V for Vendetta

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The Finger

The secret police

Mr. Finch

Head of the nose, the police division. Has feelings for Delia.

Mr. Almond

Head of the secret police, known as the finger. Married to Rosemary. Put in charge of tracking and apprehending V

Jordan Tower

Houses the Mouth and the Fate computer. Where television and radio programs are broadcast from.

Delia Surridge

Larkhill camp doctor

Adam Susan

Founder and Leader of Norsefire, he has a love interest with the fate computer.

Conrad Heyer

Head of the eye, the visual surveillance department of Norsefire.

Dominic Stone

Inspector Finch's partner and protegé. Dominic is the one who figures out the connection between V and the former Larkhill camp staff and V's hacking into the Fate computer system. Very much like Finch, he only works as an officer in the Nose

Helen Heyer

Planned to install Conrad as the ruler of the country. She promises Harper control of the finger when Conrad comes to power. Helen starts an affair with Harper.


a complete change of form or appearance into a more beautiful or spiritual state

Evey Hammond

Acts as V's "doll" and they are in love with each other


He is the "king of the 20th century", he is the villain.

Peter Creedy

He is the head of the secret police, known as the finger. He comes to power after the death of Almond.


Theory of the stages of moral development

Gunpowder Plot

This is the plot that Guy Fawkes had when he planned to blow up the parliament... V replicates this when he himself blows up the parliament.


is an imagined community or society that possesses highly desirable or nearly perfect qualities. Book by Thomas Moore, literally means no-where


Concentration camp that V was in

Violet Carsons

V leaves this on his murdered victims, providing the symbolism of vengeance and justice.

Bishop Anthony Lilliman

Voice of the Norsefire party in the Church of England. He was once an ordinary cleric who worked at Larkhill

Guy Fawkes

Was part of a group of provincial english catholics that proposed the failed gunpowder plot

James I

King of England. Did not allow leniency to Catholics despite his mother being the Catholic Mary, Queen of Scots.

10 Downing St

Like the White House in the US. Blown up by Evey when she gives V a "viking funeral".

The Ear

Norsefire audio-servaillance division

The Nose

Norsefire police division

The Eye

Norsefire visual-servalliance division


She appears in a series of flashbacks when protagonist Evey Hammond finds a letter the former wrote, detailing her life story.

House of Parliament

supreme legislative body in the UK

Roger Dascombe

Adam Susan's chief of propaganda. He initiates a relationship with Rosemary when Mr. Almond is killed by V. He is killed when V attacks Jordan Tower and he is set up as a dummy.

Mr. Prothero

Former commander of Larkhill, he later becomes the voice of fate. V stops a train carrying him and kidnaps him. He is driven insane by a combination of overdose drugs and the shock of seeing his doll collection burned.

Alistar Harper

The Scottish organised crime boss who kills Evey's lover Gordon.

Victoria Station

Where V was when he died, the train car full of gunpowder and roses. Defunct subway station that is an entrance to V's home.

Lady Justice on the Old Bailey

A courthouse in London. This is what V blows up first. Lady Justice is is an allegorical personification of the moral force in judicial systems. Like the Statue of Liberty in the US. Blown up by V when he talks about how "justice" has cheated on him and how anarchy is his new "mistress".


A petty criminal specialising in bootlegging. After V abandons Evey during Book 2, Gordon takes her in as an act of kindness after he catches her stealing from his home and the two eventually become lovers. He is murdered by Alistar Harper.

The Land of Take-What-You-Want

Book #2, Describes the state of affairs when the story ends. A perfect anarchic society has not been created, but the people now can make their own decisions. Riots and looting occur, but at least the citizens aren't under the constant surveillance of a police state.

The Land of Do-As-You-Please

Book #3, functional anarchist society

Voice of Fate

Broadcast all over London, It is the "face of London" government radio broadcaster who transmits daily "information" to the public.


The conversion of the eucharistic elements into the body and blood of christ

"Remember remember the 5th of November"

The night that he blows up the parliament

Post Office Tower

a communication tower, Houses the Ear and the Eye. When V blows this up, it causes the shutdown of the surveillance systems, giving rise to the riots.

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