World Geography Pre-A.P. Common Formative Assessment #4

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What is the capital of Turkey?

the diffusion of ideas from these cultures to Afghanistan

Afghanistan has had a history of conflicts and wars since the 1970s. These conflicts have brought people from other Middle Eastern countries along with the British, Russians, Americans, and others to Afghanistan. A likely effect of this has been —

Arabic language, Islamic concepts, responsibility to the poor, loyalty to family, music characterized by an emphasis on melody and rhythm, and foods emphasizing the use of rice and wheat bulgar and heavy spices

Arabic culture can BEST be described as including—

All true about the relationship b/w Palestinians and Israelis!

Both Palestinians and Israelis believe they have a valid claim to Jerusalem. Neither Palestinians nor Israelis want to give up control of any of Jerusalem. Both Palestinians and Israelis want to continue to have access to holy sites in Jerusalem.


Capital of Saudi Arabia?

location of aquifers, control of Jerusalem and presence of Jewish settlements

Difficulties with setting the boundary between Israel and Palestine.

Six-Day War of 1967

During which war did Israelis take control of all of Jerusalem?


In which direction would you travel if you went from Riyadh to Yemen?


In which part of Saudi Arabia is the Rub al-Khali located?

Dams and Irrigation systems

Man-made creation necessary for large-scale farming to take place in Southwest Asia?

Dome of the Rock

Marks the spot where Muslims believe Muhammad rose up to heaven?


Name of a movement to create and support a Jewish homeland in Palestine?

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

Organization formed to regain land currently under Israeli control for Palestinian Arabs?

human resources

Refers to the skills and talents of the people of a nation?

guest workers

Refers to unskilled laborers who come from other countries to fill job vacancies?

All Truths about the Taliban!

The Taliban gained power in Afghanistan. The Taliban are suspected of supporting terrorists.The Taliban imposed strict rules on the behavior of people.


The founder of Islam?

Change in religion

The fundamental way in which the culture of Southwest Asia changed following the conquest by Arabic armies in the 7th and 8th centuries?

Western Wall

The holiest Jewish site in Jerusalem?


The holy city to which all Muslims hope to make a pilgrimage?

Dead Sea

The lowest place on the exposed crust of the earth?

Strategic Commodity

The name given to a resource that is so valuable that nations will go to war to ensure its steady supply?

Controlling worldwide oil prices

The purpose of OPEC?

Prayer, Charity, Fasting

The religious duties of the followers of Islam?


This group has tried unsuccessfully to establish a nation since the breakup of the Ottoman Empire after World War I?


What area do Jews call the "holy land"?

The war during 1948-1949

What caused Palestinians to begin to flee what is now known as Israel?


What city was designated as an international city after World War II?


What country is the poorest in the region of southwest Asia?

The right of return

What do Palestinians believe they should retain in any agreement to end conflicts with Israel over control of Jerusalem?


What group of people have considered themselves a stateless nation since the nation of Israel was created?

right of return

What is considered a major issue that prevents the resolution of the conflicts related to control of Jerusalem?

The Torah

What is the Jewish holy book called?

Haram ash-Sharif

What is the Muslim name for the site referred to as the Temple Mount by the Jews?

The Kaaba

What is the most sacred Islamic shrine? It contains the ancient black stone, which according to tradition was given by the Angel Gabriel.

Stateless Nation

What is the name given to a nation of people without land to legally occupy?


What is the name of the Muslim holy book?

West Bank

What name is given to the strip of land on the west side of the Jordan River?


What reservoir is formed by a dam on the Euphrates in Turkey?


What reservoir is located west of Ankara?


What river flows from Turkey into Iraq?


What was the first monotheistic religion in the world?

Red Sea

What waterway forms Saudi Arabia's western border?

The synagogue

Where do Jews meet for worship?

Black Sea

Which body of water is located to the north of Turkey?


Which of these rivers flows through Turkey, Syria, and Iraq?

Southwest Asia

Which region of the world produces the greatest amount of petroleum?

Asia and Oceania

Which region produces the least amount of petroleum?


Who is the prophet that Jews trace their lineage back to?

They are trying to protect their cultural values.

Why do some conservative religious groups in the Middle East oppose Western styles of dress and music into their countries?

Religious and cultural beliefs are a part of the law in these countries.

Why do women in many Southwest Asian countries have fewer political and social rights than men?

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