Unit test Review "New Immigration"

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Unqualified and corrupt.

Critics thought that many officials appointed by political machines were...?


A process that directly describes the growth of cities is...?

Attract immigrants from other countries.

A sparsely populated country that undergoes industrial growth would be most likely to...?

New York is closer to Europe, and San Francisco is closer to Asia.

A likely reason the majority of immigrants who passed through Ellis Island were European, while the majority who passed through Angel Island were Asian is that...?

To escape a potato famine.

A major reason Irish immigrants came to the United States in the 1840s was...?


In what year was the Women's Christian Temperance Union formed?

Few windows and poor ventilation.

Many tenement apartments in the early 1900s had...?

The rise of railroads and stockyards.

Which effect of industrialization made city centers somewhat unpleasant for residents?

Addams worked to help immigrants; Steffens worked to reform the government.

How did the efforts of Jane Addams differ from the efforts of Lincoln Steffens?

A bank clerk.

Which of the following is an example of a service industry job in an urban center?

Chinese immigrants wanted to establish their own railroads.

Which of these statements best accounts for Chinese immigration to the United States in the late 1800s?

So that railroad companies couldn't unfairly charge different rates.

Why did a provision of the Interstate Commerce Act require railroads to make their rates public?

An Initiative.

Women's suffrage in Arizona was granted by which reform measure?


Compared with "new" immigrants in the 1800s who tended to be Catholic or Jewish, most "old" immigrants were primarily...?


Reform elements such as the recall, the referendum, and the initiative were primarily designed to give power to...?

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