U.S. History

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A policy of pulling away from involvement in world affairs.


A prejudice against foreign-born people swept the nation.


An economic and political system based on a single party government ruled by a dictator.

League of Nations

An international peacekeeping organizations proposed by Wilson and founded in 1920

Calvin Coolidge

Became president when Harding died. Tried to clean up scandals. Business prospered and people's wealth increased

David Lloyd George

British prime minister

Henry Cabot Lodge

Conservative senator who wanted to keep the United States out of the League of Nations

Georges Clemenceau

French premier

How do you think the postwar feelings in America influenced the election of 1920?

Harding's normalcy and his call for peace had the public's opinion in his favor.

Warren G. Harding

He was a good-natured man with poor judgment and soothing speeches

How do you think the Harding administration viewed the role of America in world affairs?

I believe the Harding administration viewed the role of it having high tariffs, the quota act and the failure to enforce international agreements. These limits U.S involvement with the other nations.

Do you think Americans were justified in their fear of radicals and foreigners in the decade following World War I?

I do think that the Americans were justified in their fear of radicals and foreigners in the decade following the World War I. One threat that Americans dealt with was communism. Communism was an economic and political system based on a single-party government ruled by a dictatorship. Once a communist party had formed, it made sense that America acted they way it did. They feared that the Communists were going to take over the U.S.

What do you think the Sacco and Vanzetti case shows about American in the 1920s?

In the 1920's the case shows that the years then were full of fear and suspicion.

John L. Lewis

Leader of United Mine Workers Of America.

War-guilt clause

Part of the Treaty of Versailles which Germany took responsibility for the war


Payments made by defeated countries after a war


People who opposed any form of government.

Ohio gang

Presidents poker-playing cronies

Fordney-McCumber Tariff

Raised taxes on US imports to 60 percent the highest level ever; protected US businesses

Why didn't the treaty of versailles lay the foundation for a lasting peace?

Russians were excluded from the Peace conference. Still many countries being colonized.

Charles Evans Hughes

Secretary of State who urged that no more warships be built for 10 years

Albert B. Fall

Secretary of the Interior, a close friend of various oil execs, managed to get the oil reserves transferred from the navy to the Interior Department

Treaty of Versailles

The 1919 treaty ended World War I Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia were created Carved out Ottoman Empire (Middle East) Germany couldn't have an army and reparations War Guilt Clause

Why did so many americans oppose the treaty of versailles?

The Senate opposed the Treaty of Versailles because the League of Nation's minimized the US' powers in decisions concerning war.

Teapot Dome scandal

The government illegally set aside oil-rich public lands at Teapot Dome, Wyoming & Elk Hills & CA

In the various fights between management and union members, what did each side believe?

The workers had believed that they deserved shorter work days and better pay. The management had believed that the workers did not have a right to strike. Cheap immigrant labor was available.

Sacco And Vanzetti

They were arrested and charged with the robbery and murder of a factory paymaster and his guard in South Braintree, Massachusetts.

Quota System

This system established the maximum number of people who could enter the United States from each foreign country.

Fourteen Points

Wilson's plan for world peace following World War I: No secret treaties among nations Tariffs would be abolished (Free trade) League of Nations Created

Urban sprawl

cities spreading in different directions

Installment plan

enabled people to buy goods over an extended period w/o having to put down much money at the time of purchase

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