U.S. History Test - Regents Review #1

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Which statement most accurately expresses the main idea of this passage? (1) Information technology will make it easier to buy and sell goods. (2) Information technology will make capitalism obsolete. (3) Government must regulate the information technology industry. (4) The costs of information technology will outweigh its benefits.

(1) Information technology will make it easier to buy and sell goods.

The social contract theory as used in the Declaration of Independence was most directly influenced by the writings of (1) John Locke (2) Adam Smith (3) Voltaire (4) Benjamin Franklin

(1) John Locke

Which generalization regarding these headlines is most valid? (1) The Cold War affected United States domestic and foreign policy. (2) The Soviet Union assisted in the rebuilding of Japan after World War II. (3) The United States returned to a foreign policy of neutrality after World War II. (4) The United Nations led the effort to contain fascism.

(1) The Cold War affected United States domestic and foreign policy.

One foreign policy goal of President Theodore Roosevelt was to (1) create future states by annexing Pacific island territories (2) restrict European intervention in the Western Hemisphere (3) limit United States investment in Latin America (4) encourage independence movements in Africa

(1) create future states by annexing Pacific island territories

The court case discussed in this passage was important in the development of colonial America because it helped establish the principle of (1) freedom of the press (2) double jeopardy (3) freedom of assembly (4) judicial independence

(1) freedom of the press

During the 1920s, the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti, the Palmer raids, and the revival of the Ku Klux Klan demonstrate that (1) nativist sentiments were on the rise (2) cultural values were similar between urban and rural Americans (3) popular support for international involvement was increasing (4) public support for limiting immigration was declining

(1) nativist sentiments were on the rise

Which point of view is being conveyed by the artist? (1) praise for Manifest Destiny (2) opposition to the end of slavery (3) opposition to the purchase of Alaska (4) encouragement of industrial development

(1) praise for Manifest Destiny

These headlines are most closely related to United States national security concerns over the (1) proliferation of nuclear weapons (2) construction of nuclear power plants (3) effectiveness of the nuclear test ban treaty (4) enforcement of the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty

(1) proliferation of nuclear weapons

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was formed in 1949 primarily to (1) provide for the mutual defense of the member nations (2) promote social and cultural exchanges between members (3) promote free trade between the United States and Asia (4) rebuild Western Europe's war-ravaged economy

(1) provide for the mutual defense of the member nations

President George Washington's leadership during the Whiskey Rebellion (1794) was important because it (1) showed the ability of the new government to enforce federal law (2) helped assure his reelection to a third term (3) forced frontier farmers to limit grain production (4) halted British fort construction in the Northwest

(1) showed the ability of the new government to enforce federal law

The confrontation between Governor Faubus and President Eisenhower referred to in this interview was ended by the (1) use of federal troops to protect African American students (2) passage of the Voting Rights Act by Congress (3) forced resignation of Governor Faubus (4) immediate desegregation of all Southern schools

(1) use of federal troops to protect African American students

In the 1830s, President Andrew Jackson supported the Indian removal policy because (1) white settlers desired the land on which Native American Indians lived (2) Native American Indians were attacking southern cities (3) he wanted to punish Native American Indians for their political opposition (4) he sought complete control of Texas by the United States

(1) white settlers desired the land on which Native American Indians lived

What advice about United States involvement in Vietnam is President Lyndon B. Johnson being given in this letter? (1) Escalation of the Vietnam War is necessary to stop communist expansion. (2) Increasing the United States military commitment to Vietnam would be a mistake. (3) Victory in the Vietnam War will be assured if the president continues his policies. (4) Military success in Vietnam is improving the president's chances for reelection.

(2) Increasing the United States military commitment to Vietnam would be a mistake.

What is a major result of the Supreme Court decisions in McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) and Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)? (1) Abuses of power by the president were prevented. (2) The powers of the federal government were expanded. (3) The powers of Congress over the territories were reduced. (4) Freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights were restricted.

(2) The powers of the federal government were expanded.

The level of immigration shown on the graph for the 1930s and 1940s was mainly due to (1) the lack of free land in the United States (2) a worldwide economic crisis and warfare (3) nativist attacks on new immigrants (4) improved political conditions in Europe

(2) a worldwide economic crisis and warfare

These illustrations were used during World War II to encourage women to (1) raise revenue by buying war bonds (2) conserve household products to support the war effort (3) donate food to help feed the Allied forces (4) support the war effort by working in defense industries

(2) conserve household products to support the war effort

The time line shows that the major way the United States gained territory in the early 19th century was through (1) war (2) diplomacy (3) executive orders (4) arbitration

(2) diplomacy

According to the passage, the principal goal of President Truman in issuing this executive order was to (1) stop the military draft (2) end segregation in the armed forces (3) increase opportunities for women to serve in combat (4) ensure an adequate number of troops to fight in the Cold War

(2) end segregation in the armed forces

The investigations that are the subject of this cartoon resulted in the (1) authorization of public financing of all federal elections (2) eventual resignation of President Richard Nixon (3) upholding of President Nixon's right to executive privilege by the Supreme Court (4) issuance of pardons for presidential aides

(2) eventual resignation of President Richard Nixon

What was a major factor leading to the erosion of regional cultural differences in the 1920s? (1) development of television (2) growing popularity of radio and motion pictures (3) publication of novels by F. Scott Fitzgerald and Sinclair Lewis (4) expansion of air travel after Charles Lindbergh's flight

(2) growing popularity of radio and motion pictures

Which development was a direct result of the baby boom that followed World War II? (1) decrease in school construction (2) increase in suburbanization (3) decline in crime rates (4) rise in immigration

(2) increase in suburbanization

Which action by the federal government was a step toward the approach to business favored by Speaker B? (1) passage of the Transcontinental Railway Act (2) passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act (3) creation of the civil service system (4) decision by the Supreme Court in United States v. E. C. Knight Co.

(2) passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act

The solution proposed by Speaker A is known as (1) nullification (3) the spoils system (2) popular sovereignty (4) federal supremacy

(2) popular sovereignty

One outcome of the situation referred to in the cartoon was that (1) President Roosevelt decided not to seek reelection (2) the Supreme Court ended most New Deal programs (3) President Roosevelt was impeached for abuse of his powers (4) Congress rejected President Roosevelt's effort to pack the Supreme Court

(2) the Supreme Court ended most New Deal programs

Which factor most influenced the economic development of the colonial South? (1) plentiful forests (2) warm and wet growing seasons (3) rich deposits of iron ore and coal (4) abundant water power for manufacturing

(2) warm and wet growing seasons

The Great Migration during World War I refers to the movement of (1) factory workers from the Northeast to the Sun Belt (2) communists deported to Russia as undesirable aliens (3) African Americans to northern cities to find work (4) refugees fleeing from eastern Europe to the United States

(3) African Americans to northern cities to find work

The issue discussed in this interview grew out of an effort to enforce the Supreme Court decision in (1) Dred Scott v. Sanford (2) Plessy v. Ferguson (3) Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (4) Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States

(3) Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

Which speaker is expressing a viewpoint that is most consistent with the principles of laissez-faire economics? (1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D

(3) C

Which speaker most accurately represents the opinions of President Abraham Lincoln? (1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D

(3) C

According to this passage, those who adopted this pledge believed that (1) religion had no place in national politics (2) Congress should repeal Prohibition (3) alcohol consumption was damaging to society (4) only the government can solve social problems

(3) alcohol consumption was damaging to society

The main idea of this 1937 cartoon about President Franklin D. Roosevelt is that the president is (1) trying to increase the public's respect for the Supreme Court (2) seeking the Supreme Court's help against his political opponents (3) attempting to exercise too much influence over the Supreme Court (4) refusing to allow the Supreme Court to review legislation

(3) attempting to exercise too much influence over the Supreme Court

After World War II, the legal basis for the criminal trials of German and Japanese wartime officials by the Allies was that these officials had (1) overthrown monarchies by force (2) violated nonaggression pacts (3) committed crimes against humanity (4) established communist police states

(3) committed crimes against humanity

Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton supported the creation of the Bank of the United States because it would (1) increase the power of state banks (2) raise revenue to reduce the need for tariffs (3) help ensure the economic stability of the new nation (4) provide low-cost loans to farmers

(3) help ensure the economic stability of the new nation

Information on the graph most clearly supports the conclusion that the Erie Canal... (1) slowed migration to the midwest (2) replaced railroads as the main method of transportation (3) improved transportation between the Hudson River and the Great Lakes (4) relied on the development of steamboats for canal use

(3) improved transportation between the Hudson River and the Great Lakes

W.E.B.DuBois and Booker T.Washington most strongly disagreed over which issue? (1) the constitutionality of the Sherman Antitrust Act (2) the construction of the Panama Canal (3) methods to achieve racial equality (4) support for the Allies in World War I

(3) methods to achieve racial equality

Secretary of State John Hay sent his Open Door Notes (1899-1900) to world powers to (1) keep Chinese workers from coming to America (2) secure a fair settlement in the Russo- Japanese War (3) protect United States trading interests in China (4) bring a peaceful end to the Boxer Rebellion

(3) protect United States trading interests in China

A major difference between the philosophies of President Herbert Hoover and President Franklin D. Roosevelt in responding to the Great Depression is that Roosevelt (1) wanted to rely on private charities to provide assistance (2) stressed the need for individual self-reliance (3) supported direct relief to people out of work (4) thought the government should not be involved in economic reform

(3) supported direct relief to people out of work

During the 1960s and 1970s, Cesar Chavez worked to unionize migrant farm workers by (1) seizing the land of the lettuce and grape growers (2) securing passage of federal legislation to limit immigration (3) using nonviolent tactics such as boycotts and hunger strikes (4) urging growers to reduce the workforce through mechanization

(3) using nonviolent tactics such as boycotts and hunger strikes

The terms containment, domino theory, and massive retaliation are most closely associated with United States foreign policy efforts to (1) maintain neutrality during World War I (1914-1917) (2) avoid conflict with Germany and Japan in the 1930s (3) wage the Cold War in the 1950s (4) increase trade with Latin America in the 1970s

(3) wage the Cold War in the 1950s

Which power regarding the federal judiciary was established in Marbury v. Madison? (1) The president appoints all federal judges. (2) The Congress creates lower federal courts. (3) Members of the federal courts serve life terms. (4) Federal laws may be declared unconstitutional.

(4) Federal laws may be declared unconstitutional.

Which conclusion is most clearly supported by information in the graph? (1) Immigration increased in every decade throughout the 1900s. (2) Immigrants have a higher birth rate than native-born Americans. (3) Immigration is likely to decrease significantly in the future. (4) Immigration in the 1990s was about the same as in the first decade of the 1900s.

(4) Immigration in the 1990s was about the same as in the first decade of the 1900s.

One major result of the completion of the Erie Canal was that... (1) the population of Rochester fell (2) shipping on Lake Champlain decreased (3) manufacturing along the canal declined (4) New York City became the nation's commercial center

(4) New York City became the nation's commercial center

Which federal agency, created during the New Deal, was intended to prevent serious problems in the stock market? (1) Social Security Administration (2) Works Progress Administration (3) Agricultural Adjustment Administration (4) Securities and Exchange Commission

(4) Securities and Exchange Commission

Under the Articles of Confederation, the years between 1781 and 1787 are often referred to as the "critical period" because the (1) colonies were forced to pay high reparations to England (2) states were fighting the French and Indian War (3) southern states threatened to secede from the Union over the issue of slavery (4) central government lacked the power to deal with major problems

(4) central government lacked the power to deal with major problems

A major cause of antagonism toward the "new immigrants" who came to the United States after 1880 was the belief that they (1) were better educated than native-born Americans (2) had a higher standard of living than most Americans (3) adapted easily to American culture (4) competed with Americans for jobs as unskilled laborers

(4) competed with Americans for jobs as unskilled laborers

After World War I, senators who opposed United States participation in the League of Nations argued that American membership in the organization would (1) limit the power of the president (2) make trade with nonmember nations more difficult (3) force the country to end traditional military alliances (4) involve the nation in future world conflicts

(4) involve the nation in future world conflicts

Black Codes were established in the South immediately after the Civil War in an effort to (1) integrate freedmen into American society (2) enforce the Emancipation Proclamation (3) expand educational opportunities (4) limit the rights of newly freed African Americans

(4) limit the rights of newly freed African Americans

One major goal of the Progressive movement was to (1) balance the federal budget by decreasing spending (2) provide unemployment insurance to workers (3) limit direct citizen control over government (4) pass laws to help solve economic and social problems

(4) pass laws to help solve economic and social problems

The crisis highlighted in these newspaper headlines was the (1) invasion of the Bay of Pigs in Cuba (2) election of Fidel Castro as president of Cuba (3) opposition of Cuba to the Alliance for Progress (4) placement of nuclear missiles in Cuba by the Soviet Union

(4) placement of nuclear missiles in Cuba by the Soviet Union

This pair of photographs suggests that the major purpose of the Carlisle Indian School was to (1) train future leaders in tribal traditions (2) prepare children for life on the reservation (3) teach skills needed for working in factories (4) promote cultural assimilation

(4) promote cultural assimilation

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