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Cha mhòr nach do dh'òl mi am puinnsean.

I almost drank the poison.

Cha mhòr nach do thuit e

He almost fell

Cha mhòr nach do thuit e sìos na staidhrichean.

He almost fell down the stairs.

Theab e a chas a bhriseadh

He nearly broke his leg

Theab e a chas a bhriseadh nuair a thuit e.

He nearly broke his leg when he fell.

Thuirt e nach mòr nach do dh'òl e.

He said he almost drank it.

sìos na staidhrichean

down the stairs

nach mòr nach do dh'òl e

that he almost drank it

nuair a thuit e

when he fell

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