Week 2 (part 2)

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Visceral; information coming to or from smooth or cardiac muscle, or glands (organs)

2nd letter V = _____; what are it's characteristics?

Reflexive, postural, or voluntary

3 motor responses of the spine


Astrocytes = ______


Communicates with another neuron or an effector cell


Connective tissue surrounding each myelinated axon

Peripheral process

Connects peripheral receptor to cell body


Continuation of arachnoid mater

Special senses (hearing, vision, smell, and taste)

Cranial nerves convey _______

Motor and sensory

Cranial nerves have various _____ and _____ functions

medial and lateral

Dorsal primari rami split into a _____ and _____ branch

Posterior primary

Dorsal rami go to which division

Dorsal rootlets

Dorsal roots divide into 6-8 segments called ______


Dura mater continuation


Ependymal cells make ______


General vs. ______

Efferent neuron

Generally motor; convey information from the CNS to the periphery (exiting)

Afferent neuron

Generally sensory, convey information from the periphery into the CNS

According to the spinal cord segment they arise from and the IVF they exit from

How are spinal nerves identified?

Via the PNS (the bodies peripheral nerves)

How does the CNS communicate with it's surrounding environment?

12 (24 total)

How many *pairs* of cranial nerves are there?

31 (62 total)

How many *pairs* of spinal nerves are there?

Oligodendroglia, astrocytes, ependymal cells, and microglia

In the CNS, neuroglia include

12 pairs of cranial; 31 pairs of spinal

In the PNS, how many pairs of cranial and spinal nerves are there?

Anterior primary

Larger ventral rami go to which division?


Majority of neurons in CNS; communication *between* neurons in the CNS

C2 to T7

Medial branch of the dorsal primary rami provides cutaneous innervation from ____ to ____

one axon and 2 or more dendrites

Multipolar have ____ axon and ____ or more dendrites

Peripheral Nervous System

Nerve fibers and cell bodies outside the CNS that conduct impulses toward or away from the CNS is referred to as the _____


Nerve fibers are grouped into fascicles called _______

Autonomic nervous system

Nerves that control involuntary body functions of muscles, glands, and internal organs

System of cells, tissues, and organs that regulates the body's responses to internal and external stimuli. In vertebrates it consists of the brain, spinal cord, nerves, ganglia, and parts of the receptor and effector organs.

Nervous system

Schwann cells and satellite cells

Neuroglia in the PNS

Schwann Cells (PNS)

Neurolemma, myelin producers

Multipolar, Pseudounipolar/unipolar, and bipolar

Neurons structural classification

Schwann Cells

Oligodendrocytes vs ______

Myelin producers

Oligodendrodria provide _____

Central process

Projects from cell body through the dorsal root into dorsal horn of the spinal cord

Satellite cells (PNS)

Provide nutrition

single process; containing an axon and a dendrite.

Pseudounipolar/unipolar are ______ process neurons containing an _____ and a ______ that fuse together


Somatic vs. ______

Motor and sensory fibers

Spinal nerves carry ____ and ____ fibers

Motor and sensory

Spinal nerves carry both _____ and _____ fibers

Myotome (muscle)

The muscle mass receiving innervation from the fibers conveyed by a single spinal nerve

the sacrospinalis group of deep back muscles

The lateral branch of the dorsal primary rami innervates ______

S or V

The second letter is ____ or _____ in nerve classification

Ventral roots

The spinal cord integrates and responds with a motor neuron that exits the ____ ____

A or E

The third letter is ____ or ____ in nerve classification

sympathetic system and parasympathetic system

The visceral efferent fibers include which 2 systems?

Most sensory neurons, and dorsal root nerve ganglion (DNRG)

Types of unipolar neurons

Dermatome (skin)

Unilateral area of skin innervated by the sensory fibers of a single spinal nerve

Afferent; dorsal roots

_____ sensory information is carried into the spine via ______

Somatic nervous system

the division of the peripheral nervous system that controls the body's skeletal muscles

General; found in all spinal nerves and some cranial nerves

1st letter G = _____; where are they found?

Special; found in some cranial nerves

1st letter S = _____; where are they found?

Visceral afferent fibers and visceral efferent fibers

2 subdivisions of the autonomic nervous system

Somatic sensory system and somatic motor system

2 subdivisions of the somatic nervous system

Somatic; information coming to or from *s*kin or *s*keletal muscle

2nd letter S = ____; what are its characteristics?

Afferent; information coming towards the CNS.

3rd letter A = _____; what are its characteristics

Efferent; information going AWAY from the CNS (multipolar)

3rd letter E = ____; what are it's characteristics?


A collection of axons inside the CNS


A collection of axons outside the CNS


A collection of neuronal cell bodies inside the CNS


A collection of neuronal cell bodies outside the CNS

Rami (Dorsal and Ventral)

A trunk that contains both motor and sensory neurons


Afferent vs. ____


All the fascicles are bundled into the nerve, which is encased in _____


Astrocytes produce _____

Satellite cells

Astrocytes vs ______

Myelin; Schwann cells

Axons are insulated by layers of ______ produced by _________

one; one

Bipolar neurons have _____ axon and _____ dendrite

Olfactory (S)

CN 1

Vagus (innervates damn near everything) (Both)

CN 10

Spinal Accessory (M)

CN 11

Hypoglossal (M)

CN 12

Optic (S)

CN 2

Oculo*motor* (M)

CN 3

Trochlear (M)

CN 4

*Tri*geminal (Both)

CN 5

Abducens (M)

CN 6

Facial (Both)

CN 7

Vestibulocochlear (S)

CN 8

Glossopharyngeal (Both)

CN 9


Carries information *away from the cell body*, mostly myelinated


Carries information *toward the cell body*, typically non-myelinated


Cell membrane surrounding axons

G or S

The 1st letter is _____ or _____ in nerve classification

Brain and spinal cord

The CNS is made up of....

Somatic and Autonomic

What are the 2 functional classifications of the nervous system?

V1=Opthalmic, V2=Maxillary, V3=Mandibular

What are the 3 parts of the Trigeminal nerve?

Cell body (soma/perikaryon), dendrite, axon, and synapse

What are the parts of a neuron? (SAD Cell body)

Sensory unipolar or pseudounipolar

What are the types of neurons involved with afferent classification?

Deep back muscles, skin on the back, and facet joints

What do dorsal primary rami innervate?

All the structures except deep back muscles and skin on the back

What do ventral primary rami innervate?

Motor information to skeletal muscles and viscera

What do ventral roots convey?

integrates it and responds with motor output.

What does the brain/spinal cord do with sensory information that it receives?

It extends back to the PNS to the effector cell (skeletal/smooth muscle or gland), causes the desired motor response

What does the motor output of the brain/spinal cord do?


What is the equivalent to pia mater?

Integrates and coordinates incoming and outgoing neuronal signals to carry out higher mental functions

What is the purpose of the CNS?


What neurons are involved with afferent classification?

Multipolar motor neurons

What type of neurons are central roots?

Psedounipolar neuron

What type of neurons are dorsal roots?

Motor, interneurons, propriospinal, and tract

What type of neurons are multipolar?

They split into dorsal rami and larger ventral rami

When spinal nerves exit the IVF what happens to them?

Only in special senses

Where are bipolar neurons found?

Ventral horn of the spinal cord

Where are cell bodies located in ventral roots?

Dorsal root ganglion

Where are cell bodies located?

The spinal cord's ventrolateral sulcus as ventral rootlet's which merge into one ventral root

Where do axons emerge from in ventral roots?

Neural tube

Where do cell bodies develop from in the ventral roots?

Neural crest

Where do cell bodies develop from?

Through the cranial foramen

Where do the 12 pairs of cranial nerves exit the skull?

Through the IVF's (Intervertebral foramina)

Where do the spinal nerves exit the vertebral column?

Axon hillock

Where the axon arises from the cell body

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