US nativism
why did nativist want to stop immigration? (19th century)
because nativist thought they would take all their wealth, they weren't white and many weren't Christian which they didn't like
what characteristics did immigrants during the period of "New Immigration" exhibit that caused ethnic tension in American society?
they lacked special skills lacked knowledge of English language they were often not protestant (weren't Christian)
what were the effects of nativism?
-increased hostilities toward immigrants -some nativist gained political power and holding office -anti immigration legislation was created
What is nativism?
An anti immigrant agenda, opposed to foreigners and immigrants.
why did nativism arise?
Americans didn't want immigrants in the US because many didn't speak English and many weren't protestant Christians. They were also seeking better economic opportunities and many lacked education/skills and could possibly take jobs from Americans.
what groups were targets of nativism?(19th century)
Irish, German and Chinese immigrants
what groups are targets of nativism today?
Latin Americans, Muslims and Mexicans
what individuals were the only group banned from immigrating to the US in the late 1800s?
The Chinese -Chinese exclusion act (1882) which legally presented immigration of all Chinese laborers for the next 10 years and it was later extended.
what political parties (or groups of people) were more engaged in nativist sentiment? (19th century)
anti immigration political parties the know nothin movement
why do nativist want to stop immigration today?
because nativist don't want immigrants to change the existing cultural values
what were common concerns of nativist(what supposed threats did immigrants pose)? (19th century and today)
economic threats- immigrants were seeking wealth so Americans were afraid they would take that away from them. take jobs- do work for less than other with in the country would bring diseases to the US
what political parties (or groups of people) are more engaged in nativist sentiment today?
republican party or democratic