Vocabulary Workshop Level C Unit 5 Definition, Synonyms, Antonyms

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Plausible Example sentence- The children's story about how the vase was broken did not sound plausible.

(adj.) appearing true, reasonable, or fair Synonym-believable, probable Antonym-improbable, far-fetched

Plebeian Example sentence- Despite the his enormous wealth, his taste in cars and houses is surprisingly plebeian.

(adj.) common, vulgar; belonging to the lower class; (n.) a common person, member of the lower class Synonym- lowborn, proletarian, coarse, unrefined Antonym-aristocratic, refined, cultivated

Aghast Example sentence - When the news about the plane crash came out people were aghast.

(adj.) filled with amazement, disgust, fear, or terror Synonym-shocked, horrified , stupefied Synonym-delighted, overjoyed, unmoved

Ethical Example sentence- Bob is in favor of ignoring general moral and ethical principles because he thinks they are stupid.

(adj.) having to do with morals, values, right and wrog; in accordance with standards of right conduct; requiring a prescription for purchase Synonym-upright, virtuous, honorable Antonym-immoral, unscrupulous, dishonest

Volatile Example sentence- With public opinion increasingly volatile, there's panic at the top.

(adj.) highly changeable, fickle; tending to become violent or explosive; changing readily from the liquid to the gaseous state Synonym-unstable, erratic Antony-stable, steady, static, inert, dormant

Facetious Example sentence- We all had to laugh at Emily's facetious remarks about the President.

(adj.) humorous, not meant seriously Synonym-comical, witty, tongue-in-cheek Antonym-serious, humorless

Ample Example sentence - There is always an ample supply of turkey on Thanksgiving.

(adj.) more than enough, large, spacious Synonym-sufficient, adequate, considerable Antonym- insufficient, inadequate

Inaudible Example sentence-Dogs can hear sounds that are inaudible to human ears.

(adj.) not able to be heard Synonym-faint, indistinct Antonym-audible, easily heard

Prodigal Example sentence- The prodigal son is famous for wasting is fathers money.

(adj.) wastefully extravagant; lavishly or generously abundant; (n.) one who is wasteful and self-indulgent Synonym-improvident, spendthrift, wastrel Antonym-frugal, economical, stingy, miserly

Indiscriminate Example sentence-The trappers engaged in indiscriminate killing of many different animals.

(adj.) without restraint or control; Unselective Synonym-haphazzard, random, uncritical Antonym-selective

Sequel Example sentence- That movie left me ready for a sequel!

(n) that which follows, a result; a literary or film continuing the story of one written or made earlier Synonym-follow-up, continuation Antonym-prelude, overture, curtain-raiser

Epitaph Example sentence- R.I.P. was a popular epitaph on many tombstones in the old days.

(n.) a brief statement written on a tomb or gravestone SYnonym-tombstone inscription

Apparition Example sentence- The apparition looked so real that it scared the children.

(n.) a ghost or ghostly figure; an unexplained or unusual appearance Synonym-phantom, specter

Jurisdiction Example sentence-The police officer did make the arrest, because he was out of his jurisdiction.

(n.) an area of authority or control; the right to administer justice Synonym-purview

intrigue Example sentence- The teacher interest was intrigued and puzzled by the strange symbols on the paper.

(n.) crafty dealings, underhanded plotting; (v.) to form and carry out plots; to puzzle or excite the curiosity Synonym-scheme, plot, conspiracy Antonym-fair play

Proximity Example sentence- Do not use a microphone in close proximity to the television sets or you will have static.

(n.) nearness, closeness Antonym-distance, remoteness

Cower Example sentence- The children cowered in terror when the lights went out because of the storm.

(v.) to crouch or shrink away from in fear or shame Synonym-cringe, flinch Antonym-stand up to

Assert Example sentence- The young man asserted his innocence to the jury.

(v.) to declare or state as truth, maintain or defend, put forward forcefully Synomyn-affirm, avow

Pulverize Example sentence- Steve dug at the dirt and then asked the pitcher to give him something he could pulverize.

(v.) to grind or pound to a powder or dust; to destroy or overcome (as though by smashing into fragments) Synonym-crush, demolish

Disdain Example sentence-Her upper lip curled in disdain at the sight of the dirty hotel room.

(v.) to look upon with scorn; to refuse scornfully; (n.) a feeling of contempt Synonym-spurn, reject Antonym-revere, venerate, esteem, respect

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