WGU - C464 Unit3 review

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2. Padma, an oceanographer, is delivering a speech to convince politicians and their constituents to strengthen regulation of the seafood industry. By incorporating good storytelling into her speech, Padma's audience will be more likely to relate to her message. The audience will also e more likely to remember Padma's message.

Good storytelling makes it easier for the audience to connect with a speaker's message. When an audience relates to a speaker's message, they are more likely to remember the speech and continue thinking about the message.

13. Which of the following questions should be answered in the introduction to any type of presentation?

- "Why this topic for this audience?" A strong introduction gives the audience a reason to listen to a presentation by explaining why the topic is relevant to them.

12. Which of the following is NOT suited to a persuasive speech?

- A presentation of the findings of a scientific study - YES: A motivational speech to inspire entrepreneurs; A sales presentation of a specific product; A political speech announcing candidacy

17. Angela had to speak as a part of her run for public office. In this particular speech, she chose to focus on socialized medicine and how it negatively affects the economy. She delivered the speech in an open forum and endured a great amount of insulting remarks, interruptions, and even threats. Which type of audience did Angela MOST likely speak to in this situation?

- An audience that disagreed with her position Listeners who insult, interrupt, and threaten reflect an audience that doesn't agree with what's being said.

9. Nancy is delivering a speech on the importance of voting in local elections to a group of college students. She anticipates that her audience will be neutral and ambivalent about the topic. Which of the following strategies would be MOST beneficial to Nancy's speech?

- Explain the importance of the topic and make the topic relevant to the audience

24. A title is not an important feature of your presentation.

- False A title is the first step to engaging your audience and giving a general idea of your topic.

22. Presenters should only use sensory aids if they want to entertain the audience.

- False. Presenters can use sensory aids when the material is challenging to understand, or the audience needs to visualize an object or process.

4. A presentation's conclusion should NOT leave the audience .

- Feeling good about themselves - YES: Feeling connected to the speaker and to the topic; Feeling engaged in the information presented during the speech; Feeling engaged in the information presented long after the speech ends

18. Mattie is giving a speech on the real and present danger of online stalking and harassment. Which of the following would be an appropriate strategy for capturing her audience's attention?

- Her personals tory of being stalked and harassed.

1. Why is it important for a speaker to possess a strong ethos?

- If a speaker does not have a strong ethos, the audience is likely to distrust the speaker's morals and credibility.

5. Which statement about informative and persuasive speaking is NOT correct?

- Informative speaking does not involve persuading your audience to believe a particular fact or set of facts. - YES: Persuasion advocates a particular position; Persuasion attempts to influence listeners to adopt one particular belief or course of action over another.

10. James has just been hired as a teacher at a local high school and is required to introduce himself and make a speech. He is already aware that this group of students bore easily and can sometimes become restless. To keep the attention of the students, he asks some of the student leaders to help him perform a popular song that ties into his speech. The students love the performance, and they are engaged from that point on. Which of these concepts did James use to gain the attention of his audience?

- James made the issue relevant to the audience. James related to his students by incorporating something that they liked and understood into his speech.

15. Jenna and Eric were both required to give an informative presentation for health class. Jenna's presentation was on the lack of vaccinations in developing countries. Within her presentation, she shared statistics and gave examples of countries that were behind in vaccination practices. Eric's presentation was on the legalization of marijuana. He cited the opinions of his peers and explained the common misconceptions about the substance. He ended the presentation by emphasizing the positive impact it could have on the economy. Whose presentation was in line with the assignment?

- Jenna's presentation was in line with the assignment. Jenna's presentation was based on research and facts, and the intent of the presentation was to inform.

25. Which of these statements reflects the use of fear to maximize persuasiveness?

- Lack of Vitamin D causes cancer. The fear of the audience by proposing a higher risk of cancer, reflecting the strategy of "use fear appeals when appropriate."

16. Carmela is a teacher at a middle school where they have just switched administrations. This year, the school is requiring all students to wear a standard uniform. Carmela believes that this is unfair and prepares to set up a rally to emphasize the importance of expressive freedom in dress. Within her speech, she will argue that students should be allowed to wear what they want within reason. What type of persuasive speech is this?

- Policy

11. A speech on improving global water quality first argues for the need to increase access to clean water in order to fight world disease, and then it argues that the rising cost of bottled water for middle class families should be controlled. This speech is an example of using the to organize points.

- Primacy effect Example shows that leading with the strongest argument is attention-grabbing.

21. Which one of the following items is NOT an effective way to conclude an informative presentation?

- Provide a personal opinion. Unless the presentation is subjective in nature and the goal is to entertain or persuade, personal opinion is not appropriate in an informative presentation. - YES: Provide an appeal; Relate back to the introduction; Summarize the presentation.

7. Which of these phrases is an example of influencing behavior?

- Register to vote

26. "Hello. My name is Liz Brown. Today, I am going to talk with you about the best way to choose a college. I would like to share the different ways to ensure you end up at the college of your dreams." Which of the following strategies is Liz employing here?

- She is previewing her topic and what she plans to share with the audience. Previewing her topic and what she plans to share with the audience.

8. Which of the following persuasive presentation topics is BEST suited for a policy speech?

- Small business owners should pay lower taxes. A persuasive speech discussing state and federal tax laws would fall under policy.

20. Which of the following should you do during a presentation?

- Speak with simplicity. Avoid excessive and unnecessary details. Sometimes, less is more.

23. Mario integrate into his presentation an activity in which the audience will work in groups of two people and complete a mini-project. This activity went very well that last time he presented, but the audience consisted of 60 people in an outdoor area. This time, about 500 people will attend the event in a high school gym with poor acoustics. What important feature of the environment does Mario need to consider?

- The large size of the audience may create a very noisy environment for the audience members to hear and speak. The size of the audience and setting may not be conducive to this activity. This activity will be extremely loud, and the sound will be amplified by the gym.

28. Mel is developing a list of features to consider when planning an appropriate speech for a new hospital's groundbreaking ceremony. The speech is scheduled to take place outside at 11am, so Mel has decided against using projected images or slides. Mel MOST likely decided against using projected images while considering which of the following features?

- The lighting The speech is taking place outside in the late morning, it is unlikely that the lighting conditions will be conducive to the use of projected images or slides.

14. When writing the body of a speech, which of the following is MOST likely to determine the order in which the speaker will present information?

- The nature of the topic and content

19. When determining whether to integrate media into a presentation, what are the most important aspects a presenter should consider?

- The topic, context, speaker, and audience The most important aspects to consider include these four elements. Not all topics benefit from media integration, and a presenter must carefully consider the context, as well as interaction between speaker and audience.

27. Carla is planning a presentation on ethical professional practices to give to a group of social workers. She will integrate several video clips portraying ideal and imperfect interactions of social workers and their homeless clients. In addition, she will require them to participate in an interactive online game in which the audience members will earn points for completing tasks with professional behavior and lose points for displaying unethical behavior, such as violating confidentiality. Which of the following statements BEST describes Carla's reasons for integrating these sensory aids into her presentation?

- These aids will help the audience members experience rather than hear about ethical behavior. Audience members can view social workers in action in the video clips, and they can apply knowledge of ethics in the game.

6. Which of these BEST highlights the purpose of an informative presentation?

- To educate The purpose of an informative presentation is to educate and inform

3. Crystal is pitching a story to her bosses and colleagues at the animation company where she works in the hopes that it will be picked to be made into a movie. What is the goal of Crystal's presentation?

- To persuade Crystal's goal is to persuade her bosses and colleagues that her story should be turned into a movie.

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