US HIST 1301 test 2

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Mayflower Compact

-"the soul of America" -the first seed of democracy in America -pilgrims wrote this contract for the indentured servants -> gave them democracy -said that slaves were equal, free, share power, land, work, etc.

John Wesley

started the Methodist church


*T*: total depravity -> puritans believe we are all born into sin and we aren't guaranteed salvation *U*: unconditional election -> predestination -> some people are saved, some aren't *L*: limited atonement -> you can do good works but that doesn't guarantee a spot in heaven *I*: irresistible grace -> can't say no to God *P*: perseverance -> vigorous worship of God -> going to church and studying everything

George Whitefield

-"soul of the Great Awakening" -minister from Europe -basically a celebrity - everyone knew who he was and came to hear him preach -traveled to the American colonies - took 7 trips - gave 18,000+ sermons - would have crowds of 30,000+ people -very talented and inspirational speaker -even Benjamin Franklin, who didn't agree with any of this guys views, was in awe when he heard him speak -basically brought the Great Awakening to America

Covenant Grace

-"test" that you have to take -> puritans going through to become a member of the church


-*didn't have democracy* -protestants -> Calvinists -believed Anglican church was corrupt -believed they could purify the church/society -more optimistic -looked like everyone else -> couldn't tell who they were until they started talking -wanted a pure community -wanted to go to America to make a model community -struggled to be the most "God-like", christian, etc.


-*had democracy* -protestant -> Calvinists -believed English church and court was awful and that they needed to be separate -separatists -pessimistic -Plymouth, Massachusetts -thought England was corrupt so they went to Holland -contacted Edward Sans -> in charge of London Company and asked if they could settle in Virginia -came to America in 1620 -extremely poor -> came with basically nothing, only the clothes on their back -don't have a lot of supplies -> had to rely on London Company -> didn't actually provide anything -sailed on to America on 2 ships -> the Mayflower and Speedwell -landed in Plymouth in the winter -> many didn't survive the first winter -> only 40-45 survivors -> almost half of them died -they were motivated by religion -> determined to stay -everything they do fails

William Brewster

-*leader of the Scrooby Separatists* -horrified with queen Elizabeth and gov't and thought it was corrupt -moved to Scrooby from London -people in Scrooby started to persecute separatists -> kept an eye on them, wouldn't sell them anything, etc. because they were vocal and caused trouble -wanted to go settle in Holland and leave the country because dutch were Calvinists -left Scrooby and went to Holland -found out Holland wasn't the best place to be either -> they were farmers and they moved into a city and couldn't find jobs, didn't speak the language, had financial and economic problems -the longer they stayed in Holland, the less English they became -> thought their children would become dutch -> didn't like that -the city wasn't as religious as they thought, not Calvinists, the people worked on the Sabbath, etc. -got in trouble with the king because you need permission from king to leave country -*he was breaking the law in Holland* -*he had to hide/live in a basement because the dutch authorities were looking for him to send him back to England*


-Anne Hutchinson -believed that the holy spirit is residing in us -> everyone is guided by the holy spirit -believed that we didn't need the bible, only need to listen to the holy spirit -didn't believe church elders were saints because everyone has the holy spirit in them so how can one person be better than the other

Edward Braddock

-British general -upset because he had to go to America -> had no respect for Americans -George Washington tried to give him some advice -> told him to get Indian allies, to fight a "frontier style war", and to capture Fort Duquesne as fast as he could -didn't listen to George Washington at all -> said that he didn't need savages or to fight a frontier style war -did everything wrong -said he was gonna take Fort Duquesne and Canada in 2 weeks -> took him 4 weeks to get to the Fort -> had so many supplies and things and took a lot of unnecessary stops along the way -they didn't have the element of surprise -> bright red coats, bagpipes, etc. -was warned by George Washington that the French would ambush him and told him not to just walk in -didn't listen to Washington again, and they just walked in, and they were ambushed by the French -was killed at this battle -nearly wiped out entire British and American soldiers -> Washington saved them

Battle of Quebec

-British won this battle -French lost -James Wolfe led British forces in this battle -British forces went single-file into Quebec through the back on a goat trail -French signed the Treaty of Paris to end the French & Indian war

Proclamation of 1763

-England made this -said that americans couldn't expand past the Appalachian mountains to the west -one half was for the americans and the other half was for the native americans -England didn't want to ruin trade or have to pay more more for wars -kept British forces on american soil to make sure americans don't mess up peace with the Indians

Fort Duquesne

-French Fort -battle at this fort during French & Indian War when British forces attack it -heavy losses from the battle at this fort

The Enlightenment

-a scientific movement -when you get the American revolution -capacity of the human mind -started in France -inspired people to use their brains to make the world better -observed surroundings -> what needs to be improved -> how can you make something better? -all founding fathers were a part of this movement -street entertainment=cultured society -tavern culture -> taverns were everywhere and could be everywhere -> where you communicated

David Rittenhouse

-founding father -politician -engineer in continental army -interested in astronomy/astrology -created a moving planetarium in a warehouse -came up with cross-hairs (used for aiming with guns) because of the design of spiderwebs -created the mason-dixon line

Samoset and Squanto

-both spoke English -Samoset was sent as an ambassador by the local Indians in Plymouth to find out what the pilgrims were doing there -Samoset was kidnapped by an English pirate as a child so that's why he can speak English -asked English if they wanted peace/war -> would bring either an arrow without feathers which means peace or an arrow with feathers which means war -Samoset came back a couple days later with Squanto -the chief thought that the English were stupid, so Squanto stayed with them and taught them how to survive -told them what to eat -> cranberries, pumpkins, turkeys, corn and put herring in the ground to fertilize it -pilgrims survive because of him

"Jumping the broomstick"

-breeding slaves -slave marriages - put a broomstick on the ground and if they jumped over it then they were "married" -slave marriages were illegal, so these marriages weren't legal, but the slaves didn't know that - they felt like they had a family unit

Massasoit (Wampanoags)

-chief of the Wampanoags -sent Samoset to talk to the English -thought the English were stupid and decided to help them

Halfway Covenant

-designed to give people partial membership with the church if they haven't completed covenant of grace -they still couldn't take place in baptism, etc. but you could vote, hold office, etc. -to try to get people interested in church again because people stopped going to church -actually ended up splitting the church in half -elders thought younger generations had it easy

Anne Hutchinson

-dissenter -ironic because she was the daughter of a puritan minister -mother of 12 children -a radical -held prayer meetings -> but she said things in the meetings that differed from her father's preachings -antinomian -> believed that the holy spirit is residing in us and everyone is guided by the holy spirit -believed we didn't need bibles -didn't believe that church elders were saints bc everyone had the holy spirit in them -Winthrop put her on trial for heresy -she split Boston in half -> half with her, half with Winthrop -exiled her and her family was kicked out of Boston and half of Boston went with her -New Hampshire started because of her -> the people that followed her settled this colony -her and her family went to New York and were killed by Indians

Roger Williams

-dissenter (puritans that break away) -most radical of the puritans -didn't go on Great Migration -spoke out -had radical ideas -in trouble in England -> asked to go to Massachusetts -strange ideas: 1. claimed that the entire set up of theocracy in Boston is false -> challenged sainthood and elders -> "if you believe in God, he loves you and you're saved" -> everyone who believes in God is equal 2. the entire concept of how they set up the colony is wrong -> they don't have a right to the colony -> it belongs to the native americans -> didn't pay for it -> stole it from the natives -so he wrote a letter to Charles 1st who hates puritans and puritans hate him -proposes separation of church and state -> no one but him accepts this idea -puritans don't accept separation of church and state -he was put on trial and charged for heresy -puritans want him killed -> ship him back to London where he's wanted for treason OR he could be exiled -> so he is exiled -"the hippie of the colonies" -not even the pilgrims like him -he just travels around -started his own colony to stick it to the puritans -named the spot he found "providence" because it was the chosen spot -> the providence of God -> Rhode Island -*proprietor of Rhode Island* -bought the land from the Indians -accepts everyone -people called it the "nest of vipers" because i was where all the radicals went

John Peter Zenger

-editor of a New York paper -bashed the governor in his paper -governor put him in jail for treason because governor was the "spokesperson" for the king -Zenger case - was a big deal jury didn't end up convicting him for treason and slander -> jury said it was the "duty of the press to inform the people" -freedom of the press

Indentured Servants

-first laborers in America -80% of people who migrated to America -typically ages 16-20 -came from British Isles -mostly male -they signed a contract to work for someone in America -basically a slave for 7 years -person that you work for keeps you alive - work for free, but you get room & board -basically a piece of property - no freedom -once the 7 years are up, you are free -> you can apply for headright

Pequot War

-first major war in New England -tried to flee -> puritans surrounded them in fire and shot at them if they tried to flee -almost annihilated by the puritans but they weren't -English teamed up with other Indian tribes and learned out to fight Indians -English won


-first university in Massachusetts -divinity school -> to create ministers -all about education

Confederation of New England

-formed in 1643 -Plymouth was a member -1st gov't based on articles of confederation -every colony minus Rhode Island was a part of this -> they would get together as a confederation and all have equal power -2 members from each colony were chosen and would all get together and discuss things -everyone had an equal say -> had to say yes or no -> legislation only passed with a unanimous vote of yes -no one could agree 100% on anything -did not work -weak system of gov't

Fort Necessity

-fort for the Virginia militia -small fort -> basically just four walls -where the first battle of the French & Indian War happened -George Washington in charge of the militia -lost to the French - George Washington's only military surrender -fort fell on July 4th -after this, the militia asked the British Army for help

Benjamin Franklin

-founding father -one of the most important people in The Enlightenment -born in Boston, MA into a big family -farmed out as a printer -became an apprentice for his older brother Richard who worked in a print shop -he got annoyed and ran away to Philadelphia at 17 years old -never had a formal education -fluent in 5 languages -was an accomplished writer and newspaper printer -wrote "Poor Richard's Almanac" and many more -wrote his autobiography -had his own newspaper - the Pennsylvania Gazette -also a politician -diplomat for Americans in England and France -member of the Continental Congress -helped write the Declaration of Independence -spent his life trying to better society -invented inscription library -founding father of Penn State -he's the reason Philadelphia has paved streets, streetlamps, etc. -invented the Franklin stove, bifocals, flippers, musical instruments like the armonica -> instrument that uses water to make sound -most famous for his work on electricity -invented lightning rods -most famous of the founding fathers in Europe

Benjamin Church

-general in charge of forces in king Philip's war -started using guerrilla warfare -king Philip's war -> very violent and bloody -colonists were tortured and scalped by the Indians -used same tactics as they used in the Pequot war -> surrounded them in fire and shot at them if they tried to flee

Salem Witch Trials

-girls 9-20s started acting weird -started having convulsions, thought they were blind, barked like a dog, etc. -took them to the doctor -> couldn't explain; then took them to church -> people thought they were demons -girls accused servants, like Tabitha, of being witches and cursing them -Tabitha says she's a witch and that there are more like her -asked the girls who other witches were and they accused their neighbors, and even a minister -> 13 women and 6 men hanged for being witches -if you didn't offer a plea, your estate goes to your family but you would get pressed to death by stones -> happened to one guy because he wanted his family to have his estate and he knew he would be convicted either way -would be convicted if you plea guilty or not -> hanged and estate forfeited -when the accused would come into the courtroom, the girls would start convulsing and barking like dogs and told the judge that the witch was cursing them -"ghost testimonies" -the girls convicted people,, people were hanged and lost their land; parents of the girls bought the land up -> basically murderers -later on convictions were lifted and the families got the estates back

Metacom (King Philip's War)

-grandson of the chief who ate with the Pilgrims (Massasoit) -became the chief after his grandfather died -didn't like the pilgrims -Wapanoag Indian -believes he's supposed to be equal and friends with the pilgrims but mad at the pilgrims because they took two Indians and executed them without telling him -decided to start own confederation -> goes to other tribes and asks them to join to get rid of the English -King Philips war -> bloodiest war -> 1 out of every 4 colonists were killed -Indians almost wiped them out and almost succeeded -survived -> but later on beheaded by new englanders

John Winthrop

-head of Massachusetts Bay Company -asked for a charter and got one in 1629 -looked for loop holes in the charter that would ensure that his company stayed -usually a representative stays in London so if the company does something bad, someone can be punished -> usually written in the charter -king forgot this clause about having a rep or keeping the charter with the king where he could tear it up anytime -> so they took the charter with them -1st governor

Anthony Johnson

-indentured servant who stayed in Virginia -African American who was enslaved -after his 7 years, he was freed, he changed his name, applied for head right, and got a plantation -first former slave to buy his own slaves


-indentured servants that were not brought voluntarily -> were forced on board because they would get money per person on board -were basically kidnapped and put on a ship to America -most people died before they got to America -put on ships called "coffin ships" because most of the people died on them

"Old Deluder Satan Law"

-law passed that forces you to have a school in your town -> smartest people -Satan is an entity -> evil being -> pulls you away from God -Satan makes you illiterate and keeps you from reading the bible -school = education = Satan can't make you illiterate

Navigation Acts

-laws designed to remove the middlemen (Dutch) from trade -must trade only with the British empire -only use British things, like ships, etc. -set up an admiral court -> maritime court -there weren't any protests against these laws because they fell under mercantilism -colonists didn't care that much about them because Britain didn't pay that much attention to the colonies anyways

Great Migration (Massachusetts Bay and Co.)

-linked puritans coming to America -11 year tyranny -> king Charles shut down parliament and ruled by himself -> all puritan ministers were fired -puritans packed up and moved to Massachusetts during this time for religion and gave a lot up and started Massachusetts Bay Co. -king James died and king Charles became king -> married to a Catholic queen -> raised 2 Catholic kings -he sparks this movement -king Charles is Armenian -> not a practicing protestant -> closet Catholic

Albany Plan of Union

-meeting held in Albany, New York -tried to get the colonists to unite into one country -tried to create a single government -"unite or die" -> Benjamin Franklin made poster with a snake on it that was cut into 13 different parts to represent the 13 colonies and it said this on it to encourage people to unite -Benjamin Franklin brought this plan -royal government was in charge of the colonies -> there was a spokesperson to the king; shared power with congress -> 2 people from each colony was in congress -> everyone had an equal say -> England didn't like this -> thought the executive should have more power than the congress because the executive represents the king -congress thought they should have more power because the executive wasn't from America and didn't know America like they did -neither could agree on this union

Society of Friends (Quakers)

-never used pagan names -> so they basically spoke a different language -didn't swear on bibles -" didn't give/take oaths -passivists -> got them in trouble -refused to assimilate -"must bear witness" -puritans don't like them -interrupt puritan sermons and tell them they're wrong -stood out -spoke their mind and got in your face -puritans refer to them as "locusts" -native americans nearly wiped them out

Johnathan Edwards

-new light minister -> promoted revivalism -new light ministers didn't have to be educated but he was extremely educated -> went to Yale -combined the Great Awakening and The Enlightenment -> religion and science -said that God gave us brains for a reason -> go out and use it -religion and science don't have to conflict, they can work together -persuaded people by example -> let a doctor inoculate him with small pox to make him immune, but they didn't know how much to use, and they used to much because it didn't work for him, and he eventually died of small pox -> was a martyr for the cause -believed in "personal responsibility" -> we are personally responsible for leading a christian life style and for finding your way to God


-not Atheist -Benjamin Franklin practiced this -believed in God, but didn't believe that you needed to go to church or talk to a minister -> just had to go to the house of God (nature) and talk to God -> because nature was created by God and churches were man-made -God=a watchmaker -> makes you and then lets you go -> gives us a choice -God doesn't intervene in our lives or in the world -> gave us freedom -believed that good works help you find a way to God's grace -charity -> believed you should help a fellow man -disagreed with methodists -disagreed with what George Whitefield had to say

Thomas Jefferson

-part of the Enlightenment -served in the House of Burgesses -drafted the Declaration of Independence -became president of the United States -was an accomplished author -wrote a biography on Virginia -scientist and inventor -invented a copy machine because he didn't want to write things again -invented swivel back chairs -invented sliding doors -bought Louisiana when he was president - sent expeditions into Louisiana - most famous one was with Lewis and Clark

Salutary Neglect

-period with no government monitoring -colonies were not taxed -"mother country" -> England, neglected the 13 colonies and didn't pay attention to them during this time -no regulations -laissez faire capitalism -Americans made a lot of money during this time because no one was stopping you and they could trade with whomever they wanted -became more independent minded -had local assemblies -> they were self reliant

John Locke (Life Trinity)

-philosopher -part of The Enlightenment -came up with the theory of government -wrote a book -> "two essays of government" -believed we had God-given inherited rights (natural rights) -> called the life trinity -> "life, liberty, and property" -Thomas Jefferson later plagiarized him (sign of admiration) in the Declaration of Independence, except he said "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"

John Elliot

-puritan missionary to the american Indians -"the apostle to the Indians" -praying towns

James Wolfe

-qualified British military officer at battle of Quebec for the French & Indian war -Jeffery Amherst's assistant/partner -had old maps put together by captain cook -> map showed tiny pathway to get into the back of Quebec that was used by goat herders -> no one knew about it -sent entire British force single-file up goat trail into Quebec -> won the war against the French because of this -martyr -> died at the battle of Quebec

Great Awakening

-religious movement in England -religious leaders were concerned because people were becoming less religious -> young people were out of control -this was a movement to get people interested in the church again -> to bring passion to religion -moved from traditional to more passionate and inspirational -ministers needed to inspire passion - held camp meetings, etc. -ministers didn't need a lot of education or experience, they just needed to inspire people -this movement served as the glue to society -> everyone was involved -this movement opened lines of communication -> traveling ministers

George Fox

-shoemaker -traveled all over selling shoes and speaking his mind -> weird things -"everyone has a guiding light" -> your soul that guides you to heaven -kept getting arrested but people just laughed at him and thought he was crazy -told everyone they would "Quake" before God -people called him a "Quaker"

French and Indian War

-spark that started everything -started in the colonies because of a land dispute -Britain made colonies pay for this war -> first time the colonists are taxed -colonists need to move west because there are so many of them and they are running out of space -French owns the territory in the west but Virginia thinks they own it because Queen Elizabeth gave them a charter saying they have all the land from sea to sea -Virginia sent a surveyor to see the land -> French kicked him out -boundary dispute -both sides think the other is trespassing on their property -sent Virginia militia to go and try to kick the French out - doesn't work -long and drawn out war - lasts 7 years -eventually the British forces come and help them, so it's basically the French and the Indians who are on their side vs. the British

Benjamin West

-symbol of art -epitome of American expectation -born into nothing, on the frontier, poor, only had his talent -made his own tools, paint, paintbrushes -> made paintbrushes from cattails (plants) -> used nature -American painters dominated colonial times -painted portraits for royals in Europe

Phillis Wheatley

-symbol of literacy in America -African American -1st black poet to be published -very talented with poetry -went on tour for her poetry -born in Massachusetts

Mayflower and Speedwell

-the 2 ships that the pilgrims sailed on to America -Speedwell sprung a leak, so they had to go back to Europe to fix it -> 2 weeks later they went on the ships again -> Speedwell got a leak again -> went back and just got on the Mayflower -only about 30 pilgrims on the ship - everyone else was a "stranger" who didn't like the pilgrims -took 3 weeks for them to America on the Mayflower with technically no deaths -> one natural death but it cancelled out because a lady had birth, so 102 people got on and 102 people got off -Mayflower was owned by a wine merchant and was made only of wood, so when the pilgrims sailed on it, the wine would spill and seep into the wood which sterilized the ship and killed germs so that's why no one died -pilgrims sailed to Massachusetts on purpose because they weren't about to go to Jamestown where a bunch of Anglicans were -> strangers (who were indentured servants) weren't happy because they wanted to go to Virginia

New England Primer

-the first textbook

Middle Passage

-the route the slave ships would take -11.5 million people were taken out of Africa and taken to America to be sold as slaves -slave ships were worse than coffin ships -ships smelled awful because of the dead bodies, urine, etc. -slaves were malnourished, barely wearing clothes, and chained up -> no room for activity -more than half of the people died while traveling through this passage

Hampton Court Conference

-where king James told Puritans to go to have a meeting with the king about the church -meeting at Hampton court palace -puritans made a list to "fix" the Anglican church (like no bishops, congregation, etc.) -James liked the idea of absolute monarchy -no bishops with church might lead to no king later on so James stopped the meeting because he saw it as an attack on absolute monarchies -he only gave them a new translation -> a Calvinist version -> King James version -puritans found out king James was a homosexual and courting Catholic Spain to marry his kids off and they didn't like Catholics


-where the pilgrims landed -had a food supply, clean water, good geography, and was a blessed area according to pilgrims -pilgrims got here in the winter -Indians kept/stored corn and pilgrims found the corn -pilgrims were trespassing on the Plymouth company -> lied to king and London company, and were outnumbered -pilgrims gave the strangers democracy here


-whole is more important than the individual -ex: British empire -> whole empire has to be considered -> not just an individual country in the empire -ex: whole colony has to be considered, not just an individual in the colony -the government has the obligation to monitor the colonies -> make sure there's a balance between imports and exports and make sure that everyone is following this

New York

center of slave trade -> not a southern state because dutch are about capitalism

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