WHAP unit 7 test

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The Ottoman Empires likely entered into the conflict referred to in the passage because

C. it had lost significant territory to other European states in the 19th century

The ideology reflected in the poster was most directly the result of which of the following developments in the nineteenth century? Responses A Growing discontent with traditional forms of government led to the development of new political ideas. B Rebellions against imperial rule led to the formation of new independent states. C Demands for an expanded suffrage including women and the working class challenged existing political hierarchies. D Enlightenment philosophers and writers increasingly turned to empiricism and denounced the role of religion in political life.


Which of the following best describes the cause of the developments described in the passage? Responses A Soviet efforts to modernize their economy through government control B Soviet reaction to the economic crisis of the Great Depression C Protests against the environmental effects of economic development D Scientific breakthroughs in transportation and communication


Which of the following directly enabled the establishment of the government that produced the poster? Responses A The collapse of the Russian Empire under the stress of the First World War B Redrawn national boundaries as a result of peace treaties ending the First World War C The abolition of serfdom and other forms of coerced labor in Russia during the nineteenth century D Increased ethnic violence in Russia due to imperial expansion in the nineteenth century


The expenditures shown in the table most strongly illustrate which of the following?

A. Despite some medical advances, the environment in Africa continued to present unique challenges to European imperialism

Which of the following best explains why the British government felt the need to distribute the pamphlet

A. british authorities were concerned that going to war against a Muslim country could fuel anti-imperialist protests among India's large Muslim population

Asian reactions to Western claims of racial and cultural superiority, such as the reaction by Shigenobu in the passage, were also instrumental in the period 1918-1945 in the

A. intensification of anti-imperial resistance activities and independence movements

Which of the following types of evidence does Watson cite to support his claim that early German support for the war was not limited to the young A. muster rolls and letters B. newspaper articles C. propaganda ministry records D. the works of other historians of the war

A. muster rolls and letters

A The Nazis persecuted specific ethnic and religious groups because they viewed them as threats to the state. B The Nazis industrialized the killing process, allowing them to commit murder on a massive scale. C The Nazis attempted to conceal their atrocities from the larger international community. D The Nazis committed their crimes during the course of a major international conflict.


Banners at bottom read: "Long live the invincible party of Lenin!" "Long live the great guide of the international proletarian revolution, Comrade Stalin!" A To build support for Soviet participation in institutions of international governance such as the League of Nations B To build support for centrally directed economic modernization programs in the Soviet Union C To promote Soviet free-market economic policies and participation in international trade agreements D To promote resistance to the prevailing political and economic order in the Soviet Union


The Brazilian government's pride in listing the extensive workers' rights guaranteed under the 1937 constitution is significant because it shows that Responses A governments across the political spectrum sought the support of the military in obtaining political power B governments across the political spectrum were influenced by socialist economic and social policies C governments across the political spectrum used nationalism to mobilize their populations for war D governments across the political spectrum promoted state-led industrialization to foster economic growth


The memorandum is best explained in the context of which of the following developments in the early twentieth century? Responses A The decline of the Western-dominated global order B The emergence of external and internal challenges that threatened the stability of imperial states C The emergence of new nation-states based on the principle of ethnic self-determination D The use of government propaganda to mobilize national populations for conflict with rival states


Which development during the first decade of the twentieth century can best be explained in the context of the "weakening of the conservative principle" mentioned in the first paragraph of the passage? Responses A The collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, as socialists in the Balkans led revolutions that greatly weakened the Habsburg monarchy B The Mexican Revolution, as middle classes and peasants united to oust longtime dictator Porfirio Díaz and establish a more equitable society C The Boer War, in which Dutch-speaking white settlers inflicted several military defeats on British colonial armies in southern Africa D The formation of the Triple Entente alliance, in which Great Britain, France, and Russia pledged to work together to check the rise of Germany


Which of the following developments during the second world war would Franck most likely have cited as evidence to support his arguments in the passage

B. Allied firebombing in Germany and Japan had caused massive devastation and civilian casualties, and atomic weapons were vastly more powerful than those used in firebombing

The table best supports which of the following conclusions?

B. European powers maintained colonies despite global war and economic depression

Watson, in the first paragraph of Source 1, uses the newspaper quote to support the claim that

B. German propaganda portrayed the conflict with Russia as a defensive war

A Jews in many regions of Europe had been restricted to certain occupations and had to live in ghettos until the nineteenth century. B Many European Jews emigrated to Palestine after the First World War following the establishment of a Jewish homeland in the region. C Local populations collaborated with the regime either out of racial prejudice, fear, or hopes for material gain. D Nazi officials used propaganda to convince local populations that German occupation would benefit and liberate them.


The implementation of the policies of extermination shown in the image is most directly explained by which of the following aspects of Nazi ideology? Responses A The idea that Germans descended from a master "Aryan" race B The idea that some minority populations could eventually be Germanized C The idea that minority populations within Germany were somehow responsible for its defeat during the First World War D The idea that Germany needed to expand its postwar borders in order to provide "living space" for its people


The mention of "President Wilson's principles" is most directly significant to understanding the editorial's point of view about the Treaty of Versailles because of the United States president's commitment to Responses A establish an international organization to prevent future conflicts B work to create nation-states for ethnic minorities that had been under imperial control C broker a peace agreement on liberal principles that would not be motivated by revenge D resist the spread of Bolshevism following the Russian Revolution


Which of the following best explains the historical significance of views such as those expressed in the passage? Responses A They show that many political leaders used the economic challenges of the Great Depression to justify implementing repressive policies. B They show that many states responded to the Great Depression by using race-based ideologies to mobilize economic resources. C They show that, in response to the disruptions of the Great Depression, many political leaders saw it as their duty to take an active role in guiding economic life. D They show that, in response to the disruptions of the Great Depression, some states reaffirmed their commitment to pursuing liberal economic policies.


Contemporaries who agreed with Franck's argument in the second and third paragraphs regarding the need for an international agreement would most likely have made which of the following arguments to support their position?

C. the end of the war would probably lead to a new rivalry between victorious states

Banners at bottom read: "Long live the invincible party of Lenin!" "Long live the great guide of the international proletarian revolution, Comrade Stalin!" A mobilize the Soviet population in support of the policy of "total war" during the Second World War B showcase Soviet support for the Warsaw Pact during the Cold War C promote Soviet support for anti-imperialist independence movements in Asia and Africa D encourage Soviet citizens to embrace Western popular culture


Which of the following accurately explains the historical significance of the harsh conditions imposed on Germany that the editorial describes? Responses A They led to a successful communist revolution in Germany. B They triggered a massive wave of emigration from Germany. C They resulted in the virtual deindustrialization of Germany. D They encouraged the rise of political extremism in Germany.


The revenues section of the table can best be used to illustrate which of the following continuities between pre-1900 and post-1900 European imperialism?

D. colonial powers sought to extract wealth and economic resources from the colonized people

Goldfarb, in Source 2, most directly supports her claim that the British press during the First World War routinely suppressed important war news by citing

D. the case of the sinking of a battleship and the Battle of Jutland

Which of the following true statements about the Netherlands best explains how the newspaper's national origin likely influenced the view of Germany expressed in the editorial? Responses A The Netherlands, by remaining neutral during the war, profited significantly from helping Germany evade the Entente's naval blockade. B The Netherlands, like Germany before the war, had a significant overseas empire. C The Netherlands, like Germany, had a large merchant fleet. D The Netherlands, like Germany until 1918, was a constitutional monarchy, although the Dutch monarchs had less effective power than the German kaiser.


Which of the following was the most direct result of the attitude toward the environment reflected in the passage? Responses A A push for new varieties of food crops resulting in the Green Revolution B Desertification and increased competition for natural resources C Implementation of government-led land collectivization policies D A rise in Cold War tensions between the Soviet Union and neighboring countries


Which of the following arguments would a supporter of using nuclear weapons against Japan have most likely cited to explain the limitations of Franck's arguments in the first and second paragraphs

B. Japanese government propaganda instilled fierce, suicidal nationalism in the Japanese population, making Japan unlikely to surrender unconditionally without experiencing the effects of nuclear weapons

Shigenobu's point of view regarding Western attitudes toward Japan as expressed in the passage is significant in that similar ideas were used by members of the Japanese government during the period between the First and the Second World Wars to justify

B. militarizing the Japanese state and expanding its territories in Asia

The treaties that settled the conflict referred to in the passage most directly changed the geopolitical structure of the Middle East in which of the following ways?

C. Allied powers received territorial mandates from the League of Nations

Shigenobu's criticism of European race-based discrimination against Japanese people is significant mostly because it shows that advocates of Japanese imperialism

C. adopted the European attitudes about a "civilizing mission" and used those attitudes to justify Japan's own imperial policies

Durnovo's argument in the second paragraph regarding the effect of war between Germany and Russia on the two countries would prove to be Responses A inaccurate in its prediction that war between Germany and Russia would lead to "social revolution" B accurate in its prediction that both Germany and Russia would succumb to revolution regardless of which side won the war C inaccurate in its prediction that revolution would break out first in the defeated country D accurate in its prediction that a war with Germany would create the circumstances for a revolution in Russia


Which of the following best explains a potentially significant limitation of using the document for understanding the reforms described in the passage in Brazil? Responses A The document likely exaggerates the extent to which the reforms benefited Brazil's middle and upper classes. B The document likely exaggerates the importance of the Work Tribunal in reshaping economic development in Brazil. C The document likely ignores the deep tensions that existed between workers and union leaders. D The document likely ignores some economic problems that might have occurred because of the reforms.


Which of the following best explains why the Soviet Union was willing to undertake projects such as the one discussed in the passage? Responses A The need to suppress armed resistance to Soviet rule in Central Asia B The mass migration of Turkmens and other Central Asians to Soviet Russia C Soviet embrace of economic liberalization and free-market principles D Pressure resulting from the need to keep pace with Western economic development during the Cold War


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