Western Civilization Chapter 16

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The influential intellectual and cultural movement of the late 17th 18th century that introduced a new worldview based on the use of reason, the scientific method, and progress.


Nothing accepted on faith, and everything was to be submitted to reason

Law of Universal Gravitation

Objects are attracted to one another and that the force of attraction is proportional to the object's quanity of matter

Natural Philosophy

study of the nature of the universe, its purpose, and how it functioned


Acquiring evidence through observation


All elements of society should serve the monarch, and that, in turn, the state should use its resources and authority to increase the public good.


Belief in distant


Idea that all human ideas and thoughts are produced as a result of sensory impressions


Motion is the natural state of an object and that an object continues in motion unless stopped by an external force.


Philosophes and their followers met to discuss literature, science, and philosophy


Popular style in 18th century, known for its soft pastels, ornate interiors, sentimental portraits, and the staryy-eyed lovers protected by hovering cupids.

Copernican hypothesis

Sun was at the center of the universe


The Jewish Enlightenment of the second half of the 18th century , led by the Prussian philosopher Moses Mendelssohn.

Cartesian dualism

All of reality could ultimately be reduced to mind and matter

Enlightened Absolutism

Describe the rule of 18th century monarchs who, without renouncing their own absolute authority, adopted Enlightenment ideals of rationalism, progress, and tolerance


Group of French intellectuals who proclaimed that they were bringing the light of knowledge to their fellow humans in the Age of Enlightenment.

Public Sphere

Space that emerged in Europe during the Enlightenment, where the public came together to discuss important issues relating to society, economics, and politics.

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