Unix Midterm

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What command shuts the system down, kills nonessential processes, and executes a sync, waits for filesystem writes to complete, and stops the kernel?


What scheme allows credentials to be more complex for authentication and allows a login to multiple systems from linux to Microsoft?

Single sign-on systems (SSO)

Which Process state indicates the process is waiting for some resource?


Special User Accounts, also known as Pseudo-users, have their password replaced in the /etc/shadow file with a _________ so that their accounts cannot be logged in to.


Which Process state indicates the process is suspended and not allowed to execute?


DHCP permits a computer to obtain all the information needed to communicate on a given network including: (Check-all-that-Apply)

Subnet Mask IPv4 Address Default Router

What program can be utilized to allow a user specific commands to be run as a different user, without giving full access to the users account. For example, the ability to cat a file that "root" owns.


A systems administrator can also be called the ______________, because a system administrator often has unlimited permission to alter the system as the "root" user.

Super User

Linux uses a logical directory tree to organize files into different folders.


Multiple virutal machines can exist on the same server.


The more command should not be used on binary files.


Internet Protocol defines two major protocols. What are the two major protocols:


What is the identification number of the person that created or started the process called?


Which commands below would install the "wget" software package on variations of the Linux Operating System: (Check all that Apply)

Ubuntu: apt-get install wget Suse: yast --install wget Wrong

For the Ubuntu operating system, init was replaced with:


To display the contents of a text file called data, what command should be used?

cat data

What redhat command helps manage services?


Which command below can be used as an editor in Unix-Linux? (Check all that Apply)

emacs, vi, vim

Which of the following below are process information files in the Linux "/proc" directory? (Check all that Apply)

environ maps stat fd All fd environ maps Wrong

Which find command below would find files only?

find . -type f -name '*.log'

Which find command below would discard "permission denied" error messages only:

find / -name core 2> /dev/null

The ___________ command can be used to loop through a range of values?


To create a new process, a process copies itself with the _______ system call.


What is the processing of choosing the path for a packet?


Which command below shows which users are actively using a filesystem?

fuser -c

What command can be used to search text in a file and print lines that match a given pattern?


Which commands below can be used to view log files or text files?

grep cat tail

What command reads the beginning of a file?


After the kernel is running, the _______ process begins executing startup scripts.


During the boostrapping process, what is the first program loaded into memory to be executed?


What process defines one single-user and several network-enabled "run levels" to determine which of the system resources are enabled?


What command is used to restart the machine. (Click all that Apply)

init 6 reboot shutdown -r

What command is used to load a kernel module?


Which tool below from Solaris is used for performing automated installations?


Which tool below from Red Hat is used for performing automated installations?


Utilizing the kill command, what "number" would be used to send a Kill?

kill -9

Which command below causes syslogd to close its log files, reread its configuration file, and start logging again?

kill -HUP

Utilizing the kill command, what "number" would be used to send a Quit?

kill =9 Kill -1 Kill -3 Wrong

Which daemon handles the kenre's ongoing loggin?


When doing an ls command, which filetype symbol below indicates a symbolic link?


Which command below accesses the log file which contains a record of users logins?


What other authentication methods can be used that contain a database-like repository that can store user management data? (Check all that apply)

ldap Microsoft Active Directory

What is the most important characteristic of a good password?


Which run level "reboots" the system?

leve 6

Which run level boot the system to single-user mode?

level 1

Which command below is used to create a symbolic link?

ll -s archived/secure /var/log/secure

Which of the following is a user-level command that submits log entries from the shell?


The syslog.conf file contains the following entry: local5.warning /tmp/evi.log Which logger command would send messages to the associated log file?

logger -p local5.warning "error message"

Which utility implements a variety of log management policies and is standard in Linux?


Which command below enqueues jobs for printing. (Sends the job to the printer)?


Which command below configures printers and classes?


Which cups command below shows available devices or drivers?


Which command below sets system-wide defaults for printers?


Which command below sends a file to be printed?


Which command below cancels a print job?


Which of the following below are spoolers that run as stand-alone processes (daemons) to submit print jobs to the printer?

lpsched lpd

Which command below provides information on print jobs?


What command is used to determine the ownership of a file?

ls -l filename

What command is used to inspect the currently loaded kernel modules?


What command below prints a list of manual pages that have the keyword "translate".

man -k Translate

What command below is used to provide documenation for the "grep" command?

man grep

What command shows the path to manual pages?


Which command below is used to create a directory?


Which command can devices files be created manually with?


What command is used to pass parameters to a loadable kernel module?


What is the command to attach a filesystem to the unix/linux operating system?


Which command below attaches a filesystem to the operating system?


When analyzing a log file that is continuting to receive output from the application, what command can be used to read from the end of the file and wait for new lines to be printed?

tail -f

Which log file attemts to keep a record of each user that is "currently" logged in?


Which of the following of the two items defines cloud computing?

virtualization abstraction

In order for something to be considered in the "cloud", the primary technology must be:


What is the standard name of the kernel file for Linux?


The ______ statement continues to look and execute commands or statements as long as a given condition or set of conditions is true.


Which log files contain a record of users logins?

wtmp wtmpx lastlog

Which elementary bash comparison operator is used to compare to numeric values to see if they are equal?

x -eq y

Which of the followin below is a metapackage manager based on RPM and similiar to apt-get?


Which of the following below are Metapackage management systems:

yum apt

Which files below in the user's home directory is used to set shell environment values?

~/.bash_profile ~/.profile

When doing an ls command, which filetype symbol below indicates a regular file?


A user account can be locked with the usermod command using what option


What option can be used with the ps command to display an entire list of processes across all terminals and including daemons?


Which base file evaulation operation is true if file exists only?


What two ps options can be used to display a full list of information about each process, and a long list of information about each process?

-f -e -e -l -e -p -f -l Wrong

What option can be added to the userdel command to remove the home directory of the target user?


Which entry below refer to the directory itself?


UNIX/Linux systems interpret ____ to mean the parent directory.


Which entry below refer to the parent directory?


Which files below are common startup files for bash, when logging in?

.bashrc .bash_profile

Two package formats are in common use to install software packages:

.deb tar Wrong

Which files below are common stratup files for csh when logging in?

.login .cshrc

Where are the core operating system commands located?


Which command below can be used as a fake shell?


Pseudo-users also have their shells set to: (Check all that apply)

/bin/false /bin/nologin

Which directory contains device files, which have a major and minor number associated with each device?


Which files below are used to attach filesystems, when the system is booted? (Check all that Apply)


What configuration file typically contains a list of groups and associated accounts associated with a group?


Ubuuntu uses job definition files instead of an inittab file to startup processes. The directory is located in:


Which file tells the "init" process what to do at each run level?


What range of IP networks below are used for private intranet ranges? (Select all that Apply)

How many bits is an IPV6 Address?

128 Bits

From the following list, identify a valid Class B IP address:

Which of the following are public IP network IDs? (Choose two.)

How many bits is an IPV4 Address?

32 Bits

How many bits is a MAC Address?

48 bits

What is a standard protocl from Intel that allows systems to boot from a network interface?

Preboot eXecution Environment (PXE)

What command do you use to delete files in Unix/Linux?


What model assigns intermediate roles to assigned users instead of direct permissions.

Role-based access control (RBAC)

What account on a Unix System is known as the "superuser" account?


Which type of file stops the process for the associated runlevel, when a Unix/Linux Server is shutdown?


What kill signal stops a process, then restarts it with the same PID?


Every process has at leaste three communication channesl available in linux: (Click 3 choices)


Which protocol was developed for Unix & Linux systems to provide authentication security for TCP/IP applications when logging in and transferring files?

Secure Shell (SSH)

Solaris revamped the boot process with the introduction of its:

Service Management Facility

What tricks can subvert the usage of sudo? (Check all that Apply)

Shell Escapes sudo su sudo /bin/bash

The variable symbol in a bash script containes the number of command-line arguments?


What directory is the majority of scripts stored for each run level? Each rclevel.d directory, then contains a symbolic link to the primary directory where the scripts are stored.


Which file below contains a list of groups recongized by the system?


Which file below contains a list of users recongized by the system?


Which file below contains the actual user encrypted passwords recongized by the system?


What two files on the Unix/Linux systems contain usernames and their passwords.

/etc/passwd /etc/shadow

Which file stores protected passwords for accounts?


What file contains a list of permitted shells?


When sudo is run, which file is consulted and lists the people who are authorized to use sudo and the commands they are allowed to run on each host?


Many of RedHat Linux's configrations during the boot process are located uner which directory:


Which file below is the configuration file for syslog?


Where are the default user directories located?


Where are the main kenel compones located?


What directory below is specific to libraries and shared libraries?


Another method of deploying additional software to a kernel is loadable kernel modules. Where are loadable kernel modules stored under in linux?


What directory below is used for optional software packages?


What is the name of the filesystem that "ps" reads process status information from?


What directory below is the home directory of the superuser account?


What is the primary directory consisting of a hierarchy of secondary files and command to include directories such as sbin, share, src, lib, bin, and include.


Where are the system-specific data and configuration files located and includes directories like adm, log and spool?


Which directories below contain log files?

/var/adm /var/log

On Linux, the root user always has a UID of what number?​?


At the vi command mode prompt, what key combination below will force a quit from the vi editor without saving changes?


To replace the file's existing content or create a new file, you use:


To append output to an existing file, you use ______.


To redirect STDOUT and STDERR, use the following:


Which special charactoer in regular expression matches one of the preceding element?


What is a MAC Address?

A media access control address to identify a unique network interface controller card.

The following operating system below is not a popular Linux Distribution:


Which fields below are in the /etc/group file? (Check all that Apply)


Which of the following are characteristics of cloud computer? (Check-all-that-Apply)


Which of the software packages below are used to create virtual servers? (Check-all-that-apply)


Which protocol does a router use to obtain the MAC address of a PC host located on a directly connected subnet?


ARP stands for:?

Address Resolution Protocol

What does the NIST definition of Cloud Computing include: (Check-all-that-apply)


Which of the following are deployment models for cloud computing? (Check-all-that-apply)


What are the essential duties of a Systems Administrator? (Check All that Apply)

All of them

Which of the following tasks do most administrators perform when it comes to software installation and management? (Check all-that-apply)

Automating mass installations of operating systems. Maintaining custom OS configurations for the local environment. Managing add-on software packages. Keeping systems and applications patched and up to date.

Linux uses the freeware ____ shell as its default command interpreter.


The _____ shell, when compared to the other shells, has a more powerful programming interface.


To navigate the UNIX/Linux directory structure, you use the ____ command.


Which two attributes are Clouds defined?

Characteristics Service Models Wrong

What is the definition of CUPS on Linus/Unix?

Common Unix Printing System

Before modifying a file, it is best practices to:

Create a backup revision of the file.

What protocol can be used to automatically assign IP addresses and other parameters to a host or router?


Which term can be used as an equivalent to default router?

Default gateway

An IP address consists of a 32-bit binary number. When written like this:, it is known as ________ notation.


DHCP protocol is defined as:

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

What is the effective user identification of a process called?


The follow information below is contained in the password file. (Check all that Apply)

Encrypte password placeholder Login name Home directory Login Shell UID GECOS information GID

In Unix/Linux all shells support the same commands and programing statements. (T/F)


It is acceptable to use shell metacharacters when naming files.


The command strings /bin/echo displays the raw binary characters inside the /bin/echo binary executable program.


When a Unix or Linux Operating System on a PC or proprietary system is first turned on, the boot process begins at which level. (Check all that Apply)

Firmware ROM Bios (PC)

What information is contained in the GECOS field? (Check all that Apply)

Full Name Office Number and Building

A _________ gives a group of users equal access files that they all share.


What is the identification number of the group that created or started the process called?


Which of the following are used to store live versions of files, allowing for checkin and checkout of files while editing?

Git Subversion

What is the default boot loader for most UNIX and Linux system with Intel Processors and loads the unix/linux kernel?

Grand Unifed Boot Loader (GRUB)

In the Unix/Linux Operating System permissions on a files and directories consist of: (Ex... rwxrwxrwx (Check All that Apply)

Group User/Owner Other

What is the main component that enables virtualization a manages virtual machines/


Which of the following below are the three main sevice models for Cloud Computing?

IaaS SaaS PaaS

Which Desktop printing utility is the primariy printing tool for KDE?


_________ also deals with authentication similar to PAM, but uses a specific authentication method; unlike PAM which is a framework.


What Layer of the OSI Model describes communication utilizing MAC address communication?

Layer 2

What technology is an authentication technology rather than an access control technology?

Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)

What are the steps in the boot process? (Check all that Apply)

Loading and Initialization of the kernel Device detection and configuration Creation of kernel processes Reading of the boot loader from the master boot record. Execution of system startup scripts

When the BIOS selects the device to boot from, it tries to read the first block of the device, know as the:


SELinux utilizes an access control system in which all permissions are assigned by administrators and called:

Mandatory Access Control

UNIX and Linux are ____ systems, which allow one user to execute more than one program at a time.


Which layer of the TCP/IP network model specifies how packets travel end to end over a TCP/IP network?


Which of the following platforms are used to control Hypervisor sessions across a large virtualized environment? (Check-all-that-ApplY)


Each Virtual Machine has it's own: (Check-all-that-Apply)

Operating System Librariers and Applications Kernel

What is the unique process number that the kernel assigns to a process called?


Utilizing the "ps" command, the following information can be obtained: (Check all that Apply)


What is the original process referred to that has cloned a process copy?


What is a piece of software (or a combination of software and hardware) that stores passwords for your organizatino in a secure fashion.

Password Vault

The ______ statement simplifies the selection of a match when you have a list of choices.


What does an ARP Table contain?

The table matches an IP Address with the associated MAC Address

What is the easiest command to utilize to understand wheter a command is available and installed on the system. For example, the Gnu C compiler. (Check All that apply)

Which gcc

Which Process state indicates the process is trying to die?


Which Process state indicates the process can be executed?

Zombie Wrong

Which of the following below are process states? (Check all that Apply)

Zombie Sleeping Stopped Wrong

On Linux systems, device drivers are typically distributed in one of three forms:

a loadable module an installation script or package that installs the drive a patch against a specific kernel version

What type of pathnames are interpreted as being the full location of the file or directory?


Linux has several make targets that let the administrator configure the kernel with different interfaces. Which make targets below have a configuration interface to assist with rebuiling kernels: (Check-all-that-Apply)


Log data can become quite large, but also a necessity to keep. Administrators should keep these questions in mind when designing a overall loggin strategy: (Check-all-that-apply)


The kernel abstracts everal lower-leve hardware features, including: (Select-all-that-apply)


WHich of the following pieces does printing rely on? (Check-all-that-apply)


What information should an Administrator consider at the least capturing from log files: (Check-all-that-Apply)


Which methods below are used to ocnfigure a Linux Kernel?


It's possible to upgrade an entire system full of software with a single ____________ command.


What command can be used on most modern PC operating systems to display the contents of the ARP cache from the CLI?

arp -a

Which tool below from SUSE is used for performing automated installations?


What command can be used for matching patterns and perform an associated action?


WHich command on Sun hardware boots to single-user mode?

boot -s

What is the standard term for "starting up a computer". During this process, the kernel is loaded into memory and begins executing.


When doing an ls command, which filetype symbol below indicates a charcter device file?


Which chmod command below would change privledge on a file to allow full privledges to owner and group, but only read privledges to everyone else?

chmod 774 file

Which command below provide the ability to modify the group and ownership of a file? (Check all that Apply)

chown chgrp

What command changes the root directory of a process?


What defines a set of printers that share a print queue?


In what mode does the vi editor open by default?​

command mode

A kernel can be modified by modifying which of the files below in the source directory:


What command below copies an entire directory and retrains the permissions:

cp -rp

Which of the following are syslog severity levels

crit err emerg

What command can remove sections from each line?


Which command below would produce a list of unique sorted values in the password file :

cut -d: -f7 < /etc/password | sort - u

When doing an ls -ld on /usr/include, which item below indicates the filetype?


Which of the following are syslog facillity names?

daemon auth kern

Which of the following sylog.conf entries sends information about daemon and auth to a centralized syslog server on the network?

daemon,auth.info @netloghost

In vi, using command mode, what ​series of key presses below will cause the line on which the cursor is on to be deleted?


Which tool below from Ubuntu is used for performing automated installations?


What command below is used to view the kernel buffer and contains messages that were generated prior to "init" starting.


Which command installs, verifies and queries the status of packages in linux; Ubuntu as an example.


UNIX/Linux are ____ systems, which let many people simultaneously access and share the resources of a server computer


To change the primary group temporarily to another group that is listed in the output of the groups and id commands, you can use which command below?


Which command sets the process's nice value at the time of creation?


The _____________ of a process is a numeric hint to the kernel about how the process should be treated in relation to other processes contending for the CPU.


Which tool below from AIX is used for performing automated installations?


What state with the svcs command in Solaris indicates enabled and successfully started:


Which of the following is the library routines that submit messages to syslogd?


What can be used on a Linux system to trace the lineage of each child process?​?

parent process ID

A function name differs from a variable name because a function name is followed by a set of ____.


Regular expressions, also called "regex", are used for:

pattern matching

Which of the following below is the FreeBSD package manager?


In shell scripts commend lines begin with a(n)______

pound (#) symbol

In the output of the ps -l command, what column is the most valuable to systems administrators because it indicates what the process is currently doing?

process state

Which "ps" command below shows a userful overview of all the processes running on Linux and AIX?

ps aux

Which "ps" command below shows a useful overview of all the processes running on HP & Solaris?

ps aux ps -list wrong

What command can be used to reconcile the contents of the shadow file to those of the passwd file, picking up any new additions and deleting users that ar no longer listed in passwd?


What command can be issued to confirm what directory you are in at a command line prompt?


What type of pathnames are interpreted as starting at the current directory?


Which command adjusts the nice value after initial creation?


Which command below sets the nice value to of process to 5?

renice 5 -u boggs

What is the default boot configuration for GRUB? (Select all that apply)


Which command below is used to remove a directory?


What command is used to remove a loaded kernel module?


For security reasons, most Unix/Linux systems allow _________ logins to be disabled on terminals through network access, except on the main console


Which comman-line options are available with GRUB? (Check all that apply)

root find kernel reboot

Which command installs, verifies and queries the status of packages in linux; redhat as an example.


What command below would be utilized to check if the python package was installed on the Red Hat or SUSE Linux Operating Systems?

rpm -q python

With no options, _______ displays the current listing of Bash environment and shell script variables.


The _________ command, used to run a shell script, includes several options for debugging.


What command is the safest, most considerate, and most thorough way to halt a system?


What is the term traditionally used in unix system to boot the system just enough to run a shell on the system console?

single-user mode

The file below contained in the /etc/apt directory contains a list of universal packages and package source for "main" components of ubuntu.


What command in Solaris changes the status of the service? For example, disable ssh.

ssh down

Which commands below shows every system call that a process makes and every signal it receives? (Check All that Apply)

strace truss wrong

What account substitues the user identity, effectively allowing you to login as that user account.

su - username

What is the process name of the integrated systems for logging in Unix/Linux?


Which of the following is the logging daemon and it's config file is: /etc/syslog.conf?


What command reads from the end of a file?


Which files in the /proc/sys allow tunable kernel parameters (Check-all-that-apply)

tcp-fin-timeout inode-max shmmax

What command is used to split the data stream and send a copy to another output?


A ____ is used to refer to the users' home directory.

tilde (~)

Which command below can show "live" information on the process status, similiar to "ps". This command provides more detailed cpu, memory, swap, and process information.


Which deamon listens for messages from the kernel regarding device status changes?


Which built-in shell command below sets the default permission for a user, when a file is initially created?


Which command below detaches a filesystem to the operating system?


In order to create user accounts on a Linux system, what command should be utilized?


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