U.s. history chapter 3

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In the post-Civil era, which group of people faced the greatest discrimination on the West Coast?

Chinese immigrants

What was the primary effect of Native Americans being confined to reservations?

Their nomadic way of life was increasingly restricted

Why were the Native Americans generally unsuccessful in their conflicts with the U.S. government and with settlers to the West?

They were generally unsuccessful because the American soldiers and settlers had more organization and better weapons then the Native Americans.

Which type of people were most likely to support the Populist Party in the 1890s?

Small farmers

According to the information in this map, where was cattle ranching most important as an industry?


President Grant is remembered as a corrupt president because he:

Allowed members of his administration to engage in corruption

"Then man who is employed for wages is as much a businessman as his employer... The farmer who goes forth in the morning and toils all day, begins in the spring and toils all summer, and by the application of brain and muscle to the natural resources of this country creates wealth, is as much a businessman as the man who goes upon the Broad of Trade and gets upon the precise of grain." —William Jennings Bryan, " Cross of Gold" speech:

Every worker contributes to the growth of the economy

What step did the Populist Party support to reduce the cost of railroad shipping?

Having the national government control the railroads

How was William Jennings Bryan different from the majority of other presidential candidates of the era?

He toured the nation, doing his own campaigning.

"I was not hostile to the white man... We preferred our own way of living. We were no expense to the government then. All we wanted was peace and to be left alone. Soldiers were sent out in the winter, who destroyed our villages. Then 'Long Hair' [Custer] came in the same way. They say we massacred him, but he would have done the same to us had we not defeated ourselves and fought to the last. Our first impulse was to escape with our squaws and papooses, but we were so hemmed in that we had to fight... I came here with the agent [Lee] to talk with the big white chief, but was not given a chance. They tried to confine me, I tried to escape, and a soldier ran his bayonet into me. I have spoken." —Crazy Horse Based on this text, what would Crazy Horse have thought of Manifest Destiny?

He would have opposed the goals of those who believe in Manifest Density.

What was the purpose of the Homestead Act of 1862?

It was to help out with growing the American West and its economic growth and provided 160 acres of land to anyone who agreed to farm the land.

How was the allotment system set out in the Dawes General Allotment Act different from the reservation system?

It is different because the reservation act offered land to native Americans who were free while the allotment act encouraged Native Americans to own their own land and farm it.

How did the federal government affect the practice of mining in the West?

It provided land and patents for new inventions for large mining companies.

What was the Farmers' Alliance, and how did it work to improve conditions for farmers?

It was a movement to improve the economic condition, cooperatives, and political advocacy for farmers.

What was the Coinage Act of 1873, and why did it create controversy?

It was an act that reduced the amount of money because of how much the money supply was limited due to the government holding back gold, and it created controversy by giving people a lot of backing from the government.

Why was sod a common building material for homesteaders in Great Plains?

It was readily available in the Great Plains.

What did the gridlock between parties in congress and the White House in the late 1800s lead to?

Little meaningful legislation was passed

The photographer intended this image to emphasize:

The strong connection between Native Americans and the land

What basic conflict was the Sand Creek Massacre a part of?

U.S. settlers and soldiers against Native Americans

According to this graph, which crop lost the greatest amount of value per bushel between 1866 and 1896?


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