Week 3 (Notes and Readings/Videos)

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Bass argued that transformational leadership motivates followers to do more than expected by

(a) raising followers' levels of consciousness about the importance and value of specified and idealized Goals, (b) getting followers to transcend their own self interest for the sake of the team or organization, and (c) moving followers to address higher level needs.

Leadership Factors: Transformational Leadership

Factor 1: idealized influence and charisma Factor 2: inspirational motivation Factor 3: intellectual stimulation Factor 4: individualized consideration

Four important tactical tasks concurred with targets, resistance points and costs of terminating negotiations for a negotiator in a distributive bargaining situation to consider:

1=assess the other party's target, resistance point, and cost of terminating negotiations 2=manage the other party's impression of the negotiator's target, resistance point, and cost of terminating negotiations 3=modify the other party's perception of his or her own target, resistance point and cost of terminating negotiators 4= manipulate the actual costs of delaying or terminating negations.

The most widely used measure of transformation leadership is the

Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire. The questions measure followers' perceptions of leader's behavior for each of the factors in the full Ange of leadership model.

The following guidelines should be used in evaluating options and reaching.a consensus:

-narrow the range of solution options (examine the list of to pitons generated and focus on that one or more negotiators strongly support) -Evaluate solutions on the basis of quality, standards and acceptability (solutions should be judged on two major criteria: how good they are and how acceptable they will be to those who have to implement them) -

Definition of the Ground rules =

-who will do the negotiating? -where will it take place? -what time constraint, if any, will apply? -To what issues will negotiation be limited? -Will there be a specific procedure to follow if an impasse is reached? (During this phase, the parties will also exchange information and their initial proposals or demands)

There are three ways of manipulate the costs of delay in negotiation:

1- plan disruptive action 2- form an alliance with outsides 3- manipulate the scheduling of negotiations

Authentic leadership has the

moral dimension. Says anybody can learn to be authentic.

Negotiators with no attractive alternative, such as when dealing with a sole suppler, have

much less bargaining power

SWOT weaknesses include =

negative brand reputation, poor product quality, an uncommitted workforce, poor quality management, aging equipment and technology, poor distribution, poor organization strucutre

Opening offers, opening stances, and initial concessions are elements at the beginning of s

negotiation that parties can use to communicate how they intend to negotiate.

Some of the most important information should be gathered on the substantive issues under


Target points influence both

negotiator outcomes and negotiator satisfaction with their outcomes, opening offers play an important role in influence negotiation outcomes, resistance points play a very important role as a warning for the possible presence of hardball tactics and a positive barging range increases the likelihood of settlements.

Integrative bargaining bonds


Seven fundamental preconditions for successful integrative negotiation:

some form of shared or common goals, faith in one's ability to solve problems, a belief in the validity and importance of the other's position, the motivation and commitment to work together, trust in the opposing negotiator, the ability to accurately exchange information in spite of conflict conditions, and an understanding of the dynamics of integrative negotiation.

The parties should define the problem as a

specific goal to be attained rather than as a solution process. That is, they should concentrate on what they want to achieve rather than how they are going to achieve it

When you find yourself in a negative situation in negotiation,

stay calm and reposition yourself to continue towards your target

Contingent reward means

that effort is exchanged for reward

The disadvantages of brainstorming is

that it does not solicit the ideas of those who are not present at the negotiation. A different approach is to distribute a written questionnaire to large number of people, state the problem and asking them to list all the possible solution they can image. The liability, however, is that the parties cannot benefit form seeing and hearing each other's ideas, a key advantage of brainstorming.

Aspiration Range =

the area between the target point and the resistance point

Effective leadership occurs when

the communication of leaders and followers is characteristics by mutual trust, respect and commitment

Reputation is

the gap between expectations and experience

Out group members operate strictly within

their prescribed organizational roles. They do what is required of them but nothing more. Leaders treat out group members fairly and according to the formal contract, but they do not give them special attention. For their efforts, out group members receive the standard benefits as defined in the job description.

Roger Fisher, William try, and bruce Patton have stressed that a key to achieving an integrative agreement is the ability of the parties to

understand and satisfy each other's interests. Identifying interests is a critical step in the integrative negotiation process. Interests are the underlying concerns, needs, desires or fears that motivate a negotiator to take a particular position


using extreme offers to changer the anchor of potential negotiator settlements

Gathering information before you fo to the negotiation table is one of the most

critical factors for success in negotiation.

Leaders are often shaped bty

critical life events that lead to growth and greater authenticity.

Authentic leadership =

focuses on moral aspects of leadership. Know who they are, what they stand for and act accordingly. Considered ethical and humble. Based on trust. Are self aware. Are more likely to promote corporate social responsibility

Confidence refers to

having self efficacy-the belief that one has the ability to successfully accomplish a specific task. Leaders who have confidence are more likely to be motivated to succeed, to be persistent when obstacles arise, and to welcome challenge.

Transformational leadership is concerned with

improving the performance of followers and developing followers to their fullest potential.


what are my interests what are theirs?

Intellectual stimulation

means encouraging innovation and thinking in new ways

There are three reasons every negotiator should understand distributive bargaining.

First, negotiators face some interdependent situation that are distributive, and to do well in them they need to understand how they work. Second, because many people use distributive barging strategies and tactics almost exclusively, all negotiators need to understand how to counter their effects. Third, every negotiation situation has the potential to require distributive bargaining skills when at the claiming value stage.

Charismatic leaders also demonstrate specific types of behaviors.

First, they are strong role models for the beliefs and values they want their followers to adopt. Second, charismatic leader appear competent to followers. Third, they articulate ideological goals that have moral overtones. Fourth, charismatic leaders communicate high expectations for followers and they exhibit confidence in followers' abilities to meet these expectations. Fifth, charismatic leaders arouse task-relevant motives in followers that may include affiliation, power, or esteem.

The quality of leader member exchange mattered most for employees who felt little empowerment.

For these employees, high quality leader member exchange appeared to compensate for the drawbacks of not being empowered. When leaders and followers have good exchanges, they feel better and accomplish more and the organization prospers.

Getting a Good Deal:

Goal of negation is to get a good deal. We need to know what is our alternative, so what happens if this negotiation fails. Need to know what our reservation price is. need to think about our aspiration

Charisma or idealized influence, it is the emotional comment of leadership,.

Idealized influence describes leaders who act as strong role models for followers; followers identify with these leaders and want very much to emulate them. These leaders usually have very high standards ofmorab and ethical conduct and can be counted on to do the right thing. The idealized influence factor is measured on two components: an attributional component that refers to the attributions of leaders made by followers based pn perceptions they have of their leaders, and a behavioral component that refers to followers' observation of leader behavior.

The next phase of research on LMX began looking at outcomes, such as organizational effectiveness.

In groups: often for with people who are similar to the leader. Leads to higher performance and greater job satisfaction. Organizational effectiveness increases.

Negotiators should agree to the criteria for evaluation potential integrative solutions early in the process.

Negotiators can use these criteria when they have to narrow the choice of options to a single alternative or to select the option mist likely to succeed.

Charismatic Leadership

Personality Characteristics (dominate, desire to influence, self confident, and strong moral values) Behaviors (sets strong role model, show competence, articulate goals, communicate high expectations, expresses confidence, arouses motives) Effects on Followers (trust in leader's ideology, belief similarity between leader and follower, unquestioning acceptance, affection toward leader, obedience, identification with leader, emotional involvement, heightened goals, and increased confidence)

Through cost cutting, one party achieves her objectives and the other's costs are minimized if she agrees to go along.

Unlike nonspecific compensation, where the compensated party simply receives something for agreeing, cost cutting is designed to minimize the other party's costs for agreeing to a specific solution

Working with in group allow a leader to

accomplish more work in a more effective manner than he or she can accomplish working without one. In group members are willing to do more than in required in their job description and look for innovative ways to advance the group's goals. In response to their extra effort and devotion, leaders give them more responsibility and more opportunity. Leaders also give in group members more of their time and support.

Kouzes and Posner developed their model by interviewing leaders about leadership by

asking them to describe their personal best experiences as leaders. The Kouzes and Posner model consists of five fundamental practices that enable leaders to get extraordinary things accomplished: model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenges the process, enable others to act, and encourage the heart.

LMX theory directs leaders to

assess their leadership from a relationship perspective. This assessment will sensitize leaders to how in groups and out groups develop within their own organization,. In addition, LMX theory suggests way in which leaders can improve their organization by building strong leader member exchanges with all of their followers. For example, LMX theory could be used to explain how CEOs develop special relationships with select individuals in upper management to develop new strategic and tactical corporate goals

Parties in negotiation maximize their outcomes when theyA

assume that they are in a collaborative, problem solving relationship. Maximizing outcomes may also be negatively correlated with one party's ability to punish the other party

Relational transparency refers to

being open and honest in presenting one's true self to others. It is self regulatory because individuals can control their transparency with others. Relationship transparency occurs when individual share their core feelings, motives, and inclinations with others in an appropriate manner

Don't start off with a negotiation if there is a

big relationship risk. Instead start with one were the relationship is possibly not even important. Less risk to you to experiment.

Resilience is the

capacity to recover from and adjust to adverse situations,. It includes the ability to positively adapt to hardships and suffering.

Transformational leadership provides

a broad set of generalizations of what is typical of leaders who are transforming or who work in a transforming contexts. It provides a general way of thinking about leadership that emphasizes ideals, inspiration, innovations, and individual concerns. They require that leaders be aware of how their own behavior relates to the needs of their followers and the changing dynamics within their organizations.

When the parties are able to invent new options that meet all their respective needs they have created a bridge solution. Successful bridging requires

a fundamental reformulation of the problem so that the parties are not discussing positions, but rather they are disclosing sufficient information to discover their underlying interests and needs and then inventing options that will satisfy those needs. If negotiators fundamentally commit themselves to win win negotiation, bridging solutions are likely to be highly satisfactory to both sides

An important tactical task fo renegotiations is to

control the information sent to the other party about your target and resistance points, while simultaneously guiding him or her to form a preferred impression of them. Negotiators need to screen information about their own positions and to represent them as they would like the other to believe

Management by exception is leadership that involves

corrective criticism, negative feedback, and negative reinforcement. Management by exception takes two forms: active and passive. A leader using the active form of management by expiation matches followers closely for mistake or rule violations and then takes corrective action. An example of active management by exception can be illustrated int eh leadership of a sales supervisor who fails monitors how employees approach. A leader using the passive form intervenes only after standards have not been met or problems have arisen.

LMX theory is best understood within the leadership making model of Graen and Uhl-Bien. They advocated that leaders should

create a special relationship with all followers, similar to the relationship described as in group relationships. Leaders should offer each follower the opportunity to take on new roles and responsibilities. The leadership making model suggests that leaders should look for ways to built trust and respect with all of their followers, thus making the entire work unit an in group. In addition, leaders should look beyond their own work unit and create high quality partnerships with people throughout the organization.

Strengths of SWOT=

critical success factors, give you a competitive advantage, find ways to leverage and build upon these strengths

Emotions are made by

culture, gender, and perception

When people are defensive, they withdraw and withhold information.

defensive people attack the other party's statements and piston, seeking to defeat their position rather than to work together. Either of these responses is likely to make the negotiator hesitant, cautious and distrustful of ht other, undermining the negotiation process.

Target point =

defines what he or she would like to achieve

On a lower level, LMX theory could be used to explain

how line managers in a manufacturing plant use a select few workers to accomplish the production quotas of their work unit. The point is that the ideas presented in LMX theory are applicable throughout the organizations. The ideas of LMX theory can be used to explain how individuals create leadership networks throughout an organization to help them accomplish work more effectively.

Process interests are related to

how the negotiation unfolds. One party may pursue distributive bargaining because he enjoys the competitive game of wits that comes form nose to nose, hard line bargaining. Another party may enjoy integrative negotiating because she elves she has not been consults in the past and wants to have some say in how a key problem is resolved.

LMX theory tells us to be aware of

how we relate to our followers. It tells us to be sensitive to whether some followers receive special attention and some followers do not. In addition, it tell su to en fair to all followers and allow each of them to become as involved in the work of the unit as they want to be. LMX theory tell su s to be respectful and to build trusting relationships with all of our followers, recognizing that each follower is unique and wants to relate to us in a special way

Transformation leadership =

idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration

Christie, Barling, and Turner set forth a preliminary model of pseudotransformational leadership that reflected four components of transformational leadership:

idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. This model helps to clarify the meaning of pseudo transformational leadership. It suggests that this leadership is inspired leadership that is self-serving, is unwilling to encourage independent thought in followers and exhibits little general caring for others. A pseudo transformational leader has strong inspirational talent and appeal but is manipulative and dominates and directs followers toward his or her own values. It is leadership that is threatening to the welfare of followers because it ignores the common good.

There are four major steps int he integrative negotiation process:

identify and define the problem. surface interest and needs. generate alternative solutions to the problem. evaluate those alternatives and select among them.

Selective presentation

in which negotiator reveal only the facts necessary to support their case. Negotiators can also use selective presentation to lead the other party to form the desired impression of their resistance point or to create new possibilities for agreement that are more favorable than those that currently exist.

Criticisms of the Leader Member Exchange Theory:

inadvertently supports the development of privileged groups int eh workplace; appears unfair and discriminatory. And it accurate measurement of the quality of leader member exchanges is questioned, like how do you actually do this and ways to improve the exchanges is not really clear if one person isn't really trying to make an effort.

one way to encourage settlement is to

increase the costs of not reaching a negotiated agreement through disruptive action. Public picketing of a business, boycotting a product or company, and looking negotiators in a room until they reach agreement are all forms of disruptive action the increase the costs to negotiators fo not settling and thereby bring them back to the bargaining table

Using transformational leadership, leaders can

initiate, develop, and carry out significant changes in organizations.

Past experience, based perceptions and the truly distributive aspects of bargaining can work against

integrative agreements because negotiators must work hard to overcome inhibiting facts and search assertively for common ground. Those wishing to achieve integrative results find that they must manage both the context and the process of the negotiation in order to gain the cooperation and commitment of all parties. Key contextual factions include: creating a free flow of information, attempting to understand the other negotiator's real needs and objectives, emphasizing commonalities between parties and searching for solutions that meet the goals and objectives of both parties. Managing integrative negotiations involves creating a process to identify and define the problem and surface interests and needs, generate alternative solutions and evaluate and select alternatives

Strengths represent

internal characteristics that provide a business with an advantage over others

Weakness represent

internal characteristics that put a business at a disadvantage in relation to competitors

Bass and Riggio suggested that transformational leadership's popularity might be due to its emphasis on

intrinsic motivation and follower development, which fits the needs of today's work groups, who want to be inspired and empowered to succeed in times of uncertainty

Another way to increase the costs of delay or terminate negotiations is to

involve other parties who can somehow influence the outmode in the process

Transactional Leadership

is an exchange process between leaders and followers. Followers receive rewards for job performance and leaders benefit because followers have completed the task needed to be done.

First thing to do for a SWOT

is determine what you will be outlining

Laissez-Faire Leadership

is hands off, they are not involved and do not give feedback. it makes little effort to help followers satisfy their needs. Some say if a leader has equipped their team well, the hands off approach is fine, but if they haven't this would be a bad leadership.

Management by exception

is when a leader only interviews when problems arise and need to take corrective action

LMX theory works in two ways:

it describes leadership and it presides leadership. Descriptively, LMX theory suggests that it is important to recognize the existence of in group and out group within a group or an organization.

Good cop/bad cop weaknesses

it is relatively transparent, it can be countered by openly stating what the negotiators are doing.

Moral reasoning is another factor that can influence authentic leadership

it is the capacity to make ethical decisions about issues of right or wrong and good or bad. Higher levels of moral reasoning make is possible for the authentic leader to make decisions that transcend individual differences and align individuals toward a common goal

Overall, the Kouzes and Posner model emphasizes behaviors and has a prescriptive quality:

it recommends what people need to do in order to become effective leaders.The model is not about personality, it is about practice. To measure behaviors described in the model, they developed the leadership practice inventory. The LPI is a 360 degree leadership assessment tool that consists of 30 questions that asses individual leadership competencies.

Leader member exchange theory looks instead at the specific relationship between the

leader and each individual follower. its based on the notion that a leader has a unique relationship with each follower

The transformational approach describes how

leaders can initiate, develop, and carry out significant changes in organizations. They set out to empower followers and nurture them in change. They attempt to raise the consciousness in individuals and to get them to transcend their own self interests for the sake of others. Transformational leadership created a culture in which employees felt empowered and encouraged to freely discuss and try new things. They have highly developed set of moral values and self determined sense of identity.

A negotiator can alter the other party's impressions of his or her own objectives by

making outcomes appear less attractive or by making the cost of obtaining them appear higher. There are several approaches to modifying the other party's perceptions. One approach is to interpret for the other party what the outcomes of his or her proposal will really be

Resistance Point =

marks the lowest acceptable outcome: the point beyond which the party would break off negotiations rather than accept a less favorable settlement

Information exchange allows parties to

maximize the amount of information available. Focusing on interests allows parties to move beyond opening positions and demands to determine what the parties really want-what needs truly must be satisfied. Finally, firm flexibility allows parties to be firm with regard to what they want to achieve while remaining flexible on the means by which they achieve it.

Challenge the process

means being willing to change the status quo and step into the unknown. It includes being willing to innovate, grow, and improve. Exemolary leaders are like pioneers: they want to experiment and try new things.

Researchers have used many different questionnaires to study LMX theory. All of them have been designed to

measure the quality of there working relationship between leaders and followers. The LMX 7 is designed to measure three dimensions of leader member relationships: respect, trust and obligation. It assess the degree to which leaders and followers have mutual respect for each other's capabilities, feel a deepening sense of reciprocal trust, and have a strong sense of obligations to one another.

In a meta-analysis of 164 LMX studies, Gerstner and Day found the LMX was consistently related to

member job performance, satisfaction, commitment, role conflict and clarity, and turnover intentions.

In Group =

more information, influence, confidence and concern from leader. They are more dependable, highly involved and communicative than out group

Followers in the in group receive

more information, influence, confidence and concern from their leaders than do out group followers. In addition, they are more dependable, more highly involved, and more communicative than out group foolers. Followers in the out group are less compatible with the leader and usually just come to worked o their job, and go home.

Negotiators who have a strong BATNA will have

more power throughout the negotiation and accordingly should be able achieve more of their goals

Intimidation tactics are designed to make the intimidator feel

more powerful than the other patty and to lead people to make concession for emotional rather than objective reasons

Distributive Negotiation is

negotiation that seeks to dive spa. fixed amount of resources (fixed pie: the belief the there is only a set amount of goods or services to be divided up between parties). A win lose situation (any gain I make is at your expense). Low level of information sharing. Best to make first offer and make it aggressive (shows power, anchoring bias (people tend to focus on initial information and fail to adjust based on subsequent information))

Concessions are central to negotiation. Without them

negotiations would not exist

Good preparations and understanding both one's own and the others parr's needs and interest together make responding to aggressive tactics easier because

negotiators can highlight the merits to both parties of reaching an agreement

Guilt can also be used as a form of intimidation.

negotiators can question the other party's integrity out the other's lack of trust in them. the purpose both this tactic is to place the other party on the defensive so that they are dealing with the issues of guilt or trust rather than discussing the substance of negotiation.

Bogey tactic is most effective when

negotiators identify an issue the ti quite important to there other side but little value to themselves

The snow job tactic occurs when

negotiators overwhelm the other party with so much information that he or she has trouble deterring which facts are real or important and which are included merely as distractions.

Integrative negotiation requires

negotiators to accept both their own and the other's antiques, interests and desires as valid. First, one must believe in the validity of one's own perspective- that what you believe is worth fighting for and should not be compromised.

An important first step for a negotiator is to

obtain information about the other party's target and resistance points. the purpose is to identify what the other party really wants to achieve, as well as how much they are willing to pay. The negotiation can pursue two general routes to achieve this task: obtain information indirectly about the background factors behind an issue or obtain information directly from the other party about their target and resistance points

Although ignoring a hardball tactic may appear to be a weak response, it can be in fact be very

powerful. It takes a lot of energy to use some of the hardball tactics described here and while the other side is using energy to play these games, you can be using your energy to work on satisfying your needs. not responding to a threat is often the best way of dealing with it.

The initial studies of the LMX theory addressed

primarily the nature of the difference between in groups and out groups, a subsequent line of research addressed how LMX theory was related to organizational effectiveness. Specifically, these studies focus on how th equality of leader-member exchanges was created to positive outcomes for leaders, followers, groups, and the organization in general.

If the parties become angry, they should

take a break. They should make their dissatisfaction known and openly discuss the reasons for it. The parties should feel that they are back on an even emotional keel before cosigning to evaluate options

After having a funeral discussion about the needs and positions of the buyer, often the seller will

take out a large order form and state to complete it. When using this technique negotiators do not ask the other party if he or she would like to make a purchase. Rather, they may say something like shall IG et the paperwork started and act as if the decision to purchase seomtihng has already been made

individuals who are dissatisfied with the practice and policies of business or government agencies form

task forces, political action groups, and protest organizations to bring greater collective pressure on the target

The authentic leadership approach developed by George focuses on

the characteristics of authentic leaders. George describes, in a practical way, the essential qualities of authentic leadership and how individuals can develop these qualities if they want to become authentic leaders. George found that authentic leaders have a genuine desire to serve others, they know themselves, and they feel free to lead from their core values. Specifically, authentic leaders demonstrate five basic characteristics: (1) they understand their purpose, (2) they have strong values about the right thing to do (3) they establish trusting relationship with others (4) they demonstrate self discipline and act on their values (5) they are passionate about their mission

Transformational leadership is part of the New Leadership paradigm, which gives more attention to

the charismatic and affective elements of leadership. In a content analysis of articles published in Leadership Quarterly, Lowe and Gardner found that one third of the research was about transformational or charismatic leadership.

Shamir, House and Arthur, postulated that charismatic leadership transforms followers' self concepts and tries to link the identity of followers to

the collective identity of the organization. Charismatic leaders forge this link by emphasizing the intrinsic rewards

A resistance point will also be influenced by

the cost an individual attaches to delay or difficulty in negotiation or in having the negotiations aborted

Research and practical experiences suggest that a large majority of agreements in distributive bargaining are reached when

the deadline is near

Effective information exchange promotes

the development of good integrative solutions. Negotiators must create conditions for a free and open discussion of all related issues and concerns. In contrast, a willingness to share information is not a characteristics of distributive bargaining situations, in which the parties may distrust one another, conceal and manipulate information, and attempt to learn about the other purely for their own competitive advantage

Bargaining and problem solving is

the essence of the negotiation process takes place int he bargaining and problem solving phase. This is the actual give and take in trying to hash out an agreement. Concessions will undoubtedly need to be made by both parties.


the facts and numbers. We think that if we stick to the facts it will make things clearer and people will understand us better. But perception can change the way people see things.

Distributive bargaining situation also called competitive or win lose, bargaining,

the goals of one party are usually in fundamental and direct conflict with the goals of the other party. Resources are fixed and limited, and both parties want to maximize their share.

Another form of intimidation includes increasing the appearance of legitimacy.

the greater the appearance of legitimacy, the less likely the other party will be to question the process being followed or contract terms being proposed

There is evidence that negotiators with high empathy for the other party may increase the size of

the joint outcomes but receive less of the larger pie than less empathic negotiators

Authentic leadership focuses on

the moral aspects o leadership and they know who they are and what they stand for.

In the first studies of exchange theory, which was then called vertical dyad linkage theory, researchers focused on

the nature of the vertical linkage leaders formed with each of their followers. A leader's relationship to the work unit as a whole was viewed as a series of vertical dyads. In assessing the characteristics of these vertical dyads, researchers found two feral types of linkages: those that were based on expanded and negotiated role responsibilities, which were called the in group, and those that were based on the formal employment contract which were called the out group

Another closing tactic is to save a special concession for the close.

the other negotiator is told Ill give X if you agree to the deal

An understandable and widely held concern about integrative negotiation is that during the problem defining process,

the other party will manipulate information to state the problem to his or her own advantage. for positive problem solving to occur, both parties must be committed to stating the problem in neutral terms

The risk of using lowball/highball is that

the other party will think negotiation is a waste of time and will stop the process.

Successful integrative negotiations occurs when

the parties are predisposed to finding a mutually acceptable joint solution. Many facotrs contribute to a predisposition toward problem solving and a willingness to work together for more successful integrative negotiations.

Successful logrolling requires

the parties to find more than one issue in conflict and to have different priorities for those issues. The parties then agree to trade off among these issues so that one party achieves a highly preferred outcome not he first issue and the other person achieves a highly preferred outcome on the second issue

Preferred price is the target point,

the point at which a negotiator would like to conclude negotiations- his optimal goal. The target also sometimes referred to as a negotiator's aspiration. The price beyond which Jackson will not go is the resistance point, a negotiator's bottom line-the most he will pay as a buyer. It is also sometimes referred to as a reservation price. Finally, the asking price is the initial price set by the seller

Seven factors that facilitate successful integrative negotiation:

the presence of a common goal. faith in one's own problem solving ability. a belief in the validity of the other party's position. The motivation and commitment to work together. Trust. Clear and accurate communication. An understand of the dynamics o integrative negotiation.

Bass extended Burn's work by giving more attention to followers' rather than leaders' needs by suggesting that

transformational leadership could apply to situations in which the outcomes were not positive, and by describing transactional and transformational leadership as a single continuum rather than mutually independent continua

SWOT analysis tips:

try to keep your SWOT diagram brief and to the point. Get feedback from employees, partners and customers for a varied perspective. Keep your core objectives in mind at all times. arrange the results of your analysis in order of the most important factors to the least.

preparation and a thorough understanding of the situations of both parties are absolutely essential for

trying to identify where reality ends and chicken tactic begins

Examples of Transactional Leadership:

turn in assessments and you get a grade.

In his theory of charismatic leadership, House suggested that charismatic leaders act in

unique ways that have specific charismatic effects on their followers. For House, the personality characteristics of a charismatic leader includes being dominant, having a strong desire to influence others, being self confident, and having a strong sense of one's own moral values.

Aggressive behavior tactics include

various ways of being aggressive push your position or attack the other person's position. Include relentless push for further concessions, asking for the best offer early in negotiations, and asking the other party to explain and justify his or her proposals items by item or line by line

Leader Member exchange theory

views leadership as a process, not focuses on the interaction between a leader and subordinates.

It is common for transformational leaders to create a

vision. The vision emerges from the collective interests of various individuals and units in an organization. The vision is a focal point for transformational ledership. It gives the leader and the organization a conceptual map for where the organization is headed. Is also requires that leaders become social architects. This means that they make clear the merging values and norms of the organization. They involve themselves in the culture of the organization and help shape its meaning. Transformational leaders are effective at working with people. They build trust and foster collaboration with others.

Formulations about authentic leadership can be differentiated into two areas:

1. the practical approach , which evolved from real life examples and training and development literature. 2. the theoretical approach, which is based on findings form social science research

Pseudo- Transformational Leadership Examples are

Adolf Hilter and Saddam Hussein

Balanced processing is also a self regulation behavior, it refers to

an individual's ability to analyze information objectively and explore other people's options before making a decision. It also means avoiding favoritism about certain issues and remaining unbiased. Balanced processing includes soliciting viewpoints from those who disagree with you and fully considering their positions before taking your own action.

SWOT analysis is a key part of

any business and strategic plan

Four steps for a successful negotiation:

assess, prepare, ask, and package

Expectations drive


An opening offer is usually met with a

counteroffers, and these tow offers define the initial bargaining range.

When there are strong negative feelings or when one or more parties are inclined to dominate, negotiators may

create formal, structured procedures for communication. Under these circumstances, negotiators should follow a procedure that gives everyone a chance to speak.

To sustain a free flow of information and the effort to understand the other's needs and objectives, negotiates may need a

different outlook or frame of reference. Individual foals may need to be redefined as best achieved through collaborative efforts directed toward a collective goal

Dealing with typical hardball tactics:

discuss the. Ignore them. Respond in kind. Co-opt the other party.

Fisher, try and Patton suggest that a good way to deal with hardball tactics is to

discuss them-that is, label the tactic and indicate to the other party that you know what she is doing.

Every negotiation has evolved into a series of

discussions and mediations between the same or similar stakeholders

Authentic leadership questionnaire was created buy Walumbwa and associates to

explore and validate the assumptions of authentic leadership. It is a 16 item instrument that measures four factors and authentic leadership: self awareness, internalized moral perspective, valanced processing and relational transparency

opportunities and threats=

external factors

You should not negotiation

issue by issue.

Schriesheim, Castro, and Cogliser concluded that improved theorization about leader member exchange and its basic processes is


Authentic leadership focuses

on whether leadership is genuine and real. It is about the authenticity of leaders and their leadership.

It is always possible rot respond to hardball tactics with

one of your own

A shared goal is

one that both parties work toward but that benefit each party differently.

Self awareness refers to the

personal insights of the leader. Self awareness includes reflecting on your core value, identity, emotions, motivate and goals, and coming to grips with who you really are at the deepest level.


pretending a low priority item is important in order to trade it for a concession on another item

The snow job may backfire because

providing non diagnostic information in a negotiation interferes with the ability of negotiators to concentrate on what is important in order to reach agreements

Five dimensions of authentic leadership identified by George:

purpose, values, relationships, self discipline and heart

The negotiator's basic goal is to

reach a final settlement as close to the other party's resistance point as possible

Negotiators frequently assume that the distributive bargaining process is the only way to approach negotiations. Several studies indicate that training in integrative negotiation enhances

the ability of parties to negotiate integratively.

Authentic leadership is a complex process that emphasizes

the development of qualities that help leaders to be perceived as trustworthy and believable by their followers

Initial Offer

the first number he will quote to the seller

Transactional leaders are focused on

the present and they're great at helping organizations run efficiently. Good at traditional management functions like planning and controlling. It mainmast stably rather then promoting change.

Pseudotransformational leadership

this term refers to leaders who are self consumed, exploitive, and power oriented, with warped moral values. It is considered personalized leadership, which focuses not he leader's own interests rather than on the interests of others. Authentic transformational leadership is socialized leadership, which is concerned with the collective good. Socialized transformational leaders transcend their own interests for the sake of others.

the best way to deal with a lowball/highball tactic is not to make a counteroffers, but

to ask for a more reasonable opening offer fro the other party

SWOT Analysis is used

to obtain an objective assessment of a business

Logrolling is frequently done by

trial and error

Negotiators differ in thier

values and preferences, as well as their thoughts and behaviors. What one side needs and wants may or may not be the same as what the other party needs or wants. Integrative agreements are facilitated when parties exchange information about their priorities for particular issues, but not necessarily about their positions on those issues.

Three questions to prepare women to enter a negotiation:

why are you asking? How are you asking? For whom are you asking?

Two disadvantages of an exaggerated opening offer are that

1. it may be summarily rejected by the other party and halt negotiations prematurely 2. is communicates an attitude of toughness that may be harmful to long term relationships

Negative features in the LMX theory:

1. the early formulation runs counter to our principles of fairness and justice in the workplace by suggesting that some members of the work and receive special attention and others do not. 2. emphasizes the importance of leader member exchanges but fails to explain the intricacies of how one goes about creating high quality exchanges. 3. researchers have not ayeqyateky explained the contextual factors that influence lmx relationships. 4. questions about whether the measurement procedures used in the research are adequate to fully capture the complexities of the leader member exchange process

Many negotiations begin with a shortage of resources, and it is not possible for both sides to satisfy their interests or obtain their objectives under the current conditions.

A simple solution is to add resource-expand the pie-in such a way that both sides can achieve their objectives. In expanding the pie, one party requires no information about the other party except her interests it is a simple way to solve resource shortage problems. In addition, the approach assumes that simply enlarging the resources will solve the problem

Authentic leadership can be established through the instrument known at the

ALQ, the applicably int he real work is this is lifelong learning process.

Pareto efficient Frontier

Contains a point where there is no agreement that would make any party better off without decreasing the outcomes to any otherparty

Transactional leader does not individualize the needs of followers or famous on their personal development.

Transactional leaders exchange things of value with followers to advance their own and their followers agendas

negotiators who use the chicken tactic combine

a large laugh with a threatened action to force the other party to chicken out and give them what they want

Internalized moral perspective refers to

a self regulatory process whereby individuals use their internal moral standards and values to guide their behavior rather than allow outside pressures to control them

Good Cop/Bad Cop

alternating between negotiators who use sought and more lenient negotiation approaches

Inspirational motivation

appeals emotionally to employees desire to do a good job and help with organizational effectiveness

A second critical topic for information search is to find out

as much as you can about the people with whom you'll be interacting and the company or organization that they represent

Bryman and Bass and Avolio have suggested that the charisma and motivation factors on the MLQ are the most likely to

be related to positive effects

The fundamental structure of an integrative negotiation situation is such that it allows

both sides to achieve their objectives. The goals of the parties in integrative negotiation are no mutually exclusive

Depersonalizing the definition of the problem allows

both sides to approach the issue as a problem external to the individuals rather than as problem that belongs to one party only

SWOT Strengths include =

brand recognition, brand loyalty, skill workforce, intellectual property, cost advantage, strong financial position


bundle alternative proposals

SWOT can tell you if you should adventure on a certain project or service,

by visualizing the pros and cons through a clear outlining of all positive and negatives of a project. Makes it easier to decide how to move forward.

Problem solving is


Indirect assessment means

determining what information an individual likely used to set target and resistance points and how he or she interpreted this information

Successful dyads in the acquaintance phase begin to

develop greater trust and respect for each other. they also tend to focus less on their own self interest and more not repurposes and goals of the group.

George approach focuses on five characteristics leaders should

develop to boom authentic leaders.


do the benefits outweigh the costs


engage an share unique information

You should be very cautious about sudden reversals impositions taken by the other party

especially late in a negotiation. this may be a sign that they bogey tactic has been un use

Intangibles can lead the negotiator to

fight harder to attain a particular solution if that option satisfies both tangible and intangible needs

Negotiation is an

interdependent process.

The problem definition process is critical for integrative negotiation because

it sets broad parameters regarding what the negotiator is about and provides an initial framework for approaching the discussion

The weakness of the chicken tactic is that

it turns negotiation into a serious game in which one or both parties find it difficult to distinguish reality from posture negotiator positions.

The good cop/bad cop tactic is also much more difficult to enact than it is to read:

it typically alienates the targeted party and frequently equites negotiators to direct much more energy toward making the tactic work smoothly than toward accomplishing the negotiation goals

Out Group=

less close to leader, usually just do their work and get the job done then go home. Leader gives them the minimal amount of information.

A common goal is

one that all parties share equally, each one benefiting in a way that would not be possible if they did not work together.

A joint goal is

one that involves individuals with different personal goals agreeing to combine them in a collective effort.

LMX theory addresses leadership as a

process centered on the interactions between leaders and followers. It makes the leader member relationship the pivotal concept int he leadership process.

Distributive bargaining begins with

setting opening, target and resistance points

Relationship interests speak to

the value of the ongoing relationship between the parties and the future of that relationship. Intrinsic relationship interests exist when the parties value the relationship both for its existence and for the pleasure or fulfillment that sustaining it creates.


using a large bluff plus a threat to force the other party to concede


using emotional ploys such as anger and gear to force concessions

Clarification and Justification is

when initial positives have been exchanged )explain, amplify, clarify, bolster, and justify your original demands). Does not need to be confrontational. Provide the other party with any documentation that helps support your position.

5 steps of negotiation process =

-preparation and planning -definition of the ground rules -clarification and justification -bargaining and problem solving -closure and implementation

The following rules should be observed when brainstorming:

1. avoid judging or evaluating solution 2. separate the people from the problem. 3. be exhaustive in the brainstorming process. 4. ask outsiders.

Tips on how to invest in negotiations

1. expect the unexpected. (every negotiation is different, there will be surprises). 2. Be tough to the cause, be kind to the people. (ion you haver one person believing in you, you can change the world) 3. Always Act, never react

According to Landon, there are two good ways to combat the nibble.

1. respond to each nibble with the question what else do you want. 2. have your own nibble prepared to offer in exchange

Criticism of Authentic Leadership

1. the concepts and ideas presented in George's practical approach are not fully substantiated 2. the moral component of authentic leadership is not fully explained. 3. researchers have questioned whether positive psychological capacities should be included as components of authentic leadership. 4. it is not clear how authentic leadership results in positive organizational outcomes.

In some negotiations, the parties have only two fundamental choices:

1= reach a deal with the other party 2= reach no settlement at all. in other negations one or both parties may have the possibility of an alternative deal with another party.

Factors that influence authentic leadership

Critical Life Events (positive or negative)-acts as a catalyst for change. people attach insights to their life experience. when people tell life stories they gain clarity about who they are. Stimulates personal growth. Formulate our vision of how things should be and make us strive for them.

:eldership Factors: Laisses-Faire Leadership

Factor 7: laissez-fair and Nontransactional

Programs designed to develop transformational leadership usually requires that leaders or their associates take the

MLQ. Taking the MLQ helps leaders pinpoint areas in which they could improve their leadership. One particular aspect of transformational leadership that has been gives special emphasis in trianing programs is the process of building a vision.

Walumbwa conceptualized authentic leadership as

a pattern of leader behavior that develops from and is grounded in the leader's positive psychological qualities and strong ethics. They suggest that authentic leadership is composed of four distinct but related components: self awareness, internalized morale perspective, balanced processing and relationship transparency.

Walumbwa defined authentic leadership as

a pattern of leader behavior that draws upon and promotes both positive psychological capacities and a positive ethical climate, to foster greater self awareness, an internalized moral perspective, blanched processing of information and relationship transparent on raw part of leaders working with followers, fostering positive self development

Negotiation is usual seen as an

adverbial process and are uncomfortable because they're concerned that other folks will think of them as too demanding, not nice or socially awkward


asking for a proportionally small concession on a new item to close the deal

Three types of goals that may facilitate the development of integrative agreements

common, shred, and joint

Transformational Leadership

create significant change and increases motivation

When people do not trust each other, they are more likely to

engage in positional bargaining, use threats, and commit themselves to tough positions

The resistance point is

established by the value expected from a particular outcome,e which in turn is the product t of the worth and costs of an outcome

Idealized influence means

followers identify with and want to emulate the leader

LMX theory does not address other fairness issues such as

followers' perceptions of the fairness of pay increases and promotion opportunities, decision making rules, or communication of issues within the organization

Followers who are interested in negotiating with the leader what they are willing to do for the group can become part of the

in group. These negotiations involve exchanges in which followers do certain activities that go beyond their formal job descriptions=, and the leader, in turn, does more for these followers. If followers are not interested in taking on new and different job responsibilities, they become part of the out group.

Vertical Dyad Linkage model says

its important to know that leaders form relationship of some type with each member of the group

Citizenship behaviors are discretionary employee behaviors that go beyond the

prescribed role, job description or reward system,. Followers who had high equity relationship with their leaders were more likely to engage in more discretionary behaviors that benefited the leader and the organization.

hardball negotiation tactics to beat the other party, such tactics are designed to

pressure negotiations to do things they would not otherwise do, and their presence usually disguises the user's adherence to a decidedly distributive bargaining approach

Transformational leadership is a

process that changes and transforms people. It is concerned with emotions, values, ethics, standards, and long term goals. It includes assessing followers' motives, satisfying their needs, and treating them as full human beings. Transformational leadership involves an exceptional form of influence that moves followers to accomplish more than what is usually expected of them. It is a process that often incorporates charismatic and visionary leadership.

SWOT diagram analyzes a

project or business venture by focusing on each factor, typically consisting of four boxes one for each of the areas of the SWOT

Individualized consideration, this factor is representative of leaders who

provide a supportive climate in which they listen carefully to the individual needs of followers.

Displaying emotional reaction to facts, proposals, and possible outcomes is another form of direct action negotiators can take to

provide information about what is important to them. Disappointment or enthusiasm usually suggests that an issue is important, whereas boredom or indifference suggests it is trivial or unimportant

In integrative negotiation, both negotiators need to

pursue the other's thinking and logic to determine the factors that motivated them to arrive at their goals

Weakness of SWOT=

put you at a disadvantage, crucial to identify these early on, requires candid and detailed analysis of what is going wrong

Early studies of LMX:

raised an awareness of a relationship between a leader and each individual rather than between a leader and a group of followers

Bennis and Nanus also found that positive self reward in leaders had a

reciprocal impact one followers, creating in them feelings of confidence and high expectations

Transactional Leadership is it

recognizes fowlers' needs, clarify how those needs and desires will be achieved, present focused, and promotes stability

The vertical linkage dyads, the interactions lead to

relationships considered in-group or out-group

Small groups may be particularly helpful when

several complex options must be considered or when many people will be affected by the solution.

Before LMX theory, researchers treated leadership as

something leads did toward all of their followers. This assumption implied that leaders treated followers in a collective way, as a group, using an average eldership style. LMX theory challenged this assumption and directed researchers' attention to the differences that might exist between the leader and each of the leader's followers

These avenues might be explored in a typical purchasing contract negotiation:

taxes, payment terms, specifications, transportation, delivery date or performance specification, quantity, processes, and risk and contract type

women are much more effective in their negotiations when

they pair their competence with a communal orientation

Burns distinguished between two types of leadership:

transactional and transformational. Transactional leadership refers to the build of leadership models, which focus on the exchanges that occur between leaders and their followers. Managers who offer promotes to employees who surpass their goals are exhibiting transactional leadership. Transformational leadership is the process whereby a person engages with others and creates a connection that raises the level of motivation and morality in both the leader and the follower. This type of leader is attentive to the needs and motives of followers and tries to help fowlers reach their fullest potential. Burns points to Mohandas Gandhi as a classical example of transformational leadership. Gandhi raised the hopes and demands of millions of his people and in the process was changed himself

Another way to deal with negotiators who are known to use aggressive hardball tactics is to

try to befriend them before they use the tactics on you. This approach is build not he theory that it is much more difficult to attack a friend than an enemy

Strengths of the Leader Member Exchange Theory:

validates our experience of how people within organizations relate to the leader, is the only leadership approach that makes the dyadic relationship the centerpiece of the leadership process, points to the importance of positive communication in leadership, and solid research foundation on how the practice of the theory is related to positive organizational outcomes

Distributive bargaining skills are important when at the

value claiming stage of any negotiation

Last, George approach identifies compassion and heart as important aspects of authentic leadership.

Compassion refers to being sensitive to the plight of others, opening one's self to others and being willing to help them. George argued that as leaders develop compassion, they learn to be authentic. Authentic leadership is a lifelong developmental process, which is formed and informed by each individual's life story

Leadership Factors: Transactional Leadership

Factor 5: contingent reward and constructive transactions Factor 6: management by exception, active and passive, and correctivcer transactions

Transformation leader examples are

Ghandi (Raising hopes and dreams of his people). Ryan White (raised people's awareness about AIDS and created change)

When considering negotiation, you need to be honest with yourself.

How much are you willing to pay to avoid the discomfort of negotiating.

The term transformational leadership was first coined by Downton.

Its emergence as an important approach to leadership began with a classic work by political sociologist James MacGregor Burns titled Leadership. For Burns, leadership is quite different from power because it is inseparably from follower' needs

How does LMX theory work? Diagnostically:

The quality of subordinates' interactions with their supervisors indicates likelihood of their advancing organization (looking at the interactions having to see what your future will hold)

The negotiator dealing with a party who uses hardball tactics has several choices about how to respond.

a good strategic response to these tactics requires that the negotiator identify the tactic quickly and understand what it is and how it works

Integrative Negotiation is

a negotiation that seeks one or more settlements that can create a win win solution. It helps build long term relationships. High level of information sharing. It compromise might be your worst enemy in negotiating a win win agreement (the reason its hat compromising reduces the pressure to bargain integratively)

Negotiation is iterative. It provides

a opportunity for both sides to communicate information about their positions that may lead to change in those positions

Leadership Making (LMX Theory) :

a prescriptive approach to leadership (emphasizes that a leader should develop high quality exchanges with all of her or his followers rather than just a few). It sometimes referred to as Partnership Building.

People like to have choices, and providing a counterpart with alternative packages can be

a very effective technique for closing a negotiation

Research by Adam Galinsky and Thomas Mussweiler suggests that naming the first offer in a negotiation is

advantageous to the negotiator making the offer. It appears that first offers can anchor a negotiations, especially when information about alternative negotiation outcomes is not considered.

Threats represent

based on changes in the business's external environment, and threats can harm the company is they are not addressed.

Parties who believe they can work together are more likely to

be able to do so. Those who do not share this brief in themselves and others are less wiling to invest the time and energy in the potential payoffs of a collaborative relationship, and they are more likely to assume a contending or accommodating approach to negotiation.

The nonleadershp factor represents

behaviors that are nontransacitonal.

Inspiration or inspirational motivation. This factor is descriptive of leaders who

communicate high expectations to followers, inspiring them through motivation to become committed to and a part of the shared vision in the organization.

The four key positive psychological attributes that have an impact on authentic leadership=

confidence, hope, optimism, and resilience

An exploding offer contains an

extremely tight deadline in order to pressure the other party to agree quickly and is an extreme version of manipulating negotiating schedules. The purpose of the exploding offer is to convince the other party to accept the settlement and to stop considering alternatives

Even well intentioned negotiators can make the following three mistakes:

failing to negotiate when they should, negotiating when they should not, or negotiating when they should but choosing an inappropriate strategy

Women increase the chance of a success when a proposal is

frames in terms of benefits to your counterparts, team, or organization

Fisher, Ury, and Patton suggest that the parties appeal to objective standards for making decisions. Thus the parties should search fro

precedents, industry standards, arbitration decisions or other objectively fair outcomes and processes that can be used as benchmarks for legitimizing the fairness of the current settlement.

The benefits for employees who develop high quality leaders member relationships include

preferential treatment, increased job related communication, ample access to supervisors and increased performance related feedback. The disadvantages for those with low quality leader member relationships include limited trust and support from supervisors and few benefits outside the compliment contract

Leadership making is a

prescriptive approach to leadership emphasizing that leaders should develop high quality exchanges with all of their followers rather than jut a few. It attempts to make every follower feel as if he or she is a part of the in group and by so doing avoids the inequities and negative implications of being in an out group;. Leadership making promotes partnership in which leader tries to build effective dyad with all followers in the work unit. Leadership making suggests that leaders can create networks of partnership throughout the organization which will benefit the organization's goals and the leader's own career progress.

Another screening activity is to

present a great many items for negotiation, only a few of which are truly important to the negotiator,. In this way, the other party has to gather information about so many different items that it becomes difficult to detect which items are really important. This tactic Calle date snow job or kitchen sink, Amy be considered a hardball tactic

Negotiation is a

process in which two or more parties exchange goods or services and attempt to agree upon the exchange rate of them.

LMX theory works by focusing our attention on the

special, unique, relationship that leaders can create with others. When these relationships are of high quality, the goals of the leader, the followers, and the organization are all advanced.

SWOT Stands for

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

Optimism refers to

the cognitive process of viewing situations from a positive light and having favorable expectations about the fur. Leaders with optimism are positive about their capacities and the outcomes they can achieve.

While expanding the resource pie may be attractive, it does not always work because

the environment may not be plentiful enough. A related approach is to modify the resource pie

The fourth step of integrative negotiations process,

the evaluation and selection of alternatives, involves claiming value. Claiming value involves many of the distributive bargaining skills

Intimidation is where

they all attempt to force the other party to agree with means od an emotional play, usually anger or fear

To communicate effectively, a negotiator should try

to send a consistent message through both the opening offer and stance

The negotiation scheduling process can often put one party at

a considerable disadvantage and the negation schedule can be used to increase time pressure on negotiators

George found that authentic leaders have a real sense of purpose. They know what they are

about and where they are going. In addition to knowing their purpose, authentic leaders are inspired and intrinsically motivated about their goals. They are passionate individuals who have a deep-seated interest in what they are doing and truly care about their work.

Lowenstein, Thompson, Gentler, and others have found that analogical training appears to be an especially powerful way to learn about

integrative negation. Analogical learning involves the direct comparison of different negotiation examples to identify and understand the underlying principles and structures of the negotiation.

Model the way

leaders need to be clear about their own values and philosophy. They need to find their own voice and express it to hoers. Exemplary leaders set a personal example for others by their own behaviors.

How does LMX theory work? Prescriptively (how it should happen):

leaders should nurture high quality exchanges with all subordinates. Rather than concentrating on differences, leaders focuses on ways to build trust and respect with all subordinates-resulting in entire work group becoming an in group

Burns suggested that transformational leadership involves attempts by

leaders to move people to higher standards of moral responsibility

individualized consideration

means each followers is created as an individual and fairly

For integrative negotiation to succeed, the parties must be

motivated to collaborate rather than to compete. They need to be committed to reaching a goal that benefits both of them rather than to pursuing only their own ends. They should adopt interpersonal styles that are more congenial than combative, more open and trusting than evasive and defensive, more flexible than stubborn

Walumbwa research identified four components:

self awareness, internalized moral perspective, balanced processing and relational transparency. Together, these four components form the foundation for a theory of authentic leadership

Michael Prietula and Laurie Weingart suggest that negotiators need to be

sensitive to two factors when creating offers: value characteristics, which are how much the issues and options of different issues are worth to a negotiatory, and content characteristics, which involve the ay the negotiation is constructed

The charisma factor describes people who are

special and who make others want to follow the vision they put forward

Distributive Negotiation essence =

target point, resistance point, aspiration range

Superodination solutions occur when

the differences in interest that gave rise to the conflict are superseded or replaced by other interests

Maintaining a tentative tone allows negotiators to

suggest changes or revise the final package throughout this stage

Immediate concessiona re preceived

less valuable than gradual, delayed concessions, which appear to increase the perceived value of the concession

The success of integrative negotiation depends on

the search fro solutions that meet the needs and objectives of both sides. In this process, negotiators must be firm but flexible, firm about their primary interests and needs, but flexible about how these needs and interests are meet.

What theories focus on characteristics and behaviors of leaders:

trait approach, skills approach and style approach

Authentic transformational leadership is positively associated with

group ethical climate, decision making, and moral action

The party with the superior alternatives will do

better in a negotiation

Strengths and weaknesses =

internal factors

Plan for the negotiation:

1. asses the situation-is this a situation I can have influence on the outcome. 2. need to prepare (understand my interests and need to understand the interests and preferences of your counterpart) 3. engage with your counterpart 4. you need to package-package issues to trade among the issues

Different ways to Logroll:

1. explore difference in risk preference (people have different tolerances for risk, and it may be possible to create a package that recognizes differences in risk preferences.) 2. Explore differences in expectations (differences in expectations about he likelihood of future events can permit the parties to invent a solution that addresses the Neds of both. Contingent contracts adjust as circumstances unfold). 3. Explore differences in time preferences ( keep decisions tentative and c conditional until all aspects of the final proposal are complete. And minimize formalist and record keeping until final agreements are closed)

12 Guidelines for making concession

1. give yourself enough room to make concessions 2. try to get the other party to start revealing their needs and objectives first 3. Be the first to concede on a minor issue but not the first to concede on a major issue 4. make unimportant concessions and portray them as more valuable than they are 5. make the other party work hard for every concession you make 6. use trade offs to obtain something for every concession you make 7. generally, concede slowly and give a little with each concession 8. Do not reveal your deadline to the other 9. Occasionally, say no to the other negotiator 10. be careful trying to take bak concessions even in tentative negotiations 11. keep a record of concessions made in the negotiation to try to identify a pattern 12. do not concede too often to soon or too much

Strengths of Transformational Leadership

1. has been widely researched from many different perspectives, including a series of qualitative studies of prominent leaders and CEOs in large, well known known organizations. 2. has intuitive appeal. 3. treats leadership as a process that occurs between followers and leaders 4. provides a broader view of leadership that augments other leadership models. 5. places a strong emphasis on followers' needs, values and morals. 6. substantial evidence that transformational leadership is an effective form of leadership

Criticisms of Leader Member Exchange Theory:..

1. in its initial formulation runs counter to the basic human value of fairness Because LMX theory divides the work unit into two groups and one group receives special attention, it gives the appearance of discrimination against the out group. It was not designed to do so, it supports the development of privileged groups in the workplace. In so doing, it appears unfair and discriminatory. 2. is that the basic ideas of the theory are not fault developed. 3. researchers have not adequately explained the contextual factors that may have an impact on LMX relationships 4. questions have been raised bout the measurement of leader member exchange in the LMX theory

Observations on Interests:

1. there is almost always more than one type of interest underlying a negotiation 2. Parties can have different types of interests at stake 3. Interests often stem from deeply rooted human needs or values 4. Interests can change. 5. surfacing interests. (listening to your own inner voices-fears, aspirations, hopes, desires-is important in order to bring your own interests to the surface) 6. surfacing interests in not always easy or to one's best advantage.

Authentic Leadership has multiple definitions, each written from a different viewpoint and with a different emphasis:

1. interpersonal perspective, which focuses closely on the leader and what goes on within the leader. It incorporates that leader's self knowledge, self regulation and self concept. In Shamir and Eilam's description of the interpersonal approach, they suggest that authentic leaders exhibit genuine leadership, lead for conviction and are original, not copies. 2. Interpersonal process, outlines authentic leadership as relational, created by leaders and followers together. It results not form the leader's efforts alone, but also from the response of followers. 3. Developmental perspective, which is exemplified in the work of Avolio and his associates. This perspective, which underpins the approaches to authentic leadership approaches views authentic leadership as something that can be nurtured in a leader rather than as a fixed trait.

Strengths of Authentic Leadership

1. it fulfills an expressed need for trustworthy leadership in society. 2. provides broad guidelines for individuals who want to become authentic leaders 3. similar to transformational and servant leadership, it has an explicit moral dimension. 4. emphasizes that authentic values and behaviors can be developed in leaders over time. 5. can be measured using the Authentic leadership questionnaire, which is a validated theory based instrument comprising 16 items that measure four factors of authentic leadership

Strengths of the Leader Member Exchange Theory:...

1. it is a strong descriptive theory. 2. is unique because it is the only leadership approach that makes the concept of the dyadic relationship the centerpiece of the leadership process. 3. Is noteworthy because it directs our attention to the importance of communication in leadership. 4. provides man important alert for leaders. IT eats leaders to avoid letting their conscious or unconscious biases influence who is invited into the in group. 5. a large body of research substantiates how the practice of LMX theory is related to positive organizational outcomes.

Criticisms of Transformational Leadership

1. lacks conceptual clarity 2. revolves around how it is measured. 3. treats leadership as a personality trait or personal predisposition rather than a behavior that people can learn 4. researchers have not established that transformational leaders are actually able to transform individuals and organizations 5. elitist and antidemocratic. 6. that it has the potential to be abused. (The potential of abuse of transformational leadership is mitigated when followers are aware and engaged in how they are being led)

Motivation and commitment to problem solving can be enhanced in three ways:

1. negotiators can recognize that they share a common fate and discuss that there is more to be gained by working together than by working separately. 2. Negotiators can engage in commitments to each other before the negotiations begin:such commitments have been clawed resettlement settlements and are distinguished by three major characteristics (the settlements result in a firm legal binding written agreement between the parties. the settlement occurs in advance of the parties undertaking full scale negotiations. The settlement resolves only a subset of the issues on which the parties disagree and may simply establish a framework within which the more comprehensive agreement can be defined and delineated.) 3. negotiators could create an umbrella agreement that provides a framework for future discussions.

Deepak Malhorta and Max Baxerman suggest three tactics to elicit information from the other negotiator when he or she mistrusts you:

1. share information and encourage reciprocity. One approach is to suggest to the other negotiator that you are willing to describe your needs and interest if he agrees to share his as well. 2. negotiate multiple issues simultaneously. Negotiating several offers simultaneously allows negotiators to identify relative priorities of the other negotiator as well as obtain some information about his interests. 3. make multiple offers at the same time. Obtaining information when the other party is distrusting is to make two or three offers at the same time. These offers should be the same value to you. the way that the other negotiator responds to these offers should provide you with information about his relative interests.

It is important that processes to create value precede those to claim value for two reasons:

1. the creating value process is more effective when it is done collaboratively and without a focus on who gets what. 2. because claiming value involves distributive bargaining processes, it may derail the focus on creating value and may even harm the relationship unless it is introduced effectively.

How factors can affect the process of distributive barging, we will make four major propositions:

1. the higher the other party's estimate of your cost of delay or impasse, the stronger the other party's resistance point will be 2. The higher the other party's estimate of his or her own cost of delay or impasse, the weaker the other party's resistance point will be 3. The less the other party values an issue, the lower their resistance point will be 4. the more the other party believes that you value an issue, the lower their resistance point may be

Graen and Uhl-Bien suggested that leadership making develops progressively over time in three phases:

1. the stranger phase 2. the acquaintance phase 3. the mature partnership phase. During phase 1, the stranger phase, the interactions in the leader-follower dyad generally are rule bound, relying heavily on contractual relationship.s Leaders and followers relate to each other within prescribed organizational roles. They have lower quality exchanges similar to those of out group members. The motives of the follower during the stranger phase are directed toward self interest rather than toward the good of the group. Phase 2, the acquaintance phase begins with an offer by the leader or the follower for improved careeer oriented social exchanges, which involve sharing more resources and personal or work related information. It is testing period for both the leader and the follower to assess whether the follower is interested in taking on more roles and responsibilities and to assess whether the leader is willing to provide new challenges for followers. Phase 3, mature partnership is marked by high quality leader member exchanges. People who have progressed to this stage their relationship experience a high degree of mutual trust, respect and obligation toward each other. they have tested their relationship and found that they can depend on each other. In mature partnerships there is a high degree of reciprocity between leaders and followers: each affects and is affected by the other.

Bennis and Nanus asked 90 leaders basic questions such as what are you strengths and weaknesses? What past events most uninfluenced tour leadership approach? From the answers leaders provided these questions, Bennis and Nannus identified four common strategies used by leaders in transforming organizations:

1. transforming leaders had a clear vision of the future state of their organizations. It was an image of an attractive, realistic and believable future. 2. were social architects for their organizations. This means they created a shape or form for the shared meanings people painted within their organization. 3. created trust in their organizations by making their own positions clearly known and then standing by them. 4. used creative deployment fo self through positive self regard.

Stefanos Mousas suggests that umbrella agreements manage three negotiation challenges:

1. umbrella agreements allow flexibility when the negotiating relationships between the parties is evolving. 2. umbrella agreements provide flexibility for claiming value when the actual future gains are not known at the time of the negotiation. 3. umbrella agreements can be used when all the issues and contingencies have yet to be identified but the parties know they wish to work together.

Tactics to Communicate Firm Flexibility

1. use competitive tarts to establish and defend basic interests rather than to demand a particular position or solution to the dispute. 2. send signals of flexibility and concern about your willingness to address the other party's interests. 3. indicate a willingness to change your proposals if a way can be found to bridge both negotiators' interests. 4. demonstrate problem solving capacity. 5. maintain open communication channels. 6. reaffirm what ism out important to you through the use of clear statements. 7. reexamine any aspect of your interests that are clearly unacceptable to the other party and determine if they are still essential to you. 8. separate and isolate contentions tactics from problem solving behavior to mange the contentions behavior.

There are several good reasons for adopting a flexible position:

1= when taking different stances throughout a negotiation, one can learn about the other party's targets and perceived possibilities by observing how he or she responds to different proposals. Negotiators may want to establish a cooperative rather than a combative relationship, hoping to get a better agreement. in addition , flexibility keeps the negotiations proceeding: the more flexible one seems, the more the other party will believe that a settlement is possible

Working with leaders on vision statements is one way to help them enhance their transformational leadership behavior..

Another important aspect of triaging is teaching leaders to exhibit greater individual consideration and promote intellectual stimulation for their followers

Contingent reward is the first of two transactional leadership factors.

It is an exchange process between leaders and followers in which effort by followers is exchanged for specified rewards. With this kind of leadership, the leader tries to obtain agreement from followers on what must be done and what the payoffs will be for the people doing it

Encourage the heart

Leaders encourage the heart by rewarding others for their accomplishments. It is natural for people to want support and recognition. effective leaders are attentive to this need and are willing to give praise to workers for jobs well done.

Expertise increases both the negotiator's knowledge base and his or her self convince, both of which are necessary to approach the problem at hand with an open mind.

Similarly, direct experience increases the negotiator's sophistication in understand th renegotiating process and approaching it more creatively. Finally, there is also evidence that knowledge of integrative tactics leads to an increase in integrative behavior. Taken together, these results suggest that a faith in one's ability to negotiate integratively is positively related to successful integrative negotiations.

Another way to generate alternative is to allow one person to obtain his objectives and compensate the other person for accommodating his interests.

The compensation may be unrelated to the substantive negotiation, but the party who receives it nevertheless views it as adequate for agreeing to the other party's preferences. For nonspecific compensation to work, the person doing the compensating needs to know what is valuable to the other person and how seriously she is inconvenienced

An innovative method for gathering ideas is to engage a professional facilitator and use electronic brainstorming.

The facilitator uses a series of questions to guide input from participants who enter responses anonymously into a networked device that aggregates and displays these entries to the group as a whole. Electronic btasstorming Amy be especially useful for integrative negotiations that involve ,multiple parties or during preparations for integrative negotiations when there are disparate views within one's team

Splitting the difference I perhaps the most popular closing tactic.

The negotiator using this tactic will typically give a brief summary of the negotiation and then suggest act because things are so close, why don't we just split the difference

The search for alternatives is the creative phase od integrative negotiations.

The objective is to create a variety of options or possible solutions to the problem; evaluating and selecting from among those options will be their task in the final phase.

The fourth stage in the integrative negotiation process is to evaluate the alternative generated during the previous phase and to select the best ones to implant.

The selection of latneraitves is the claiming value stage of integrative negotiations. Negotiators need to take care at this stage to ensure that the shift from working together to define issues and possible solutions to choosing alternatives does not harm the relationship. Integrative negotiations is most appropriate when negotiation have high goals and a positive relationship.

the first three steps are important for creating value.

To work together to create value, negotiators need to understand the problem, identify the interests and needs of both parties and generate alternative solutions.

Negotiators also generally resent a task it or leave it approach:

an offer that may have been accepted had it emerged as a result of concession making may be rejected when it is thrown not he table and presented as a fait accompli

A final factor related to authentic leadership is critical life events

are major events that shape people's lives. They can be positive events, like receiving an unexpected promotion, having a child, or reading an important book; or they can be negative events, like being diagnosed with cancer, getting a negative year end evaluation, or having a loved one die. Critical life events act as catalysts for change. Also stimulate growth in individuals and help them become strong leaders

The simplest way to screen a position is to say and do

as little as possible. Silence is golden when answering questions, words should be invested in asking the other negotiator questions. Concealment is the most general screening activity. Another approach, avlaiavleb when group negotiations are conducted through a presentative is calculated income,etence. With this approach, constituents do not give the negotiating agent al the necessary information, making it impossible for him or her to leak information.

Hope is a

positive motivational state based on willpower and goal planning. Authentic leaders with hope have goals they know can be accomplished; their hope inspires followers to trust them and believe in their goals

Opportunties represent

possible changes in the business's external environment that can benefit the company is taken advantage of

Interests in principle

certain principles-concerning what is fair, what is right, what is acceptable, what is ethical, or what has been done in the past and should be done in the fur, may be deeply held by the parties and serve as the dominant guides to their action. These principles often involve intangible factors. Interests in principles can also be intrinsic or instrumental because they can be applied to a variety of future situations and scenarios.

SWOT opportunities include =

changes in consumer preferences, new developments in technology, relaxing government regulations, the removal of trade varies, and changing demographics

SWOT Threats include=

changing consumer preferences, new developments in technology, impending government regulations, expiring patents and even the emergence of new competitors

Charismatic Leadership =

charisma is a special personality characteristic that gives a person superhuman or exceptional powers and is reserved for a few, is a divine organ, and results in the person being treated as a leader. It emotionally impacts people. Can act in unconventional ways. Comes from pursuing actives you have a true passion for.Their source of power comes from personal characteristics instead of formal position of leadership even though they may hold that too.

Negotiators trying to counter a snow job tactic can

choose one of several alternative responses. First, they should not be afraid to ask questions until they receive an answer they understand. Second, if the matter under discussion is in fact highly technical, then negotiators may suggest the technical experts get together to discuss the technical issues. Finally, negotiators should listen carefully to the other part and identify consistent and inconsistent information

Compromises are not considered to be a good integrative strategy except for

circumstances where parties are very entrenched and it is unlikely that a more comprehensive agreement is possible

Another precondition for high quality integrative negotiation is

clear and accurate communication. First, negotiators must be willing to share information about themselves. Second, negotiators must understand communication.

The strategy of logrolling is also as a mechanism to

combine options into negotiated packages. Neale and Bazerman identify a variety of approaches in addition to simply coming several issues into a package. Three of these relate to the matters of outcome, probabilities and timing --in other words, what is to happen, the likelihood of it happening and when it happens.

Distributive bargaining is basically a

competition over who is going to get the most of a limited resource, which is often money.

Leader-member exchange theory is a

conceptualize leadership as a process that is centered on the interactions between the leaders and followers. LMX theory makes the dyadic relationship between leaders and followers the focal point of the leadership process.

Leader member exchange theory:

conceptualizes leadership as a process that is centered not he interactions between a leader and followers. It is a dyadic relationship (for uses on the exchange and interactions in which each person gives and receives from one another). It is also known as individualized leadership

If the other negotiator is intimidating, then

discussing the negotiation process with him or her is a good option. Another food option is to ignore the other party's attempts to intimidate you because intimidation can only influence you if you let it. Another effect strategy is to use a team to negotiate with the other party. Teams have at least two advantages over individual in acting against intimidation. First, people are not always intimidated by the same things. Second is that the team members can discuss the tactics of the other negotiators and provide mutual support if the intimidation starts to become increasingly uncomfortable

While voting closes the discussion it can also create

disenfranchisement of the losing party and make it more likely that losers will be less committed than winners to the implementation of the negotiated outcomes

Preparation and Planning =

do you homework. Ask questions (who is involved? what are their perceptions? what fo you want from the negotiation?)-use the info gathered to develop a strategy. Determine your and the other sides' Best Alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA). -BATNA determines the lowest value acceptable to you for a negotiated agreement. Any offers you receive that is higher than your BATNA is better than an impasse.

Atwater and Carmeli found that perceived high quality leader member exchange was positively related to

feelings of energy in employees, which in turn was related to greater involvement in creative work. LMX theory was not directly associated with creativity, but it served as a mic hanse to nurture people's feelings, which then enhanced their creativity.

Vertical Dyad Linkage

focus on the vertical linkages a leader has formed with each of his or her subordinates, these interactions may be high or low quality

Pseudo-Transformational Leadership

focuses on leaders own interest and not that of the followers. It is transforming but in a negative way. They are self consumed, like power and often have warped moral values (they use inspirational appeals to manipulate followers)

Inspire a shared vision

effective leaders create compelling vision that can guide people's behavior. They are able to visualize positive outcomes in the future and communicate them to others. Leaders also listen to the dreams of others and show them how their dreams can be realized.

Rowold and Heinitz found that transformational leadership augmented the impact of transactional leadership on

employees' performance and company profit. In addition, they found that transformational leadership and charismatic leadership were overlapping but unique constructs and that both were different from transactional leadership

Nahrgang, Morgeson, and Ilies found that leaders look for followers who exhibit

enthusiasm, participation, gregariousness, and extraversion. In contest, followers look for leaders who are pleasant, trusting, cooperative, and agreeable. A key predictor of relationship quality for both leaders and followers was behaviors such as performance.

When parties are engaged in conflict, they tend to become

evaluative and judgmental. They view their own actions, strategies and preferences in a positive light and the other party's actions, strategies and preferences in a negative light. such evaluative judgements can interfere with clear and dispassionate thinking,.

Transformational leadership produces greater effects than transactional leadership. Whereas transactional leadership results in

expected outcomes, transformational leadership results in performance that goes well beyond what is expected. Lowe, Kroeck, and Sivasubramaniam found that people who exhibited transformational leadership were perceived to be more effective leaders with better work outcomes than those who exhibited only transactional leadership.

Threats of SWOT=

external factors like public perception. Identify threats that you can actually counteract based on your strengths and weaknesses

Laissez fair factor 7, describes leadership that

falls at the far right side of the transactional -transformational leadership continuum. This factor represents the absence of leadership. As the French phrase implies, the laissez-faire leader takes a hands off, let things ride approach. This leader abdicates responsibility, delays decisions, gives no feedback, and makes little effort to help followers satisfy their needs.

Phase 3 members may depend on each other for

favors and special assistance. for example, leaders may rely on followers to do extra assignments, and followers may rely on leaders for needed support or encouragement. The point is that leaders and followers are tied together in productive ways that go well beyond a traditional hierarchically defined work relationship.

Closure and Implementation =

formalize the agreement that has been worked out. Develop any procedures that are necessary for implementation and monitoring. Major negotiations: requires specifics in a formal contract

In brainstorming, small groups of people work to

generate as many possible solutions to the problem as they can. The success of brainstorming depends not he amount of intellectual stimulation that occurs as different ideas are generated.

Studies indicate that negotiators who make exaggerated opening offers

get higher settlements than do those who make low or modest opening offers. There are at least two reasons that an exaggerated opening offer is advantageous. First, it gives the negotiator room for movement and therefore allows him or her time to learn about the other party's priorities. Second, an exaggerated opening offer acts as a meta message and may crate in the other party's mind the impression that there is a long way to go before a reasonable settlement will be achieved or more concessions than originally intended may have to be made to bridge the difference between the two opening positions and the other may have incorrectly estimated his or her own resistance point.

Transformational leaders are recognized as change gets who are good role models, who can create and articulate a clear vision for an organization, who empower followers to meet higher standards, who act in ways that make others want to trust them, and who

give meaning to organizational life

Typical hardball tactics:

good cop/bad cop, lowball/highball, bogey, nibble, chicken, intimidation, aggressive behavior, snow job

Central Idea of Leader Member Exchange Theory (LMX): High Quality leader member exchanges result in:

less employee turnover, more positive performance evaluations, higher frequency of promotions, greater organizational commitment, more desirable work assignments, better job attitudes, more attention and support form the leader, greater participation, and faster career progress (can say these are leadership making because these exchanges occur are positive)

Researchers found that high quality leader member exchanges produced

less employee turnover, more positive performance evaluations, higher frequency of promotions, greater organizational commitment, more desirable work assignments, better job attitudes, more attention, and support from the leader, greater participation and faster career progress over 25 years.

The simplest form of LMX

looks at the vertical dyads and the linkage between vertical dyads

A particularly effective package is to concede more on

lower priority items to gain more on higher priority items. Which is known as logrolling

Negotiators with stronger BATNA are more likely to

make the first offer in a negotiation and appear to negotiate better outcomes

One way negotiators may convey the message that an offer is the last one is to

make the last concession more substantial. This implies that the negotiator is throwing in the remainder of the negotiating range. The final offer has to be large enough to be dramatic yet not so large that it creates the suspicion that the negotiator has been holding back and that there isomer available on other issues in the bargaining mix

People who don't have high quality exchanges with the leader are called the


Enable others to act

outstanding leaders are effective at working with people. They build trust with others and promote collaboration. Teamwork and cooperation are highly valued by these leaders. They listen closely to diverse points of views and treat others with dignity and respect. They also allow others to make choices, and they support the decisions that others make.

snow job

overwheliming the other party with so much information they cannot make sense of it

How does authentic leadership theory work?

people have the capacity to become authentic leaders, it is a lifelong learning process. Human resource departments may be able to foster authentic leadership behaviors in employees who move into leadership positions. Leaders are always trying to do the right thing, to be honest with themselves and others, and to work for the common good. Leaders are shaped by critical life events that lead to growth and greater authenticity.

One theme common to all of the formulations of authentic leadership is that

people have the capacity to learn to be authentic leaders. Another theme that can be applied to organizations is the overriding goal of authentic leaders to try to do the right thing, to be honest with themselves and others, and to work for the common good. Last, authentic leadership is shaped and reformed by critical life events that act as triggers to growth and greater authenticity.

Graen and Uhl-Bien pointed out that leader member exchange is related to

performance, organizational commitment, job climate, innovation, organizational citizenship behavior, empowerment, procedural and distributive justice, career progress, and many other important organizational variables.

Opportunities of SWOT =

pinpoint opening in the marketplace, caused by external factors like market fluctuations. Figure out which opportunities are right at this time

Inquiries about the other party's preferences may be an effort to prove behind a

position and identify underlying interests and needs.

An exaggerated opening offer, a determined opening stance and a very small initial concession signal a

position of firmness, a moderate opening offer, a reasonable , cooperative opening stance, and a reasonable initial concession commutate a basic stance of flexibility

Good preparation for the negotiation is a critical defense against lowball/high ball.

proper planning will help you know the general range for the value of the time under discussion and allow you to respond verbally with one of the several different strategies:1. insisting that the other party start with a reasonable opening offer and refusing to negotiate further until he or she does. 2. stating your understand of the general market value of the item being discussed, supporting it with facts and figures and by doing so demonstrating to there other party that you won't be tricked. 3. threatening to else the negotiation, either briefly or for good to demonstrate dissatisfaction with the other party for suing this tactic,. 4. responding with an extreme counteroffers to send a clear message you won't be anchored by an extreme offer form the other party

Self discipline is another dimension of authentic leadership and is the quality that helps leaders to

reach their goals. Self discipline gives leaders focus and determination. Self discipline gives authentic leaders the energy to carry out their work in accordance with their values.

Substantive interests are

related to focal issues that are under negotiation-economic and financial issues such as price or rate or the substance of a negotiation such as the division of resources. These interests may be intrinsic or instrumental or both, we may want something because it is intrinsically satisfying to us and or we may want something because it helps us achieve a long range goal

agressive behavior

relentless requests for more concessions and better deals with an aggressive tone

Intellectual stimulation includes leadership that

stimulates followers to be creative and innovative and to challenge their own beliefs and values as well as those of the leader and the organization. This type of leadership supports followers as they try new approaches and develop innovative ways of dealing with organizational issues.

Leadership making develops over time and includes a

stranger phase, an acquaintance phase and a mature partnership phase

The fundamental process of distributive bargaining is to reach a

settlement within a positive bargaining range. The objective of both parties is to obtain as much of the bargaining range as possible-that is, to reach an agreement as close to the other party's resistance point as possible

What theories focus on characteristics of followers and the context (things outside the leader)

situational leadership, contingency theory, and path goal theory

As a result of leadership failures in the public and private sectors, authentic leadership is emerging in response to

societal demands for genuine, trustworthy, and good leadership. Authentic leadership describes leadership that is transparent, morally grounded, and responsive to people's needs and values.

The major focus of an integrative agreement is to

solve the core problems. Anything that distracts from this focus should be removed or streamlined to ensure that this objective is achieved.

The word Charisma was first used to describe a special fit that certain individuals posses that gives them the capacity to do extraordinary things. Weber provided the most well known definition of charisma as a

special personality characteristic that gives a person superhuman or exceptional powers and is reserved for a few is of divine origin, and results in the person being treated as a leader.

Parties engaged in integrative negotiations should avoid

stating solutions that favor one side or the other until they have fully defined the problem and examined as many alternative solutions as possible

A third characteristics of authentic leadership in the George approach is

strong relationships. Authentic leaders have the capacity to open themselves up and establish a connection with other.

Resistance points are the most critical.

the spread between the parties resistance points defense the bargaining range. If positive, it defines the area of negotiation within which a settlement is likely to occur. If negative, successful negotiator may be impossible.

Transformational leadership can be assessed through

the use of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, which measures a leader's behavior in seven areas: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, contingent reward, management by exception, and laissez-faire

Authentic leaders understand

their own values and behave toward others based on these values. Stated another way, George suggests that authentic leaders know their true north. They have a clear idea of who they are, where they are going and what the right thing is to do.

several techniques have been suggested to help negotiators generate alternative solutions.

these techniques fall into two general categories. The first requires the negotiators to redefine, recast, or reframe the problem to create win win alternatives out of what earlier appeared to be a win lose problem. The second takes the problem as given and creates a long list of options from which the parties can choose.

The purpose of integrative negotiation is not

to question or challenge the other's viewpoint, but to incorporate it into the definition of the problem and to offend to it as the parties search for mutually acceptable alternatives

The theoretical approach describes

what authentic leadership is and what account for it.

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