Virology Final Exam

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Characteristics of Coronaviruses include 1) antigenic shift 2) antigenic drift 3) antigenic stability 4) segmented RNA virus 5) 2 & 4


Which of the following statement is true for both rubella virus and Zika virus? 1) Arboviruses 2) congenital infections 3) vaccines are available 4) worldwide distribution 5) none of the above


You apply a virus stock solution containing 6x106 virus particles to 3x105 cells. What is the multiplication of infection (MOI) of this infection? (2 pts) 6x10^6 virus particles/3x10^5 cells=20. So the MOI is


Bluetongue virus is 1) a ss RNA virus 2) transmitted by mosquitoes 3) an arbovirus 4) 1 & 2 5) 1 & 3


Characteristics of Paramyxoviruses include 1) nonenveloped 2) antigenic stability 3) antigenic drift 4) SS segmented RNA virus 5) all of the above


Characteristics of Arenaviruses include 1) rodents as reservoirs 2) ambisense RNA 3) enveloped 4) antigenic drift 5) all of the above


Characteristics of Ebola virus include 1) antigenic drift 2) antigenic shift 3) single stranded RNA with multiple mRNA transcripts 4) 1 & 2 5) 1 & 3


If 0.1ml of this stock is used to infect 10.0ml of Hela cells containing 105 cells/ml, what is the multiplicity of infection (MOI) in this case? (4 pts) Titer is 5x107 PFU/ml 0.1ml x 5x107 PFU/ml/10ml x 105cells/ml=5 PFU/cell.


This question is based on Case Study Chase Quiz 3. Considering where this woman lived what virus infection(s) could cause the symptoms 1) Japanese encephalitis virus 2) Eastern equine encephalitis virus 3) Dengue fever virus 4) 1 & 2 5) 1 & 3


This question is based on Case Study for Quiz 3. Based on the serology results, the virus that the patient had been recently exposed to was 1) Japanese encephalitis virus 2) SARS 3) Dengue virus 4) 1 & 2 5) 1 & 3


Yellow Fever and Dengue Fever Viruses both use a cycle A and cycle B transmission cycles. The genus and species of the arthropod vector responsible for cycle B transmission is 1) Culex tarsalis 2) Culicoides varipennis 3) Dermacenter andersoni 4) Aedes albopictus 5) Aedes aegypti


A stock of poliovirus is measured by plaque assay on a lawn of Hela cells. When 0.1 ml of a 10-5 dilution of this stock is plated, an average of 50 plaques are observed. What is the titer (pfu/ml) of this stock? (4 pts) 50 PFUx105/0.1ml= 5x107PFU/ml.

5x107 PFU/ml

Match: Influenza virus A Aerosol(respiratory tract), Mosquito bites, Contaminated needles, Rodents, Fecal-oral, Urogenital tract (mucosal), Vertical transmission (mother to baby)


Rabies virus encodes a RNA dependent RNA polymerase (L gene) and a glycoprotein (G gene). Following a normal infection in an animal with rabies virus, which protein (polymerase or glycoprotein) would most likely generating an antibody response? (2 pts)

Antibody response to glycoprotein is more likely developed in host

List two mechanisms used by cytotoxic T cells to kill virus-infected cells (bonus question) (2pts).

Apoptosis by fas-fas ligand; secrete granzymes and perforins to poke holes on cell membrane.

Match: HIV-1 Importation of monkeys, New methods for detection, Spontaneous mutation of virus, Integrated bird/pig agriculture, mobile population, Blood transfusion, drug abuse, sexual transmission

Blood transfusion, drug abuse, sexual transmission

Circle the virus families that belong to the Arboviruses (arthropod-borne viruses), which could be isolated from arthropods. (4 pts). Bunyaviridae Picornaviridae Arenaviridae Rhabdoviridae Flaviviridae Coronaviridae Togaviridae Reoviridae

Bunyaviridae, Flaviviridae, Togaviridae, Reoviridae

Name the two major cell types that are susceptible to HIV-1 infection in vivo (2 pts).

CD4 T lymphocytes and Macrophages

Match: Papillomavirus 16 Diarrhea, Cervical cancer, Encephalitis, Hemorrhagic rashes, Common "cold", Pneumonia

Cervical cancer

Match: Rhinovirus Diarrhea, Cervical cancer, Encephalitis, Hemorrhagic rashes, Common "cold", Pneumonia

Common cold

Match: Hepatitis B Aerosol(respiratory tract), Mosquito bites, Contaminated needles, Rodents, Fecal-oral, Urogenital tract (mucosal), Vertical transmission (mother to baby)

Contaminated needles

Match: Rabies virus Diarrhea, Cervical cancer, Encephalitis, Hemorrhagic rashes, Common "cold", Pneumonia


Both P53 and Rb (retinoblastoma) are gene regulatory proteins that suppress tumor formation. Peoples with genetic defects and mutations in either Rb or P53 develop tumors. However, there are some cases with no genetic defects in the two genes. What other factors besides viruses could have an additive effect on the development of tumors? (2 pts)

Environmental factors such as radiation and other chemical carcinogens. Genetic factors such as cellular oncogene translocation or mutations in tumor suppressor genes etc.

True or False: All RNA viruses encode RNA dependent RNA polymerase.


True or False: All hemorrhagic fevers are caused by arboviruses only?


True or False: All oncoretroviruses encode viral oncogenes to cause cancer.


True or False: All viral encephalitis is caused by arboviruses.


True or False: All viral oncogenes (v-onc) are identical to cellular oncogenes (c-onc).


True or False: All viruses replicate in the nuclei of cells.


True or False: Any arthropod that carries a virus is a biological vector regardless if the virus replicates in the arthropod.


True or False: Any arthropod that carries a virus is a biological vector regardless if the virus replicates in the arthropod.


True or False: Both RT-PCR and ELISA are commonly used to diagnose prion diseases such as mad cow disease and human variant CJD


True or False: Cellular protein (PrPc) is predominantly of beta sheet structure while the diseased form of prion protein (PrPsc) is predominantly of alpha-helix structure.


True or False: Defective interfering particles generated during the in vitro passage of vesicular stomatitis virus share no similarity to vesicular stomatitis virus.


True or False: Different viruses always use different receptors or co-receptors for virus attachment and entry.


True or False: Each virus particle counted under electron microscope equals one plaque-forming unit (one infectious virus particle) for all viruses.


True or False: For most viruses, one electron microscopic particle equals to one plaque forming unit.


True or False: HIV-1 is a double-stranded RNA virus.


True or False: Hepatitis B virus directly kills hepatocytes and causes liver pathology.


True or False: Just like bacteria, virus particles grow or undergo division.


True or False: Like most of the DNA viruses, poxvirus replicates in the nucleus of a cell.


True or False: Most of the cases of chikungunya virus, the host will develop hemorrhagic fever.


True or False: Poliovirus replicates in the nuclei of cells.


True or False: St. Louis encephalitis virus is the most common cause of hemorrhagic syndrome in the US.


True or False: The avian influenza virus subtype H5N2 is responsible for the outbreak in Asia.


True or False: The use of MMR vaccine has been a very effective control program in the prevention of mumps, measles and rabies


True or False: Ultraviolet light (UV) treatment will inactivate the infectious prions (PrPsc).


True or False: Virus lacks metabolic activities. Therefore virus is not a living entity, but an inert chemical complex.


True or False: Virus particles can generally be seen under light microscopes.


True or False: Viruses are submicroscopic, obligate intracellular parasites. This simple definition excludes all other types of microorganisms.


True or False: Viruses grow and reproduce by binary division.


True or False: Viruses replicate in non-permissive cells.


True or False: Zika virus and hepatitis C virus are flaviviruses that are not spread by arthropod vectors.


Put the following names in order, starting from the smallest to the biggest (2 pts). Bacteria, Animal cells, H2O molecule, Virus.

H2O molecule, virus, bacteria, animal cells

Briefly describe why it was possible to eradicate smallpox worldwide (4 pts).

Human only reservoir, acute infection (patients die or recover with life-long immunity), effective vaccine available

List the factors that constrain virus evolution process (bonus question) (3pts)

Icosahedral capsid structure has limited packing capacity; virus replication depends on cellular factors; too efficient virus kills its host and eliminates itself.

Match: Ebola virus Importation of monkeys, New methods for detection, Spontaneous mutation of virus, Integrated bird/pig agriculture, mobile population, Blood transfusion, drug abuse, sexual transmission

Importation of monkeys

Match: Influenza virus Importation of monkeys, New methods for detection, Spontaneous mutation of virus, Integrated bird/pig agriculture, mobile population, Blood transfusion, drug abuse, sexual transmission

Integrated bird/pig agriculture, mobile population

A patient exhibited symptoms of hepatitis virus infection. The initial test indicated that the person had no IgM to hepatitis A virus (HAV), but had IgM to HBcAg of hepatitis B virus (HBV). No antibody against hepatitis C virus (HCV) was detected. How you will interpreter the test results and what additional tests are needed to confirm your diagnosis. (6 pts)

It appears that the patient may have acute HBV infection. But to exclude HAV and HCV, RT-PCR could be done to ensure that no concurrent acute HAV and HCV infection. HBV sAg could also be tested to confirm the HBV infection.

List the specific strategies used by viruses to escape host's immune defense mechanisms (bonus question, 1 pt per strategy, up to 5 pts).

Latent infections by herpesviruses, HIV-1 mutation and recombination, genetic shift of influenza virus, antagonize the function of interferons, MHC I etc

List two of the vaccine strategies that are being investigated for the HIV-1 vaccine development (2 pts)

Live virus vectors such as vaccinia virus and adenovirus, recombinant protein gp120, DNA vaccines etc

The polymorphisms of MHC class I and II molecules are one of the major genetic determinants of the host's susceptibility to viral diseases. Briefly describe the functions of these molecules in the host's immune defense, indicating the distributions of these two molecules in cells, what type of T cells they activate and what types of antigens they usually interact with? (6 pts)

MHC I: all nucleated cells, endogenous antigen, CD8 T cells MHC II: antigen-presenting cells such as macrophages, dendritic cells, B cells, exogenous antigens, CD4 T cells

Match: Yellow fever virus Aerosol(respiratory tract), Mosquito bites, Contaminated needles, Rodents, Fecal-oral, Urogenital tract (mucosal), Vertical transmission (mother to baby)

Mosquito bites

Match: Norwalk virus Importation of monkeys, New methods for detection, Spontaneous mutation of virus, Integrated bird/pig agriculture, mobile population, Blood transfusion, drug abuse, sexual transmission

New methods for detection

Fill in the blank. Results from the following experiment demonstrated that there is no ________ _____ associated with prion infectivity (2pts).

Nucleic acid

Viruses are often studied using tumor-derived cell lines. Name two properties, which differentiate tumor-derived cell lines from normal, primary cells. (4 pts)

Primary cells are anchorage-dependent and have normal copies of the chromosome. Tumor cells are not anchorage-dependent and have aberrant copies of chromosome

Rabies virus RNP core is infectious. What are the components of the RNP core (8 pts)?

RNA genome, nucleoprotein, phosphoprotein, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase

If a virus has a negative-sense RNA genome, what enzymatic activity will be found as part of virion? Is the RNA genome itself infectious? (4 pts)

RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. The RNA genome itself is not infectious

What are the two common mechanisms viruses used for penetration into cells after their attachment to receptors? (4 pts)

Receptor mediated endocytosis and membrane fusion.

The initial steps of HIV-1 infection involve the binding of the viral envelope glycoprotein (gp120) to the cell surface receptor. This is followed by its binding to a co-receptor on the cell surface. Name the receptor and two co-receptors (3 pts).

Receptor: CD4, co-receptors: CCR5 and CXCR4

Match: Hantavirus Aerosol(respiratory tract), Mosquito bites, Contaminated needles, Rodents, Fecal-oral, Urogenital tract (mucosal), Vertical transmission (mother to baby)


Describe either in words or by drawing how retroviruses and hepatitis B virus replicate their genomes. Indicate the similarities and differences between the two processes. (6 pts)?

Similarity: RT, nucleus. Differences: HIV: RNA-DNA-RNA, integration into chromosome, HBV: DNA-RNA-DNA, no integration

Match: Canine parvovirus Importation of monkeys, New methods for detection, Spontaneous mutation of virus, Integrated bird/pig agriculture, mobile population, Blood transfusion, drug abuse, sexual transmission

Spontaneous mutation of virus

True or False: Aerosol transmission applies to all members of Orthomyxoviridae and Paramyxoviridae.


True or False: Both DNase and RNase treatment cannot inactivate the infectious prions (PrPsc).


True or False: Clathrin-coated vesicles are important for endocytosis of viruses.


True or False: DNA sequencing can be used to identify novel viruses and to perform epidemiological studies.


True or False: DNA viruses have either dsDNA or ss DNA as genome


True or False: Ebola virus is transmitted by contact with blood or other body fluids.


True or False: Flaviviruses and Togaviruses both have a single polyprotein that is postranslationally processed


True or False: Following reinfection with dengue virus, the host may develop hemorrhagic fever.


True or False: Foot-and-mouth virus can infect humans and is a zoonotic agent.


True or False: Hepatitis delta virus is dependent of hepatitis B virus for replication.


True or False: Human papillomavirus only replicates in differentiated epithelial cells.


True or False: In addition to protecting the genome from physical, chemical or enzymatic damage, the outer shells of a virus particle initiate the process of infection by binding to receptors on host cell.


True or False: JC and BK viruses do not cause tumors in humans.


True or False: Most viruses enter cells by receptor mediated endocytosis.


True or False: Nucleic acids are sensitive to physical damage such as shearing by mechanical forces and to chemical modification.


True or False: Nucleoside analogs (anti-viral drugs) target viral RT or viral DNA polymerase and block viral DNA replication by causing DNA chain termination.


True or False: Only enveloped viruses have carbohydrate and lipids.


True or False: Poliovirus is capable of shutting off host protein synthesis.


True or False: Poliovirus shut off host protein synthesis to facilitate its own protein synthesis.


True or False: RNA dependent RNA polymerase is used to make both mRNA and viral RNA genome.


True or False: RNA viruses have either ssRNA or ds RNA as genome.


True or False: Rabies virus can infect all warm-blooded animals.


True or False: Recombinant hepatitis B vaccine is produced based on the hepatitis B viral surface antigen (HBsAg).


True or False: Rhabdoviridae is a member of the mononegavirales.


True or False: Rodents are the primary reservoirs for hantavirus and some members of the arenaviridae.


True or False: Some enveloped viruses enter cells by fusion with cell membrane.


True or False: Spike proteins on the enveloped virus are used for virus attachment to cell surface receptors.


True or False: The pestiviruses and hepatitis C virus are flaviviruses that are not spread by arthropod vectors.


True or False: The transcription and translation of herpesvirus-encoded genes occur in a regulated, sequential order.


True or False: There is an opportunity for genetic reassortment when animals or humans are simultaneously infected with two different rotaviruses.


True or False: There is currently no treatment and vaccine available for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).


True or False: There is no vaccine available for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), one of the common cold viruses of children.


True or False: Viral capsid is usually composed of many copies of protein subunits.


True or False: Virus particles cannot generally be seen using light microscopes.


True or False: Viruses absolutely depend on host cells for its replication.


True or False: Viruses are filterable agents.


True or False: Viruses have either helical or icosahedral capsid.


True or False: Viruses have no metabolic activity.


True or False: Viruses that infect bacteria are called bacteriophages.


True or False: Viruses which infect bacteria are called bacteriophages.


True or False: Wild animals serve as reservoirs for rabies virus.


Animals infected with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) exhibit the same clinical symptoms as a. Foot-and-mouth virus infection b. Rabies virus infection c. Rhinovirus infection d. Hepatitis A virus infection


Causes chickenpox and shingles a) Varicella Zoster Virus b) Pseudorabies virus c) Epstein Barr virus (EBV) d) Marek's Disease Virus e) Human herpesvirus 8 f) Human cytomegalovirus g) Herpes simplex virus 1 h) Human herpesvirus 7 i) Human herpesvirus 6 j) Monkey B virus k) Bovine malignant catarrhal fever virus l) Herpes simplex virus 2


Hepatitis A virus is usually transmitted through which of the following a. Ingestion of contaminated water and food. b. Aerosol transmission c. Blood transfusion d. Close contact


Latent in sensory ganglions a) Varicella Zoster Virus b) Pseudorabies virus c) Epstein Barr virus (EBV) d) Marek's Disease Virus e) Human herpesvirus 8 f) Human cytomegalovirus g) Herpes simplex virus 1 h) Human herpesvirus 7 i) Human herpesvirus 6 j) Monkey B virus k) Bovine malignant catarrhal fever virus l) Herpes simplex virus 2


Which of the following DNA viruses encode tumor "T" antigen? (1 pt) a. Polyomavirus b. Papillomavirus c. Adenovirus d. Parvovirus


Which of the following cell types is the target cell of human papillomavirus? (1 pt) a. Squamous epithelial cells b. Fibroblast cells c. Muscle cells d. Lymohocytes


Which of the following characteristics differentiates latent infection from chronic infection (1 pt) a) No virus replication b) No mRNA transcription c) None of the above d) Both a and b


Which of the following cytokines are important in promoting Th2 response? (1 pt) a) IL-4 b) IL-1 c) IL-12 d) Tumor necrosis factor alpha


Which of the following human viruses causes tumors in rodents, but not in humans? (1 pt) a. Human adenovirus b. Human papillomavirus c. Human hepatitis B virus d. Human herpesvirus 6


Which of the following viral vectors cannot be easily manipulated to target specific tissue or cell type a. Herpesvirus b. Adenovirus c. Retrovirus d. All of the above


Which of the following viral vectors only infecting dividing cells a. Retrovirus b. Adenovirus c. Vaccinia virus d. Herpesvirus


Which of the following viral vectors only transiently express the transgene inserted a. Adenovirus b. Retrovirus c. Adeno-associated virus d. None of the above


Which one of the following proteins has a 42% alpha helical conformation? a. Normal prion protein (PrPc) b. Infectious prion protein (PrPsc) c. both 1 and 2 d. none of the above


Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus a. Antigenic drift b. reservoir is small birds c. Crossprotection by Porcine respiratory coronavirus d. Reassortment e. Forms syncytia

a b

Which two proteins of human adenovirus are able to cause tumor formation in animals (2 pts)? a. E1A b. E1B c. E3 d. E4

a b

Circle the emerging viruses that are associated with bats (3 pts) a) SARS virus b) Hendra virus c) Ebola virus d) Hantavirus

a b c

Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus a. Antigenic drift b. reservoir is small birds c. Crossprotection by Porcine respiratory coronavirus d. Reassortment e. Forms syncytia

a c

Hanta virus a. Antigenic drift b. reservoir is small birds c. Crossprotection by Porcine respiratory coronavirus d. Reassortment e. Forms syncytia

a d

Influenza B virus a. Antigenic drift b. reservoir is small birds c. Crossprotection by Porcine respiratory coronavirus d. Reassortment e. Forms syncytia

a d

Which of the following immune cells belong to the professional antigen-presenting cells? (2 pts) a) Macrophages b) Neutrophils c) Natural killer d) Dendritic cells

a d

Hepatitis C a. RNA virus b. DNA virus c. Viroids d. Parenteral transmission e. Oral-fecal transmission f. Recombinant vaccines g. Killed virus vaccine h. Chronic infection i. Hepatocellular carcinoma

a d h i

Respiratory Syncytial Virus a. Antigenic drift b. reservoir is small birds c. Crossprotection by Porcine respiratory coronavirus d. Reassortment e. Forms syncytia

a e

Hepatitis A a. RNA virus b. DNA virus c. Viroids d. Parenteral transmission e. Oral-fecal transmission f. Recombinant vaccines g. Killed virus vaccine h. Chronic infection i. Hepatocellular carcinoma

a e g


adaptive cytokine, made exclusively by activated T calls, NK cells

Circle the two major types of human papillomaviruses that are responsible for 70% of the cervical cancer? (1 pt) a. Human papillomaviruses 6 and 11 b. Human papillomaviruses 16 and 18 c. Human papillomaviruses 31 and 33 d. Human papillomaviruses 5 and 11


Influenza virus a. ss+ RNA nested mRNA b. ss- RNA segmented genome c. ds RNA non-enveloped d. ss- RNA ambisense segmented e. ss- RNA nonsegmented enveloped f. ss +DNA segmented enveloped g. ss +RNA polyprotein enveloped


Most viruses enter their target cells by (1 pt) a) Phagocytosis b) Endocytosis c) Direct translocation d) None of the above


Naked or non-enveloped viruses are released from cells through (1 pt) a) Budding b) Cell lysis c) None of the above


Negris bodies can be used as diagnostic marker for a. Poliovirus infection b. Rabies virus infection c. Hepatitis A virus infection d. Foot-and-mouth disease virus infection


Swine herpesvirus a) Varicella Zoster Virus b) Pseudorabies virus c) Epstein Barr virus (EBV) d) Marek's Disease Virus e) Human herpesvirus 8 f) Human cytomegalovirus g) Herpes simplex virus 1 h) Human herpesvirus 7 i) Human herpesvirus 6 j) Monkey B virus k) Bovine malignant catarrhal fever virus l) Herpes simplex virus 2


Which of the following are important determinants of the tissue tropism of viruses? (2 pts) a) Viral glycoproteins b) Cellular proteins and enzymes c) Viral RNA dependent RNA polymerase d) Cellular RNA polymerase II


Which of the following emerging virus is due to the spontaneous mutation of a feline panleukopenia virus a. Norwalk/gastroenteritis virus b. Canine parvovirus c. Rift valley fever virus d. Human T-cell leukemia virus


Which of the following toll-like receptor recognizes primarily dsRNA and viruses? (1 pt) a) TLR2 b) TLR3 c) TLR4 d) TLR9


Most (-) RNA viruses have (2 pts) a) Icosahedral capsids b) Helical capsids c) Envelopes d) None of the above

b c

The genes encoded by the virus primarily determine the virulence or the pathogenicity of a virus, and these genes are called virulent genes. Which of the following viral genes may belong to the virulent genes? (2 pts) a) Genes encode nucleocapsid proteins b) Genes encode proteins to inhibit the induction of type I interferons c) Genes encode protein to shut-off host protein synthesis d) RNA dependent RNA polymerase encoding gene

b c

Type I interferon molecules block virus replication by (2 pts) a) Blocking virus entry b) Activating RNase L to degrade mRNA c) Activating dsRNA dependent protein kinase to inhibit protein translation d) Inhibiting virus assembly

b c

When used in diagnostic purposes of viral infections, immunofluorescence staining (IFA) is often used to detect ( ), while ELISA is mainly used to detect ( ) and PCR, RT-PCR are used to detect ( )(6 pts). a. Viral nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) b. Viral antigens (pathogens) c. Virus specific antibodies

b c a

Adeno-associated virus (AAV) depends on the help of which of the following viruses for replication? (2 pts). a. Parvovirus b. Herpesvirus c. Poxvirus d. Adenovirus

b d

Circle the virus vector systems that are capable of integrating their genomes into cellular chromosome (2 pts) a) Adenovirus b) Retrovirus c) Vaccinia Virus d) Adeno-associated virus

b d

Which two proteins are responsible for the transformation of cells by papillomavirus? (2 pts) a. E5 b. E6 c. E2 d. E7

b d

Hepatitis B a. RNA virus b. DNA virus c. Viroids d. Parenteral transmission e. Oral-fecal transmission f. Recombinant vaccines g. Killed virus vaccine h. Chronic infection i. Hepatocellular carcinoma

b d f h i

All RNA viruses EXCEPT RETROVIRUSES encode what kind of polymerase? (1 pt) a) RNA polymerase II b) DNA polymerase c) RNA dependent RNA polymerase d) Reverse transcriptase


Fruits bats serve as a carrier host for which of the following emerging viruses that cause high mortality in animals and humans? a. Nipah Virus b. Hedra virus c. All of the above d. None of the Above


HAART combination therapy has been very effective in preventing the progression of HIV-1 infection to AIDS. Which of the following defines the HAART therapy? (1 pt). a. Combination of two protease inhibitors b. Combination of one reverse transcriptase inhibitor and two protease inhibitors c. Combination of two reverse transcriptase inhibitors and one protease inhibitor d. Combination of one reverse transcriptase inhibitor, one protease inhibitor, and one fusion inhibitor


Latent in B cells a) Varicella Zoster Virus b) Pseudorabies virus c) Epstein Barr virus (EBV) d) Marek's Disease Virus e) Human herpesvirus 8 f) Human cytomegalovirus g) Herpes simplex virus 1 h) Human herpesvirus 7 i) Human herpesvirus 6 j) Monkey B virus k) Bovine malignant catarrhal fever virus l) Herpes simplex virus 2


Nucleoside analogs have been developed and used as anti-viral drugs for HIV-1 and herpes simplex virus. They inhibit virus replication by (1 pt) a) Degrading viral mRNAs b) Serving as a competitive binding partner for DNA polymerase c) Causing DNA chain termination d) Inhibiting the activity of DNA polymerase


Papillomavirus, polyomavirus and adenovirus cause cell transformation by a. Insertional activation of cellular oncogenes b. Insertional inactivation of tumor suppressor genes c. Inactivation of tumor suppressor genes by directly binding to them and sequestering or degrading them d. All of the above


Rotavirus a. ss+ RNA nested mRNA b. ss- RNA segmented genome c. ds RNA non-enveloped d. ss- RNA ambisense segmented e. ss- RNA nonsegmented enveloped f. ss +DNA segmented enveloped g. ss +RNA polyprotein enveloped


The advantages of using viruses as a delivery vehicle for gene therapy for genetic disorders include all of the following except a. Efficiency in transferring viral DNA or RNA into cells b. Easy genetic manipulation in targeting specific tissue or cell type c. Immunogenicity of viral proteins d. All of the above


The highly effective antiviral drugs for hepatitis C virus are composed of a. Viral protease inhibitor b. Viral RNA polymerase inhibitor c. All of the above d. None of the above


The key molecule in the replication of all viruses is (1 pt) a) RNA b) DNA c) mRNA d) None of the above


Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) is being explored as a potential gene delivery vehicle for gene therapy and cancer treatment due to the following a. VSV causes a mild disease in animals and humans b. VSV has a simple genome and it is easy to be manipulated genetically c. both 1 and 2 d. none of the above


Which of the following DNA virus contains an incomplete dsDNA as its genome? (1 pt). a. Poxvirus b. Adenovirus c. Hepatitis B virus d. Herpesvirus


Which of the following cell type is primarily responsible for the initial spread of HIV-1 from mucosal surfaces to its target cells in the lymphoid organs? (1 pt). a. B lymphocytes b. T lymphocytes c. Dendritic cells d. Macrophages


Which of the following system plays an important role in the pathogenesis of the transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE)? a. Reproductive system b. Respiratory system c. Lymphoid system d. None of the above


Which of the following virus is used as a vaccine for the eradication of small pox? (1 pt) a. Cowpox b. Monkey pox c. Vaccinia d. Variola


Which of the following viruses are responsible for the recent death of seals along the East Coast of USA? a. Phocine Distemper virus b. Influenza virus c. All of the above d. None of the above


Which of the following viruses causes Burkitt's lymphoma? (1 pt) a. Human herpesvirus 8 b. Human cytomegalovirus c. Epstein barr virus d. Varicella zoster virus


Which of the following viruses integrates its genome into host cell chromosomes in the absence of helper viruses? (1 pt) a. Herpesvirus b. Adenovirus c. Adeno-associated virus (AAV) d. Papillomavirus


which of the following viruses contains ambisense RNA genome? a. Bunyaviridae b. Arenaviridae c. All of the above d. None of the Above


Hepatitis D a. RNA virus b. DNA virus c. Viroids d. Parenteral transmission e. Oral-fecal transmission f. Recombinant vaccines g. Killed virus vaccine h. Chronic infection i. Hepatocellular carcinoma

c d

Which of the following viral proteins are essential for HIV-1 replication (2 pts) a. Nef b. Vpu c. Tat d. Rev

c d

What is the intracellular site of replication of most RNA viruses? (1pt). Name one exception (1 pt)

cytoplasm, influenza virus

Bolivian hemorrhagic fever a. ss+ RNA nested mRNA b. ss- RNA segmented genome c. ds RNA non-enveloped d. ss- RNA ambisense segmented e. ss- RNA nonsegmented enveloped f. ss +DNA segmented enveloped g. ss +RNA polyprotein enveloped


Causes tumors in chickens a) Varicella Zoster Virus b) Pseudorabies virus c) Epstein Barr virus (EBV) d) Marek's Disease Virus e) Human herpesvirus 8 f) Human cytomegalovirus g) Herpes simplex virus 1 h) Human herpesvirus 7 i) Human herpesvirus 6 j) Monkey B virus k) Bovine malignant catarrhal fever virus l) Herpes simplex virus 2


Functional classes of oncogenes include which of the followings a. Growth factor/ Growth factor receptor b. Serine/threonine kinases c. Transcription factors (nuclear proteins) d. All of the above


How viruses avoid host selection pressures a. Mutation and recombination b. Latent infection c. Evade host's defense mechanisms d. All of the above


Most protease inhibitors inhibit virus replication by (1pt) a) Blocking virus entry b) Blocking viral protein synthesis c) Blocking virus budding d) Blocking virus maturation


The RNP core of the Rhabdoviridae consists of the following a. RNA genome b. RNA dependent RNA polymerase c. Nucleocapsid protein d. All of the above


Viruses may cause cancer by which of the following ways a. Carry a viral oncogene b. Activate a cellular oncogene by insertional activation c. Inactivate a tumor suppressor gene d. All of the above


Which of the following DNA viruses is NOT known to cause cancer (tumor) in animals or humans a. Papillomavirus b. Adenovirus c. Herpesvirus d. Pox virus


Which of the following characteristics distinguish the new variant Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease (CJD) from the sporadic CJD? a. Strikingly early age (14 years and up). b. No cases in non- Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) countries described c. Likely cause is BSE d. All of the above


Which of the following emerging viruses are associated with bats a. Rabies b. Hedra virus and Nipah virus c. SARS virus d. All of the above


Which of the following emerging viruses are associated with birds a. West Nile virus b. Influenza A virus c. SARS virus d. both 1 and 2


Which of the following emerging viruses are associated with primates a. Dengue virus b. HIV c. Influenza virus d. Both 1 and 2


Which of the following emerging viruses are associated with rodents a. Hantaan virus b. Sin Nombre virus c. Junin virus d. All of the above


Which of the following factors constrain virus evolution a. Packing capacity of icosahedral capsid b. Viral genome replication depends on host cellular components c. Too efficient virus mutant will kill the host and also eliminate itself d. All of the above


Which of the following is true for quasispecies RNA viruses a. Lack of the proof-reading mechanism of RNA dependent RNA polymerase. b. High mutation rate, 1 in 10,000 nucleotides c. Common in RNA viruses d. All of the above


Which of the following proteins are not oncogenes? (1 pt) a) Src b) Myc c) Sis d) T (tumor) antigen of simian virus 40


Which of the following represents the characteristics of virus evolution a. Simplest genetic components b. Spectacular diversity c. Large number of progeny d. All of the above


Which of the following statement about Orthomyxoviridae is correct? a. single stranded, (-) sense with 6-8 segments of RNA b. Replicate in the nucleus of a cell c. Capable of hemagglutinating red blood cells d. All of the above e. None of the above


Which of the following virus causes small pox? (1 pt) a. Cowpox b. Monkey pox c. Vaccinia d. Variola


Which of the following virus contain a segmented genome (1 pt) a) HIV-1 b) Rotavirus c) Influenza virus d) Coronavirus


Which of the following virus contain an ambisense RNA genome (1 pt) a) Herpes simplex virus-1 b) Pox virus c) Rabies virus d) Hantavirus


Which of the following virus contains a dsRNA genome (1 pt) a) HIV-1 b) Influenza virus A c) SARS virus d) Reovirus


Which of the following viruses contains double-stranded RNA genome? a. Filoviridae b. Bunyaviridae c. Paramyxoviridae d. Reoviridae


Which of the following viruses only replicates in dividing cells or cells in "S" phase? (1 pt) a. Adenovirus b. Herpesvirus c. Papillomavirus d. Parvovirus


Which of the followings are the major hurdles in gene therapy a. Gene delivery tool b. Understanding gene function c. High cost d. All of the above


Which of the followings provide the evidence that virus co-evolved with host a. The distribution of distinct human papillomavirus genome is congruent with the racial and geographic distribution of the human population b. Divergence of herpesviruses coincides with the well-established divergence of vertebrate hosts (based on the sequence analysis of uracil-DNA glycosylase) c. Use of high virulent rabbit myxoma virus to control populations of European rabbits in Australia leads to the emergence of less virulent strains of the virus d. All of the above


Circle all the DNA virus families that are naked (without envelope and glycoproteins) (4 pts). a. Hepadnaviridae b. Poxviridae c. Herpesviridae d. Adenoviridae e. Polyomaviridae f. Papillomaviridae g. Parvoviridae

d e f g

Infects T cells a) Varicella Zoster Virus b) Pseudorabies virus c) Epstein Barr virus (EBV) d) Marek's Disease Virus e) Human herpesvirus 8 f) Human cytomegalovirus g) Herpes simplex virus 1 h) Human herpesvirus 7 i) Human herpesvirus 6 j) Monkey B virus k) Bovine malignant catarrhal fever virus l) Herpes simplex virus 2

d h i

Match: Rotavirus Diarrhea, Cervical cancer, Encephalitis, Hemorrhagic rashes, Common "cold", Pneumonia


Why fetus and newborn animals are generally more susceptible to the parvovirus infection than adult animals? (2 pts)

dividing cells

Associated with Kaposi's Sarcoma a) Varicella Zoster Virus b) Pseudorabies virus c) Epstein Barr virus (EBV) d) Marek's Disease Virus e) Human herpesvirus 8 f) Human cytomegalovirus g) Herpes simplex virus 1 h) Human herpesvirus 7 i) Human herpesvirus 6 j) Monkey B virus k) Bovine malignant catarrhal fever virus l) Herpes simplex virus 2


Infects endothelial cells a) Varicella Zoster Virus b) Pseudorabies virus c) Epstein Barr virus (EBV) d) Marek's Disease Virus e) Human herpesvirus 8 f) Human cytomegalovirus g) Herpes simplex virus 1 h) Human herpesvirus 7 i) Human herpesvirus 6 j) Monkey B virus k) Bovine malignant catarrhal fever virus l) Herpes simplex virus 2


Mumps a. ss+ RNA nested mRNA b. ss- RNA segmented genome c. ds RNA non-enveloped d. ss- RNA ambisense segmented e. ss- RNA nonsegmented enveloped f. ss +DNA segmented enveloped g. ss +RNA polyprotein enveloped


Which of the following virus families contain segmented genome RNA? a. Bunyaviridae b. Reoviridae c. Arenaviridae d. Orthomyxoviridae e. All of the above f. None of the above


Smallpox Virus is a(n) enveloped, non-enveloped RNA, DNA

enveloped, DNA

HIV-1 is a(n) enveloped, non-enveloped RNA, DNA

enveloped, RNA

Influenza Virus is a(n) enveloped, non-enveloped RNA, DNA

enveloped, RNA

Causes congenital defects a) Varicella Zoster Virus b) Pseudorabies virus c) Epstein Barr virus (EBV) d) Marek's Disease Virus e) Human herpesvirus 8 f) Human cytomegalovirus g) Herpes simplex virus 1 h) Human herpesvirus 7 i) Human herpesvirus 6 j) Monkey B virus k) Bovine malignant catarrhal fever virus l) Herpes simplex virus 2


Latent in hematopoietic stem cells a) Varicella Zoster Virus b) Pseudorabies virus c) Epstein Barr virus (EBV) d) Marek's Disease Virus e) Human herpesvirus 8 f) Human cytomegalovirus g) Herpes simplex virus 1 h) Human herpesvirus 7 i) Human herpesvirus 6 j) Monkey B virus k) Bovine malignant catarrhal fever virus l) Herpes simplex virus 2


Match: Rotavirus Aerosol(respiratory tract), Mosquito bites, Contaminated needles, Rodents, Fecal-oral, Urogenital tract (mucosal), Vertical transmission (mother to baby)


Yellow fever virus a. ss+ RNA nested mRNA b. ss- RNA segmented genome c. ds RNA non-enveloped d. ss- RNA ambisense segmented e. ss- RNA nonsegmented enveloped f. ss +DNA segmented enveloped g. ss +RNA polyprotein enveloped


Causes rashes in infants a) Varicella Zoster Virus b) Pseudorabies virus c) Epstein Barr virus (EBV) d) Marek's Disease Virus e) Human herpesvirus 8 f) Human cytomegalovirus g) Herpes simplex virus 1 h) Human herpesvirus 7 i) Human herpesvirus 6 j) Monkey B virus k) Bovine malignant catarrhal fever virus l) Herpes simplex virus 2

h i

Match: Dengue virus Diarrhea, Cervical cancer, Encephalitis, Hemorrhagic rashes, Common "cold", Pneumonia

hemorrhagic rashes

Which of the following description about the genomes of viruses are CORRECT: i. Either DNA or RNA depending on different viruses ii. Doubled-stranded DNA only iii. Single-stranded RNA only iv. Both DNA and RNA for all viruses


Which of the following is required to grow cells but not bacteria: i. 5% CO2 supplies ii. 37oC temperature iii. Amino acids iv. Carbohydrates


To grow up virus for human vaccine preparation, which cell culture system one should use: i. Cell lines derived from human tumors ii. Normal human cells immortalized with tumor virus iii. Primary human or primates cell culture iv. Human cells mutated by chemical carcinogens


Describe Interferon-beta

innate cytokine, made by all cells, mainly by fibroblast cells

Describe Interferon-alpha

innate cytokine, made by all cells, mainly by leukocytes

Baltimore system of virus classification is based on: i. Viral genome ii. Viral capsid iii. Size of the virus particle iv. Virus replication strategy


Cell lines can be stored for a very long period of time at the following temperature i. 37oC ii. 4oC iii. -70oC iv. -140 to -198oC (Liquid nitrogen)


The cytopathic effects caused by viruses can be: i. Cell lysis ii. Giant cells (syncytia formation) iii. Inclusion bodies iv. All of them


Which of the following human prion diseases has been shown to be likely caused by the direct ingestion of bovine spongiform encephalopathy tainted beef: i. Kuru ii. Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJD) iii. Fatal Familial Insomnia (FFI) iv. New variant CJD


Which of the following statement about viruses is INCORRECT: i. Filterable agents ii. Infectious agents iii. Obligate intracellular organisms iv. Free living organisms


Zoonotic (high mortality in human) a) Varicella Zoster Virus b) Pseudorabies virus c) Epstein Barr virus (EBV) d) Marek's Disease Virus e) Human herpesvirus 8 f) Human cytomegalovirus g) Herpes simplex virus 1 h) Human herpesvirus 7 i) Human herpesvirus 6 j) Monkey B virus k) Bovine malignant catarrhal fever virus l) Herpes simplex virus 2


Wildebeest is the native host a) Varicella Zoster Virus b) Pseudorabies virus c) Epstein Barr virus (EBV) d) Marek's Disease Virus e) Human herpesvirus 8 f) Human cytomegalovirus g) Herpes simplex virus 1 h) Human herpesvirus 7 i) Human herpesvirus 6 j) Monkey B virus k) Bovine malignant catarrhal fever virus l) Herpes simplex virus 2


Genital herpes a) Varicella Zoster Virus b) Pseudorabies virus c) Epstein Barr virus (EBV) d) Marek's Disease Virus e) Human herpesvirus 8 f) Human cytomegalovirus g) Herpes simplex virus 1 h) Human herpesvirus 7 i) Human herpesvirus 6 j) Monkey B virus k) Bovine malignant catarrhal fever virus l) Herpes simplex virus 2


Infects B lymphocytes a) Varicella Zoster Virus b) Pseudorabies virus c) Epstein Barr virus (EBV) d) Marek's Disease Virus e) Human herpesvirus 8 f) Human cytomegalovirus g) Herpes simplex virus 1 h) Human herpesvirus 7 i) Human herpesvirus 6 j) Monkey B virus k) Bovine malignant catarrhal fever virus l) Herpes simplex virus 2


Describe the cons of killed virus vaccines

multiple doses, adjuvant needed, expensive, allergic reactions

Poliovirus is a(n) enveloped, non-enveloped RNA, DNA

non-enveloped, RNA

What is the intracellular site of virus replication of most DNA viruses? (1 pt) Name one exception (1pt)

nucleus, pox virus

Describe the pros of attenuated live vaccines

one dose, both antibody and T cell response, no adjuvant needed, cheap.

Match: Influenza Virus Diarrhea, Cervical cancer, Encephalitis, Hemorrhagic rashes, Common "cold", Pneumonia


Give two examples of subviral agents that are of great importance in animals and/or human health (2 pts).

prions and hepatitis delta virus

Describe the cons of attenuated live vaccines

revert to virulence

Describe the pros of killed virus vaccines

safe, both antibody and T cell response.

Match: Herpes simplex virus-2 Aerosol(respiratory tract), Mosquito bites, Contaminated needles, Rodents, Fecal-oral, Urogenital tract (mucosal), Vertical transmission (mother to baby)

urogenital tract

Briefly describe how most (+) RNA viruses make their mRNAs for protein synthesis (indicating the enzymes involved and template used to make mRNAs)

use RdRp and anti-genomic (-) RNA as a template to make subgenomic mRNAs.

Briefly describe how most (-) RNA viruses make their mRNAs for protein synthesis (indicating the enzymes involved and template used to make mRNAs)

use RdRp and genomic (-) RNA as a template to make mRNAs dsRNA viruses use RdRp and genomic (-) RNA as a template to make mRNAs

Briefly describe how most ds RNA viruses make their mRNAs for protein synthesis (indicating the enzymes involved and template used to make mRNAs)

use cellular RNA polymerase II and ds DNA as a template to make mRNAs

Match: Rubella virus (German measles) Aerosol(respiratory tract), Mosquito bites, Contaminated needles, Rodents, Fecal-oral, Urogenital tract (mucosal), Vertical transmission (mother to baby)

vertical transmission

Both P53 and Rb (retinoblastoma) are gene regulatory proteins that suppress tumor formation. Peoples with genetic defects and mutations in either Rb or P53 develop tumors. However, there are some cases with no genetic defects in the two genes. a) Describe how some viruses could cause tumors?

viral oncogenes, insertional activation of cellular oncogenes, inhibit the function of tumor suppressor genes such as P53 and Rb

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