Weathering and erosion

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A rock containing iron is soft, crumbly, reddish in color. It's been chemically weathered by__. a. Carbon Dioxide b. Oxygen c. Nitrogen d. Sulfer

b. Oxygen

Soil conservation includes all of the following EXCEPT_______. a. Desertification b. Contour plowing c. Terracing d. Crop rotation

a. Desertification

Big chunks of land falling down a curved slope all at once would be an example of a. Slump b. Creep c. Rockfall d. Lahar

a. Slump

As you were climbing a mountain, you noticed that rocks were crumbling below your feet and moving down the mountain. What 2 processes did you observe? a. Weathering and erosion b. Erosion and deposition c. Abrasion and chemical weathering d. Abrasion and ice wedging

a. Weathering and erosion

Organic matter is made of materials that.... a. Were once living b. Were once nonliving c. Were once living and d. nonliving

a. Were once living

You dig a small hole in the soil and the next day it rains. The hole fills with water, but does not empty even after several days of dry weather. What is the soil mostly made of? a. clay b. sand c. humus d. silt

a. clay

a large rock transported from a distant source by a glacier a. erratic b. moraine c. horne d. kettle

a. erratic

What force is responsible for erosion and deposition in landslides? a. gravity b. ice c. wind d. temperature

a. gravity

Potholes forming in the road after a cold winter is an example of: a. mechanical weathering b. chemical weathering

a. mechanical weathering

Rocks along a riverbed that are smoothed from continuously moving water and sediment rubbing against them is an example of: a. mechanical weathering b. chemical weathering

a. mechanical weathering

Weeds growing into the cracks in a sidewalk and the sidewalk begins to crumble is an example of: a. mechanical weathering b. chemical weathering

a. mechanical weathering

This forms due to erosion at a meander. a. oxbow lake b. braided stream c. straight stream d. floodplain

a. oxbow lake

Which of the following statements best describes a slump? a. slippage of a block of material moving along a curved surface b. blocks of rock sliding down a slope c. rapid flow of water-saturated debris, most common in mountainous areas d. slow downhill movement of soil and regolith

a. slippage of a block of material moving along a curved surface

In which type of climate would weathering happen the fastest to a rock? a. wet and warm b. dry and cold c. wet and cold d. dry and warm

a. wet and warm

Which of these is not one of the 5 factors of soil formation? a. Climate b. Country of origin c. Slop/topography d. Time e. Biological Activity

b. Country of origin

Weathering caused by glaciers is mostly by a. ice wedging and oxidation b. abrasion and ice wedging c. root wedging and abrasion d. mass wasting and abrasion

b. abrasion and ice wedging

Define porosity a. amount of liquid that passes through soil in a certain amount of time b. amount of space between soil particles c. amount of water left in soil after water is added

b. amount of space between soil particles

Acid rain wearing away the face of a marble gravestone or statue is an example of? a. mechanical weathering b. chemical weathering

b. chemical weathering

Exposure to rain and oxygen causes the metal minerals in rocks to rust and fall apart. This is an example of: a. mechanical weathering b. chemical weathering

b. chemical weathering

Lichens (small green plants) growing on a large boulder release enzymes and other acids that slowly break the rock apart. This is an example of: a. mechanical weathering b. chemical weathering

b. chemical weathering

Three funnels were filled with equal volumes of pebbles, fine sand, and coarse sand, as shown in the diagram below. The same amount of water was poured into each funnel. Which correctly lists the order in which the water passed through the funnels, from fastest to slowest (permeability)? a. pebbles, fine sand, coarse sand b. pebbles, coarse sand, fine sand c. fine sand, coarse sand, pebbles d. coarse sand, pebbles, fine sand

b. pebbles, coarse sand, fine sand

What process(es) might result in the peaks of mountains becoming smooth and rounded? a. deposition b. weathering and erosion c. tectonic plates spreading apart d. tectonic plates sliding past

b. weathering and erosion

Trees, walls, and fence posts leaning downhill are a sign of ______. a. Rockfalls b. Mud FlowMud Flows c. Creep d. Slump

c. Creep

Your teacher filled a box with sand. She put a fan at one end and turned the fan on. The sand was blown to the opposite side of the box and collected at that side. What processes was the teacher demonstrating? a. Weathering and erosion b. Weathering and deposition c. Erosion and deposition d. Chemical and mechanical weathering

c. Erosion and deposition

Which of the following is not an example of mass wasting? a. Landslide b. Slump c. Flood d. Creep

c. Flood

Why are Layer O (located above topsoil) and Layer A (topsoil) darker than all other levels of soil? a. It contains all the darker colored minerals b. It contains volcanic rock c. It contains more organic matter d. It contains bits of burned trees

c. It contains more organic matter

What effect did over plowing and cutting down trees in the Great Plains during the 1930's? a. It had little effect b. It increased soil fertility c. It was a primary cause of the Dust Bowl d. Farmers had a great harvest

c. It was a primary cause of the Dust Bowl

The surfaces of old marble statues are often covered with small holes or pits. Which of these MOST LIKELY causes these holes or pits? a. The concrete becomes pitted as water freezes in small cracks in the statue. b. The concrete is chipped away by sand particles blown by strong winds c. The concrete is chemically weathered by acid rain. d. Long exposure to sunlight causes the pits to form.

c. The concrete is chemically weathered by acid rain.

A satellite image of an area in Florida shows a river with slight bends along its length. A second satellite image taken of the same area 10 years later shows the same river with a different course. What is the best explanation for the difference in the shape of the river's course between the two satellite images? a. Wind blew waves across the water surface, eroding away the bank on one side of the river until the river's course changed its shape b. Regular freezing and thawing of the river split the soil along the river banks, changing the shape of the river c. Water eroded the banks of the river and deposited the eroded soil on opposite banks, causing the river to form tighter bends d. Acid rain chemically weathered the banks along the river, forcing the river to wind back and forth

c. Water eroded the banks of the river and deposited the eroded soil on opposite banks, causing the river to form tighter bends

Which of the following statements about depositional features called deltas and alluvial fans is true? a. Alluvial fans are in large bodies of water. b. Deltas are located on land at the bottom of a mountain. c. Both deltas and alluvial fans are found at the bottom of mountains and in large bodies of water. d. Deltas are in large bodies of water and alluvial fans are at the bottom of mountains on land.

d. Deltas are in large bodies of water and alluvial fans are at the bottom of mountains on land.

Why is soil not the same everywhere? a. different climates b. different amount of rain c. different organic matter d. all of the above

d. all of the above

What is groundwater? a. any form of liquid water b. water that is not moving c. water on Earth's surface d. water below Earth's surface

d. water below Earth's surface

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