lab exam 2 (lab 6)

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features of the sacrum anterior surface

- concave transverse lines , anterior sacral foramina

lumbar vertebrae characteristics

-5 large heavy body spinous process is square and thick and projects nearly straight posteriorly other projections are short and thick -looks like a moose

why do cervical vertebrae have transverse foramina in their transverse process

blood vessel

the intervertebral disk rests on which part of the vertebrae


axial skeleton

bones that form central axis in addition to skull bones also vertebral column, hyoid, and bones of the thoracic cage


bony cage formed by sternum , costal cartilage, ribs, and thoracic vertebrae the thorax protects the organs of the thoracic cavity

lateral (axillary) border of scapula

border near armpit

medial (vertebral) border of scapula

border near vertebral column

feature of scapula

borders : superior border, medial vertebral border, lateral axillary border spine acromion process coracoid process glenoid process

the hyloid is commonly

broken during strangulation deaths

secondary curves

develop in the cervical region when the infant holds up its head and in the lumbar region when the child stands and walks lumbar and cervical

acromion process of scapula

enlarged process at lateral end of spine

Kyphosis (hunchback)

exaggerated concave curve of thoracic region

Lordosis (swayback)

exaggerated convex curvature or the lumbar region

why is fibrocartilage classified as a connective tissue

few cells, lots of ground substance

posterior sacral foramina of sacrum

four pairs of foramina that communicate with anterior sacral foramina

anterior sacral foramina of sacrum

four pairs of foramina that communicate with posterior sacral foramina

characteristics of thoracic vertebrae

generally larger in size than cervical vertebrae -12 spinous process is long and pointed and projects downward costal facets - superior and inferior transverse costal facets -can be said to look like a giraffe

Glenoid cavity of scapula

large depression below acromion (arm socket)


large triangular bone formed by the fusion of 5 vertebrae it articulated superiorly with L5 inferiority with the conccyx and laterally with the two hip bones the sacrums anterior surface is concave and posterior surface is convex


lateral deviation of the vertebral column usually affecting the thoracic region

Pedicles of the vertebral arch

lateral process forming arch

auricular surface of sacrum

lateral region that joins with ilium or hip bone

intervertebral discs

located between each vertebrae and function to form strong joints, permit movement; and absorb vertical shock composed of an outer ring of fibrocartilage and an inner soft elastic core

body of sternum

long middle portion

spine of scapula

long slender ridge

features of sternum

manubrium, body, xiphoid process

features of sacrum posterior surface

medial sacral crest , posterior sacral foramina , sacral canal

what is the function of the hyoid

muscle attachment

neck of rib

narrow portion behind head

degree of movement possible between two adjacent vertebrae

no movement or very little

what sutures of the skull articulate (join or connect) with the superior articular facets of the atlas

occipital condyles

superior surface of sacrum

sacral promontory

what bone does the clavicle articulate with laterally


processes of vertebrae

seven projections arise from the vertebrae arch special features :transverse process, superior articular processes , inferior articular process spinous process

body of rib

shaft, flat; main part of rib

spinous articular process of vertebrae

single medial projection , most posterior portion

Xiphoid process of sternum

small inferior portion

tubercle of rib

small knob just below neck ; articulates with transverse process of thoracic vertebrae

characteristics of cervical vertebrae

small, spinous process of c2-c6 is bifid (split) transverse foramen present in the transverse process

what sutures lies in the vertebral foramen

spinal cord

articulations of the clavicle

sternal (medial) end acromial lateral end

what bone does the clavicle articulate with medially


costal cartilages

stripe or hyaline cartilage that attach the first 7 pairs or ribs to the sternum

the hyoid bone does not articulate with any other bone . it is suspended from ligaments attached to a pointy projection on the inferior surface of the temporal bone- what is its name

styloid process

sacral promontory of sacrum

superior border on anterior surface(obstetrical) landmark for measurements of pelvis

Manubrium of sternum

superior portion


tailbone small triangular bone formed by the fusion of three to five small vertebrae it has no function and is thought to be a remnant or a tail it articulated with the sacrum

vertebrosternal ribs

true ribs 1-7 articulate anteriorly with costal cartilage of sternum articulate posteriorly with thoracic vertebrae

superior border of scapula

upper border

curvature of vertebral column

when viewed from the side, four curves can be seen in the adult from the anterior view these are alternately convex and concave

vertebral/floating ribs

11,12 (also false ribs) not attached anteriorly articulated posteriorly by thoracic vertebrae

inferior articular processes of vertebrae

2 inferior projections

transverse processes of vertebrae

2 lateral projections

superior articular process of vertebrae

2 superior projections

atlas cervical vertebrae

C1 highly specialized consists of a circle of bone with two lateral inferior articular facets for articulation with the second cervical vertebrae. the atlas does not have a body or spinous process. it does have transverse process containing transverse foramina

axis cervical vertebrae

C2 it has a peg like process called the dens or odontoid process which projects up through the ring or the atlas on the anterior side

vertebrochondral ribs

Ribs 8-10 (false ribs) articulate anteriorly with costal cartilage of rib 7 articulate posteriorly with thoracic vertebrae

degree of movement in the whole vertebral

a lot of movement

medial sacral crest of sacrum

a ridge formed by the spinous process of the fused vertabrae

what process on the scapula articulates with the clavicle?

acromion process

clavicle of pectoral girdle

anterior bone collarbone slender, S shaped bone

vertebral arch of vertebrae

arch which encloses a vertebral foramen special feature: pedicles and laminae

acromial (lateral) end of clavicle

articulates with the acromion process of scapula

sternal (medial) end of clavicle

articulates with the manubrium of the sternum

which joint would permit you to nod your head to say yes i love a&p

atlas occipital

which joint would permit you to shake your head from side to side to say no i hope a&p never ends

atlas- axis

bones of the pectoral(shoulder) girdle

attaches the arms to the axial skeleton clavicle scapula

lateral surface of sacrum

auricular surface

which bones of the pectoral girdle articulate with the axial skeleton


sacral curve


thoracic curve


vertebral column

consists of 26 vertebrae that are joined to provide a flexible, curved structure the column encloses and protects the spinal cord, supports the head; and serves as a point of attachment for the tube and muscles of the back


consists of chondrocytes scattered amount bundles or collagen fibers

cervical curve


lumbar curve



curve away from the viewer


curve toward the viewer

Fetus Vertebral Column

has a single concave curvature

features of the rib

head, neck, tubercle, body

what organs are located in the thoracic cavity

heart, lungs, thymus, esophagus , trachea, larynx; epiglottis

what are the functions of the curves of the vertebral column

helps distribute w body weight

why is the first cervical vertebrae called the atlas

holds head up

coracoid process of scapula

hook like process on lateral end of superior border


horseshoe shaped bone located beneath the mandible the hyoid does not articulate with other bones it hangs from ligaments attached to the styloid process of temporal bone it supports the tongue and provides an attachment site for muscles of the tongue, voice box, and neck

bones of arm

humerus - upper extremity or arm - long bone of upper arm ulna and radius - forearm carpals - wrist bones metacarpals - palm bones phalanges - finger bones

sacral canal of sacrum

inferior extension of vertebral canal

transverse costal facet of thoracic vertebrae

on the transverse processes of T1-T10 articulate with the tubercles of the ribs T11 and T12 lack transverse costal facets on their transverse processes

transverse lines of sacrum

point where bodies or adjacent vertebrae have fused

scapula of pectoral girdle

posterior bone shoulder blade

laminae of vertebral arch

posterior part of arch

head of rib

posterior projection, articulates with the demi-facets on the bodies or thoracic vertebrae

costal facets of thoracic vertebrae

present on the bodies to articulate with the heads of ribs. T1-T8 each articulate with two ribs so the bodies of these vertebrae have two costal facets on each side a superior and inferior costal facet

which curves of the vertebral column can be classified as primary and secondary curves

primary - thoracic , sacral secondary- cervical, lumbar

body of vertebrae

round , weight bearing portion, most anterior portion


the sternum or breastbone is flat; narrow bone located in the median line of the anterior thoracic wall

cervical vertebrae

there are 7 cervical vertebrae in the neck region

Why are the lumbar vertebrae so large?

they hold the weight of the body

primary curves

thoracic and sacral

what are the function of vertebrae processes

thoracic vertebrae - ribs for adjacent vertebrae to articulate

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