Windows 10
Running an app from the Start menu
1. Click the Start button to display the Start menu. 2. Click 'All apps' to display a list of all apps installed on your digital device. 3. Use the scroll bar located to the right of the listed apps to find the Maps app. 4. Select 'Maps' in the All apps list to run the app.
Working with apps in Windows 10
App is short for application. Application and computer program are synonymous. Two common ways to interact with apps in Windows 10. ---Click the Start menu button ---Interact with tiles A tile in Windows 10 is a visual representation of an app that is easily accessed by touching or clicking. Tiles were developed to increase the interactivity and ease of use of apps in touch devices.
Searching the Web using the Search Box
Click the 'Cortana' button or the 'search box' button to activate the search box. In the search box, type 'most in demand jobs 2016'. As you type, a list of suggested sites will display. Click most in demand jobs 2016 to display the search results in the Microsoft Edge browser. Click the close button to exit the browser.
Creating a document in the Documents Folder
Create a WordPad document in the Documents folder: ---Click the 'File Explorer' button and then select 'Documents'. ---Right-click any open area of the Documents window to display the shortcut menu. ---Point to 'New' on the shortcut menu to display a list of available options. ---Click 'Text Document' and name the file. ---Right-click the newly created file to open the shortcut menu, point to Open with, and select WordPad.
Using the Windows 10 touch keyboard
Designed for use on touchscreen devices, Windows 10 has a built-in on-screen keyboard. Use the on-screen keyboard to enter data using your fingers. The on-screen keyboard works much the same as a traditional keyboard. To enable the on-screen keyboard on touchscreen devices, click the Touch keyboard button on the taskbar.
The File Explorer Window
File Location ---Displays the location of the file on the device and the folder the file is located in Back/Forward ---Use to navigate back or forward to display previous views of files or folders Search Box ---Provides an area into which you can enter criteria to search for a file or folder Control Buttons ---Allow you to minimize, maximize, or close the screen Navigation Pane ---Displays folders and drives that you can double-click in order to see their contents
What is a file and a file extension?
File: A file is data that has been identified by a file name. Examples of files include: images, videos, documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. File name: A file name is the specific name given to a file which identifies the file. File names are usually indicative of the information contained in the file. File extension: A file extension is assigned by Windows 10 and helps to associate a file with an app. File extensions are indicated by a period followed by three or more characters. WordPad files are saved in Rich Text Format. The file extension for Rich Text is .rtf
Setting a reminder using the Search Box
Here are the steps to set a reminder for an upcoming exam: Click the 'Cortana' button or the 'search' button, if Cortana hasn't been activated, to access the search box. Click the + sign to set a new reminder. In the 'Remember to...' box type 'Introduction to Computers Exam 1'. Click 'Time' and select the time of the exam. Click the check mark. Click 'Tomorrow' and select the date for the exam. Click the check mark. Click 'Remind' and you're all set!
Jump Lists in Windows 10
Jump Lists are lists of recently opened items, such as files, folders, or websites. Jump lists are organized by the program that you use to open them. You can use Jump Lists to open items and pin favorites for easy access.
Live tiles in Windows 10
Live tiles in Windows 10 display information that is useful at a glance without opening an app. Live tiles are constantly updated when you are connected to the Internet. You can resize, rearrange, and move live tiles. Examples of live tile apps include sports, weather, news, and money.
Versions of Windows 10
Many different versions of Windows 10, each designed with a specific user in mind Windows 10 Home: home and small business Windows 10 Pro: business and tech professionals Windows 10 Enterprise: large organizations with IT personnel Windows 10 Mobile and Mobile Enterprise: smartphones and tablets
Saving a document in the Documents Folder
Open WordPad and create a document. Click the 'File' button to display the File menu. Click 'Save As' to display the Save As dialog Box. Click 'Documents' in the Navigation pane to specify Documents as the destination to save the file. Click the 'Save' button to save the file.
Using a touchscreen in Windows 10
Several gestures, most of which you probably use with your smartphone ---Finger tap or double tap to run programs or apps. ---Double tap gesture also allows you to zoom in on objects. ---Finger drag or slide which is accomplished by pressing and holding one finger then dragging or sliding. This is used for screen scrolling or for moving objects. Other common gestures include the finger stretch and pinch, which are accomplished by placing two fingers on the screen and moving them apart or bringing them together. This is used to zoom in/out on areas of the screen.
What's New in Windows 10?
The Start menu, ---Back due to popular demand The Store ---Apps, music, and games Cortana ---Like a personal assistant ---Can find files, tell jokes, schedule meetings, and many other tasks. ---Similar to Siri which is available in Apple devices. Microsoft Edge web browser ---replaces Internet Explorer
The Search Box in Windows 10
The search box allows you to search for files on your devices, search the Web for information, and interact with Cortana.
Navigating Windows 10
There are variety of ways to interact with Windows 10 ---Mouse ---Touchpad or touchscreen ---On-screen or virtual keyboard ---Scroll bars and scroll arrows ---Voice inputs
Opening File Explorer in Windows 10
To open the File Explorer in Windows 10, either click the File Explorer button on the taskbar or press the Windows key + E on the keyboard. The File Explorer automatically opens in Quick access. Frequently used folders and files are listed. In Windows 10 "My Computer" is now called "This PC". To display "This PC" in Windows 10, open File Explorer and select 'This PC' in the left pane.
What's Windows 10?
Windows 10 is Microsoft's newest operating system (OS) for PCs. Windows 10 includes Cortana, a digital assistant similar to iPhone's Siri, that allows users to search, store, and access files in the computer and online. Windows 10 includes the Microsoft Edge browser, the new and improved replacement for Internet Explorer.
Signing out of Windows 10
Click the Start button to display the Start menu. Click your name or account info associated with Windows 10 to display a menu of options. Click 'Sign out' to sign out of Windows and return to the lock screen. You will now see the lock screen with the password box displayed.
Windows 10 Control Panel
Click the Cortana button or the Search box button. Type 'Control Panel' in the Search box. Double-click 'Control Panel Desktop app'. View the various operations of the computer listed in the Control Panel. Close the Control Panel Desktop app.
Installing apps from the Microsoft Store app
Download an app using the Microsoft Store: ---Click the store app button on the taskbar or use the All Apps menu. ---Type the app name in the search window. ---Click the app. ---Click the Install or Free. ---If you are not logged into your Microsoft account you will see the Free button. You will have to sign into a Microsoft account in order to complete the download.
Removing a pinned app from the taskbar
Right click the app you want to remove from the taskbar With the shortcut menu displayed, click 'Unpin this app'
Shutting down Windows 10
Shutting down a digital device running Windows 10 means turning the device all the way off. Turning a device off allows you to save battery life and conserve energy. ---Click the 'Start' button to display the Start menu. ---Click 'Power' in the Start menu. ---Click 'Shut down'. You can also select 'Restart' or 'Sleep'.
Pinned apps in Windows 10
A pinned app is an app that has been selected from the All apps list and pinned to the Start menu. Pinning an app: ---Click the Start button on the taskbar ---Click All apps to display the list of installed apps ---Point to the app you want to pin and right-click ---With the shortcut menu displayed, click 'Pin to Start'
Usernames and Passwords
A username is a unique grouping of numbers, letters, or symbols that identifies a specific user of Windows 10. A password is a secure combination of numbers, letters and symbols associated with the username that allows access to a user's Windows 10 account. Picture passwords in Windows 10 allow the user to control access to a Windows 10 account.
What is Cortana?
According to Microsoft, "Cortana is your clever new personal assistant". Cortana will help you find things on your PC, manage your calendar, find files, chat with you, and tell jokes. The more you use Cortana, the more personalized your experience will be. To get started, type a question in the search box on the taskbar, or select the microphone icon and talk to Cortana. Typing works for all types of PCs, but you need a mic to talk. When you use Cortana for the first time there is a brief setup process. To use Cortana you must be signed into Windows with a Microsoft account
Pin an app to the taskbar in Windows 10
By default, Task View, Microsoft edge, File Explorer, and Store buttons are pinned to the taskbar. Pinning an app to the taskbar: ---Right-click the tile to display the shortcut menu ---Select 'More' ---Click 'Pin to taskbar'
Using a mouse in Windows 10
Click or double-click ---Press and release the left mouse button one time. ---Allows you to select or deselect items on the screen or run an app. Triple-click ---Press and release the mouse button three consecutive times. ---Allows you to select a paragraph. Right-click ---Press and release the right mouse button. ---Allows you to display shortcut menus. Drag ---Point to an item, hold down the left mouse button and move an item. Wheel ---Rotate the wheel forward and backwards to scroll through pages.
Setting a Windows 10 update
Click the Cortana button or Search box button. In the search box type 'Windows Update' and select Windows Update settings. In Windows Update settings check the date for the last update. You can also click 'Check for updates' to see if there are any needed Windows updates. Click 'Advanced options' and make sure 'Automatic (recommended)' is selected. When you are finished close Windows Update settings.
Adjusting display settings in Windows 10
Click the Cortana button or the Search box button. Type 'Control Panel' in the Search box. Double-click 'Control Panel Desktop app'. With the Control Panel displayed, select 'Display'. Adjust the desired display settings and click 'Apply'. When you are finished, close the Display settings area of the Control Panel.
Using the Control Panel to change date/time
Click the Cortana button or the Search box button. Type 'Control Panel' in the Search box. Double-click 'Control Panel Desktop app'. With the Control Panel displayed, select 'Date and Time'. Select 'Change date and time'. Select 'Apply' and close the Control Panel.
Running an app in Windows 10 using the Search Box
Click the search box button on the taskbar Type the name of the file or app you are looking for You do not need to worry about capitalization when using the search box Select the app or file you want to run/open
Printing a document in Windows 10
Create a document or open an existing document. Click 'File' to display the File Menu. Click 'Print' on the File menu to display the print dialog box. Print options include: Select the printer, number of pages, and Page Range. Click 'Preferences' to display other print options. Click the 'Print' button to print the document.
Starting Windows 10
Create a user account. Each user can create an account. User accounts identify which resources, such as storage locations and apps, a user can access. Create a username. It should uniquely identify you and be easily remembered. Create a password. A password should include a variety of numbers, letters, and symbols and be at least 8 characters. You can also sign in to Windows using a Microsoft account. If you sign in to Windows 10 using a Microsoft account, the email address linked to your Microsoft account will be shown instead of a traditional user name. You will need to use the password you use to sign in to your Microsoft account when you sign in to Windows.
File Explorer in Windows 10
In Windows 10, File Explorer can be used to view files on the device. File Explorer can also be used for: ---Organizing and naming files ---Putting files into folders ---Moving or copying files from a USB flash drive or other external storage device It is a good idea to utilize file management techniques in order to keep files organized.
Switching and Closing an app in Windows 10
Switching between apps: Click the app on the taskbar or Press ALT + TAB to switch between open apps. Closing an app: Close apps when you are finished to free-up system resources. Select the app you want to close, click the X in the upper right corner of the app screen. You can also right-click the app you want to close in the taskbar or press ALT + F4.
Using the task viewer in Windows 10
Task View button located on the taskbar next to the Cortana or search buttons. Looks like a small vertical rectangle lying over a small horizontal rectangle. Click the Task View button to open all windows on the desktop, allowing you to quickly choose between each window. Click the Task View button to display the New desktop button. New desktop button is a Plus symbol located on the lower right side of the desktop. A new desktop allows you to stay organized by having all your open work windows on one desktop, and your open entertainment windows open on another desktop.
How to display a Jump List in Windows 10
The File Explorer on the Start menu contains a Jump list. The Jump list allows you to access different locations in File Explorer. Using the Jump list makes accessing apps, file locations, and app features easier. To access the File Explorer Jump list: ---Click the Start button ---Click the Show Jump list button, the arrow pointing to the right ---Click on the desired Jump list
Displaying the Windows desktop
The easiest way to display the desktop in Windows 10 is by clicking the Show desktop button. The Show desktop button is located in the extreme right corner of the taskbar by the notifications area. Show desktop can be useful when you want to quickly minimize all active windows in order to gain access to your device's desktop.
Lock/Unlock in Windows 10
The lock feature in Windows 10 allows you to hide the desktop behind a log on screen. You can use this option if you need to walk away from your computer. To lock your screen, press CTRL + Alt + Delete and select 'Lock' or click the Start button, select the username, and select 'Lock'. To unlock, click the log on screen and enter your password.
Uninstalling an app in Windows 10
Uninstall the Candy Crush Soda Saga app: ---Click the Start button to display the start menu. ---Click All apps to display the All apps list. ---Scroll to find the Candy Crush Soda Saga app. ---Right-click the app to display the shortcut menu. ---Click the Uninstall button to remove the app. ---A prompt box will be displayed. Click Uninstall app.
Changing power and sleep settings in Windows 10
Use the search box to change power settings: Click the 'Cortana' button or the 'search' button, if Cortana hasn't been activated, to activate the search box. Type 'settings' in the search box. Select Settings. Select 'System', then 'Power & sleep'. Adjust your power & screen settings.
Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts
When using a keyboard shortcut hold down the first key indicated then press the second key indicated. ---No need to enter the "+ "sign". This is used only to indicate the action. Popular keyboard shortcuts ---Hold down the control key and press C to copy. ---Hold down the control key and press V to paste. ---Hold down the control key and press Z to undo an action.
Creating a document in Windows 10
WordPad, included with Windows 10, is a scaled down version of Microsoft Word. If you don't have Microsoft Word installed on your device and you need to compose a document, WordPad is an excellent alternative. Create a document using WordPad: ---Click the 'Cortana' button or the 'Search' button to open the Search box. ---Type 'WordPad' and select the app. ---Use WordPad to compose your document. ---Save the document and close WordPad.
Unpin an app from the Start menu
You may want to customize the Start menu to best fit your preferences. Unpinning an app allows you to keep the Start menu organized. Unpinning an app: ---Display the Start menu ---Right-click the tile/app you want to remove to display the shortcut menu ---Click 'Unpin from Start' ---Reorganize the remaining tiles
Turning live tiles on/off in Windows 10
You might want to turn on or off the information that is displayed in a live tile. If necessary, display the Start menu by clicking the Microsoft button. Once the Start menu is displayed, right-click a live tile to display the shortcut menu. Click 'Turn live tile off' or 'Turn live tile on'.