US/VA History Unit 2

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Elements of Federalist and Anti-Federalist thought are reflected in contemporary political debate on issues such as the _____________ of government, federalism, and the protection of individual rights.

size and role

The major principles of the Bill of Rights of the Constitution were based on earlier Virginia ________________.


The Constitution made federal law the __________ law of the land when constitutional, but otherwise gave the states considerable power to govern themselves.


The Articles of Confederation provided for a weak national government. It gave Congress no power to _______________, and no power to regulate interstate commerce. It provided for no common currency. It gave each state one vote in Congress regardless of the size of the state. It did not provide for an executive branch or judicial branch.


Today more conservative thinkers echo the concerns of the Anti-Federalists and champion liberty, individual ________________, and free markets.


Today, those who see a __________ role for the federal government in solving national problems are heirs to the Federalist tradition.


The leading Virginia opponents of ________________ were Patrick Henry and George Mason; the leading Virginia proponents of ratification were George Washington and James Madison.


During the Constitutional Era, the Americans made two attempts to establish a workable government based on __________________

republican principles

It limited the powers of the federal government to those identified in the ____________________.


A key leader at the Constitutional convention was _________________, the President of the Convention. While presiding, he seldom participated in debates, but lent his enormous prestige to the proceedings.

George Washington

It balanced power between large and small states by creating a Senate (where each state gets two senators) and a ____________ (with membership based on population).

House of Representatives

_________________, the "Father of the Constitution," a Virginian and brilliant political philosopher, often led the debate and kept extensive notes of the proceedings—the best record historians have of what happened at the Constitutional Convention

James Madison

______________________ authored the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, which outlawed the established church—this is, the practice of government support for one favored church.

Thoma Jefferson

James Madison, a Virginian, consulted the __________________________ and the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom when drafting the amendments that eventually became the United States Bill of Rights.

Virginia Declaration of Rights

At the Convention, Madison authored the _________________, which proposed a federal government of three separate branches (executive, legislative, judicial) and became the foundation for the structure of the new government.

Virginia Plan

American political leaders, fearful of a powerful __________________ like England's, created the Articles of Confederation, adopted at the end of the Revolutionary War.

central government

It avoided a too-powerful central government by establishing three co-equal branches of government—legislative (makes laws), executive (enforces laws), judicial (interprets or judges laws)—with many _____________ between them.

check and balances

Federalists advocated the importance of a strong central government, especially to promote _____________ development and public improvements.


The doctrine of ____________________ set forth in Marbury v. Madison, the doctrine of implied powers set forth in McCulloch v. Maryland, and a broadly national view of economic affairs set forth in Gibbons v. Ogden, are the foundation blocks of the Court's authority to mediate disagreements between branches of government, levels of government, and competing business interests.

judicial review

Important __________________ established by the Marshall Court strengthened the role of the U.S. Supreme Court as an equal branch of the national government.

legal precedents

Madison later authored much of the ____________________

national Bill of Rights

The Constitution of the U.S. established a government that shared power between the _____________ and the state governments, protected the rights of states, and provided a system for orderly change through amendments to the Constitution.

national goverment

It placated the southern states by counting the slaves as _________ of the population when determining how many representatives a state will have in the House of Representatives.


The doctrine of judicial review is the power of the courts to declare a matter _____________________.


George Mason authored the Virginia Declaration of Rights, which reiterated the notion that basic human rights should not be ______________ by governments.


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