Volume 1, Unit 1
A(n) __________ means any occasion or instance for which, in the determination of the president, federal assistance is needed to supplement state and local efforts and capabilities to save lives and to protect property and public health and safety
Which AFMAN provides the Air Force with the AFIMS coordinating structures , processes, and protocols, required to integrate its specific authorities into the collective framework of federal departments and agencies for action to include mitigation, prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery activities?
AFMAN 10-2502 Air Force Incident Management System Standards and Procedures
The National Disaster Response Framework (NDRF)
Aligns with the NRF and provides guidance that enables effective recovery support to disaster impacted states, tribes, and local jurisdictions.
major disaster
Any natural catastrophe or, regardless of cause any fire, flood, or explosion, which causes damage of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant major disaster assistance.
Policies to strengthen the preparedness of the United States to prevent and respond to threatened or actual domestic terrorist attacks.
HSPD-8 was issued as a companion to HSPD-5 and established what?
As an integrated application of offensive and defensive strategies actions that deter, detect, pre-empt, mitigate or threats against Air Force air and space operations and assets, based on an acceptable level of risk.
How does the Air Force view the execution of Force Protection?
Weapons of Mass Destruction Consequence Missions
Includes those actions taken to reduce the effects of a WMD attack, or event.
National Response Framework (NRF)
Integrates federal domestic prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery plans into a single all-discipline, all-hazards plan. (established by HSPD-5)
National Incident Management System (NIMS)
Provides a nationwide template that enables federal, state, local, tribal governments, private sector, and non-governmental organizations to work together effectively and efficiently to p0revent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from domestic incidents regardless of cause, size, or complexity.
DoD Defense Assistance to Civil Authorities (DoDD 3025.18)
Provides guidance for the execution and oversight of Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) when requested by civil authorities or by qualifying entities and approved by the appropriate DoD official.
Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act
Significantly reorganized FEMA, providing the agency substantial new authority to remedy gaps in response, including a more robust preparedness mission.
emergencies and major disasters
The Stafford Act established these two incident levels
National Preparedness Goal (NPG)
The _____________ is a secure and resilient nation with the capabilities required across the whole community to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk.
passive defense
The ______________ program includes measures to minimize or negate the vulnerability and minimize effects of WMD use against United States and allied forces.
1.) Federal Disaster Recovery Coordinator (FDRC) 2.) State and Tribal Disaster Recovery Coordinators 3.) Local Disaster Recovery Managers 4.) Recovery Support Functions
The four new levels of recovery management created by the NDRF.
The Department of State (DOS)
This Department has primary responsibility to protect US citizens and interests abroad.
DoD Support Agreements (DoDI 4000.19)
This Instruction implements policy and updates responsibilities and procedures for interservice and intragovernmental support.
DoD Response to Nuclear and Radiological Incidents (DoD 3150.08)
This directive establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the DoD consequence management response to US nuclear weapon incidents and other nuclear or radiological incidents.
DoD Installation Emergency Management Program (DoDI 6055.17)
This directive establishes policy assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for developing, implementing, and sustaining installation IEM programs at DoD installations worldwide for "all hazards".
DoD Assistance to Civil Authorities
This directive gives federal military commanders, heads of DoD components, and/or responsible DoD civilian officials immediate response authority.
Nuclear Weapon Accident Response Procedures (DoD 3150.8-M0
This directive provides a concept of operations as well as functional information necessary to execute a comprehensive and unified response to a nuclear weapon incident.
DoD Response to Nuclear Weapons Incidents (DoDI 3150.10)
This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the DoD response to United States nuclear weapon incidents in accordance with DoDD response to Nuclear and Radiological Incidents (DoDD 3150.08)
The Economy Act of 1932
This law authorizes the DoD to provide direct support to other federal agencies on a reimbursable basis
The Homeland Security Act of 2002
This law consolidated 22 diverse agencies and bureaus with a mandate of preventing and responding to natural and man-made disasters
Homeland Security Presidential Directive-8 (HSPD-8)
This presidential directive established policies to strengthen the preparedness of the United States to prevent and respond to threatened or actual domestic terrorist attacks, major disasters and other emergencies.
Presidential Policy Directive-8 (PPD-8)
This presidential directive is aimed at strengthening the security and resilience of the United States through systematic preparation for the threats that pose the greatest risk to the security of the Nation.
Homeland Security Presidential Directive-5 (HSPD-5)
This presidential directive required the federal government to establish a single, comprehensive approach to domestic incident management. (established NIMS)
National Military Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction
This strategy uses an "ends, ways, means" approach to planning, executing, and resourcing that emphasizes those combatting WMD missions in which the military plays a prominent role.
1.) Proliferation & Prevention 2.) Counter force 3.) Active defense 4.) Passive defense 5.) Consequence management
What are the Air Force interlinked operational pillars of C-CBRN operations?
Offensive operations, elimination, interdiction, active defense, passive defense, consequence management, security cooperation and partner activities, and threat reduction cooperation
What are the eight combatting WMD missions?
1.) AF Doctrine Volume 4, Operations Annex 3-27 Homeland Operations 2.) AFDD 3-10 Force Protection 3.) AFDD 3-27 Homeland Operations 4.) AFDD 3-40 C-CBRN Operations 5.) AFDD 3-72 Nuclear Operations
What are the five primary Air Force doctrine documents that directly impact the EM mission?
Sense, Shape, Shield, Sustain
What are the four key capabilities that passive defense is organized around?
What codifies how the Air Force will best employ air and space power?
Department of Homeland Security
What department was created when the Homeland Security Act of 2002 was signed into law?
DoD Antiterrorism Standards (DoDI 2000.16)
What directive establishes antiterrorism (AT) standards for the DoD
DoD Foreign Consequence Management (DoDI 2000.21)
What directive establishes policy and assigns responsibilities under National Security Presidential Directive (NSPD) -9 for DoD support to United States Government foreign consequence operations in response to a foreign CBRN incident
Air Force force protection
What does AFDD 3-10 provide guidance on for the Air Force
For organizing and employing air and space forces at the operational level in the conduct of military operations within the homeland.
What does AFDD 3-27 provide guidance on for the Air Force?
For the Air Force to conduct C-CBRN operations to detect, deter, disrupt, deny, or destroy an adversary's CBRN capabilities and to minimize the effects of an enemy's CBRN attack.
What does AFDD 3-40 provide guidance on for the Air Force?
For Air Force Nuclear Operations
What does AFDD 3-72 provide guidance on for the Air Force?
Air Force Doctrine Documents
What does AFDD stand for?
A sensor
What does the force protection program consider every Airman to be regardless of his or her specialty?
To respond to and mitigate biological events of operational significance.
What guidance does AFI 10-2604 provide the Air Force?
Maintain effective forces with sufficient capability to hold at risk a broad range of targets, while placing great emphasis on safety and security.
What is the focus of the Air Force role in nuclear operations?
Establish a single, comprehensive approach to domestic incident management
What is the objective of the US government through HSPD-5?
1.) AFPD 10-25 Emergency Management 2.) AFPD 10-26 Counter-CBRN Operations
What two AFPDs have a direct impact on the EM program?
passive defense and WMD consequence management missions
What two combatting WMD missions do EM specialists play a critical role in?
AMAN 10-2503 Operations in a CBRN and High Yield Explosive Environment
Which AFMAN integrates operational approaches to conventional and irregular warfare passive defense and consequence management operations using CBRNE materials?
AFPD 10-25, Emergency Management.
Which AFPD establishes a single, integrated EM program to address physical risks, threats, and passive defense measures?
AFPD 10-26 Counter- CBRN Operations
Which AFPD outlines policy to ensure the Air Force plans, organizes, trains, and equips personnel to conduct C-CBRN operations across the spectrum?
AFTTP 3-2.44 CBRN recon & surveillance
Which AFTTP is the primary MTTP used for conducting CBRN recon operations?
AFTTP 3-2.42 CBRN Operations
Which AFTTP serves as a foundation for developing multiservice and service-specific manuals, standard operating procedures, and response standards and for refining existing training support packages, mission training plans, training center and unit exercises, and service school curricula?
Stafford Act
Which act constitutes the authority for most federal disaster response activities especially as they pertain to FEMA.
Homeland Security Act of 2002
Which act specifically authorized the president to use the armed forces to help restore public order but states that the Office of Homeland Security cannot engage in warfighting, or the military defense of the United States?
AFI 10-208 Air Force Continuity of Operations Program
Which instruction provides guidance for ensuring the continuity of essential operations of the Air Force across a wide range of potential emergencies?
Air Force policy to 29 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) 1910.120
Which policy requires the Air Force to conduct emergency HAZMAT operations without regard to location; perform post emergency operations, site cleanup and remediation; and comply with training and certification requirements.
AFMAN 32-1007 Readiness and Emergency management Flight Operations
Which publication describes the responsibilities an processes of the Air Force EM Flight?
a. AFI 10-2501, Air Force Emergency Management Program.
Which publication outlines the Air Force EM Program roles and responsibilities; explains the program structures; provides a framework for planning and preparedness; outlines the risk management process and elements of the installation emergency management plan; logistical requirements; emergency response actions; and personnel education and training?
Multi-service tactics, techniques, and procedures
Which publications provide standardized references that have been coordinated and approved by all branches of service for service commanders at the tactical level?
Department of State (DOS)
Who has primary responsibility to protect US citizens and interests abroad?
Host nation government
Who has the primary responsibility for responding to, managing, and mitigating the effects of a foreign CBRNE incident?
The Department of State
Who is the lead federal agency for all US support to a host nation?
DOS Bureau of Political-Military Affairs
Who is the principal link between the DOS and DoD?
The Secretary of Defense (SecDef)
Who will direct DoD components to plan for and respond to requests from civil government agencies for military support in dealing with the actual or anticipated consequences of civil emergencies, attacks, or national security emergencies.
Presidential Policy Directive-17 (PPD-17)
reaffirms and builds upon the 2007 strategy for combatting terrorist use of explosives in the United States.