vue: event handling, v-model, v-on, v-bind

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<img v-on:[imgEvent]="imgWidth += 10" :width="imgWidth" src="../assets/logo.png"> <img @[imgEvent]="imgWidth += 10" :width="imgWidth" src="../assets/logo.png">

- dynamic event binding - uses v-bind longhand

<input v-model="val1"> <input v-bind:value="val1" v-on:input="val1 = $"> <input :value="val" @input="val = $">

- equivalent

<a v-on:click.prevent.self></a> <a v-on:click.self.prevent></a>

- chained modifier - order matters - first prevents all clicks - second only prevent elements on the element itself

<input @click="isRed = !isRed" type="checkbox">red background <p :class="isRed ? 'red' : null">some text</p> <p :style="isRed ? 'background-color: red;' : null">more text</p>

- class and style binding - uses v-bind shorthand - prefer class over style for SOC, reusability - but use style when CSS is computed (e.g. isRed, font size)

<button @click.once="say('click')">click multiple, get one alert</button>

- click event will be triggered at most once

<div v-on:scroll.passive="onScroll">...</div>

- communicates to browser that want event default behavior - scrolling will happen immediately instead of waiting for 'onScroll' to complete - overrides any event.preventDefault()


- directive - brings a JS value into markup - JS -> markup - remember, v-model is shorthand for v-bind + v-on:input

v-on: input

- directive - takes input and events from markup into JS - markup -> JS - remember, v-model is shorthand for v-bind + v-on:input


- directive - enables 2-way binding for form input element (input, textarea, select) or component - shorthand for v-bind + v-on:input - extra smarts for text field handling (firing fewer events until user leaves field or space entered)

<img :[imgAttr]="imgWidth" src="../assets/logo.png">

- dynamic attribute binding - uses v-bind shorthand

$on(eventName, eventHandler)

- Vue events interface - listen for an event

$once(eventName, eventHandler)

- Vue events interface - listen for an event only once

$off(eventName, eventHandler)

- Vue events interface - stop listening for event

what happens to event listeners when ViewModel is destroyed

- automatically removed - don't need to clean up explicitly

VEventChildBackground.vue: <input @click="$emit('background')" type="checkbox"> red background VEventParent.vue: <VEventChildBackground @background="isRed = !isRed"/> <p :style="styleObj">foo</p>

- event emitter from child to parent - no params

VEventChildFontSize.vue: <button @click="$emit('bigger-font', sizeIncrease)">bigger text</button> <input v-model="sizeIncrease">% VEventParent.vue: <VEventChildFontSize @bigger-font="textSize += Number($event)"/> <p :style="styleObj">foo</p>

- event emitter from child to parent - with params

<a v-bind:['foo' + bar]="value"> ... </a>

- invalid - triggers a compiler warning

<input v-model.lazy="msg" >

- modifier - by default, v-model syncs data after each input event - can add 'lazy' to instead sync after change events

<input v-model.number="age" type="number">

- modifier - converts input to number using parseFloat()

<form v-on:submit.prevent="onSubmit"> ... </form>

- modifier - default HTML behavior with submit is to reload page - essentially a call to event.preventDefault() on triggered event - submit event will no longer reload the page

<div @click="say('outer div - SHOULD NOT GET THIS')"><button @click.stop="say('button click')">click</button></div>

- modifier - stop click event propagation

<input v-model.trim="msg">

- modifier - trims whitespace from input

<select v-model="sels2" multiple> <option v-for="option in sels2options" v-bind:value="option.value" v-bind:key="option.value" >{{ option.text }}</option> </select> sels2: [], sels2options: [ { text: "x", value: "x" }, { text: "y", value: "y" }, { text: "z", value: "z" } ]

- populate multi-select from data - must specify key - all are bound to same array called sels2 - array holds option values selected

<div @click.ctrl="doSomething">Do something</div>

- system modifier - trigger if anything combined with CTRL

<div @click.ctrl.exact="doSomething">Do something</div>

- system modifier - trigger if only CTRL is pressed

system modifier keys

- trigger mouse or keyboard event listeners only when a specific 'modifier' key is pressed - .ctrl, .alt, .shift, .meta (e.g. windows key)

<button @click.exact="onClick">A</button>

- trigger when NO system modifiers used

VModelComponent.vue: <input :value="val" @input="$emit('input', $"> EventParent.vue: <VModelComponent v-model="val"/>

- using v-model with a component - requires :value and @input=$emit attrs

<router-link :to="'/account/' + id + '/repos'"></router-link>

- v-bind to construct attribute from data

<textarea v-model="multi"></textarea>

- v-model for multi line text box - single item stored in data 'multi' - Interpolation on textareas (<textarea>{{text}}</textarea>) won't work.

<select v-model="sels" multiple><option>A</option>option>B</option></select>

- v-model for multi select - all are bound to same array called 'sels' - array holds the options selected

<input type="checkbox" value="a" id="a" v-model="cboxes"> <input type="checkbox" value="b" id="b" v-model="cboxes">

- v-model for multiple cboxes - all are bound to same array called 'cboxes' - array will contain ids of items selected - needs to have 'value' attr

<input type="radio" value="c" id="c" v-model="val"> <input type="radio" value="d" id="d" v-model="val">

- v-model for radio buttons - single item selected stored in data 'val' - needs to have 'value' attr

<input type="checkbox" id="e" v-model="cb">

- v-model for single checkbox - t/f

<select v-model="sel"><option>A</option><option>B</option></select>

- v-model for single select - single item stored in data sel

Events.vue: <button v-on:click="cb">v-on:click</button> <button @click="cb">@click</button> props: { cb: Function } App.vue: <Events :cb="alert"/> methods: { alert: () => alert("alert") }

- v-on example - click handler to alert passed as prop to child - both longhand and shorthand example

<div v-bind:id="'list=' + id"></div>

- valid JS expression to craft id

<input type="radio" v-model="radio" v-bind:value="val">

- value bindings - define specific to return for radio buttons if selected

<input type="checkbox" id="vb1" v-model="val" true-value="yep" false-value="nope">

- value bindings - define specific values instead of t/f for checkbox

v-model ignores which attributes on HTML form elements, and why?

- value, checked, selected - Vue instance is source of truth, not HTML form

this.$emit('myEvent') <my-comp v-on:my-event="doIt"></my-comp> event names: kebab or camel case?

- won't work - recommend kebab-case (emit 'my-event') - no upper case, as transformed to lowercase because HTML is case-insensitive

event modifiers

.stop, .prevent, .capture, .self, .once, .passive

v-bind shorthand

: (think of binding to attribute :class)

v-on shorthand

@ (think of events and @click)

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