US History 2111: Midterm

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Mississpian Culture

(Cahokia) permanent settlements, creation of flint hoe, temple mounds, violence because of resources

Which of the following Indian peoples built homes in cliff dwellings that still exist?


Scholars believe that most Native Americans immigrated to the Americas thousands of years ago from:


Some scholars believe that the Americas were populated between 9000 and 15000 years ago by people crossing a land bridge called Beringia. This argument is supported by which of the following?

Asian and American Indians share genetic markers on the Y chromosome

What was the turning point of the American Revolution?

Battle of Saratoga

Many scholars today accept the theory that the first inhabitants of the New World arrived via a land bridge called


What form of protest to British action was advocated by the First Continental Congress?

Boycott of British goods

What battle is depicted in this picture?

Bunker Hill

Which of the following best describes the treatment of religion in the new states?

By 1790, most states had disposed of any laws limiting the rights of certain religious groups.***

According to Bernal Diaz del Castillo's report, how did Cortes's soldiers react to their first sight of Tenochtitlan? a) They were awed by the size of the city b) They were shocked by the buildings that seemed to just rise out of the water c) They were impressed by the number of inhabitants of the city d)All of the above


How did the Virginia House of Burgesses show its support of Massachusetts after the passing of the Coercive Acts?

Calling for a day of fasting and prayer

Who founded the colony of Maryland?

Cecilius Calvert

Which of the following tribes would an English explorer be most likely to encounter?


The purpose of the First Continental Congress was to

Coordinate resistance to the Intolerable Acts

The basis of the Mesoamerican diet was:


The most common conflict in eighteenth-century colonial politics was between:

Different colonies, such as the rivalry between New York and Massachusetts***

According to the New World Encounters video, the greatest weapon that the Spanish had in their quest to conquer Native Americans was what?


In the Columbian Exchange, who introduced horses to who?

Europeans introduced horses to the Native Americans

The textbook argues that Europeans could not have come to dominate the New World without Africans and Native Americans. Which of the following pieces of evidence best supports that argument?

Europeans relied on African slavery to provide labor for the sugar plantations of the Caribbean and Brazil

Which two groups of settlers focused on fur trading?

French and Dutch

Who were the Hessians?

German soldiers-for-hire

According to the excerpt from Christopher Columbus's journal, the end of Spain's wars with the the Moors came in 1492, when they reconquered what region?


In the Thomas Harriot reading describing an Englishman meeting Native Americans in Virginia, which statement best describes the Englishman's impression of the Native Americans?

He believed they could be easily conquered and easily converted to Christianity.***

Why did John Dickinson offer the British the Olive Branch Petition?

He thought we had enough internal disputes to resolve first

Who was the Dutch explorer who explored the New York Harbor?

Henry Hudson

Native American societies at the time of European contact can best be described as:

Highly diverse: over 2,000 cultures

Which culture developed the first writing system in the Western Hemisphere?


Which of the following was a voluntary work commitment?

Indentured servitude

Which extensive tribe forged a political confederacy to strengthen their influence and resolve internal disputes?


What did the Stamp Act do?

It placed a tax on all legal documents and printed materials

What role did New York City play in the Revolution?

It served as the headquarters for the British forces

Which of the following was true of the city of Tenochtitlan?

It was well-planned, clean, and orderly

How did women support the Patriot cause during the American Revolution?

Made homespun clothing for boycotts, became nurses, delivered supplies

Mansa Musa was the king of which African Empire?


Where did Shays's Rebellion begin?


Which of the following people would have been most likely to support the Patriots and the cause of American independence from Britain after 1776?

Men who had served on the Committees of Correspondence

Where did plant cultivation start?


The hypothesis of the migration from Asia to North America began around 13,000 BCE was challenged by the discovery of what site?

Monte Verde: found relics 14,000+ years old, "Pacific Coast waterway"

How did the Treaty of Paris of 1783 cause future trouble?

New Englanders could fish off the coast of Canada***

According to the textbook, which civilization is considered to be "The mother of Mesoamerican cultures" because of their influence on art, architecture, agriculture, and trade?


Which of the following could be considered a consequence of the agricultural revolution that happened approximately 10,000 years ago?

Permanent settlements

Which group of Europeans led the slave trade?


Who made up the labor force in Puritan New England?

Puritan young people

Which religious group in colonial North America was noted for their strong opposition to slavery?


Scholars believe that the Incan city of Machu Picchu primarily served what kind of purpose?

Religious (housing the priesthood)

Which of the following cannot be considered a consequence of the Stono Rebellion

Several slaves gained their freedom after a successful

The region where the British had the most success was


What was NOT a concern of the Anti-Federalists?

States would have some powers reserved to them

What group of Native American did Bacon and his supporters attack without permission?


Which of the following was NOT one of the consequences of the Coercive Acts?

The Boston Massacre increased colonial support for the Revolution

Which of the following is the best answer to this question: How was Bacon's Rebellion a foreshadowing of the American Revolution?

The British government officials were disregarding the needs of the colonists.

The only true source of centralized authority in Europe during the Middle Ages was the:

The Catholic Church

The textbook suggests that propaganda played an important role in how patriots built support for revolution in the colonies. Which of the following pieces of evidence best supports that conclusion?

The Daughters of Liberty encouraged participation in the non-importation movement in response to the Stamp Act

The break between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthdox Church was known as what?

The Great Schism

The excavations of the Hopewell peoples' burial sites in the Midwestern United States and the objects discovered within have indicated which of the following?

The Hopewell had a wide trade network

William Penn obtained the land for his new "Holy Experiment" colony because

The King wanted to cancel his debt to the Penn family and bolster the English presence in North America

The imperial reform act that allowed for British troops to be stationed in private colonial homes was called:

The Quartering Act

The imperial reform act that imposed an internal tax on nearly every type of printed paper (including newspapers, legal documents, and playing cards) was called:

The Stamp Act

The imperial reform act that allowed the British East India Company to export its tea directly to the colonies without paying import or export duties was called:

The Tea Act

In John Dickinson's second "Letter from a Farmer in Pennsylvania," he argues that what was unconstitutional?

The Townshend Act(s)

What was the primary purpose of the South Carolina Slave Codes of 1740?

The authors wanted to prevent potential slave uprisings in South Carolina.

Which of the following was not a common practice of the first Spanish conquistadors?

The conquistadors became infected by the native diseases.

To what does the term "Restoration" refer?

The restoration of Charles II to the English throne

In Boston King's writing as a slave who fought for the British, what did he say that the British did to help the slaves?

They declared the slaves free and protected.

How did the English discover Bermuda?

They ship-wrecked there

What did Thomas Jefferson think should be done with slaves in Virginia?

They should be removed from the country

Why did the Founding Fathers prefer a republic over a democracy?

They were worried about tyranny of the majority.

Who was the author of the political pamphlet called Common Sense, a small, but influential work that convinced many Americans to support the cause of independence in the spring and summer of 1776?

Thomas Paine

Of all the ways that diseases were spread, what was the most effective?

Through trade routes

What was the purpose of the Tea Act of 1773?

To help revive the struggling East India Company

Why did the British start taxing the colonists in 1763?

To pay off debt from the French and Indian War

Put the following events into chronological order. Articles of Confederation ratified by the Continental Congress States write their own constitutions Shay's Rebellion Philadelphia Convention

__1__States write their own constitutions __2__Articles of Confederation ratified by the Continental Congress __3__Shay's Rebellion __4__Philadelphia Convention

What was the Inquisition?

a brutal campaign to root out Jews and Muslims who had seemingly converted to Christianity but secretly continued to practice their faith

The term "matriarchal," as it was applied to tribes of the Eastern Woodlands in chapter 1 means:

a form of social or political organization where women are in charge

What was an on-going concern of Americans when forming the Articles of Confederation or the Constitution?

a national government that would oppress the people

Why did the natives of the Pacific Northwest fail to adopt settled agriculture?

abundance of salmon in the area

Which of the following best describes the Columbian Exchange?

an exchange of plants, animals, and diseases between Europe and the Americas

The decline of the Anasazi culture was initially triggered by __________.

climate change

What was a consistent problem among large landowners in all the colonies?

finding sufficient labor

What technological advancement made agriculture possible in the Great Basin?

modern irrigation systems

To what form of government did the American revolutionaries turn after the war for


Desert Culture

small game, foraging plant foods (seeds, fiber, prickly pear from yucca)

Forest culture

small game, plant foods

What was the main crop grown in the English islands in the West Indies?


Which of the following describes the first winter of the Jamestown settlers?

the "starving time"

What describes the Mogollon culture?

the first farming culture of the Southwest

A republic requires all of the following EXCEPT

the people to be financially stable

Why did General Gage send troops to Concord?

to get a cache of arms

What was the most lucrative product of the Chesapeake colonies?


In this quote, to whom is Adams referring by "another Tribe"? "As to your extraordinary Code of Laws, I cannot but laugh. We have been told that our Struggle has loosened the bands of Government every where. That Children and Apprentices were disobedient—that schools and Colledges were grown turbulent—that Indians slighted their Guardians and Negroes grew insolent to their Masters. But your Letter was the first Intimation that another Tribe more numerous and powerful than all the rest were grown discontented. . . . Depend on it, We know better than to repeal our Masculine systems."


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