US History unit 5

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Imperialism is the state policy,practice,or advocacy of extending power and dominion,especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control of other territories and people. Imperialism prove that it can be crucial to naval operations in the Pacific during the Spanish-American War and the result was that Congress considered the value of this resource and annexation of Hawaii was approved in the 1898. The acquisition of new territories of Hawaii,the Philippines,Guam,and Puerto Rico prompted an intense debate over American expansionism.

Alexander Graham Bell & Telephone

In 1876,Alexander Graham Bell further expanded on instant communication.He invented the telephone,which allowed for voice to voice communication over electric wires. With the invention of the telephone,conversations were more efficient and true discussion between individuals in distant location.


It is a market structure characterized by a single seller,selling a unique produce in the market. In monopoly market is the seller faces no competition,as he is the sole seller of goods with no close substitute. A monopoly or trust is good for the business owner but harmful to consumer who pay higher prices.

Samuel Morse & Telegraph

It is a system for transmitting messages from a distance along wire,especially one creating signals by making and breaking an electrical connection. The transfer of information,resources,and marketable goods connected all regions of the United States. Telegraph communication was the first national wide information transmitter. Samuel Morse invented the technology in 1832.

Uncle Tom's Cabin

It is an anti-slavery novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stow and it was published in 1852,the novel had a profound effect on attitudes toward African American and slavery in the U.S. and is said to have "helped lay the groundwork for the Civil War."

Jane Addams

Jane Addams was a peace activist and a leader of the Settlement House in America and as one of the most distinguish of the first generation of collage-education she rejected marriage and motherhood in favor of a lifetime commitment the poor and social reform. A women such as Jane Addams,played a huge role in improving the lives of the urban poor and especially immigrant women and children who were forced by circumstances to work and live in dangerous and unhealthy condition.Addams was the founder of the Settlement House Movement in the United States and the Settlement House Movement began in urban England.

John D.Rockefeller

John D.Rockefeller was known for his economy,precision,foresight in creating one of America's landmark corporations of Standard Oil. In 1839-1937 was a founder of the Standard Oil Company,became one of the world wealthiest men and major philanthropist.Born into modest circumstance in upstate New York,he entered the then-fledgling in 1863 by investing in a Cleveland,Ohio refinery.

Labor Laws (Progressive Era)

Labor law are primarily concerns the rights and responsibilities of unionized employees and these are laws that can refer to set standards for working conditions and wage laws. The workers where empowered by pro

Plessy v. Ferguson

Plessy v. Ferguson was a landmark in 1896 the U.S Supreme Court decision that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation under the "separate but equal" doctrine. The case stemmed from 1892 incident in which African American train passenger Homer Plessy refused to sit in a car for blacks. The Plessy's case wound its way through the judicial system to the Supreme Court the racial discrimination was thus legal according to the federal government and the ruling upheld the state level Jim Crow segregation provisions and the restrictive Jim Crow legislation and separate public accommodations based on race became commonplace.

Progressive Era

Progressive Era was a period if widespread social activism and political reform across the United States that spanned the 1890s to the 1920s and the movement primary targeted political machines and their bosses. The Progressive Era perceived excesses of business and industry included with growing social concerns inspired reformers to make important improvements in Americana's political and social environment and the progressive Era marks the second definitive era of social and political reform,comparable to the reform movement of the 1840s. The Progressive forms strengthened the American democracy in ways carried forward into present times.

Sitting Bull

Sitting Bull is one of the greatest American Indian leaders of the period was the Lakota leader and he became a noted warrior as result of the fighting between the United States and the Lakota in 1863. After continued incursions into Lakota Territory in 1876,Sitting Bull led the coalition of Plains tribes against the U.S. Army and the result was conflict was the Battle of the Little Big Horn.

Women's Suffrage

The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted American women the right to vote,a right known as women's suffrage,and was ratified on August 18,1920,ending almost a century of protest. Anthony and other activists,raised public awareness and lobbied the government to grant voting right to women. By the last quarter of the 19th century,many middle class women had receive considerable education and however society still viewed women as nurturers and agents of stability. Women used this influence and their education attainment to advocate for social change. The reforms included a re-born temperance movement,women's suffrage,sanitation,educational reforms,attacks on racism.

American Federation of Labor

The American Federation of Labor was a national federation of labor unions in the United States founded in Columbus,Ohio ,in December 1886 by an alliance of craft unions disaffected from the knights of Labor,a national labor union. In 1863 Samuel Gompers helped create the American Federation of Labor,often referred to as the AFL. The AFL was also designed in such a way that workers were organized by craft rather than by geography. The AFL promoted practical goals that would impact and the AFL promoted practical goals that would impact the daily lives of individual workers.

Battle of Little Big Horn

The Battle of the Little Bighorn,also called Custer's Last Stand,marked the most decisive Native American victory and the worst U.S. Army defeat in the long Plains Indian War. The demise of Custer and his men outraged many whit Americans and confirmed their image of the Indians as wild and bloodthirsty. At Little Big Horn,the 7th Cavalry of the US Army,led by the Civil War hero George Custer,were ambushed by a much larger Indian force and custer and almost all of his men were killed,leading the army to send a larger force to subdue the Sioux and their allies. Afterward,a large force of U.S. Army troops relentlessly pursued the Plains bands subduing some groups but Sitting Bull led his people into Canada.

Jim Crow Laws

The Jim Crow Laws is the end of Reconstruction,White Democrats regained power on southern legislatures and in the beginning in 1876,ten of the eleven former Confederate states had created a legal framework for separating Whites and Black known as "Jim Crow laws." The initial purpose of Jim Crow laws was to prevent blacks from participating in the political process,voting ,serving in office,and participating in jury trials. Gradually,Jim Crow laws were extended to include public education,transportation,and other public facilities.

The Jungle

The Jungle is a 1906 novel by the American journalist and novelist upton Sinclair (1878-1968) the novel portrays the harsh condition and exploited lives of immigrants in the United States in Chicago and similar industrialized cities. The Junge (1906) was intended to expose the dangerous working conditions faced by immigrant workers. It was instead,the book is remember for exposing the unclean procedures common in the Chicago meatpacking industry and he undercover researcher,Sinclair learned about all aspects of meant processing and about the lives of the immigrants workers who make up the labor force.


The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was founded in 1909 in response to the ongoing violence Black people around the country,the NAACP is the largest and most pre-eminent civil rights organization in the national. The NAACP was a widespread violence,including lynching,against Blacks led to the formation of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored people (NAACP) in 1909 and it was also created by a group of white supporters and W.E.B. DuBois,the NAACP's stated goals was to secure for all people the rights guaranteed in the 23th,14th,and 15th Amendments to the United States Constitution and the organization quickly began to challenge Jim Crow laws and lynching through the courts.

Creation of the Panama Canal

The Panama Canal is an artificial 82 km (51mi) waterway in Panama that connects the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean. The canal cuts across the Isthmus of Panama and is a conduit for maritime trade. The United States took over project in 1904 and opened the canal on August 15,1914. In the earlier attempts to build a canal in Central American by both French and U.S. companies had been failures.

Philippine-American War

The Philippine-American War,also referred to as the Filipino-American War,the Philippine Insurrection or the Tagalog Insurgency (Filipino: Digmaang Pilipino-Amerikano;Spanish:Guerra filipino-estadounidense),was an armed conflict between the first Philippine Republic and the United State. Angered by the United States' decision,Fillipino freedom fighters under the leadership of Emilio Aguinaldo continued their fight. This became known as the Philippine-American War.

Roosevelt Corollary

The Roosevelt was in December in 1904 it started that the Europeans were not welcome in the region and the U.S would oversee the collection of any national debts owed by Latin American national to Europeans and the U.S would intervene in Latin American countries to prevent their takeover by any other nation. The Roosevelt Corollary became key component of Roosevelt's "Big Stick"policy.

Spanish-American War

The Spanish-American was an 1898 conflict between the United States and Spain that ended Spanish colonial rule in the Americas and resulted in U.S acquisition of territories in the western Pacific Latin America. In the 19th century,the Cubans had tried to overthrow Spanish rule but had been met with defeat each time and they averaged over harsh treatment of Cubans and fearful of losses to millions of American investments in Cuba,many Americans demeaned action against Spain. The United States responded by sending the battleship Maine to the shores of Cubs.

1898 Treaty of Paris

The Treaty of Paris,sign on December 10,1898,was a peace agreement between Spain and the United States that ended the Spanish-American War and under the treaty,Cuba gained independence from Spain,and the United States gained possession of the Philippines, Puerto Rico,and Guam.


The Trust was an enabled Standards Oil to monopolized all aspect of the oil. With a monopoly or trust,the competition has been eliminated in the marked and their are no competition means a business owners can set any price they want for the goods they are selling

Conservation Movement (Progressive Era)

The conservation Movement was one of the reform movement in America that emerged during the Progressive Era from 1890-1920 and the movement was advocated the establishment of state,national,and state park, wildlife refuges and national monuments. The progressive movement was generally made up of the educated middle class who saw reform as a civic duty and politically the progressive planned to attack graft,the political machine,and was the influence of big business.

Angle Island Immigration Station

The immigration from Angle Island were required to do the most dangerous job of blasting and laying rail ties over the treacherous terrain of high sierra Mountains and once the railroads was complete,the hostility toward Chinese immigrants escalated. The result of this open discrimination,Chinese immigrants wanting entry into the United States spent weeks,months,and sometimes years on Angel Island awaiting approval for entry into the United States and the interrogation process at Angel Island was much more lengthy and specific than at Ellis Island.


The railroad industry had a single biggest impact the economy and the construction dramatically increase after the Civil War.The United States when from having 35,000 miles of track in 1865 to over 193,000 miles of track by 1900. The railroads had a vast connection in the regions of the US and allowed for efficient transport of goods.

Steel Industry

The steel industry made it possible the expansion of railroad given that the tracks are made of steel.The railroad companies were the biggest customers of the steel industry because thousands of miles of steel tack were laid to connect all areas of the United States.The supply their biggest customers steel produce develop cheap,efficient methods for the mass production of steel rails.

The Great Sioux War of 1876-1877

This war was known as the Black Hills War,was a series of battles and negotiations which occurred in 1876 and 1877 between the Lakota Sioux,Northern Cheyenne,and the United States. The cause of the war was desire of the U.S. government to obtain ownership of Black Hills. The Great Sioux War of 1876-1877 was a culminated in the Battle of Little Big Horn that resulted in the deaths of most of the United States' seventh Cavalry Unit and even thought the Plain Indians won the battle,they still faced insurmountable challenges with the superior number and organization of the U.S.Amy. The United States government challenged the American Indians by targeting the buffalo and wiping out the Plains tribes' main food supply.


A immigrant is a person who comes to a county in order to settle there compare emigrant. Immigrants who enter the US were processed at Ellis Island in New York and Angel Island in California and each facility conduct the screening of immigrants in different in different ways. Immigrants who did gain entry into the US influenced the nation's economy,politics,and culture. Prior to the 1800s,the majority of immigrants to the United States came from the norther and western Europe.

Labor Unions

A labor Union represents the collective interests workers,bargain with employers over such concern as wages and working bargaining with employers over such concern as wages and working conduction.Labor Union are specific to industries and work like a democracy. A individual works had little to change the was an employer ran a business and workers banded together in labor unions to demand better pay and working conditions. Union strategies included strikes,protest,and political influence.


A muckrakers was any of a group of American writers identified with per-world War 1 reform and expose writing.The muckrakers provided detailed,accurate journalistic account of the political and economic corruption and social hardships caused by the power of big business in rapidly industrialize United States. The term "Muckraker" originated from a speech given by President Theodore Roosevelt and he praised journalists for their role in uncovering corruption and problems often hidden from society. Through their writing in well-circulated newspapers and books that were published during the time period,an awareness of underlying societal problems drove demands for reform.

Transcontinental Railroad

A transcontinental railroad is a contiguous network of railroad trackage that crosses a continental land mass with terminals at different oceans or continental borders. In 1862,Congress passed the Pacific Railway Act,which provided subsidies and land grants as an enticement to build the railroad and the federal government granted vast areas of western land to railroad owners and the railroad right-of-ways were 10 miles wide,plus 400 feet so the railroads could sell the land to help finance the coast of construction.

American Expansionism

American imperialism consists of policies aimed at extending the political,economic,and cultural influence of the United Sates over area beyond its boundaries. American expansionists is a person who promotes territory and economic expansion the expansionist wanted the United States to establish territories overseas before the European nations acquired any additional colonies.

Plains Indians

An Indian of Algonquian,Athapaskan,Caddo,Kiowa,Siouan,or Uto-Aztecan nomadic peoples formerly inhabiting the Great Plain of central U.S. and Canada called also Buffalo Indian. American Indians in the region were impacted by increase population and farming because once again their land being claimed by white settlers and the ability of Plain Indians to migrate with the buffalo herds was limited as more farmers sectioned off their lands with barbed wire and change the landscaped with their farming methods.

Andrew Carnegie

Andrew Carnegie was an American industrialist who amassed fortune in the steel industry then became a major philanthropist in the early 1870 s,he entered the steel business,and over the next two decades becomes a dominant force in the industry.Andrew Carnegie later began working in the railroad industry and progressed through the ranks to superintend of the Pennsylvania Railroad. He also increased the product of steel & the use of vertical integration it allowed Carnegie to amass the first billion dollars company. He also controlled the entire production process from resources to finished produce.

Theodore Roosevelt

Assistant Secretary of the Navy,Theodore Roosevelt, positioned ships near the Philippines prior to the declaration of war and when the war declared, Roosevelt ordered the Navy to immediately proceed to the Philippines.

Oil Production

Crude oil production is defined as the quantities of oil extracted from the ground after the removal of inert matter or impurities. It includes crude oil,natural gas liquids (NGLs) and additives. Refinery production refers to the output of secondary oil products from an oil refinery. Oil production in the late 19th century was also linked to the growing railroads industry of the period.Drilling for oil in remote areas meant that the product had to be transported east for consumption as a flue supply. The railroads made the transport possible from pipelines to the market.

Thomas Edison & Electric light bulb

Edison had a build his first high resistance,incandescent electric light.It worked by passing electricity through a thin platinum filament in the glass vacuum bulb,which delayed the filament from melting.One of Edison's most revolutionary inventions was the electric light bulb.Not only did this development allow factories to be lit and operate twenty-four hours a day,but the light bulb also illuminated buildings,street,and neighborhoods across the United States. The light bulb was develop in the 1870s and quickly replaced the more dangerous and expensive lamp oils that burned for illumination.

Ellis Island Immigration Station

Ellis Island is a historical site that opened in 1892 as a immigration station,a purpose it served for more than 60 years until it closed in 1954.Located at the mouth of Hudson River between New York and New Jersey,Ellis island saw millions of newly arrived immigrant pass thought its door. The estimates,40% of all Americans today can trace their port of entry back to Ellis Island and upon the arrivals to Ellis island were asked 29 questions including name,occupation,and the amount of money carried.

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