Wellness Chapter 12 Alcohol

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Involuntary responses to stimulations, hyperthermia, general anesthesia of the body

Sexual Assault: About _____ students between the ages of 18 and 24 report experiencing alcohol-related sexual assault or date rape.


Why do people under the age of 21 drink...?

To escape pressures and problems To feel better or get over being sad or lonely To deal with stress and relax To feel more self confident in social situations For excitement Because their friends are doing it To deal with boredom To get away with something they are not supposed to do To fit in

The liver is the first organ to be damaged by alcohol, the most serious condition being...

cirrhosis when the liver tissue is replaced by scar tissue


codependents learn to ignore their own needs and focus their energy and emotions on the needs of the alcoholic

Irritation -

digestive lining is damaged; can lead to stomach ulcers and cancer of the stomach and esophagus

Moderate drinker

does not drink excessively. The person doesn't behave inappropriately because of alcohol. The person's health is not harmed by alcohol over the long term. This applies only to adults as children and teen's brains are not yet mature and cannot handle alcohol

Stage 3 - Final stage

drinking is the most important thing in a person's life. The person is addicted to the drug and his or her life is out of control, although frequently he/she does not realize or acknowledge this fact. Because the liver is damaged, less alcohol is required to produce intoxication which is known as reverse tolerance. Severe withdrawal symptoms if alcoholic tries to stop Isolation from friends and family Loneliness Lives to drink Never seems to eat

Binge drinking -

drinks four or more drinks in a short period 4(F)-5(M) drinks in 2 hours.

Social drinker

drinks only on social occasions. Depending on how alcohol affects the person's life the person may be a moderate or a problem drinker.

When a person is drunk, coffee, a cold shower, or fresh air will sober him/her up t or f


fatty liver -

fats builds up and cannot be broken down - excess fat blocks the flow of blood to liver cells, leading to cell death (More than 90 percent of people who drink heavily develop fatty liver, a type of liver disease. Yet only 20 percent will go on to develop the more severe alcoholic liver disease and liver cirrhosis)

Many people, particularly those with alcoholic problems, can drink without...

showing the obvious signs of drunkenness

females cannot drink as much as males at one sitting because of...

smaller body size, smaller volume of blood, and higher percentage of body fat that limits the amount of alcohol a woman's body can handle. Also, a man's stomach makes more of an alcohol-destroying compound(Dehydrogenase)that does a woman's stomach, so less of what he drinks actually enters into his blood.

These practices do not...

speed up the liver's ability to break down the alcohol, so they don't help to sober a person up. They just make you a "wide awake" drunk!

Alcohol is a

central nervous system depressant.

A person is at great risk of alcohol poisoning if he/she:

*drinks excessively ( 4 or more drinks in one sitting) *drinks after using medication or other drugs *Does not respond to being talked to or shouted at *Does not respond when being pinched or prodded *vomits while sleeping or passed out *cannot stand up or remain standing unless aided by others *won't wake up despite repeated attempts *has slow breathing (fewer than 6 breaths per minutes *has an irregular heart rhythm, with the heart beating unusually slowly or quickly*has bluish or purplish skin, or skin that appears flushed has clammy skin or skin that feels cool to the touch

Standard serving of beer (_____.), malt liquor (_____), wine(______), or spirits (80 proof, _____shot glass) contains the same amount of alcohol

-12oz -8-9 oz -5-6oz -1.5oz

Health Problems/Suicide Attempts: More than _____ students develop an alcohol-related health problem and between... percent of students indicate that they tried to commit suicide within the past year due to drinking or drug use.

-150,000 -1.2 and 1.5

____ of victims who encounter domestic violence report that alcohol was a factor


Every day, almost ___ people in the United States die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver. This amounts to one death every ____minutes.

-30 -51

Academic Problems: About 1 in ___ college students report academic consequences from drinking, including missing class, falling behind in class, doing poorly on exams or papers, and receiving lower grades overall.


Each year between ____ and ____ babies in the United States are born with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder(FASD), a combination of physical and mental birth defects -leading known cause for mental retardation

-5,300 -8,000

It is absorbed very quickly (as short as ____ minutes) and can stay in the body for ____ hours.

-5-10 -several

If the person's breathing becomes less than ___ breaths per minute monitor/prepare to...

-6 -perform CPR until medical assistance arrives -Explain what you know about what the person has ingested.

Approximately ____ children in the U.S. under the age of 16 take their first drink every day, which is a major problem because those who begin drinking before age 15 are ____ times more likely to develop alcoholism than those who begin at age 21

-7,000 -four

An estimated _____ people (approximately ____ men and ____ women) die from alcohol-related causes annually, making alcohol the ____ leading preventable cause of death in the United States.

-88,000 -68,000 -27,000 -third

____ level of alcohol use during pregnancy has been proven safe data from prenatal clinics and postnatal studies suggest that ____ to __ percent of women do drink at some time during pregnancy

-No -20 -30

_____ is the only thing that can help you. ___ Drink per hour is a rule of thumb

-Time -1

More than that, the liver makes fat from the ____. The fat is stored in the...

-alcohol - blood vessels, the heart , the liver and other areas of the body

You pass out due to the... Alcohol is a... Once your brain has been depressed enough by the alcohol, you

-body's inability to tolerate the amount of alcohol that you have put into it. -central nervous system depressant that works to slow down the heart rate, lower your blood pressure, and slow your breathing rate. -pass out. The amount of alcohol it takes to make you pass out is dangerously close to the amount of alcohol it takes to make you dead

Darker spirits, such as bourbon, which tend to have ____ levels of congeners than clear spirits, could _____ hangover symptoms for some people

-higher -worsen

Many babies with FASD also have a brain that is ... Many have poor...

-small and abnormally formed, and most have some degree of mental disability. -coordination and a short attention span and exhibit behavioral problems.

Alcohol is the ____ leading cause for non-genetic handicapping of infants in America - small head, deformities of the face, hands, feet, internal organs, hearing, vision


Alcohol is viewed as a ____ to the liver. The liver can only handle approx. __ drink p/h.

-toxin -toxin

One of the functions of the liver is to remove ______


Death: The most recent NIAAA statistics estimate that this includes _____ college students ages 18 to 24 who die from alcohol-related unintentional injuries, including motor vehicle crashes.


The effects of alcohol are influenced by:

1. Gender(dehydrogenase - the enzyme that metabolizes alcohol before it passes into the bloodstream. So, a woman's body processes alcohol comparatively slower than a men's body) 2. Age 3. Weight 4. Mood 5. Physical health1. Strength of drink Amount of food eaten (before drinking) Fatigue (before) Speed of consumption Other medicines taken


1. don't leave the person alone! 2. call 911 3. place the person on his/her side to reduce the risk of choking on vomit

Approx. _____ of all alcoholics who try to recover are successful


Teen alcohol use kills _____ people each year — that's more than all illegal drugs combined.


____% of violent crimes are alcohol related


Assault: About _____ students between the ages of 18 and 24 are assaulted by another student who has been drinking.


Stage one - Early stage

Abuse of alcohol. Use for social reasons to relax, use for stress management, leads to psychological dependence. Drinks and gets intoxicated regularly, blackouts, memory loss - known as the "problem drinker" Makes promises to quit and can't keep them Drinks often to relieve tension Increased tolerance (needs more and more to feel the effects) Personality change More forgetful More irritable

Best Case To the Brain -

Addiction - inability to stop drinking Loss of verbal skills, memory Major brain damage

Acetaldehyde exposure:

Alcohol metabolism, primarily by the liver, creates the compound acetaldehyde, a toxic, short-lived byproduct, which contributes to inflammation in the liver, pancreas, brain, gastrointestinal tract, and other organs

Best Case

Cardiovascular Changes

Pancreas Problems

Chemicals begin to destroy the pancreas, causing pain, vomiting, and can lead to death


Impaired breathing/heart functions, DEATH


Impaired judgment, lack of fine motor coordination, slowed reaction time, happy, talkative, boastful (too outgoing)


Is a disease in which a person has a physical and/or a psychological dependence on alcohol. Will show itself in different behaviors - violent, aggressive, withdrawn, quiet Is a craving - he/she cannot manage stress without the use Is a loss of control - he/she cannot limit his drinking and is preoccupied with alcohol Is a Physical dependence - without alcohol, will experience withdrawal symptoms


Lack of general motor coordination/reflexes, staggering gait, slurred speech, nausea, vomiting

Stage 3

Nervous Takes vitamins and tranquilizers, but neither helps Very tense Very irritable Liquor more important than family or job Tremors (shakes) Hallucinations Weakness due to malnutrition


Loss of most sensations, uncontrolled movement, self-protective reflexes, comatose

What does proof mean?

Take the proof Divide by 2 add a % or if it has a percentage on it multiply by 2 that gives you the proof This gives you the proof or percentage of alcohol in the bottle

What is considered a binge?

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) defines binge drinking as a pattern of drinking that brings BAC levels to 0.08 g/dL or higher. This typically occurs after a woman consumes 4 or more drinks or a man consumes 5 or more drinks—in about 2 hours.

Alcohol affects every part of the body. It is carried through the bloodstream to:

The brain Heart Stomach Large/Small Intestines Internal organs Spleen Liver Esophagus Kidneys Eyes Muscles Skin

Alcohol poisoning is...

a severe elevation of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that often results from consuming large amounts of alcohol

When people pass out, their bodies continue to

absorb alcohol. The amount of alcohol in the blood can reach dangerous levels, and they can die in their sleep.

People can get into serious health, legal, and social situations anytime they use



are compounds, other than alcohol, that are produced during fermentation. These substances contribute to the taste and smell of alcoholic beverages.

Major factor in the four leading causes of accidental death -

car accidents, falls, drowning, house fires

Nearly ____ of all homicide victims have alcohol in their bloodstream



has the full blown disease of alcoholism. This person's problems , caused by alcohol abuse, are out of control.

Plays a major role in violent crimes -

homicide, forcible rape, robbery

Alcoholic hepatitis -

inflammation of the liver cause by the toxic effects of alcohol

Cirrhosis -

liver tissue is replaced with useless scar tissue. This disease can lead to liver failure and death.

Problem drinker

or alcohol abuser suffers social, emotional, family, job related, or other problems because of alcohol This person is on the way to alcoholism

It is dangerous to combine alcohol with...

other drugs, especially those that are depressant

Stage two - Middle stage

physically dependent on alcohol, becomes central focus, performance of job, school work, etc, suffers. Makes excuses and blames others Tries to deny or hide drinking Drinks when alone Drinks in the morning Signs of drinking more noticeable Drinks at work or at school Harder to feel "high" no matter how much consumed Drinking is now a daily necessity

The process of learning to live an alcohol free life is called _____



symptoms that can occur the next day after being intoxicated: Sensitivity to noise Headache Nauseous Body aches Bad breath

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