U.S. history, explorers, Olmecs, Aztecs, and Mayans

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Where did the Aztecs settle in the 1200s?

Valley of Mexico

What Italian city benefited most from trade with the East?


What did the Mayas develop in the classical era?

advanced mathematics, astronomy and writing

What items did the Europeans want from the East?

cotton, silk, taffeta, muslin, damask, dye-stuff, medicine, spices, perfume, pearls

What is the great mystery of the Mayas?


What caused Mayan farmers difficulty?


How did Mayas farm swampy regions?

dug soil into mounds, planted on top of mounds, dug ditches for irrigation

Why did Mayas tie objects from their infants' foreheads?

encourage their eyes to cross

What did early Mayas eat?

fish and crops

Why did Mayas tie boards to their children's head?

flatten their foreheads

What did the Mayas grow in addition to field crops?

fruit orchards and begetable gardens

What is hematite?

glass like substance created by volcanic eruptions

Why did Mayas worship Chac?

god of rain, believed he would send rain if celebrations pleased him

Describe the Sacred calendar.

had 260 days, only for religious events

Describe the other calendar.

had 365 days, based on the Earth's movement around the sun

Did Mayas grown anything that wasn't edible? If so, name any and tell how they were used.

hemp (rope) and cotten (cloth)

How did early Mayas get food?

hunter gathers

Describe the use of the important Mayan building still standing in the city of Chichen Itza.

large observatories were used to study the heavens

Name an important ruin of Chichen Itza.

large observatory tower

What did the Olmecs make from hematite?


How big was the population of the largest Mayan city?

over 100000 people

What type of writing did the Aztecs use?

picture writing

Why did they start farming

population was increasing

List the three Mayan ears, including their beginning and ending dates.

pre classic (2500 BC to 250 AD), classic (250 AD to 900 AD), post classic (900 AD to 1500)

What does Olmec mean?

rubber people

What geographical features did the Mayan lands include?

rugged highlands and dense swamps

Why did the Spanish invade Mexico?

searching for gold

Give a description of what a Maya might have looked like.

short, straight black hair, tattoos, painted bodies black, red, or blue

What is one of the oldest methods of farming?

slash and burn

Describe the most famous ruin in Copan

the great staircase is 30 ft wide, has 63 steps and has picture writing the covers each step

What did priest study?

the movement of the sun, moon, planets, and stars

What did Mayas consider the five extra days at the end of the regular calendar?


How were astronomy and mathematics useful to Mayan priests?

used it fo create accurate calendars

Name at least three things that we know about Olmecs' daily lives.

used picture writing, number system, and a calendar

What is the largest structure in the other Olmec city?

volcano shaped pyramid over 110 ft tall

What did a drawing of a shell represent?


What is the name of the largest and perhaps oldest Mayan city?


What was the largest Mayan city in the classical era? How large was its population?

Tikal, about 100000 or more

How many main plazas does Copan have?


When was the Olmec civilization at its peak?

700 to 400 BC

How many pyramid temples did the alrgest city have?


What was Columbus searching for?

Atlantic route to the Orient

Who gave the Olmecs their name?

Aztec Indians

Who based their calendar on the Mayan calendar?


Where does the word Aztec come from?

Aztlan, the territory the wandered through (north and northwest part of Mexico)

Who was the first European explorer to sail around the southern tip of Africa?

Bartholomeu Dias

What was an Aztec family group called?


What new invention smade the sea safer for sailors?

Caravel, Astrlabe

What were raised roads called?


What were Mayan tools made of?


What was the name of the Aztec capital?


When did the Olmec civilization begin?

1200 BC

What city contains the Well of Sacrifice?

Chichen Itza

Where did Marco Polo's travels take him?

China, Persia, Sumatra, India

Who met Mayan traders in 1502?

Christopher Columbus

What is the name of the second largest Mayan city?


What are the many invasions of the Middle East by Christian warriors called?


What was the major discovery in the first Olmec city?

Giant carved stone heads

Who was the leader of the Spanish invasion?

Hernando Cortes

What is located where the Aztec capital once was?

Mexico city

Who was the greatest Aztec emperor?

Montezuma I

Who threatened Christian Europe in the fifteenth century?

Moslem, Islamic Warriors

What was the language of the Aztecs known as?


What was the name of the mythical Christian kind who was supposed to live in Africa?

Prester John

Who was the main source for geographical knowledge?


The two Olmec cities discovered by archaeologists are...

San Lorenzo and La venta

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