Windows 10
A personal assistant .. similar to Iphone's Siri. Allows users to search, store and access files in the computer and online, tell jokes, schedule meetings, manage your calendar.
A secure combination of numbers, letters and symbols associated with the username. Use at least 8 characters.
A unique grouping of numbers, letters, or symbols that identifies a specific user.
Start Menu
Accessed by clicking the windows button
Search box
Allows you to search for files on your devices, search the web and interact with Cortana.
Installing apps using Store
Be cautious when providing any financial info online. Use a credit card or other third party payment method and never use your debit account. Click bag, click app, click install button.
Windows 10 Pro
Business and tech professionals
Setting a reminder using the search box
Click Cortana or search box. click the light bulb to add a new reminder. Type your reminder, click time, click the check mark. Click the date, click check mark, click remind.
Switch between apps or close them
Click app on taskbar and press alt + tab. Click X in upper right corner to close or right click and close or press alt +F4.
Searching the web using search box
Click cortana or click search box. Type in criteria. click close button to exit out.
Adjust display settings
Click cortana or search, type control panel, double-click control panel desktop app, select appearance and personalization, adjust setting, click apply.
Change time and date
Click cortana or search, type control panel, select clock, language and region, select date and time, change date and time. select apply.
creating a document in the documents folder.
Click file explorer, click documents, right-click any open are of the documents window, click new, click text document and name the file, right-click the newly created file to open the menu, point to open with and select wordpad.
Changing system settings
Click search box or cortana, type settings, click setting icon, click system, click power and sleep, click adjust.
Running an app using the search box
Click search box, type in app, select app or file to open.
Uninstalling an app
Click start button, find app, right-click app, click uninstall, click uninstall again.
Sign out of windows 10
Click the start button, click your name or account info, click sign out, Return to lock screen.
On-screen keyboard
Click touch keyboard button on taskbar
Mouse in windows 10
Click-Double click-Right click- drag- wheel
Start windows 10
Create a user account, create a username, create a password, log in.
Windows 10 home
Designed for home and small business users
Live tiles
Display information that are useful at a glance without opening an app. They are constantly updated when you are connected to the internet. You can resize, rearrange, and move tiles based on your personal preferences.
Turn on or off live tiles
Display the start menu by clicking windows button, right click a tile to display the shortcut menu, click turn on or off live tile.
File is data that has been identified by a file name.
File explorer window features
File location-shows the files folder. back/Forward- displays previous files/folders. search box- to find a file/folder. control buttons- to minimize, maximize of close the screen.
Windows 10 Mobile (Enterprise)
For smartphones and tablets
touchscreen in windows 10
Gestures are motions of the fingers or hands that are used to interact with a touchscreen.
Windows 10 control panel
Greatly deemphasized since setting can be accessed by the start menu. Click cortana or search, type control panel, double-click control panel desktop app, select desired operation.
How to lock/unlock screen
Hold down control+alt+delete and select lock. Click the log in screen and enter your password.
Setting a windows 10 update
Important to maintain security and usability.
Windows 10 Enterprise
Large organizations with IT personnel
Jump Lists
Lists of recenly opened items, such as files, folder, or websites. Organized by the program that you use to open them. Used to open items and pin favorties for easy access.
Pin app to taskbar
Makes opening frequently used apps easy. By default, task view, Edge, File Explorer and Store buttons are pinned to the taskbar.
Versions of windows 10
Many different versions. Designed with a specific user in mind.
Shutting down windows 10
Means turning the device all the way off. Click start, click power, click shut down.
Windows 10
Microsoft's newest operating System. Used in a variety of devices including laptops, surface and desktops. Includes Cortana and edge. Combines what users liked best about windows 7 and 8 plus adds additional features
Steps to print documents in Win 10
Open the document, click file, click print, click print again.
Save document in the document folder
Open wordpade, click file, click save as, click documents, click save.
Visual options
Personalization allows you to change pictures, colors, and sounds of your computer. right-click on any blank area of the desktop and select personalization or click cortana or search box, type in control panel, click control panel desktop app, click appearance, change whater.
picture passwords
Picture passwords in windows 10 increase security.
Pinned App
Pinning an app to the start menu. Click the start button, click all apps, right-click an app to display the menu and click Pin to Start. Do the same steps to unpin. Same steps to pin to taskbar.
Stretch and pinch
Place two fingers on the screen and move them apart or bring them together to zoom or shrink images.
Drag or slide
Press and hold then drag or slide to move items
Apps in windows 10
Programs that make a computer useful. Short for application. You can interact with them by clicking a tile or clicking an app from the start menu.
Scaled down version of Word. Click search box, type wordpad. Open and compose, then save document.
file name
Specific name given to a file which identifies the file.
New in Windows 10
Start menu is back. The store Cortana Edge
Using lock/unlock in windows 10
The lock feature in Windows 10 allows you to hide the desktop behind a log on screen.
The replacement for Internet Explorer.
Tap or double tap
Used to run programs or apps
File explorer
Used to view files on your device, organize and name files, put files in folders, moving or copying files from and to external storage devices.
Task viewer
allows you to view all your open windows and desktops with just one click.
check windows update
click cortana or search. Type windows update, select update settings. check last update or click check for updates. Clicked advanced options to make sure automatic is selected.
To open file explorer
click the file button or click windows button +e
Keyboard shortcuts
ctrl-c for copy, ctrl-v for paste, ctrl-z for undo, alt + tab to switch between apps, windows + l to lock windows, windows + a to open action center, windows + s to open search.
File extension
is assigned by windows 10 and helps to associate a file with an app. they are indicated by a period followed by three or more characters.
Navigating windows 10
mouse, touchscreen, touchpad, on-screen, keyboard, scroll bars, scroll arrows, voice inputs.
The Store
one stop shop for apps, music videos, and games. Click the shopping bag to access.
To display jump lists
right click on app or left click and drag upward.