Web Design - Web Stats!
How long does it take for users to form an opinion about a website?
0.05 seconds
As of 2023, how many websites are on the internet?
1.13 billion
Number of visitors that visit YouTube's website
33 billion
Percent of people visiting a website who will actually interact with the website (click-through rate)
4.23 %
Percent of users that will leave a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.
40 %
Percent of small businesses plan to invest in their website performance
43 %
Percent of traffic that comes from mobile devices
51.2 %
Average time spent on a webpage
54 seconds
Percent of businesses that have a website in 2023
71 %
Percent of users who will return if the website is mobile-friendly
74 %
Time spent on a website can be increased by 88 % if this is present
Percent of business conducted on-line
28 %
Percent of business owners report low website traffic issues with their website
21 %
Number of visitors that visit Google's website
85.1 billion
Percent of users who say the will NOT return to a website after a bad experience
88 %
Percent of global traffic that comes from Google's search engine
93 %
A new website is created
every 3 seconds