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"White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack" discusses how white privilege operates in society--McIntosh refers to white privilege as "an invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions, maps, passports, codebooks, visas, clothes, tools, and blank checks"--discusses that there is privilege virtue to the fact of being born white.

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act

Welfare opportunity.

Rape Shield Laws

laws that protect rape victims, for example, by limiting the introduction of evidence about their prior sexual behavior-- this led to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (1978), and the passage of Violence Against Women Act (1994) which offered coordinated efforts to develop awareness and protect violence

Gender Status

the gender ascribed to an individual by others through naming, clothing, choice of toys, decorations; public level;

Social Location

the group memberships that people have because of their location in history and society

Gender Socialization

the learning of gender roles through social factors such as schooling, the media, and family

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

welfare program paid for by the federal government and administered by the individual states

private vs. public

"private" is attributed to women whereas "public" is attributed to men; women run the household and men run the workforce; raises the issue that housewives should be paid a wage + also universal childcare should exists since housewives are constantly working but are not making any money. Private: informal work, reproductive, no wages, unskilled Public: skilled labor, productive, wages

Kirk and Okazawa-Rey

Identities and Social Location

Judith Butler

She is a philosopher and gender theorist, known for discussing, from 1988 onwards, how even commonplace communication and speech are performative acts. The concept of performativity refers to the way speech and behaviors shape one's identity. That is, she reverses the idea that identity is the source of more secondary actions (speech, gestures). This view is influenced by philosophers including Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida.

Gender Display

The process whereby we perform the roles expected of us by social convention

Mythical Norm

White, middle-class, heterosexual, abled, thin and a young adult.

Bootstrap myth

myth that if you work hard enough, you will succeed-- this is an issue because it results in poor people constantly being blamed for their poverty.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin

Three waves of feminism

1st Wave: What is the root cause of female oppression? Discusses topics of democracy and individual's rights--ate 19th Century/early 20th Century movement focused on voting rights/property rights/reproductive health 2nd Wave: Introduced "radical feminism" -- Trying to find the root cause of women's inequality. Mid-20th Century movement focused on civil rights/social justice/socio-cultural change/legal equality/reproductive rights--came to the conclusion that society was patriarchal/male supremacy based. 3rd Wave: Early 21st Century movement focused on power and empowerment in a world ordered by money and markets.

The Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

An amendment to the Civil Rights act that was declared through the Obama administration that allows for the 180 day statue of limitations for filing an equal pay lawsuit regarding pay discrimination resets with with each new discriminatory paycheck.

Equal Rights Amendment

Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Federal law requiring organizations with 50 or more employees to provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave after childbirth or adoption; to care for a seriously ill family member or for an employee's own serious illness; or to take care of urgent needs that arise when a spouse, child, or parent in the National Guard or Reserve is called to active duty.

Fallacies of feminism

Feminism is dead, feminists are ugly, feminists hate men, only women can be feminists, feminists are for lesbians, etc

Radical Feminism

Form of feminist theory that believes that gender inequality is the result of male domination in all aspects of social and economic life.

Lorber Night to His Day

Gender does not equal sex Have to be taught gender stratification Gender is automatic (done without thinking)

How does the family medical leave act function in privilege versus oppression

In low income families, if a woman has a child she will not be able to afford to take medical leave, versus in a high income family a woman does not lose anything.

Gender Identity

Individual's sense of gender; how an individual ascribes gender to themself--also known as gender comportment

Internalized Oppression

Internalizing negative judgments from the dominant group's characterizations of them as lesser and inferior

What is evidence that the binary sex system is a social construction?

Intersex and Transgendered people complicate the gender binary by not conforming to one gender.

Equal Pay Act of 1963

Legislation that requires employers to pay men and women equal pay for equal work

Horizontal Hostility

Members of marginalized groups police each other's behaviors and/or appearance based on society's characterizations of them. This occurs when a member of a marginalized group identifies with the values of the dominant group; an example of this is women slut shaming other women--this is a result of internalized oppression.

Aspects of identity: micro, meso, macro

Micro: Personal level - home, family, etc Meso: Community, school, police, organization, workplace, neighborhood Macro: Media, in the world, Education, Military, government, religion

Nuclear Family

Mother, father and children living as a unit.


People whose gender identity or expression differs from that associated with their birth sex


Possessing biological sexual characteristics of both sexes

Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978

Prohibits discrimination in employment against pregnant women; protected women from job loss or consequences due to pregnancy

Vertical Segregation of Labor

Refers to the fact that even in fields where there is more even mix of men and women working, women tend to be clustered in positions with lower pay and prestige refers to the same fields where men and women occupy different duties

Masculine God Language

Religious language in scriptures, prayers, and liturgy that suggests God is male

Affordable Care Act (2010)

Requires an organization with 50 or more employees to make health insurance available to employees or pay an assessment and gives employees the right to buy health insurance from another provider if an organization's health insurance is too expensive.

Gender Ranking

Social Value attached to masculine and feminine attributes (with higher value attached to masculinity)

Socialist Feminism

The belief that women's inequality results from the combination of capitalistic economic relations and male domination; argues that both must be transformed fundamentally before women can achieve equality

Roe v. Wade (1973)

The court legalized abortion by ruling that state laws could not restrict it during the first three months of pregnancy. Based on 4th Amendment rights of a person to be secure in their persons.

Gender Wage Gap

The difference between the earnings of women who work full-time year-round as a group and those of men who work full-time year-round as a group--women usually have a lower pay

tough guise

The front that men often feel they must put on in order to be seen as tough or manly--discusses violence that men exhibit and how crimes SHOULD be gendered as it calls for a masculinity crisis since men are taught to be violent

Gender Assignment

The initial assignment as male or female, which usually occurs at birth and is subsequently referred to as the "natal gender."

Civil Rights Act of 1964

This act made racial, religious, and sex discrimination by employers illegal and gave the government the power to enforce all laws governing civil rights, including desegregation of schools and public places.

Julia Serano "Whipping Girl"

Uses transgender feminism to look at the discrimination trans people face in society due to a cisgendered norm - talks about "pathetic" and "deceptive" transsexual

Horizontal Segregation of Labor

Women are more likely to serve in administrative and clerical positions whereas men are more likely to work in manufacturing and skilled labor; refers to gender segregated areas of work

Gendered Double Standard

Women in society are faced with two less-than-desirable options of adhering to or rejecting feminine gender norms, risking negative repercussions either way.

Rape Culture

a set of beliefs, norms, and values that normalizes sexual violence against women--"boys will be boys,"


a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group of people. For every type of privilege, there is a corresponding type of oppression.


a system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.

Toxic Masculinity

adherence to traditional male gender roles that restrict the kinds of emotions allowable for boys and men to express, including social expectations that men seek to be dominant (the "alpha male") and limit their emotional range primarily to expressions of anger

Definition of "feminism"

although there are many different definitions, it is widely agreed that the term 'feminism' refers to the idea that men and women are of equal worth. other definitions suggest it is the struggle to end sexist oppression.


complicates the gender binary system since they have psysiological characteristics of both men and women.

occupational segregation by gender

the tendency for men and women to be employed in different occupations from each other

Gender Expression

the way in which a person expresses their gender identity, typically through their appearance, dress, and behavior.

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