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*Una carrera contra reloj*

A race against the clock

*Al cabo de tres años, compra un nuevo computadora.*

After three years, he bought a new computer.

*Andrea es una charlatana; siempre está por teléfono.*

Andrea is a chatterbox; she is always on the phone.

*¿Te corre prisa?*

Are you in a hurry?

*¡Estate quieto!*

Be still!

*Las nubes oscuras siempre llevan la lluvia.*

Dark clouds always bring rain.

*¿Quieres echar una carerra hasta la escuela?*

Do you want to have a race to the school?


Down, boy! (to a dog)

*Al aire libre*

Everyone is free to do as he/she wishes.

*Peligro de incendio*

Fire hazard

*Hay poca gente aquí.*

There are few people here.

*Ha sobrado mucha comida.*

There is a lot of food left over.

*Hay otra silla en el rincón.*

There is another chair in the corner.

*Hay alguien en el teléfono que pregunta por Sara.*

There is someone on the phone asking for Sara.

*Este coche gasta mucha gasolina.*

This car uses a lot of gas.

*Esta casa está llena de polvo.*

This house is full of dust.

*Echar leña al fuego*

To add fuel to the fire/flames

*Estar verde de envidia.*

To be green with envy.

*Dar a conocer a alguien*

To introduce someone

*Dejar algo quieto*

To leave something alone

*Estar a tono con algo*

To match/be in keeping with something

*Tomar un cariño a*

To take a liking to

*Saber a rayos*

To taste awful

*Hacer la vista gorda*

To turn a blind eye/pretend not to notice

*¡Muy hábil!*

Very clever!

*Estamos en la misma onda.*

We are on the same wavelength.

*Nos sobra tiempo.*

We have plenty of time.

*Tenemos que reducir el gasto.*

We have to cut costs.

*Cuando lo supe, salí.*

When I found out, I left.

*Duermo en la lítera de abajo.*

I sleep on the lower bunk.

*Mi coche está al final de la cuesta.*

My car is at the top of the hill.

*Mi esposo y yo tenemos 4 hijos.*

My husband and I have 4 children.

*El lavabo está a mano derecha.*

The sink is on the right hand side.

*Me encanta tu tono de sonido.*

I love your ringtone.

*Conocí a Iván en España.*

I met Iván in Spain.

*Necesito pulir mi español.*

I need to polish my Spanish.

*Sólo quiero una mota de mostaza en mi sandwich.*

I only want a tiny bit of mustard on my sandwich.

*El gazpacho es una sopa fría de tomates que es muy popular en España.*

Gazpacho es a cold tomato soup that is very popular in Spain.

*Me dió un ramo de flores.*

He gave me a bunch of flowers.

*Le es inferior en talento.*

He is inferior to him in talent.

*Vive al otro lado de la calle.*

He lives on the other side of the street.

*Nunca hizo cosa semejante.*

He never did anything of the sort.

*Me indicó el camino.*

He showed me the way.

*Se mostró muy firme con ella.*

He was very firm with her.

*Está muy verde; es su primera semana aquí.*

He's very green; it's his first week here.

*Cayó un ray en su casa.*

Her house was hit by lighting.

*Sus hermanos son muy semejantes; les gustan las mismas cosas.*

His brothers are very similar; they like the same things.

*Date prisa, por favor.*

Hurry up, please!

*Siempre madrugo para correr.*

I always get up early to go running.

*Siempre tropiezo con este bulto en la alfombra.*

I always trip over this bulge in the carpet.

*Estoy de mal genio.*

I am in a bad mood.

*Voy con mucha prisa. Tengo que tomar un avión en 10 minutos.*

I am in a great hurry. I have to catch a plane in 10 minutes!

*No me enseño aquí.*

I can't settle down here.

*A mí eso me da de lado.*

I couldn't care less about that.

*Me importa un pepino.*

I couldn't care less/I don't give a hoot.

*No sé lo que pasó.*

I don't know what happened.

*No me duele gastarme el dinero en esto.*

I don't mind spending money on this.

*Tengo un tío roñoso quien siempre me quita.*

I have a mean uncle who always yells at me.

*Tengo que quitar el polvo en el comedor.*

I have to dust the dining room.

*De libros sé mucho, pero de cocina ni flores.*

I know a lot about books, but I don´t know the first thing about cooking.

*Vivo en el piso inferior del edificio.*

I live on the ground floor of the building.

*Me gustaría tener un gato, pero tengo alergías.*

I love cats, but I have allergies.

*Me encanta el puro aire de las montañas.*

I love the pure mountain air.

*Quiero preguntar algo al profesor.*

I want to ask the professor something.

*Me pregunto si vale la pena.*

I wonder if it's worth the trouble.

*En la política, es necesario ser hábil para oratoria.*

In politics, it is necessary to be skillful at public speaking.

*En el verano nos doblan el trabajo.*

In the summer, our work doubles.

*¿Está libre este asiento?*

Is this seat free?

*Fue sola una nube de verano.*

It was just a passing phase.

*Es necesario tener mucha leña durante el invierno.*

It's necessary to have a lot of firewood during the winter.

*Tengo algo en la punta de la lengua.*

It´s on the tip of my tongue.

*¡Ojala que gane la carrera!*

Let's hope he wins the race!

*Mis vecinos son muy buena gente.*

My neighbors are great people.

*Mi hermana siempre está en el rincón durante fiestas.*

My sister always hides in the corner at parties.

*Mi hermana está embarazada con una bebé.*

My sister is pregnant with a baby girl.

*¡Ay! Me mordé la lengua.*

Ouch! I just bit my tongue.

*Se la ve muy feliz.*

She looks very happy.

*Ha olido lo que estás tramando*

She suspects what you're up to.

*Sin prisa pero sin pausa*

Slow but steady

*Ese comentario me dolió.*

That comment hurt me.

*¡Qué buena onda!*

That is so cool!

*El vértigo de la vida en la ciudad me inspira.*

The frenzy of the city inspires me.

*El lago está muy quieto hoy porque no hace viento.*

The lake is very still because there is no wind today.

*Tuvo que suspenderse la fiesta por mal tiempo.*

The party had to be suspended because of bad weather.

*¡y un jamón!*

You have to be kidding!; Get out of here!

*Necesitas hacer leña para el fuego.*

You need to gather firewood for the fire.

*Vete tú a saber.*

Your guess is as good as mine.

*según las malas lenguas*

according to gossip

*a carrera tendida*

at full speed

*por pura casualidad*

by sheer chance

*gente menuda*


*gastos diarios*

daily expenses

*hay un buen jalón*

it's a good/fair way

*gastos de envío*

shipping and handling

*ir de tapas*

to go out for drinks and snacks

*tener mano izquierda*

to have a lot of tact

*echar una mano*

to lend a hand

*echar flores a alguien*

to pay somebody compliments

*hablar sin rodeos*

to speak plainly

*¿Conoces a Pedro?*

¿Do you know Pedro?

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