US History Midterm

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Spanish Armada

"Invincible" group of ships sent by King Philip II of Spain to invade England in 1588; Armada was defeated by smaller, more maneuverable English "sea dogs" in the Channel; marked the beginning of English naval dominance and fall of Spanish dominance.

Prince Henry the Navigator

(1394-1460) Prince of Portugal who established an observatory and school of navigation at Sagres and directed voyages that spurred the growth of Portugal's colonial empire.

Henry VIII

(1491-1547) King of England from 1509 to 1547; his desire to annul his marriage led to a conflict with the pope, England's break with the Roman Catholic Church, and its embrace of Protestantism. Henry established the Church of England in 1532.

Elizabeth I

(1533-1603) Queen of England and Ireland between 1558 and 1603. She was an absolute monarch and is considered to be one of the most successful rulers of all time.

Roanoke Colony

(1585-88) called the "Lost Colony.", the first English colony was funded by Sir Walter Raleigh, unsuccessful ships disappeared or turned back

James I

(1603-1625) Stuart monarch who ignored constitutional principles and asserted the divine right of kings.

Sir Walter Raleigh

An English adventurer and writer, who was prominent at the court of Queen Elizabeth I, and became an explorer of the Americas. In 1585, Raleigh sponsored the first English colony in America on Roanoke Island in present-day North Carolina. It failed and is known as " The Lost Colony."

Henry Hudson

An English explorer who explored for the Dutch. He claimed the Hudson River around present day New York and called it New Netherland. He also had the Hudson Bay named for him

Haudenosaunee Confederacy

An alliance of six First Nations: Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, and Tuscarora.

Great League of Peace

An alliance of the Iroquois tribes, originally formed sometime between 1450 and 1600, that used their combined strength to pressure Europeans to work with them in the fur trade and to wage war across what is today eastern North America.

Gunpowder Plot of 1605

Attempt of regicide on King James I. Motivated by religious strife between protestants and Catholics in general and James' severe measures against Roman Catholics in particular.

Ft. Caroline

Attempted French colonial settlement in Floridia

Identify the statements that describe the voyages of discovery across the Atlantic Ocean.

Magellan was the only explorer to sail around most of South America. Cabot was the only explorer to arrive in present-day Canada. Columbus crossed the Atlantic from Europe four times, landing in the present-day Caribbean and South America.

Salt, gold, slaves

Major trade items of Africa

Given his recommendation for the improvement of Indian and Spanish relations, Bartolomé de Las Casas would have most in common with which other reform-minded individual?

Martin Luther

Puritans and Pilgrims

Puritans were unhappy with the Church of England (the Anglican Church). Even though it is Protestant, the Church of England does not follow the teachings of John Calvin and it is controlled by the English monarchy. Puritans, on the other hand, follow the teachings of John Calvin and are unhappy with the monarchy's power. Some Puritans, known as Pilgrims, leave England, spend many years in the Dutch Republic and then finally settle in North America in 1620 to establish their own colony (at Plymouth Rock) where the Anglican Church cannot touch them.


Puritans who wanted to reform the Anglican church from within

maryland named after

Queen Henrietta Maria

What were some characteristics of interactions between the Spanish and Native Americans?

The Spanish abused the Native populations. The Natives were forced to pay tribute to Spain.

The late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries are often described as the early years of Europe's age of exploration. Place the following European voyages in chronological order.

The Vikings establish a settlement at L'Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland. The Columbian expedition makes landfall in the Bahamas. Amerigo Vespucci explores the coast of South America. Ferdinand Magellan circumnavigates the globe.


The effort by Christian leaders to drive the Muslims out of Spain, lasting from the 1100s until 1492.

Kingdom of Ghana

West African empire from 700s to 1076, grew wealthy and powerful by controlling gold-salt trade.

Black Legend

false concept that held that the conquerors merely tortured and butchered the Indians, stole their gold, infected them with smallpox, and left little but misery behind and did nothing else

John Calvin

1509-1564. French theologian. Developed the Christian theology known as Calvinism. Attracted Protestant followers with his teachings.

Mayflower Compact

1620 - The first agreement for self-government in America. It was signed by the 41 men on the Mayflower and set up a government for the Plymouth colony.

Pueblo Revolts

1680- revolted in the southwest when spaniards tried to suppress their religious rituals. revolt was successful, they captured santa fe, and drove spaniards out. spaniards reconquered pueblos 12 years later and put down 2nd revolt in 1696. spaniards realized colonial policies had to be changed. pueblos- own land, stopped forced indian labor, and tolerated religious rituals.

Black Plague

A disease that engulfed Europe during the Middle Ages. It killed about one-third of the population and was carried by fleas. Because of this, the feudal system died out.

Protestant Reformation

A religious movement of the 16th century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the creation of Protestant churches.

Stuart Dynasty

After Queen Elizabeth Tudor's death in 1603, the Stuart Line of rulers came. Started with James I, King of Scotland. (Cousin of Elizabeth.) Then came Charles I, his son. Charles II. Then James II. Then William of Orange.

three-sister farming

Agricultural system employed by North American Indians as early as 1000 A.D.; maize, beans, and squash were grown together to maximize yields.


Also known as Mexica, they created a powerful empire in central Mexico (1325-1521 C.E.). They forced defeated peoples to provide goods and labor as a tax.

Identify the statement that most accurately describes why Las Casas, after describing the ill treatment of Indians, would write, "And this was the freedom, the good treatment and the Christianity the Indians received."

Although the Spanish saw themselves as "servants to God," an important tenet of Christian liberty, they had no issues enslaving and abusing the Natives if they refused to convert.

The inhabitants of what Native American city near present-day St. Louis were known for building burial mounds?


Most Native American societies were matrilineal. Which of the following is a characteristic of a matrilineal society?

Children become members of their mother's family, not their father's family.

Church of England

Church created in England as a result of a political dispute between Henry VIII and the Pope, Pope would not let Henry divorce his wife

West Africa

Coast of Africa that became center of European slave trade

Indentured Servants

Colonists who received free passage to North America in exchange for working without pay for a certain number of years

October 12, 1492

Columbus reached the "New World"

Why was Columbus more confident than others about his ability to sail westward?

Columbus used the Bible to calculate that Asia was only 3,000 miles to the west.

Dutch East and West India Companies

Companies founded by the Dutch in the early 17th century to establish and direct trade throughout Asia and to the west. Richer and more powerful, they drove out the Portuguese and established dominance over the region. It ended up going bankrupt and being bought out by the British.


Discovered the Grand Canyon in search of the fabled Cities of Gold

Richard Hakluyt

English promoter of exploration. In 1584 he wrote A Discourse of Western Planting in which he pleaded for colonies to accomplish diverse objects: to extend the reformed religion, to expand trade, to supply England's needs from her own dominions, and various other reasons for exploration.

Identify the outcomes of Portuguese exploration of West Africa.

Enslaved Africans became the dominant source of labor on sugar plantations. The center of sugar production moved from the Mediterranean to West Africa. Portugal became the primary European trading partner with the East.

Fur Trade

European powers sought to capitalize on popularity of fur in Europe; involved trade with Indians

European ideas of freedom were very different than Native ideas of freedom. Identify whether the following characteristics applied to Native or European societies' definitions of freedom.

Europeans Press Space to open Individual freedom was prioritized over group needs. Freedom was associated with individual ownership of property. Natives Press Space to open Correct label: Family ties and kinship were prioritized over individual needs. Ideas of freedom included religious choice. Families, towns, or groups could hold rights to use land, but they could not "own" it.

Identify the statements that describe the encounters between the peoples of the Americas and the Europeans.

Europeans sought wealth in the New World, initially relying on Natives for either trade or labor. The Europeans competed with each other, trying to amass as many Native converts to their specific religion as possible. The invention of printing made it possible for Europeans to share information and follow in each other's sailing paths. ​

According to the widespread legal doctrine known as "coverture," when a woman married she surrendered her legal identity and became "covered" by that of her husband. What did coverture mean for married women?

Family life was oriented around ideas of female submission. A married woman could not conduct business for the family. A married woman could not own property or sign contracts in her name.

Fall of Constantinople

Finally overcome by the Ottoman turks in 1453 after constant attack by Germanic/European tribes, Persians and Muslims


First Africans arrive in Virginia

Anglo-Powhatan Wars

First war fought in 1614, ended with peace settlement by the mairrage of Pochahantas to John Rolfe. In 1622 the Indians attack leaving 347 settlers dead including John Rolfe. Raids drove the Indians farther west. The second war was fought in 1644, was a last ditch effort to dislodge the Virginians, the Indians were agian defeated.


Florentine navigator who explored the eastern coast of North America (circa 1485-1528)


French Jesiut Priest who explored Great Lakes and the Upper Mississippi River


French explorer who explored the St. Lawrence river and laid claim to the region for France (1491-1557)

Identify the key characteristics of the French and Dutch colonies.

French: - They married Indian women, relying on them as guides, traders, and interpreters Dutch: - Legal rights existed for women - Religious toleration existed for colonists - This country had patrons, who were landowners who had tenants work on their land for profits

Mali Empire

From 1235-1400, this was a strong empire of Western African. With its trading cities of Timbuktu and Gao, it had many mosques and universities. The Empire was ruled by two great rulers, Sundiata and Mansa Musa. Thy upheld a strong gold-salt trade. The fall of the empire was caused by the lack of strong rulers who could govern well.

Three "G's" of Spanish Exploration

Gold, God, Glory


Grants of Indian laborers made to Spanish conquerors and settlers in Mesoamerica and South America; basis for earliest forms of coerced labor in Spanish colonies.

Identify why Christopher Columbus most likely brought ten inhabitants from the island of Hispaniola back to Spain.

He brought them back for conversion to Christianity

John Rolfe

He was one of the English settlers at Jamestown (and he married Pocahontas). He discovered how to successfully grow tobacco in Virginia and cure it for export, which made Virginia an economically successful colony.

the early history of the Americas in chronological order.

Hunters and fishers cross the Bering Land Bridge from Siberia to Alaska. Glaciers begin to melt, submerging the land bridge between Asia and North America. Agriculture emerges in Mesoamerica and the Andes.

Chesapeake Colonies

In 1632, the area once known as the Virginia colony, has divided into the Virginia and Maryland colony. Maryland became the first proprietary colony. (p. 27)

80 Years War

It began as a revolt of the 17 Dutch providences against Philip II of Spain. William of Orange helped win the war, also called the Dutch War of Independence.

Virginia Company

Joint-Stock Company in London that received a charter for land in the new world. Charter guarantees new colonists same rights as people back in England.


Leader of the Indian tribe that helped Jamestown colonists by trading with them; also the name of the tribe; father of Pochohantas.

Colonial Charters

Legal documents drawn up by the British Crown that spelled out how the colonies were to be governed.

Holy Roman Empire

Loose federation of mostly German states and principalities, headed by an emperor elected by the princes. It lasted from 962 to 1806.

What arguments did Luther express in the document?

Luther wanted all Christians to read the Bible for themselves, not rely on interpretations from a priest. Luther accused the Catholic Church of corruption. Luther wanted to stop the sale of indulgences, which granted forgiveness in exchange for a fee.

who were the people that Christopher Columbus actually "discovered"?

Native Americans

The need for allies in the fur trade led to interdependence with the Nnative population, which often resulted in intermarriage between European settlers and Natives.

New France

Recognized Native sovereignty over land and required white settlers to purchase land from the Natives.

New Netherlands

The need for labor led to conflict with the Native population.

New Spain

The "Columbian Exchange" was a process of introducing animals, plants, technology, and disease from one part of the world to another. The exchange went both ways. Identify the place of origin of the goods and a disease that were part of this exchange.

Old World: Smallpox, horses and cattle, and sugarcane New World: Corn and potatoes

Bloody Mary

Oldest daughter of Henry VIII. Queen of England from 1553-58. Known for her ruthless, deadly suppression of the Anglicanism in attempting to re-Catholicize England. She married Spain's Philip II.

Identify the statement that best describes religious freedom in seventeenth-century Europe

People in seventeenth-century Europe were legally obligated to follow the faith of the kingdom and had no private choice in the matter.

feudalism in Europe

Political system in which land is exchanged for protection. 1. King (no real power; only figurehead) 2. Lords (receive a fief from the king) 3. Vassals (lesser lords) 4. Knights (warrior class) 5. Serfs (provided free labor)

types of colonies

Royal colonies were owned by king, ex: Virginia; Proprietary Colonies were owned by individual, ex: Pennsylvania and Maryland; Corporate Colonies owned by group of citizens, ex: Rhode island.

Hausa City-States

Savanna city states east of Mali who were briefly controlled by Songhai but were largely independent

Stories of the Black Legend of Spain spread throughout Europe and the colonies through both writings and visual imagery. Identify the statement that best describes the Black Legend.

Spain's reputation as a brutal and exploitative colonizer


Spanish 'conqueror' or soldier in the New World. They were searching for the 3-G's: gold, God, and glory.


Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs and conquered Mexico (1485-1547)

Ponce de Leon

Spanish explorer who landed on the coast of modern-day Florida and claimed it for Spain

Guy Fawkes

The Catholic who plotted to blow up the king and parliament in the failed "Gunpowder Plot" of 1605

Identify the statement that describes the French treatment of Natives.

The French had great admiration for the Native societies, and as a result they frequently adopted Native ways

Identify some of the characteristics of fourteenth-century West African societies.

There were a wide array of languages and political systems throughout the region. Peoples in the region conducted trade with the Middle East. Peoples of the region were ruled by large West African empires.

Civilized Tribes

These included the Cherokee, the Chickasaw, the Choctaw, the Creek, and the Seminole. Their success, especially that of the Cherokee, led many white people to become jealous. This led to broad white support for removal policy, despite the fact that the Supreme Court had sided with the Cherokee in their right to retain their land.

Portugal Exploration

They were church and money motivated, they got gold/spices from Asia, The 1st country to begin exploration was Portugal, (Prince Henry- The Navigator, sponsored the exploration of the African Coast) also he made the school of navigation, Bartholemeu Dias- First to get around tip of Africa(1487) Vasco de Gama(1498)-1st Portugal to go to india, brought back 60x what they sent him with

French motives in the Americas



an ancient settlement of southern Indians, located near present day St. Louis, it served as a trading center for 40,000 at its peak in A.D. 1200.

Cash Crops

crops, such as tobacco, sugar, and cotton, raised in large quantities in order to be sold for profit

Jamestown (1607)

first permanent English colony in North America, founded in Virginia in 1607 - 13 years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth in Massachusetts - Initially, the settlers spent too much time trying to find gold and neglected to prepare for the winter. The "Starving Time" of 1609-10 saw 80% of the settlers die. Only after several more shipments of immigrants and the widespread adoption of TOBACCO cultivation did the colony begin to thrive.

The development of new technologies allowed Europeans to explore west across the Atlantic. Identify the new technologies that enabled this travel.

invention of the compass invention of the quadrant development of the caravel

Europeans held numerous ideas of freedom. Identify the characteristics of Christian liberty.

less a political or social status, and more a moral or spiritual condition Servitude and freedom were mutually reinforced through the ideal of becoming a "servant to God." ​


middle-level status between Europeans and pure minorities (made up of mezitos and mulattoes)

Who were Columbus's sponsors on his first voyage?

the Spanish monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella bankers and merchants of Spain and the Italian city-states

While Native Americans have few common characteristics between their societies, they do share a central religious belief throughout North America called "animism." Identify the statement that best defines animism.

the belief that sacred spirits could be found in living and inanimate things

Columbia Exchange

the transfer pf plants, animals, and disease between the American and Europe, Asia and Africa


this explorer claimed all land that drained into the Mississippi for France

Most Native American societies were individual groups before Europeans arrived; however, five Iroquois peoples did unite and formed a Great League of Peace. Identify the most likely reasons the five nations of the Iroquois united under one confederacy.

to combine their fighting forces to defeat other Native groups in the area to coordinate diplomatic relations between members of the league

De Vaca (1527-1535)

• Part of a Spanish mission to claim land along the Gulf, he became stranded in Florida when his ships did not return from a supply run to Cuba. • Built rafts and skirted the coast, eventually wrecking near East Island, Louisiana; continued on foot with a slave called Esteban, eventually coming to Texas. • Encountered Caddo Indians near Houston; impressed with their sophistication and tales of wealth inland, he mapped and wrote about the area in detail, creating our first written record of America. • His tales of Cibola, a fabled city of gold, greatly influenced subsequent explorers including Coronado and De Soto.

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