quickly transformed its economy to become a major war power that was crucial in the defeat of the Axis powers.

What was the intended purpose of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2008?

To improve economic conditions during a recession

Why were many immigrants motivated to migrate to the United States in the late 1800s?

To pursue the American Dream

SEC. 804. (a) IN GENERAL.--In connection with its examination of a financial institution, the appropriate Federal financial supervisory agency shall - (1) assess the institution's record of meeting the credit needs of its entire community, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, consistent with the safe and sound operation of such institution; . . . —Community Reinvestment Act, 1977 Why did Congress implement this legislation

To reduce discriminatory practices of banks

Why did the United States conduct the Berlin Airlift?

To transport supplies to a blockaded West Berlin

Which set of event is sequenced in the correct chronological order?

Truman Doctrine Berlin Airlift Korean War Sputnik Building the Berlin Wall

Greater freedom for women General economic prosperity Over-speculation in the stock market Conflicting social values Rising nativist sentiments Which major era in U.S. history is described by the information in the box?


Which amendment eliminated poll taxes on voters in the United States?

Twenty-fourth Amendment

Each Federal agency shall, in consultation with and with the assistance of the Secretary, insure that any action authorized, funded, or carried out by such agency is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any endangered species or threatened species or result in the destruction or adverse modification of habitat of such species which is determined by the Secretary, . . . In fulfilling the requirements of this paragraph each agency shall use the best scientific and commercial data available. —Endangered Species Act of 1973, Public Law 93-205 Section 7.2 How did the Endangered Species Act affect decision-making in the U.S. government?

U.S. government agencies must consider how any actions may threaten environments of endangered species.

• Espionage Act was passed • Selective Service Act was passed • Taxes and the sale of bonds increased • New government agencies were created The changes listed in the box came about in response to —

U.S. involvement in the First World War

Which political change occurred within the United States as a result of declaring war on Germany during the First World War?

U.S. mail was censored to prevent treason.

Which economic condition contributed to support for the passage of immigration quotas at the beginning of the 1920s?

Unemployed soldiers returning from war

The practice of encrypting is to convert communication into nonsense so anyone else intercepting it does not understand the message. The study of encrypted communications is called cryptography. Which cryptographic technique of the United States military remained unbroken by the Axis powers during Second World War?

Use of American Indian languages to create encrypted messages

Rank: First Lieutenant Organization: U.S. Army Company: Weapons Platoon, Company C Born: 17 December 1919 Departed: Yes (07/13/2010) Entered Service At: St. Maries, ID Date of Issue: 01/13/1997 Accredited To: Cheyenne, WY Place / Date: Near Viareggio, Italy, 5 and 6 April 1945 Citation: For extraordinary heroism in action on 5 and 6 April 1945, near Viareggio, Italy. . . .[D]emonstrated outstanding courage and leadership in destroying enemy installations, personnel and equipment during his company's attack against a strongly entrenched enemy in mountainous terrain. When his company was stopped by the concentration of fire from several machine gun emplacements, he crawled to one position and destroyed it, killing three Germans. Continuing forward, he attacked an enemy observation post and killed two occupants. With the aid of one of his men, [he] attacked two more machine gun nests, killing or wounding the four enemy soldiers occupying these positions. He then covered the evacuation of the wounded personnel of his company by occupying an exposed position and drawing the enemy's fire. On the following night [he] voluntarily led a battalion advance through enemy mine fields and heavy fire toward the division objective. [His] fighting spirit and daring leadership were an inspiration to his men and exemplify the highest traditions of the Armed Forces. —Congressional Medal of Honor Society http://www.cmohs.org (accessed October 8, 2014) Which soldier is being described?

Vernon Baker

Why did public lose confidence in the government?

Watergate Scandal

Recite the Preamble

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

● These two men led their nations during the Second World War ● Each leader was an advocate for democracy and the patriotic perseverance of his people ● One of these men led a country that was bombarded almost daily by German planes ● One of these men kept their country out of the war as long as it was possible ● Both men formed an alliance for victory in Second World War Which pair of leaders is described?

Winston Churchill&Franklin Roosevelt

How did industrialization in the United States change the lives of women and children in the nineteenth century?

Women and children increasingly became wage earns in their families.

Which of the following sequences correctly lists the U.S. presidents that served during the 1920's in chronological order of their presidency?

Woodrow Wilson Warren Harding Calvin Coolidge Herbert Hoover

Which contribution of women during the Second World War is reflected by the image?

Working in factories

Which set of factors contributed most to the pattern shown on the maps?

Years of drought and poor farming techniques

The impeachment of President Clinton likely resulted in —

a decline of public trust in government

● Aircraft carriers ● Hydrophones ● Pilotless drones ● Mobile x-ray ● Depth charges ● Stainless steel The listed inventions were all created in order to —

address specific needs brought about by warfare

One factor that contributed to the Great Migration of the 920's was —

discrimination in the South


adopting the culture of a nation or group

Dolores Huerta's contributions to America society include —

advocating for the rights of American farm workers

One characteristic of the U.S. economy in the 1920s was —

all-time high production levels of consumer goods

Many important observations suggest themselves upon the social condition of the Anglo-Americans, but there is one which takes precedence of all the rest. The social condition of the Americans is eminently democratic; this was its character at the foundation of the Colonies, and is still more strongly marked at the present day. I have stated in the preceding chapter that great equality existed among the emigrants who settled on the shores of New England. The germ of aristocracy was never planted in that part of the Union. The only influence which obtained there was that of intellect; the people were used to reverence certain names as the emblems of knowledge and virtue. Some of their fellow-citizens acquired a power over the rest which might truly have been called aristocratic, if it had been capable of transmission from father to son. —Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, 1835 According to de Tocqueville, American society was unique because —

an aristocracy was replaced by equality

Henry Ford is credited with revolutionizing industrial manufacturing with the introduction of —

assembly lines in the automobile industry

The purpose of the Dawes Severalty Act of 1877 was to —

assimilate American Indian tribes into U.S. society

April Charlo is happy to hear that state lawmakers passed a bill yesterday supporting Native American language immersion programs in the public schools. Growing up on the Flathead Reservation, Charlo says the first time she had a chance to learn Salish was in the 7th grade. . . . All nine of Montana's indigenous languages are facing a rapid decline in the number of fluent speakers. That decline is no accident - for over a century, the Bureau of Indian Affairs actively suppressed the use of Native languages, which means many Montanans share the experience of 37-yearold Carrie Iron Shirt of Browning, who was also at the pow wow, says her parents were afraid to teach her their native Blackfeet language. "My dad being in the boarding school, they were taught not to talk their language," Iron Shirt says. "So he didn't want us to go through that. So my generation missed out on the language." Amy Martin, "Native Languages: From Forbidden to Funded," Montana Public Radio, April 2015 (accessed November 6, 2015 http://mtpr.org) The cultural changes described in the excerpt most likely resulted from previous U.S. government policies intended to —

assimilate indigenous tribes in the United States

Thurgood Marshall is not nearly as famous today as Martin Luther King Jr. or Malcolm X. But Juan Williams thinks Marshall should be. As Williams contends in his well-reported, engaging biography, "Thurgood Marshall," of "the three leading black liberators," Marshall had "the biggest impact on American race relations." Williams quotes an editorial that ran after Marshall's death in 1993: "We make movies about Malcolm X, we get a holiday to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, but every day we live with the legacy of Justice Thurgood Marshall." Marshall will go down in the history books, of course, as the first African American on the U.S. Supreme Court. Williams' thesis is that Marshall's place in history was secured long before he was named to the court in 1967, during the decades he spent as chief counsel of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People. "It was Marshall who ended legal segregation in the United States," Williams declares. Marshall and the NAACP mounted the court cases that methodically whittled away at the legal apartheid that dominated American life in the first half of this century. — Linda Mathews, "Native Son," Los Angeles Times, October 1998 Based on the information in the excerpt, Thurgood Marshall is to be most remembered for —

attacking racial inequality through the legal process


being different and unique in comparison to the norm

Alfred Thayer Mahan supported moving the United States into a position of power by —

bolstering U.S. industrial output

[T]he meat would be shoveled into carts, and the man who did the shoveling would not trouble to lift out a rat even when he saw one—there were things that went into the sausage in comparison with which a poisoned rat was a tidbit. There was no place for the men to wash their hands before they ate their dinner, and so they made a practice of washing them in the water that was to be ladled into the sausage. There were the butt-ends of smoked meat, and the scraps of corned beef, and all the odds and ends of the waste of the plants, that would be dumped into old barrels in the cellar and left there. Under the system of rigid economy which the packers enforced, there were some jobs that it only paid to do once in a long time, and among these was the cleaning out of the waste barrels. Every spring they did it; and in the barrels would be dirt and rust and old nails and stale water—and cartload after cartload of it would be taken up and dumped into the hoppers with fresh meat, and sent out to the public's breakfast. — Upton Sinclair, The Jungle, 1906 The American public and President Roosevelt responded to the information in the excerpt by —

calling for the regulation of the food industry

Americans aged 18 to 21 successfully achieved recognition of new political rights in 1971 by

campaigning to amend the U.S. Constitution

civil service

can refer to either a branch of governmental service in which individuals are employed (hired) on the basis of professional merit as proven by competitive examinations; or the body of employees in any government agency apart from the military, which is a separate extension of any national .

By 1900, at least 40% of Americans lived in urban areas, with New York City and Chicago having populations of over one million. This increased urbanization largely resulted in —

cities that were overcrowded, congested and polluted

● Seventeenth Amendment ● Nineteenth Amendment ● Direct Party Primaries As a result of the listed Progressive Era reforms —

citizens became more involved in the election process

Marcus Garvey made a lasting impact on the lives of African Americans in the United States by —

cofounding the Universal Negro Improvement Association

Eighty-one helicopters from carriers in the South China Sea landed at Tan Son Nhut airport and on roofs at the United States Embassy compound to pick up most of the approximately 1,000 remaining Americans and several thousand Vietnamese. But large groups of other Vietnamese clawed their way up the 10-foot wall of the embassy compound in desperate attempts to escape . . . United States marines and civilians used pistol and rifle butts to dislodge them. At the airport, angry Vietnamese guards fired in the air and in the direction of evacuees on buses, shouting, "We want to go too." —George Esper, The New York Times, April 30, 1975 (accessed January 15, 2014) http://www.nytimes.com/ The event described in the excerpt marked the end of the Vietnam War, and directly led to the —

communist takeover of South Vietnam

The Spanish-American War contributed to the emergence of the United States into a position of world power by —

confirming U.S. military superiority over a European colonial power

The USA PATRIOT Act, passed after the September 11, 2001 attacks, was designed to help law enforcement intercept terrorists. Some lawmakers opposed this law because they were concerned that it —

could result in violations of citizens' constitutional rights

NAFTA created the world's largest free trade area, which now links 450 million people producing $17 trillion worth of goods and services. Trade between the United States and its NAFTA partners has soared since the agreement entered into force. U.S. goods and services trade with NAFTA totaled $1.2 trillion in 2012 (latest data available). Exports totaled $597 billion; Imports totaled $646 billion. The U.S. goods and services trade deficit with NAFTA was $49 billion in 2012. The United States has $1.1 trillion in total (two ways) goods trade with NAFTA countries (Canada and Mexico) during 2013. Goods exports totaled $527 billion; Goods imports totaled $613 billion. The U.S. goods trade deficit with NAFTA was $86 billion in 2013. Trade in services with NAFTA (exports and imports) totaled $134 billion in 2012 (latest data available). Services exports were $89 billion; Services imports were $45 billion. The U.S. services trade surplus with NAFTA was $44 billion in 2012. —North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Office of the United States Trade Representative, http://www.ustr.gov (accessed December 1, 2014) According to the report, one way that NAFTA has changed trade relations between the U.S. and its neighbors is by —

creating a trade deficit in goods in the United States

A cultural contribution made by African American artists and performers during the early twentieth century includes —

creating a uniquely American music form known as jazz

Jane Addams is best remembered for

creating social reform programs for the urban poor

In 1964, 44 percent of seniors had no health care coverage, and with the medical bills that come with older age, this propelled many seniors into poverty. In fact, more than one in three Americans over 65 were living below the poverty line -- more than double the rate of those under 65. Medicare was an important and big change in American health care -- it was called the "biggest management job since the invasion of Normandy" -- and it was up to John Gardner to make it work. He helped shepherd Medicare to reality, and the results have been extraordinary: virtually all seniors now have health care, and the poverty rate for the elderly has fallen to approximately one in ten -- a rate lower than that of the general population. Along with Medicare, the Johnson Administration established the Medicaid program to provide health care to the poor. —"The Great Society," John Gardner: Uncommon American website, Public Broadcasting Service http://www.pbs.org (accessed November 3, 2014) Based on the information in the excerpt, one consequence of the Great Society legislation has been to —

decrease the poverty rate for elderly Americans

The Red Scare of the 1920s and McCarthyism of the 1950s are similar in that both —

developed in reaction to fears of the spread of communism

One contribution to American culture made by artists of Tin Pan Alley was the

distribution of sheet music of popular songs


economic activity characterized by manufacturing of goods.

Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax. Section 2.The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. —Twenty-fourth Amendment, U.S. Constitution The passage of the Twenty-fourth Amendment is an example of amending the U.S. Constitution in order to —

eliminate the suppression of rights by states

President Taft's Dollar Diplomacy was intended to —

encourage U.S. investment in Latin American businesses

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 differed from earlier attempts to address minority rights by focusing on —

ending discrimination in the workplace

The Southern Poverty Law Center, formally incorporated in 1971 and still in existence today, was established with the intention to —

ensure that the gains made in the civil rights movement were not taken away

The Zimmerman telegram helped change American opinions about involvement in the First World War because the telegram revealed German plans to —

enter into an alliance with Mexico

Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller both started businesses with their own investment of money and eventually gained immense wealth. Many men were successful like this during the Gilded Age and were considered —


The first large-scale effort by the United States government to regulate business involved —

establishment of the Interstate Commerce Commission


idea that government should stay out of business and economic affairs as much as possible



Building subway systems in American cities early in the twentieth century contributed to —

greater employment opportunities for Americans

One reason President Roosevelt's leadership of the Lend-Lease program was considered effective is —

he engaged U.S. power in the war while maintaining international neutrality

There were men who worked in the cooking-rooms, in the midst of steam and sickening odors, by artificial light; in these rooms the germs of tuberculosis might live for two years, but the supply was renewed every hour. There were the beef-luggers, who carried two-hundred-pound quarters into the refrigerator-cars; a fearful kind of work, that began at four o'clock in the morning, and that wore out the most powerful men in a few years. There were those who worked in the chilling-rooms, and whose special disease was rheumatism; the time-limit that a man could work in the chilling-rooms was said to be five years. There were the wool pluckers, whose hands went to pieces even sooner than the hands of the pickle-men; for the pelts of the sheep had to be painted with acid to loosen the wool, and then the pluckers had to pull out this wool with their bare hands, till the acid had eaten their fingers off. —Upton Sinclair, The Jungle, 1906 The excerpt reflects prominent social concerns during the Progressive Era because the subject matter dealt with the —

horrible conditions many workers faced

Third-party candidates are sometimes considered spoilers in national elections because they —

impact elections by pulling votes away from the mainline party candidates

The Unites States has actively sought to reduce trade barriers in conjunction with international organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) in an effort to —

increase profitability for U.S. businesses

The Chicano mural movement began in the 1960s in Mexican-American barrios throughout the Southwest. Artists began using the walls of city buildings, housing projects, schools, and churches to depict MexicanAmerican culture. Chicano muralism has been linked to the art preColumbian peoples of the Americas, who recorded their rituals and history on the walls of their pyramids, and Mexican revolutionary-era painters José Clemente Orozco, Diego Rivera, and David Alfaros Siquieros, collectively known as los tres grandes, who painted murals in Mexico and the United States. —"The Chicano Mural Movement", The Texas Handbook Online website http://www.tshaonline.org (accessed November 17, 2014) One result of the described art movement was —

increased awareness of Mexican heritage

One result of the Civil Rights movements has been the —

increased participation of women and minorities in politics

Early twentieth century U.S. history is politically characterized by

increasing involvement in world affairs

The people of the United States share a common bond based on a belief in —

individual freedoms and liberty

Political change in the Progressive Era was characterized by the expansion of —

individual rights for more Americas

• Spanish-American War • First World War • Second World War • United States lands on the Moon • Cold War Ends • September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon The turning points in U.S. history listed above illustrate how the United States became increasingly —

involved in international affairs that expanded the influence of the United States

The reform movements of the Progressive Era generally focused on —

issues related to social injustice

All the voting amendments are a result of

legislative actions

The officers and men of the Merchant Marine, by their devotion to duty in the face of enemy action, as well as natural dangers of the sea, have brought us the tools to finish the job. Their contribution to final victory will be long remembered. —General Dwight D. Eisenhower, statement on National Maritime Day, 1945 Which technology enabled the U.S. Merchant Marines to contribute to victory in the Second World War?

liberty cargo ships

Journalist and social reformer Ida B. Wells was responsible for exposing the brutality associated with —


Soldiers fighting in the First World War were forced to dig trenches as protection from —

machine guns

A historical era is marked by a focus on —

major social, political, and economic events within a period of time

An impact of the Cold War on American education priorities was a shift in the school curriculum to a concentration on learning —

math and science


moving from one's homeland to live in another place

As a part of his attempt to expand political and economic rights for African Americans, W.E.B. DuBois and other prominent Progressive leaders founded the

national Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Much of New Orleans is located below sea level; with the Mississippi River to the south, Lake Pontchartrain to the north, and Lake Borgne to the east, the area is prone to flooding from the river, the lakes, and the Gulf of Mexico. Development of a system to protect the city from flooding began when the city was founded in the early 1700s and has grown with the increase in population and expanded into additional flood prone areas. The New Orleans Flood and Hurricane Protection System is complex and massive, consisting of 350 miles of levees, which are embankments, usually earthen, that serve as flood barriers. The System also includes floodwalls, hundreds of bridges, closable gates, culverts and canals that facilitate transportation in and out of the system. It is comprised of a series of four main compartmented basins designed to limit the flooding impacts on the entire system resulting from individual failures of levees and floodwalls. In addition, large pump stations are used to pump out and redirect water from the city. These pumps are designed to mitigate flooding that results from significant rainfall and can, over time, remove water from moderate overtoppings. Currently, the levees offer protection ranging from eleven up to approximately seventeen and a half feet above sea level. The current system was designed to withstand a Mississippi River flood the size of the Flood of 1927 and a hurricane with wind conditions similar to a very strong Category 2 hurricane. —The Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina: Lessons Learned, February 2006 www.archives.gov (accessed December 1, 2014) Which geographic factor contributed most to the devastation of Hurricane Katrina on New Orleans?

much of the city is below sea level

While both the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and the Black Panthers wanted more opportunities and rights to be afforded to minority groups, the Black Panthers argued that

non-violence was going to take too long to bring about change


of or relating to cities and the people who live in them.

Many labor strikes of the late nineteenth century were generally unsuccessful because —

often violence was used by both side

Missionaries played a role in the territorial expansion of the United States by —

operating abroad in foreign locations such as Hawaii

While big businesses grew with industrialization of the late 1800s, the agricultural sector of the time was characterized by —

overproduction resulting in low prices for products and debt for farmers


policy advocating for the protection of the native population at the expense of immigrants

● Indian removal ● Creation of reservations ● Destruction of buffalo herds These policies were carried out against the American Indian tribes in order to

protect the lifestyle of members of American Indian tribes

Greenpeace and the Sierra Club are social and political advocacy organizations that favor legislation with the goal of

protecting and improving the environment

One way political machines gained power during the Gilded Age was by

providing services to immigrants and the poor

Efforts during the Progressive Era to gain the right to vote for women included

public protests and amending the Constitution

One of the arguments made against U.S. membership in the League of Nations included a belief that membership would —

pull the United States into future foreign conflicts

The works of Harlem Renaissance artists such as Langston Hughes focused on issues related to —

racial pride in the African American community

Political leaders such as George Wallace, Orval Faubus, and Lester Maddox were committed to the idea of —

racial segregation

In both the delgado v. Bastrop ISD and Mendez v. Westminster U.S. Supreme Court cases, the court ruled that —

racial segregation in schools is unconstitutional

Improved mass-production techniques affected the American economy of the 1920s by —

reducing the prices of consumer goods

It is not by coincidence that the decade of the 1920s has come to be known as "The Jazz Age." This was the time when jazz became fashionable, as part of the youthful revolution in morals and manners that came with the "return to normalcy" following World War I. Americans were now more urbanized, affluent, and entertainment-oriented than ever before. The music industry was quick to take advantage of the situation. —A New Orleans Jazz History, 1895-1927, National Park Service website http://www.nps.gov (accessed September 15, 2014) Based on the information in the excerpt, jazz music was popular in the 1920's because it—

reflected the changes in American society

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 created a central banking system in the United States with the responsibility of —

regulating of monetary policy in the United States

Betty Friedan's book The Feminine Mystique influence the women's rights movement of the 1960s by —

reviving interest in the women's rights movement

A characteristic of American society in the fifteen years following the Second World War was —

rivalry with the Soviet Union and fear of communist infiltration

The Unites States adopted the Open Door policy primarily to —

secure trade opportunities in China

Many immigrants from Latin America take the risk of entering the United States illegally in order to —

seek out U.S. economic opportunities

As a result of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson, state governments were allowed to

segregate racial groups

Control of Hawaii contributed to the power of the United States because the islands —

served as a military base for the United States in the Pacific

Sam Walton and Bill Gates are examples of —

small entrepreneurs who created large businesses

Civil Service reform during the Gilded Age was a response to —

the growth of political machines and corruption of the "spoils system"

The movement of people out of American urban areas after the Second World War led to —

suburban sprawl, increased traffic, and a decrease of green spaces bordering the cities

The steel industry in the United States expanded largely because —

the Bessemer process made steel production more affordable

As a result of the Spanish-American War, the Unites States became a political power in —

the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico

A defining event of the 1960s in the United States was —

the Vietnam War

The Teapot Dome Scandal tarnished the Harding administration and resulted in

the conviction of a cabinet member

The Civil Rights Era in U.S. History is most characterized by social changes brought about by —

the efforts of leaders advocating non-violent civil disobedience

A poster for an American movie playing in Poland is an example of —

the global diffusion of American culture through the entertainment industry


the migration of people to live in cities

One problem of the Second World War considered urgent by the U.S. Office of War Information was —

the unintentional distribution of sensitive information to the enemy

The rich man is thus almost restricted to following the examples of Peter Cooper, Enoch Pratt of Baltimore, Mr. Pratt of Brooklyn, Senator Stanford, and others, who know that the best means of benefiting the community is to place within its reach the ladders upon which the aspiring can rise - free libraries, parks, and means of recreation, by which men are helped in body and mind; works of art, certain to give pleasure and improve the public taste; and public institutions of various kinds, which will improve the general condition of the people; in this manner returning their surplus wealth to the mass of their fellows in the forms best calculated to do them lasting good. —Andrew Carnegie, The Gospel of Wealth, 1889 Which of the following best reflects the ideas promoted by Andrew Carnegie in the excerpt?

the wealthy should engage in philanthropy that enriches the lives of others.

A self-respecting nation cannot, on a scale accepted up to now, leave its higher activities in the hands of people of racially foreign origin . . . Allowing the presence of too high a percentage of people of foreign origin in relation to their percentage in the general population could be interpreted as an acceptance of the superiority of other races, something decidedly to be rejected. —Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung [The German General News], April 27, 1933 The point of view expressed in the article was a contributing factor to —

the wide spread persecution of the jews during the Holocaust

A chief reason for U.S. membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is —

to maintain a collective security agreement in the case of an attack

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