Vocab chapter 7

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(v.) To express; To communicate something synonym:carry; transport; transfer; lug antonym:keep secret; withhold; refrain stress mark:con•VEY


(v.) To not make a definite choice; To show indecision synonym:shift; fluctuate; falter; hesitate antonym:stand firm; not waffle; hold a stance stress mark:WA•ver


(n.) A defensive movement meant to deflect or ward off a thrust or blow; (v.) To deflect or ward off a weapon or blow synonym:avoid; ward off; bypass; fend off antonym:confront; attack; assault; thrust stress mark:PAR•ry


(n.) A pool of water or mud where animals roll around; (v.) To roll about or lie in water, snow, mud, etc. for refreshment synonym:bathe in; roll about; wade; immerse antonym:starve; abstain; fast; withhold stress mark:WAL•low


(n.) One who changes to the opposite party or faction or reverses principles; A traitor synonym:traitor; renegade; defector; apostate antonym:loyalist; follower; patriot; diehard stress mark:TURN•coat


(adj.) Not arrogant or pretentious; Modest synonym:unostentatious; modest; humble; simple antonym:confident; conceited; pretentious; egotistical stress mark:in•as•SUM•ing


(adj.) Showy, cheap and tacky; Gaudy synonym:tacky; flashy; plastic; vulgar antonym:sophisticated; tasteful; refined; polished stress mark:TAW•dry


(adj.) Very unusual or from another part of the world; Foreign synonym:mysterious; strange; foreign; fascinating antonym:familiar; native; ordinary; usual stress mark:ex•OT•ic


(adj.) Worn and exhausted in appearance synonym:worn; thin; exhausted; pale antonym:fresh; healthy; glowing; radiant stress mark:HAG•gard


(n.) A mental, physical or emotional position adopted with respect to something; A position synonym:position; attitude; viewpoint; posture antonym:confusion, ambiguity, uncertainty stress mark:STANCE


(n.) A point in time, especially a crucial one; A joint or connection synonym:turning point; crossroad; critical moment antonym:disconnection; break; discontinuity stress mark:JUNC•ture


(n.) A principle or body of principles presented for acceptance or belief; Teachings, in general synonym:opinion; belief; conviction; principle antonym:denial; disavowal; non-acceptance stress mark:DOC•trine


(v.) To regard or portray as less impressive or important than appearances indicate; To depreciate; To disparage synonym:minimize; undervalue; diminish; bad mouth antonym:overestimate; praise; build up stress mark:be•LIT•tle


(adj.) Living by killing, eating or robbing others synonym:thieving; plundering; hunting; looting antonym:dovish; peaceful; nonviolent; tame stress mark:PRED•a•to•ry


(adj.) Lighthearted; Animated; Easy and carefree synonym:lively; carefree; high-spirited; lighthearted antonym:depressed; glum; downcast; sad stress mark:JAUN•ty


(n.) The highest point of something; The highest level attainable synonym:pinnacle; peak; apex; top antonym:bottom; low point; nadir; valley stress mark:AC•me


(n.) A quality or feature belonging to someone or something (v.) To consider something as being part of or coming from; To credit with synonym:feature; characteristic; aspect; trait antonym:discredit; dismiss; unassign stress mark:AT•trib•ute


(n.) A servant who does lowly and unpleasant work; (adj.) Of or relating to lowly and sometimes degrading work synonym:lowly; unskilled; base; degrading antonym:elevated; noble; lofty; dignified stress mark:ME•nail


(n.) A tax on unnecessary goods; (v.) To remove by or as if by cutting synonym:remove; cut; delete; expunge antonym:add; put in; insert; interpolate stress mark:ex•CISE


(n.) Devastating, destructive or ruinous damage; (v.) To bring heavy destruction on, to devastate synonym:devastate; destroy; demolish; lay waste antonym:spare; leave unharmed; release; let off stress mark:RAV•age

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