WHAP Chapter 17

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In what parts of the world did industrialization lead to major social transformations?

Britain, the United States, and Japan

Which of the following IS NOT TRUE about how Karl Marx understood the Industrial Revolution and how his ideas had an impact in the the nineteenth century?

Marx believed that Capitalism would be the launchpad for societal wealth for all social classes for many years because no person would be without work

In nineteenth century Britain, women from the laboring classes found jobs as A. Factory workers and domestic servants B. Teachers and secretaries C. Supervisors and managers D. Nurses and midwives


In what way was the industrial revolution a global phenomenon by the end of the nineteenth century? A. Even regions that failed to industrialize were impacted by industrialization B. Every country's economy was based on manufacturing C. Every county in the world had launched its own industrial revolution D. The social transformations that accompanied Britain's industrial revolution spread throughout the world


Refer to map 17.5 in the textbook. Which of the following was a reason for US intervention in Central America in the early twentieth century? A. To support American corporate interests in Cuba, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Mexico B. To ensure that the food items exported from the so called banana republics were pesticide-free C. To guarantee American access to the Panama Canal D. To maintain the American monopoly on international shipping in the Caribbean


What function of the train is highlighted in visual source 17.2? A. Travel for leisure B. Commute to work C. Deliver goods D. Transport animals


Which of the following arguments serves to counter the notion that European culture is inherently more suited to industry and technology? A. Until about 1750, core areas of Europe India and China enjoyed similar levels of economic development B. Non european civilizations have made valuable contributions to world history in music and culture C. Europeans today lag far behind the United States in terms of industry and technology D. Europes early industrialization relied almost exclusively on slave labor from America


Which of the following describes how the industrial revolution unfolded? A. It began independently in only one place, Great Britain B. It was actively resisted virtually everywhere C. It speed slowly and evenly throughout the world D. It spontaneously started in the most commercialized economies


Which of the following made global migration an appealing option for many Europeans during the nineteenth century? A. The demand for labor over seas B. The appeal of socialist ideas C. The search for a utopian society D. The commitment to revolution


Which of the following played a greater role in industrial development in Russia than in the United States or Western Europe? A. The state B. The Serfs C. Trade unions D. Political parties


Which of the following reflects the perspective of skilled artisans who lost their means of livelihood as a result of the industrial revolution? A. "He's only a weaver that no one owns." B. "The bourgeoisie... Has reduced the family relation into a mere money relation..." C. "Money is our God..." D. "I must be content to relinquish one sixth portion of my business."


Which of the following was a result of the industrial revolution? A. An increase in production in mining manufacturing and services B. The dominance of agriculture in the economic sector C. The decline of the middle class D. The shrinking numbers of the working class


Which was the only country in Latin America to experience a nationwide revolution in the early twentieth century? A. Mexico B. Argentina C. Peru D. Chile


According to the picture of industrialization we analyzed at the beginning of the chapter, WHICH IS NOT TRUE about the artist's perspective:

An attempt was made to place small amounts of green space in and around the factories and tightly compacted homes.

In the communist manifesto, what special term do Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels use to describe this group? "These laborers, who must sell themselves piecemeal, are a commodity, like every other article of commerce, and are consequently exposed to all the vicissitudes of completion, to all the fluctuations of the market." A. The bourgeoise B. The proletariat C. The capitalists D. The caudillos


In the eighteenth century, how did the industrial revolution solve an emerging energy crisis? A. It emphasized intensive use of the renewable energy sources of wind and water B. It introduced the use of coal oil and natural gas as sources of fuel C. It facilitated the migration of the rural population to towns and cities D. It encouraged the global trend towards economic protectionism


In visual source 17.1, the figures depicted in the engraving of the 1851 Crystal Palace Exhibition suggests that those who benefited from the industrial revolution were A. The proletariat B. The wealthy elite C. The state D. The military


Which group in the United States in the early twentieth century pressed for reforms to correct the abuses of capitalist industrialization? A. The Labour Party B. The progressives C. The Bolsheviks D. The Marxists


Which group would agree with the message implied in the cartoon depicted in visual source 17.5? A. Middle class B. Marxist C. Aristocracy D. Colonizers


Which of the following describes the situation in Latin America after independence? A. The availability of cheap land created a new class of small independent farmers B. Politically the area was plagued by internal divisions regional revolts and international wars C. The military declined in size and importance and civilian governments brought stability and prosperity to the region D. New legal distinctions were created for various racial categories


Which of the following groups benefited the most from the industrial revolution in nineteenth century Britain? A. The aristocracy B. The middle class C. The laboring class D. Women


Which of the following reflects an explanation for Europe's industrial revolution which most historians criticize as Eurocentric and deterministic? A. Technological creativity outside of Europe had slowed down considerably or stagnated by the early modern era B. Unique features of European society, economy, or history have it a long term advantage and head start in industrializing C. By the eighteenth century, the most advanced regions in the world enjoyed global economic parity D. Industrial techniques spread quickly and unevenly around the world after 1750.


Which of the following was a factor that pushed many Europeans to immigrate in the nineteenth century? A. The rise in artisan manufacturing worldwide B. The decline in peasant farming in their homelands C. The high cost of transportation in Europe D. The scarcity of factory jobs in European urban centers


How did Britain's geography affect its industrial revolution? A. Proximity to France made it vulnerable to invasions during the reign of Napoleon B. It's northern location minimized the effects of the little ice age C. Coal and iron ore deposits were abundant and close to each other D. Trees covered most of the country providing a renewable source of energy


How did contact with other civilizations contribute to European industrial revolution? A. It awakened a desire to keep all foreign influence out of Europe B. It forced Europeans to acknowledge and overcome their backwardness C. It enabled Europe to draw disproportionately on the worlds resources D. It stimulated European states to industrialize in order to defend themselves from foreign invasion


In the photograph of a factory in visual source 17.4, what is the male figure smoking a pipe most likely doing? A. Reporting on working conditions B. Inspecting the structural integrity of the building C. Supervising the workers D. Organizing a labor strike


Which of the following accompanied industrialization wherever it occurred in the world? A. Nationalism B. Westernization C. Urbanization D. Revolution


Which of the following describes a feature of Karl marx's vision of the society he predicted would emerge after the collapse of capitalism A. A society controlled by a totalitarian state B. A society made up only of the middle class C. A society without classes and conflict D. A society run by the captains of industry


Which of the following does Samuel Smiles consider to be the best way to help the English working class? A. Shorter working hours B. Higher wages C. Increased education D. Longer working hours


Which of the following explains why industrialization first occurred in Europe? A. Europe had an unchallenged economic advantage over all other regions by 1750 B. Europe possessed a unique capacity for technological innovation C. European rulers fostered unusually close alliances with their merchant classes D. Europe was the only region that had highly commercialized market based economies by 1750


Which of the following was a reason for the failure of socialism to take root in the United States? A. The absence of labor unions in the United States B. The lack of class consciousness among workers in the United States C. The higher standard of living enjoyed by most American workers D. The homogenous nature of the American population


Which of the following was a value associated with the middle class culture in nineteenth century Britain? A. Social justice B. Racial equality C. Hard work D. Luxurious extravagance


Whose perspective is reflected in this response to the proposal for a ten-hour workday in nineteenth-century Britain? "To produce the same quantity of work under a ten hour bill will require an additional outlay of 3,000 or 4,000 pounds..." A. A Marxist revolutionary B. A parliament member C. A factory owner D. A factory worker


How did the working class movement in Britain differ from the one in Russia? A. It faced a more hostile and autocratic state and never influenced politics B. It was more committed to the ideas and program of Marxism C. It advocated class struggle and revolution to overthrow capitalism D. It advocated a reformist program and a peaceful transition to socialism


In nineteenth century Britain most members of the aristocracy derived their wealth from A. Manufacturing B. Commerce C. Finance D. Landownership


Industrialization led to violent social revolution only in A. Britain B. France C. The United States D. Russia


The economic development of latin america was heavily dependent on A. State subsidies B. Domestic maunfacturing C. Stock apprecitation D. Foreign capital


What was most of the European capital invested in Latin America used to finance? A. Factories B. Telegraphs C. Steamships D. Railroads


Which detail in the painting of female laborers during dinner hour in visual source 17.3 conveys a positive impression of factory life? A. The smoke coming from the factories B. The Windows on the factories C. The small male figure standing in the background D. The activities in which the women are engaged


Which group does the nineteenth century writer Samuel Smiles describe as similar to "savage tribes" who "debase themselves by the vices which accompany civilization, but make no use whatever of its benefits and advantages"? A. Native Americans in North America B. Colonial subjects in Asia and Africa C. The middle class D. The industrial poor


Which of the following describes how the movement towards industrialization in the nineteenth century affected Latin America? A. A large market for manufactured goods developed in Latin America B. Latin America provided cheap labor for foreign-owned manufacturing industries C. Latin America exported textiles, machinery, tools, weapons, and luxury goods to the United States and Europe D. Latin America provided the food products, raw materials, and markets for industrializing countries


Which of the following has been offered as an explanation for why Britain was the first European country to industrialize? A. Lack of coal deposits forced British industrialists to develop wind-based energy sources B. British monarchs has absolute power and directed the country's industrialization C. A scarcity of workers in Britain led to technological innovations that increased efficiency D. The scientific revolution in Great Britain fostered technological innovation


Which of the following is a phrase that has been used to describe the form of economic growth in Latin America in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries? A. Industrial capitalism B. Market driven industrialization C. Socialist development D. Depended development


In what way did the Industrial Revolution transform the human relationship to the natural world?

People learned to access energy resources derived from outside the biosphere.

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